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Best Gunslinger Skill Build?


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It seems to me that the Sharpshooter tree is best for PvE. While you need to use Cover a lot, the mobs just mostly stand in one place and let you shoot them. In PvP, however, having to take cover all the time can get you killed. The enemy is in constant movement. No-one stands still. You are immobile and while you are trying to get off a high-damage shot you get ganked by 2-3 melee characters. Which leads me to believe that the Dirty Fighting tree might be best for PvP ... you can do decent damage (albeit a lot if it is DoT) without always having to take cover all the time.


Any thoughts on the pluses and minuses of the Sharpshooter vs. Dirty Fighting for Warzones?

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Do you have a problem with saboteur? The best PvP build is a combination of saboteur and dirty fighting if you are worried about survivability and mobility. As a pure sharpshooter yes, you are an immobile turret, but with a proper team you can dish out as much DPS as anyone against single targets.


Right now I don't have the game up so I can't show my specific build, but I have saboteur maxed out (mainly for the buff to cover screen, and detonate which ends its cooldown instantly) so you have a "shield" that absorbs somewhere between 5-7k damage (haven't done the math) and I also have just enough points in dirty fighting so that your "nut kick 4 second stun" has its cooldown reduced as much as possible.


With this build you fight as follows:


Get in range for sabo charge, go into cover, throw the charge, do a speed shot. By now you have already done near 5k damage. Leave cover, put both dots on the target. At this point they should be sufficiently pissed and aggressing you. Pop cover screen, and detonate. Make sure you are spamming your "auto attack" so that the contingency charges are constantly going off as well. When you start losing HP, pop cover screen again. When you are inevitably stunned or slowed, enter cover again, sabo charge again, pulse detonate (if they are in your face) and leg shot them. Speed shot, rinse, repeat, ect.


Now, if they get the drop on you:


Unstun yourself and pop cover screen, leg shot them, dot them, detonate, cover screen again, and 4 second stun them to get away (you have a 30% speed buff after nut kick with this build). Use it to get space and run away or to pull them away from a more important objective.


Its simply a great build for all types of PVP. I have beaten Operatives pre-nerf even after they have taken 3/4 of my HP to begin a fight with this build because it truly is so mobile. (And for the record, beating an Operative pre nerf wasn't just killing them, if you get them into a "oh noes I must spam heal or I'll lose this fight" position, you have beaten them)


And never forget freighter flyby and incendiary grenade. If you get zerged in alderaan or the voidstar, pop dodge, and drop the nade on the flags or the door, and for 18 seconds they cannot cap it. Both of those abilities are good for preventing caps, but freighter flyby really makes you public enemy number 1 (and as far as I can tell, if you die, it goes away - looks like a bug)


I hope this has helped,


-Ken, Vulkar Highway

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Do you have a problem with saboteur? The best PvP build is a combination of saboteur and dirty fighting if you are worried about survivability and mobility. As a pure sharpshooter yes, you are an immobile turret, but with a proper team you can dish out as much DPS as anyone against single targets.


Right now I don't have the game up so I can't show my specific build, but I have saboteur maxed out (mainly for the buff to cover screen, and detonate which ends its cooldown instantly) so you have a "shield" that absorbs somewhere between 5-7k damage (haven't done the math) and I also have just enough points in dirty fighting so that your "nut kick 4 second stun" has its cooldown reduced as much as possible.


With this build you fight as follows:


Get in range for sabo charge, go into cover, throw the charge, do a speed shot. By now you have already done near 5k damage. Leave cover, put both dots on the target. At this point they should be sufficiently pissed and aggressing you. Pop cover screen, and detonate. Make sure you are spamming your "auto attack" so that the contingency charges are constantly going off as well. When you start losing HP, pop cover screen again. When you are inevitably stunned or slowed, enter cover again, sabo charge again, pulse detonate (if they are in your face) and leg shot them. Speed shot, rinse, repeat, ect.


Now, if they get the drop on you:


Unstun yourself and pop cover screen, leg shot them, dot them, detonate, cover screen again, and 4 second stun them to get away (you have a 30% speed buff after nut kick with this build). Use it to get space and run away or to pull them away from a more important objective.


Its simply a great build for all types of PVP. I have beaten Operatives pre-nerf even after they have taken 3/4 of my HP to begin a fight with this build because it truly is so mobile. (And for the record, beating an Operative pre nerf wasn't just killing them, if you get them into a "oh noes I must spam heal or I'll lose this fight" position, you have beaten them)


And never forget freighter flyby and incendiary grenade. If you get zerged in alderaan or the voidstar, pop dodge, and drop the nade on the flags or the door, and for 18 seconds they cannot cap it. Both of those abilities are good for preventing caps, but freighter flyby really makes you public enemy number 1 (and as far as I can tell, if you die, it goes away - looks like a bug)


I hope this has helped,


-Ken, Vulkar Highway




No Aim shot? :eek::(

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Well you can use aim shot of course, but this build doesn't help with its cooldown any, and that coupled with every other classes ability to deflect/dodge it completely makes it not worth the trouble for me. I spam thermal grenade most of the time. With a 3 second cooldown, its ability to hit 5 people for 1500 damage, and little cost it is more efficient. Its also a tech damage ability, and therefore not dodge or deflectable.
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I am currently 31 pts ss. I find it far superior than DF in pve due to better energy regen + no cc breaking and if you are quick, you should have no problem in those boss fights where you have to move all the time. Just have to time your charged burst/aimed shot so you can trickshot on the go.


SS is greeat in pvp as long as you don't have people get in your face constantly and always get to you in stealth. In terms of mobility 31pt DF is the way to go.


As i see it:

SS you trade mobility for single target + repeatable burst. Bad side is that you have to mostly stay foot while doing that burst.


DF you trade burst for mobility and aoe, with the occasional big burst. The problem is that to get that burst you have to dedicate the time to hemo shot, vital shot, shrap bomb + finally woundshot a single target. That is essentially after 3 GCD's and between 15 seconds of the bleeds or else you have to repeat the rotation.AOE bleed is great for those stealthers and door lurkers but is effy when you want to avoid a ccd target



I have not tried sab but i don't think there is a better build; Just what you enjoy and you will make it work

Edited by athosprv
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Sharpshooter can be usefull in pvp, but only if you manage to be out of sight (and behind a jedi wall) - this applies to all of the specs, but to ss the most. It shines in picking off the healers and/or tracer missile spammers while perching on the highround.


I dont have really all that much experience with sabo.


DirtyFighting is excelent in all 3 warzones, especially while defending points. You can dot up half the team in few seconds just before you die and return before they can even start capping the point or soon after. As we dont need the cover 99% of the time, annoying people is much easier.


Many waste a lot of time trying to cap anyway as well - we are rare and df even more so and this helps confuse attackers.


If you pull your combo, you can take down pretty much anything or severely hurt it, tank doesn't help all that much agains internal damage.


You die quickly, but you can go down kicking as you can dot up your attackers and hurt them even after your death. Watching them die from behind the shield wall is comedy gold (hemo blast in last second helps this alot :).


It will also more likely bring you to the very top of the damage statistics, although i'm in top 5 most of the time with any spec.


You have to think more about where to put your soft CCs as your dots screw them up though.

Edited by Formulka
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I love (1/7/33). So much mobility, and I still can drop to cover anytime the situation presents itself and throw a Sab Charge followed by aimed and speed shots. It all comes down to preference. So if you really like having a lot of different options while PVP ing, this is my favorite.
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I've been doing fine as a Sharpshooter, I'm almost Centurion and though I haven't hit 50 yet - I've been top damage in 49/50 of my last warzones. I don't think I've fallen below top damage since I hit 30.


While SS is more stationary, people hugely underplay how important cover is for any of our specs. The ability to prevent all leaps/grapples passively, getting 30% damage reduction for those first 3 attack, and being able to pop all sort of critical abilities makes cover something you usually want to be in. I'm amazed at how quickly warriors will leap onto me as soon as I leave cover, more mobile builds act like being stuck in cover is a liability but honestly I wouldn't leave cover unless I absolutely need to reposition.


The 2 best places you can be as a SS are 1) at a subtle position overlooking your targets, with enough distance to deter anyone from running up to you and 2) Near your healer. When you're near the healer, no assassins or Ops will ever open up on you when a healer is nearby and when they open up on the healer, you will tear them up faster than could ever imagine and leg shot them when they try to chase the healer. Even when stealth classes do decide to go for me, you can make their life a huge pain with so many defensive tools, from our shield, dodge ability, leg shot, cover pulse, percussion shot (aimed shot KB), flash grenade and our stun... we can make anyone regret opening up on us, just throw on 'hunker down' and bust out those cooldowns and you'll quickly have a dead assassin at your feet while you're still at 75% health.

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While SS is more stationary, people hugely underplay how important cover is for any of our specs. The ability to prevent all leaps/grapples passively, getting 30% damage reduction for those first 3 attack, and being able to pop all sort of critical abilities makes cover something you usually want to be in. I'm amazed at how quickly warriors will leap onto me as soon as I leave cover, more mobile builds act like being stuck in cover is a liability but honestly I wouldn't leave cover unless I absolutely need to reposition.


Exactly my thoughts as well concerning SS spec. People see me in cover, and come for me. So what, their mistake. If you are sawbones, or a trooper, or a sage, you just get grappled/leaped upon and have no time to react. Then quickly thereafter you are stunned/snared and often dead. In cover, they have to trudge over to me, or if I am up above them they have to just run.

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Do you have a problem with saboteur? The best PvP build is a combination of saboteur and dirty fighting if you are worried about survivability and mobility. As a pure sharpshooter yes, you are an immobile turret, but with a proper team you can dish out as much DPS as anyone against single targets.


Right now I don't have the game up so I can't show my specific build, but I have saboteur maxed out (mainly for the buff to cover screen, and detonate which ends its cooldown instantly) so you have a "shield" that absorbs somewhere between 5-7k damage (haven't done the math) and I also have just enough points in dirty fighting so that your "nut kick 4 second stun" has its cooldown reduced as much as possible.


With this build you fight as follows:


Get in range for sabo charge, go into cover, throw the charge, do a speed shot. By now you have already done near 5k damage. Leave cover, put both dots on the target. At this point they should be sufficiently pissed and aggressing you. Pop cover screen, and detonate. Make sure you are spamming your "auto attack" so that the contingency charges are constantly going off as well. When you start losing HP, pop cover screen again. When you are inevitably stunned or slowed, enter cover again, sabo charge again, pulse detonate (if they are in your face) and leg shot them. Speed shot, rinse, repeat, ect.


Now, if they get the drop on you:


Unstun yourself and pop cover screen, leg shot them, dot them, detonate, cover screen again, and 4 second stun them to get away (you have a 30% speed buff after nut kick with this build). Use it to get space and run away or to pull them away from a more important objective.


Its simply a great build for all types of PVP. I have beaten Operatives pre-nerf even after they have taken 3/4 of my HP to begin a fight with this build because it truly is so mobile. (And for the record, beating an Operative pre nerf wasn't just killing them, if you get them into a "oh noes I must spam heal or I'll lose this fight" position, you have beaten them)


And never forget freighter flyby and incendiary grenade. If you get zerged in alderaan or the voidstar, pop dodge, and drop the nade on the flags or the door, and for 18 seconds they cannot cap it. Both of those abilities are good for preventing caps, but freighter flyby really makes you public enemy number 1 (and as far as I can tell, if you die, it goes away - looks like a bug)


I hope this has helped,


-Ken, Vulkar Highway

false, dot specs are countered if there is any operative/scoundrel/sage/sorc/merc/commando nearby who knows how to use their cheap cleanse spell.

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false, dot specs are countered if there is any operative/scoundrel/sage/sorc/merc/commando nearby who knows how to use their cheap cleanse spell.


I can say your wrong. first, dots for a sab spec are basically bonus damage, i don't rely on them at all but if they are left on they do some pretty nasty damage. second, the percentage of players that actually look to dispel dots on team mates is very, very low.


hell, the only time my dots seem to get dispelled is when a they are outta LoS or range and people actually notice its ticking on them. when they are getting hit with grenades, speedshots, flybys and quickshots even cleasing a dot isn;t gonna make a difference

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You never need a DoT to fully tick for its duration. The full damage is a bit misleading. It's just rolling pressure damage.


If someone wants to put cleanse down instead of trying to heal the burst damage from sabotage charge or wounding shots, then... yay?

Edited by StealthNerf
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