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Everything posted by Wonubear

  1. Say you have a guardian and sage healer combo. Who do you focus down first? Sure you would want to take out the sage first, but they have tons of survivability with their utility and throw in 50% damage reduction, and THEN throw in the guardian taunts, taking off even more damage. What is that, 80% damage reduction all together? So wouldn't it be better to take out the tank first?
  2. I don't think flechette is that bad. But on the otherhand: http://i44.tinypic.com/6sgpht.jpg 403k damage, from some BH I was against D:
  3. I like this post. Stephen Reid, please read it and meditate on it. Thanks
  4. I... have a dream! That all pre-orders will play together on the 15th, in harmony! Augusts, Decembers, OCTOBERS, PRE-ORDERS FROM ALL DATES... ONE DAY, WITH BIOWARE, HAPPY AND WITH NO COMPLAINTS FOR EVER i have a dream...
  5. I am hoping your feeling is right. I have a feeling that your feeling is correct
  6. Don't take away our hope! It's all we have left at this point
  7. Dec 3rd here, I am getting in whether they like it or not!!
  8. Thanks! Hopefully the servers are stronger than you think, so you can let everyone in today I'M CROSSING MY FINGERS
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