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Companion Ashara Zavros gifts


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My question is this. There are only 4 gifts Ashara accepts and NONE of them give more than a base affection (24). How are you supposed to gain affection with her if there are no gifts she likes? I use Khem as my combat companion so using her as my combat companion is not an option. Any suggestions?
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Your spreadhseet is incorrect.


She likes Weapons and Military and Atrifacts better then republic memoribilia. Im 100% on this.


*also* IMO culteral artifact are better given to khem unless you have him maxxed or near max.


Not my spreadsheet, found it using Google. I think this is if your character as male, since Courting gives 0 if you're female.


Most of my favour is with Khem, Xalek and Talos. I was too lazy to corrupt Ashara and she actually increased my downtime.

Edited by MrPigCS
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everything i've given ashara in the weapon/military/rep.mem/cultural only garners a "that's quite nice" ho hum of happiness. gave her a rank 5 artifact weapon and it brought in a mere +124 affection.


fyi, you won't get conversation gains with companions who weren't around for content that you go back to.


ie hit black talon and you can net 300+ affection with khem, but try any others and they just stare and blink at you.

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Switch to her for mission pick ups/turn ins. Affection points come from the decisions in conversations, just switch back to khem either. It will probably get tiring so much after a while though >.> but it works. At 50, memorize the choices she likes while doing your dailies. It's not the fastest grind, but it works without buying any companion gifts.
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The other thing to remember, is until you get her to the first tier of affection (or maybe 2000 affection, been a while) all gifts will give a reduced amount. Once you pass that threshold, gifts will go back to giving the full amount.


After all, you are trying to convert a Jedi to Sith... you don't expect it to be easy do you?

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The other thing to remember, is until you get her to the first tier of affection (or maybe 2000 affection, been a while) all gifts will give a reduced amount. Once you pass that threshold, gifts will go back to giving the full amount.


After all, you are trying to convert a Jedi to Sith... you don't expect it to be easy do you?


this is correct. I believe its is about 2700 when you get a conversation about taking her out or something.


Before that point she will give you almost nothing at all. After that point rep mem, weapons and courting (if male) will give their full affection. Before that point she is basically a black hole of affection

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Yeah its kind of ridiculousness that as a female there is nothing she likes at all. For he to like any gifts you need to be a romantic interest, which is really pretty dumb. I don't have that problem myself, but my wife rages about it. Nothing like it exists for males. I don't know if it was just an oversight or what, but they should really fix it.
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If you are Female you will only net a "like" response from Military Gear, Weapons, Republic Memorabilia, and Cultural Artifacts. No other gifts give affection points, and no gift given by a female SI will have a greater than "like"response. At this time Bioware has not addressed whether or not this is by design or due to an as of yet unresolved bug.
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