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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Arguments Against Biochem?


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Are there any, even after the nerf? Right now I'm using synthweaving, but I get get better armor from drops/mods. It seems like the ability to generate countless stims, medpacs, etc. is just so obviously better. I'm barely level 50, so I plan to switch. Am I missing anything?
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The only thing I'd say is that in the coming patches over the next few months Synthweaving and other professions might receive more patterns or changes to make them more useful at max level. If you're patient and planning on staying around for a while there is no reason to change.


That said, leveling professions isn't too difficult in this game so it wouldn't be hard to drop something for Biochem and then drop Biochem later for something else if that is more appealing down the road.

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I am not going to focus too much on crafting right now. I just feel there will be a ton of flux over the next few/several months. Always works that way in MMOs. Day 1 crafting never looks like Day 180, 365, etc, etc.


That said, can't go wrong with Biochem in my opinion. At least it has things you will use.

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Almost all other crafts other than Biochem are lack luster. Sure, there are rare patterns that drop off hard mode/raid bosses and you can make some rakata gear, but everything is bind on pickup. EVEN THE ITEMS YOUR SCHEMATICS MAKE are bind on pick up. This means that even if you get an awesome schematic, you can't sell what you can make from it. You can only make gear for yourself. This makes the end game value of these crafts absolutely worthless. I've already switched from Synthweaving to Biochem because Biochem is so much more versatile. It keeps on giving then entire game. Synthweaving stopped giving after I made my own armor. It was useless to me after that. In order to fix this they need to:


1) Remove the BoP bullsh*t. All that does is make anything you make with high end crew skills worthless. Ooooo, I'm a JK and I got this awesome Consular robe schematic. Too bad I can't wear Consular gear AND I can't sell it either. Soooooooooooooooooo, glad I found this.


2) Increase the number of useful schematics that drop from raid hard mode bosses and MAKE THE SCHEMATICS THEMSELVES BIND ON EQUIP. There's no reason for the schematics to be BoP. At least make them sellable to help the economy.


3) Increase the stats of items you can make with the schematics found on your crew skill trainers in order to make them useful as fillers when waiting for raid gear.


4) Fix RE please. I'm tired of seeing "You already know that schematic". It's such a time sink to get meaningful artifact combinations that by the time I do I've long since collected gear that is better. That's a serious design flaw.

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The only thing I'd say is that in the coming patches over the next few months Synthweaving and other professions might receive more patterns or changes to make them more useful at max level. If you're patient and planning on staying around for a while there is no reason to change.


That said, leveling professions isn't too difficult in this game so it wouldn't be hard to drop something for Biochem and then drop Biochem later for something else if that is more appealing down the road.


This is my main reason for having second thoughts. Seems like the other crafting skills will have to get buffed or biochem nerfed again. So maybe it's worth waiting. But as it is now, I have yet to see a good argument against biochem.

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I think Cybertech is starting to become my go to crafting skill because I like getting orange armor for the looks, and simply being able to upgrade it.


Likewise. Between Artifice and Cybertech I'm able to keep my orange gear upgraded (only missing the ability tmake a barrel for ranged weapons) at ever level. Artifice gives me hilts and enhancements and cyber gives me armor and mods.

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I think Cybertech is starting to become my go to crafting skill because I like getting orange armor for the looks, and simply being able to upgrade it.


Sadly in end game most of the best stuff can come from drops and dailies as far as mods go. It costs less and uses no mats and the dailies are guaranteed.

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ok if they "buff" other crew skills but I bet that even if you will be able to craft legendary stuff if will require you to farm nightmare FPs many times to get some special ingredient -> another time sink.


Rakata medpacks are basically worth the same as lvl 49 reusable ones and actually worse than blue ones. Still I take bio over any other craft (had 400 Armormech and dropped it) just because I not only spend fortune on medpacks/stims/adrenals but can craft implants for ALL classes not armors for only 2.


I said this earlier, if they made some reusable items (like armor fixing devices for armormech/synth or deployable barricades) for other crafts it would be barely OK. If any craft could make something worth using in PvP, even better.

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Go bio or Go home.


That pretty much sums up crafting.


The NICE part I found is if your main is BIO your alt does not have to be, you can just craft em the green medpacks,stims (adrenals still to expensive, hard to get mats/mats better used and take too long to craft so I dont ship those to alts)

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Almost all other crafts other than Biochem are lack luster. Sure, there are rare patterns that drop off hard mode/raid bosses and you can make some rakata gear, but everything is bind on pickup. EVEN THE ITEMS YOUR SCHEMATICS MAKE are bind on pick up. This means that even if you get an awesome schematic, you can't sell what you can make from it. You can only make gear for yourself. This makes the end game value of these crafts absolutely worthless. I've already switched from Synthweaving to Biochem because Biochem is so much more versatile. It keeps on giving then entire game. Synthweaving stopped giving after I made my own armor. It was useless to me after that. In order to fix this they need to:


1) Remove the BoP bullsh*t. All that does is make anything you make with high end crew skills worthless. Ooooo, I'm a JK and I got this awesome Consular robe schematic. Too bad I can't wear Consular gear AND I can't sell it either. Soooooooooooooooooo, glad I found this.


2) Increase the number of useful schematics that drop from raid hard mode bosses and MAKE THE SCHEMATICS THEMSELVES BIND ON EQUIP. There's no reason for the schematics to be BoP. At least make them sellable to help the economy.


3) Increase the stats of items you can make with the schematics found on your crew skill trainers in order to make them useful as fillers when waiting for raid gear.


4) Fix RE please. I'm tired of seeing "You already know that schematic". It's such a time sink to get meaningful artifact combinations that by the time I do I've long since collected gear that is better. That's a serious design flaw.


This, pretty much entirely. Started out biochem (which was bad***), then switched to synth after the nerf. So far, it's meh. But the BoP for items from schematics has to change.

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The NICE part I found is if your main is BIO your alt does not have to be, you can just craft em the green medpacks,stims (adrenals still to expensive, hard to get mats/mats better used and take too long to craft so I dont ship those to alts)


Can you explain this?

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Can you explain this?


Whats to explain, you craft medpacks and stims on your main and send to alt(s).


Green Quality = Identical Quality to re-usable except it gets used.


The reason I dont craft my alt Adrenals is because there is no green quality recipe they start off as prototype(blue) and use harder to get/buy mats that are better used to make and RE implants.

Edited by WutsInAName
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Bio also has the greatest earning potential i think.


Every player needs 2 implants every few level. I have been selling tons of these in the 'leveling ranges' for very good coin and almost every single GTH trade i put up is purchased.


I dropped Artiface and have not looked back since.


All Artiface has going is the VERY VERY RARE chance at a pink(magenta crystal) thats recipe is dropped from a world boss in which every single person attending will roll for (even if not artiface), unless you do as a guild in which case the recipe 'belongs' to the guild.


Its also been stated white(the only other rare artiface color so far) is not even obtainable by any legit means, they stated this after that 'guy' apparently expoited to get one and was later banned/supended or whatever.

Edited by WutsInAName
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The idea is once they make hilts/barrels/armoring slots removable from purple items (something devs said will be coming eventually), you take the hilt/mod/enhance/crystal from a high tier pvp/pve saber, and put them all into a crit crafted orange lightsaber.


So it would have all the stats of the high tier pvp/pve lightsaber, but with an added augment slot from the crit success crafted orange lightsaber. You'll need to wait until you can remove the hilts from purple lightsabers before being able to do this though.

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That's the beauty of MMOs, things always change. Armstech and others might be next to useless now but wait a while and it will prob be OP... then nerfed... and then buffed again to eventually hopefully be in line with all the other crew skills xD. Edited by Rotny
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  • 10 months later...
Biochem is awesome. You can have your team making you stims during PvP so if you die, another one is waiting. You can make adrenals, which as far as I know you cant buy from any stores and are very useful, and I make my own medpacs so it saves me money.
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