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TALLON ZEK - Shout Out


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Played on TZ and Zek: Beefusmaximus. Was in various guilds on TZ (blood runners, lex, incursion) but mainly Ascending Dawn on Zek. Now I'm just Beef on Vulkars Highway~


BTW, a new EQ (called Next) is in the works. More like EQ1 than 2/wow


i hope it includes a lack of instances so people can't hide =)

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Btw no game has ever matched everquest for one simple fact.


Everything you did in that game had consequences for your actions.

You kill a random monster? suddenly 2 NPC factions hate you and attack you on sight.

You stand around talking smack for 2 hours? Guess what, you're gonna end the day naked buddy after we kill the crap out of you all day.


And for some of us, the biggest part of the fun of that game was...that it wasnt an easy game to play..learning curve was steep...exploration was scary, I mean you dont exactly know where you are atm...so what happens if you die and have to come back and find your body?... Guess you better actually FOCUS and try hard huh? instead of saying well...it doesnt matter if i die, so....


Same thing goes for PvP..you lost a piece of gear if you are defeated, sure that sucks but....it also makes you try a hell of a lot harder to NOT die...now doesnt it? And has the added bonus of making PvP both meaningful and heart-pounding.


Too bad those days are probably gone forever, too bad.

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Agree 100% with you Grickus.


EQ had a lot of great things going for it. I guess we are showing our age, but I miss the feeling of accomplishment. Yes it was a grind to hit 50 in the original game but it meant something. I have found memories when members of Caterva finished their no-drop set. We would all kill the person to "break" their armor in.


I also miss the factions with the NPC's. The time spent sitting in a hut in East Commons when the sun went down. Being a human monk, there was nothing worse than being out after dark.


What I really miss though is being able to attack anyone. It was the best method of dealing with the stupid factor of the player base.

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By the way , I also find it sort of mind-boggling that the same thing that killed pvp in everquest 10 years ago is still killing all forms of it today...Instancing.


Although most of that is the faults of the current generation of mmo players. Thier tears is what created that approach in the first place.


I feel a little sorry for all the people that started with WoW as thier first mmo...cause they'll never know what a really good one is supposed to be.

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Started on TZ on day 1


Played in alot of the major guilds as several different toons.


The Highland Army (Sylvanar, Kurdon, Azzuno, Azdon)


Stature of the Gods/Indignation (Azdon, Azzuno, Knat, Pazzi)


Knights of the White Rose


Alliance of the Light


Legion of Little Folk




I still have 1k+ screenshots saved including my favorite which is Cuick showing off his new epic rogue weapon while telling me how if Patryns decided to x-team nobody would be able to do **** about it. I got a guild invite for Pandemonium from Sarsharek less than a week later and the server was changed forever.


Tallon Zek Times community > anything I've experienced in any MMO since.

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Played on TZ and Zek: Beefusmaximus. Was in various guilds on TZ (blood runners, lex, incursion) but mainly Ascending Dawn on Zek. Now I'm just Beef on Vulkars Highway~


BTW, a new EQ (called Next) is in the works. More like EQ1 than 2/wow


Lex Invictus was it? =) Synnovea ...... noob dragon raids...ugh


Played mostly Sieben, Bard (SWG Solon / Father). In a casual guild with some old Tallon Zek players. Dwerzy (Mage), Hallis (Monk), Tanthul? (Ranger), Znail (Wizard or Monk?).


Pande.... owned us quite alot early on, we gave em a good fight once or twice when we made our own guild later on though =) (Vengful Hand / Xanadu).



You know it's a hardcore MMORPG when it takes 20mins to cast teh buffs you need to raid!

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Vallon Zek was fun. Alot of depth with 4 factions with 3 of them having an uneasy truce and alot of renegade guilds that were KoS to everyone else.


I did nothing but PvP, so I actually stopped leveling at 55 in order to be able to hit a larger range of players. Think it was a 5 levels up and down. But sure killed my share of 60s ;) Wiping out full groups of level 50 ******s with a Wizard friend.


Fun times.


Menthal, Woodelf druid.

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Agree 100% with you Grickus.


EQ had a lot of great things going for it. I guess we are showing our age, but I miss the feeling of accomplishment. Yes it was a grind to hit 50 in the original game but it meant something. I have found memories when members of Caterva finished their no-drop set. We would all kill the person to "break" their armor in.


I also miss the factions with the NPC's. The time spent sitting in a hut in East Commons when the sun went down. Being a human monk, there was nothing worse than being out after dark.


What I really miss though is being able to attack anyone. It was the best method of dealing with the stupid factor of the player base.


We had a necromancer named Imabriss who killed tons of the freeport guards and raised her faction with the goblins in High Hold Keep (corrupt guards were same faction as HHK guards). She'd go PvPing there and bind herself in the rooms where the goblins spawned. Since she wasn't KoS to them, whenever she got in trouble she'd run back into the goblins. It was amazing how many times people would go chasing after her and get killed by goblins, even after they'd seen it just happen to everyone else. Ah, faction. It was a two edged sword.

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Another for Tallon Zek / Human Retribution, but not a major character. Quit somewhere between post-ROK and pre-next-expansion. HR was the best guild experience ever (*shakes fist at The Highland Army*). Ultimately the unofficial server forums were as much PVP fun as playing the game (Cry Me a River THA!).


EQ was a true Love-Hate relationship. Wanted to love it, couldn't help hating it. Brutal PVE death penalties, gaping loopholes to the supposed team rules, total PVE gear-centric DIKU grindfest. It kept me out of SWG because I swore off SOE games forever.

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Btw no game has ever matched everquest for one simple fact.


Everything you did in that game had consequences for your actions.

You kill a random monster? suddenly 2 NPC factions hate you and attack you on sight.

You stand around talking smack for 2 hours? Guess what, you're gonna end the day naked buddy after we kill the crap out of you all day.


And for some of us, the biggest part of the fun of that game was...that it wasnt an easy game to play..learning curve was steep...exploration was scary, I mean you dont exactly know where you are atm...so what happens if you die and have to come back and find your body?... Guess you better actually FOCUS and try hard huh? instead of saying well...it doesnt matter if i die, so....


Same thing goes for PvP..you lost a piece of gear if you are defeated, sure that sucks but....it also makes you try a hell of a lot harder to NOT die...now doesnt it? And has the added bonus of making PvP both meaningful and heart-pounding.


Too bad those days are probably gone forever, too bad.




totaly agree, now days every game is so soft!

No real challange

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I played Xaline from Human Retribution (and later Scorched Norath) on Tallon Zek. We were almost exclusively PvP as HR, though as SN we did do some dragon kills etc. I mostly remember us being hated before Pandamonium showed up since we killed any non-humans and people complained we went "against the light team". When PDM showed up, then people had bigger things to complain about than us :)


Hey Xaline! I have a screenshot with you in it from the first Human raid we did when we were low-level and we took over Crushbone as Human Retribution. Remember that?


I was the one who founded Scorched Norrath but turned over the reins pretty quickly since I didn't have the time.



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i dunno sullon was pretty rough. i was a level 18 rogue which was my first character i created about a month after luclin came out and i was corpse camped for 6 hours straight by a level 60 SK named skullz because he was bored... what is sad is i still remember it 11 years later =/
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I remember lilong he was the reason I made my monk. Kwai Chang Kane. I remember him fighting a necro in lesser faydark I think and I levitated him cause the necro was jumping on the small tent hurts near where the sisters spawned. I also made a troll sk for da army of GROBB but never got high level. Made a lot of tons and never really raided much. On sz I had an ogre beast lord to 65 and raided, but can't remember his name.


TZ was great I started there when they had item loot. Anyone remember Spanky spanksalot? That dude always cracked me up.

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I was Xefi on RZ

Then I was Xefi in Merciless Midgets on TZ

Then I was Xefin in Shanks on VZ

Then I was Xefin again in Sanctus Lumen on SZ


Now I've come up with a more original name, see!


Like so many others on this thread I miss the concept of a world where if you won a fight, the other guy lost, and you got to kill the boss or keep the area or take his gear or whatever. Huttball is fun anyway I guess.

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I remember lilong he was the reason I made my monk. Kwai Chang Kane. I remember him fighting a necro in lesser faydark I think and I levitated him cause the necro was jumping on the small tent hurts near where the sisters spawned. I also made a troll sk for da army of GROBB but never got high level. Made a lot of tons and never really raided much. On sz I had an ogre beast lord to 65 and raided, but can't remember his name.


TZ was great I started there when they had item loot. Anyone remember Spanky spanksalot? That dude always cracked me up.


Haha glad I could inspire you, I used to buy tons of levi potions and pumice stones to have a chance against high level necros.

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<--- Tawonda from <Hate>, Bovinity/Musicow from <Da Bashin' Iggles>.


I never played on any other Zek, but we did have Ruin, Vindictive, Darkenbane Company, Tides of Wrath, Black Prophecy, Flowers of Happiness, um, what else...well, lots of guilds. =D


Da Bashin Iggles now that brings me back. Nbkan Fizzlespell (before my surname got nerfed) of Draconic Tribe, Xanit K'ven and retired Aduentus.

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I remember lilong he was the reason I made my monk. Kwai Chang Kane. I remember him fighting a necro in lesser faydark I think and I levitated him cause the necro was jumping on the small tent hurts near where the sisters spawned. I also made a troll sk for da army of GROBB but never got high level. Made a lot of tons and never really raided much. On sz I had an ogre beast lord to 65 and raided, but can't remember his name.


TZ was great I started there when they had item loot. Anyone remember Spanky spanksalot? That dude always cracked me up.


Kwai Chang Kane! Sir you and I grouped together. We grew up together on Vallon Zek. Well met again my friend.

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Vallon Zek was fun. Alot of depth with 4 factions with 3 of them having an uneasy truce and alot of renegade guilds that were KoS to everyone else.


I did nothing but PvP, so I actually stopped leveling at 55 in order to be able to hit a larger range of players. Think it was a 5 levels up and down. But sure killed my share of 60s ;) Wiping out full groups of level 50 ******s with a Wizard friend.


Fun times.


Menthal, Woodelf druid.


Sup peck!

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Mjuk/Softfist(before the account got sold around like crazy), human Monk of Vallon Zek with Ancient Dawn. Also way back in the day Ghwargh a troll SK with Draconic tribe and Brotherhood of the Doomed.


Man this thread got me all nostalgic. A shoutout to Defiant on vallon, epic fights. =)

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