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BioWare, you can still win! Just do this!


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Just listen to our cue.


Getting Oct/Nov players in today is the same as getting Oct/Nov AND Dec players in today.


Its only one day apart and your systems should be really solid enough to take this volume (in anticipation to what's going to happen on 20 Dec.)


You get to win back excited customers that got upset and recover from this unforseen situation.


AND you get to sleep better too!


Its a win-win for BioWare and the players.


So, do this pls!


Come on guys, support this thread!!!!


Just keep on bumping this thread!!


PS: I'm Nov'11 by the way.


they wont win back anyone, damage is already done and there is nothing they can do to fix it, other then closeing servers rolling them back and getting everyone on at the same time, the total fiasco that this bioware crap is has made me look at bioware the same as SOE, and i never buy sony products ever, never again, never in my house, same goes for bioware now, neverwill i ever buy a bioware product again, the fail hard

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I have supported the staggered start up, but I suspect that BW is seriously considering this.


It would be a great PR win to do this and will wipe almost all the negativity in one go, in fact it will turn it around to a deluge of thank you posts


I like this post. Stephen Reid, please read it and meditate on it. Thanks :)

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I have supported the staggered start up, but I suspect that BW is seriously considering this.


It would be a great PR win to do this and will wipe almost all the negativity in one go, in fact it will turn it around to a deluge of thank you posts


And all it takes is 1 wrong step, that causes annoyance in the people (bad patch, huge server problems etc. etc. bla. bla.) and people will remember this staggering and how they were one of the last persons to play the game and get access to EGA.


I know i will. Heck i know i will remember this for long, and even without anything that would remind me about it. I picked up the game last week, in origin store. My hype level for this game is 1/1000 of what it is for people that got in the game in first 2 days. So basickly none.


I'm just looking for something new to spend my time and money on.

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they wont win back anyone, damage is already done and there is nothing they can do to fix it, other then closeing servers rolling them back and getting everyone on at the same time, the total fiasco that this bioware crap is has made me look at bioware the same as SOE, and i never buy sony products ever, never again, never in my house, same goes for bioware now, neverwill i ever buy a bioware product again, the fail hard


Sorry, but were we supposed to care?


Shall we bid you goodbye now or will we see you ingame anyway?

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... I don't see why so many people are going...


"Lol bioware you sux i hate you **** go die never buying anything you make EVER!!111!1!one!11!!"


Jesus, people. I'm very content in waiting a few more days for a game that I've waited for -two years-. I have the patience from all that waiting to bide my time a little while longer.


As a causal gamer, I don't care if I get 'server's first level 50' or 'took down Revan first award!'. I'm just looking to get out of the starter worlds before they're so crowded that the best way to complete quests is to camp out at the mountains of their bodies.


If you were so 'hardcore' about this game... Perhaps you should've pre-ordered like when all the rest of the hardcore gamers did?


Food for thought.

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I have supported the staggered start up, but I suspect that BW is seriously considering this.


It would be a great PR win to do this and will wipe almost all the negativity in one go, in fact it will turn it around to a deluge of thank you posts


Actually, one of the problems now is that some servers have queue times at certain times of the day


This, of course, is normal for a new MMO but is minimized by the way they are doing it in phases. The more people they add at once, however, the more issues will arise until they are able to add servers and adjust loads


One of the reasons for doing it in waves is to coax people to join lower pop servers and spread out the load

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Just listen to our cue.


Getting Oct/Nov players in today is the same as getting Oct/Nov AND Dec players in today.


Its only one day apart and your systems should be really solid enough to take this volume (in anticipation to what's going to happen on 20 Dec.) It is going to be alarming if your system capacity is still on borderline between today and tomorrow.


You get to win back excited customers that got upset and recover from this unforseen situation.


The will be a big PR gain and huge numbers of REALLY GRATEFUL and SINCERE thanks in the forums AND you get to sleep better too!


Its a win-win for BioWare and the players.


So, do this pls!


Come on guys, support this thread!!!!


Just keep on bumping this thread!!


PS: I'm Nov'11 by the way.



I would love that to happen! But guess what, BIOWARE couldn't give a rats bottom about their customers. They act like nothing else exists accept what they say. As yes it is their rights, but it is not very nice to alot of their futur paying customers.

If this is a preview of how they will treate their customers by not listening to their pleas/demands/requests, well this game will go quickly into the ground.

On the other hand, by taking a 0.00000000000000000000001% of letting december in today that the servers may have a couple of lag spike, will basicly clean that "bad reputation" of the slate, because they listenned to their paying customers.

Their futur is in their hands, and letting december in today would be a huge boost to alot of paying customers. As it will end on a positive on this EGA.

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Just listen to our cue.


Getting Oct/Nov players in today is the same as getting Oct/Nov AND Dec players in today.


Its only one day apart and your systems should be really solid enough to take this volume (in anticipation to what's going to happen on 20 Dec.) It is going to be alarming if your system capacity is still on borderline between today and tomorrow.


You get to win back excited customers that got upset and recover from this unforseen situation.


The will be a big PR gain and huge numbers of REALLY GRATEFUL and SINCERE thanks in the forums AND you get to sleep better too!


Its a win-win for BioWare and the players.


So, do this pls!


Come on guys, support this thread!!!!


Just keep on bumping this thread!!


PS: I'm Nov'11 by the way.


I'm November 30th and I bought the game on November 23rd. I had account problems because of *********** EA/Origin/SWTOR email, that's why I didn't redeem the code sooner.

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And all it takes is 1 wrong step, that causes annoyance in the people (bad patch, huge server problems etc. etc. bla. bla.) and people will remember this staggering and how they were one of the last persons to play the game and get access to EGA.


I know i will. Heck i know i will remember this for long, and even without anything that would remind me about it. I picked up the game last week, in origin store. My hype level for this game is 1/1000 of what it is for people that got in the game in first 2 days. So basickly none.


I'm just looking for something new to spend my time and money on.


That seems a great shame to me; bit like chucking the baby out with the bathwater.


Have we not waited nearly four years for this MMO, why not have the patience for just a few hours longer and judge the game on its merits when we get in, not just the events of the past 2 days.

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Actually, one of the problems now is that some servers have queue times at certain times of the day


This, of course, is normal for a new MMO but is minimized by the way they are doing it in phases. The more people they add at once, however, the more issues will arise until they are able to add servers and adjust loads


One of the reasons for doing it in waves is to coax people to join lower pop servers and spread out the load


where does that strange logic come from, "just add more servers and everything will be fine" guess people dont understand that there are guild assigned to servers, and loads of people and friends waiting to get on said servers, wich will result in the worst que´s you can imagine, they did this so damn wrong it´s not even funny how hard they failed the launch.

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they wont win back anyone, damage is already done and there is nothing they can do to fix it, other then closeing servers rolling them back and getting everyone on at the same time, the total fiasco that this bioware crap is has made me look at bioware the same as SOE, and i never buy sony products ever, never again, never in my house, same goes for bioware now, neverwill i ever buy a bioware product again, the fail hard


This is a bit too extreme, don't you think? I also dare to disagree with you when you say BW cannot win any customer back. If they allow everybody in today, they will have a huge return in terms of gratitude from the player base. Huge publicity, believe me.

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Just listen to our cue.


Getting Oct/Nov players in today is the same as getting Oct/Nov AND Dec players in today.


Its only one day apart and your systems should be really solid enough to take this volume (in anticipation to what's going to happen on 20 Dec.) It is going to be alarming if your system capacity is still on borderline between today and tomorrow.


You get to win back excited customers that got upset and recover from this unforseen situation.


The will be a big PR gain and huge numbers of REALLY GRATEFUL and SINCERE thanks in the forums AND you get to sleep better too!


Its a win-win for BioWare and the players.


So, do this pls!


Come on guys, support this thread!!!!


Just keep on bumping this thread!!


PS: I'm Nov'11 by the way.



It's not an "unforseen situation." It is a staggered launch that we (and every one complaining about it) has been aware of for months. It's not my fault, nor Bioware's fault that childish individuals are screaming that they have to wait an extra day to get in. It's childish and petty to scream false advertising, favoritism, unfairness, etc when this whole plan was outlined very plainly in multiple places.


I get the frustration. I really do, but impatience on YOUR part is in no way indicative of a failure on Bioware's part.



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I would love that to happen! But guess what, BIOWARE couldn't give a rats bottom about their customers. They act like nothing else exists accept what they say. As yes it is their rights, but it is not very nice to alot of their futur paying customers.

If this is a preview of how they will treate their customers by not listening to their pleas/demands/requests, well this game will go quickly into the ground.

On the other hand, by taking a 0.00000000000000000000001% of letting december in today that the servers may have a couple of lag spike, will basicly clean that "bad reputation" of the slate, because they listenned to their paying customers.

Their futur is in their hands, and letting december in today would be a huge boost to alot of paying customers. As it will end on a positive on this EGA.


Honestly, you can't run a business like this.


If you listen to -every- plead, demand, cry, and such... You're not going to get anywhere.


They have a plan. They're going to stick to it. If they can afford to throw a little bonus in, that's great for us.


You were not promised five whole days. It was said in the ad that is was -up to- five days. I was expecting two or three days. I might get five, if I'm lucky today.


I am very content and happy, regardless.


How about you? Perhaps you should see the glass as half-full?

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I don't think they will do this, simply because it means that they will have to stop treating this game like it is a 9 - 5 job, but it is hilarious to see that they are repeating most of the mistakes Blizzard did in the beginning! :)


I for one has enjoyed immensely watching all the rage, but it is also part of their social media strategy to keep people moaning, because a game that is silent will not sell a few extra copies.


Steven, Protocol Droid M0-T0 and all the others, nice work so far... and hey, if you need a community manager covering the EU/UK time zone, I am up for it! ;)

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