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Deception is NOT for pvp


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dude, anybody who is Assassin that has deception i immediately know they are noob. I cant even fathom how bad the whole tree is.


Its a PVE tree. Only thing good in that whole tree is Crackling blasts, Induction,Duplicity (only 2 points really even needed), and static cling. Everything else is like meh.


Okay....then you post a brag coupled with a screenshot:



while as a deception assassin....


Oh, and you have VS, so that means you took enough of the "meh" talents to reach the top of the tree. Then, you post a screenshot to brag, all while trying to be cool and say deception sucks.


You're valor rank 78, dood, which tells me immediately two things:


1. You have way too much time to kill and should really go outside to enjoy the sun; and

2. You outgear almost everyone you're fighting. Of course you're going to be difficult to kill (as well as having high numbers) regardless of what spec you run.

Edited by kkanable
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Outside of Cloak of Pain I don't see anything from the laundry list of every ability a Marauder have as particularly interesting. Obfuscate sounds powerful on paper but all the attacks that actually kill you tend to be not melee or ranged unless it's Execute. Undying Rage does have the advantage in that there isn't even a way around it unlike Force Shroud (though majority of players/classes have no counter against it) but that's why Force Shroud is available nearly twice as often too and it has no cost associated with it.


Cloak of Pain does appear to be pretty strong, but there are a lot of classes with strong cooldowns too.

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Okay....then you post a brag coupled with a screenshot:




while as a deception assassin....


Oh, and you have VS, so that means you took enough of the "meh" talents to reach the top of the tree. Then, you post a screenshot to brag, all while trying to be cool and say deception sucks.


You're valor rank 78, dood, which tells me immediately two things:


1. You have way too much time to kill and should really go outside to enjoy the sun; and

2. You outgear almost everyone you're fighting. Of course you're going to be difficult to kill (as well as having high numbers) regardless of what spec you run.


Yea Im pretty sure I already said that im better Deception then most, if not all, of the people who claim it to be good.


The point isnt that im bad at Deception so I think its a bad spec. Im actually a very very...very good pvp player. Though I know the difference between an underpowered tree and one thats good.

Edited by Shalashasa
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dude, anybody who is Assassin that has deception i immediately know they are noob. I cant even fathom how bad the whole tree is.


Its a PVE tree. Only thing good in that whole tree is Crackling blasts, Induction,Duplicity (only 2 points really even needed), and static cling. Everything else is like meh.





That is a very generalized opinion. Do you have proof? Or should we take your word for it? After all, nobody can beat you so obviously you know better than us. Please, grant us the boon of more of your wisdom.

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Yea Im pretty sure I already said that im better Deception then most, if not all, of the people who claim it to be good.


The point isnt that im bad at Deception so I think its a bad spec. Im actually a very very...very good pvp player. Though I know the difference between an underpowered tree and one thats good.



So Deception is bad but you're still very very good at it? Lol.

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I'm a lvl 32 deception assassin and I have 2 questions.

Should I respec as either madness/darkness or wait/pray for deception to get a boost?

I only pvp for the fun of it, and am not obsessed with it.


i was deception until level 30, went darkness and took out androkinos and found my single target killing to be fine, my multi target damage to be greater, adn to have greater survivability. not to mention i found resetting shocks for autocrits more fun then maul. much easier time with tough encounters. honestly i didnt notice a big damage difference

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I'm a lvl 32 deception assassin and I have 2 questions.

Should I respec as either madness/darkness or wait/pray for deception to get a boost?

I only pvp for the fun of it, and am not obsessed with it.


If your enjoying Deception I say stick with it. besides your still doing pve and respec'ing back and fourth would be too costly.


once you get to 50 though I would recommend Darkness if your the type of person that cares about winning. If you dont care that much go madness. If you dont care at all stay deception.

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The point isnt that im bad at Deception so I think its a bad spec. Im actually a very very...very good pvp player. Though I know the difference between an underpowered tree and one thats good.


A "very very ...very" good player in what I'm pretty sure was a premade, roflstomping a bunch of pugs who barely put up a fight (400 to 0 being the scoreline, and look at the distribution of kills v deaths etc). Who had so little difficulty he had plenty of time to swap stances to cheese as many badges as possible...


Your brag shot is like an adult bragging he beat up a bunch of 5 year old kids. You may very well be as skilled as you think you are, but that shot doesn't prove much of anything apart from the fact that you know how to wring badges out of the system.

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If your enjoying Deception I say stick with it. besides your still doing pve and respec'ing back and fourth would be too costly.


once you get to 50 though I would recommend Darkness if your the type of person that cares about winning. If you dont care that much go madness. If you dont care at all stay deception.


Don't suppose you're willing to post your Darkness build? Rotations? Best way to make use of your utility? etc etc, Like basically a detailed post on Darkness PvP.

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I'm ok with playing a tank in PvP if these bioware pvp dev nubs would decide to give us dual spec.


As someone who runs hardmode FP's with a guild full of tanks I fit in better as a dps and deception seems to be the best for PvE dps.


I'll go full on tank for PvP any day, it's fun to play and AoE is king for PvP damage. :)


Why can't these hardheads give us dual spec? What's so difficult about it?

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The people who know *** they are doing are not going to listen to this OP haha....


If you're truly a good pvp'r it shouldn't matter what spec/class/build u are, you should be able to learn how to play that class how its supposed to be played and be good at it... I rock face as decp nuff said.

Edited by DarthWrecks
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Yea Im pretty sure I already said that im better Deception then most, if not all, of the people who claim it to be good.


The point isnt that im bad at Deception so I think its a bad spec. Im actually a very very...very good pvp player. Though I know the difference between an underpowered tree and one thats good.


LOL dude just stop... please just stop bhahaha "im actually a very very....very good pvp player blah blah blah i also take it up the butt every morning and im very very....very good at that too!"


This game is easy as balls...u literally sound like ur bragging about being the smartest kid in special ed.

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4 pages of pebkac. That's what i see here. Watch some of upzie or powerr's streams and, wait for it, try to learn the things that make them successful and stop doing the things that you're failing at. I'm going to take a wild guess, judging by most or your preferences to darkness that you're trying to run into the thick of 4v4 + battles and thinking you'll come out unscathed. I perform just fine in deception whether in pugs or premades because i accepted the fact that i don't know everything under the swtor sun and actually learned something from more experienced deception players instead of writing them of in some teenaged angst filled rage. Quit licking the windows and do some research if you want to play better.


Also, lol at not enough cc. Tell that to the healers that rage whisper me after a game of huttball. Spike>jolt>low slash>electrocute>jolt>low slash and they're usually dead or near death and standing there doing abosuletely nothing.


Tldr; bad players =\= bad spec


thank you

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LOL dude just stop... please just stop bhahaha "im actually a very very....very good pvp player blah blah blah i also take it up the butt every morning and im very very....very good at that too!"


This game is easy as balls...u literally sound like ur bragging about being the smartest kid in special ed.

No need to brag about it. Though when someone says a spec sucks its understandable that the first assumption people get is. " UH THE SPEC DOESNT SUCK YOUR JUST NOT DOING IT RIGHT DURRR!"


"My class isn't the be-all-end-all for pvp. Therefor it sucks."


Perfect logic! Deception's fine, OP's a scrub. The end.


like this guy here ^


Deception is a Kindergarden spec. It has fewer skills and utility than Madness or Darkness. I can easily prove that I can do well in a variety of warzones because most people who pvp just arent good anyway and WARZONES OR ANY GROUP COMBAT (ESPECIALLY LARGE SCALE) IS NOT A WAY TO PROVE A CLASS IS WORKING OR NOT.


Especially in a setting where assists are counted as kills (even if you die before the enemy is killed).


There is no skill in vs, vs, shock, disharge. You may argue the skill is in the timing. Well, so what? Every class has to time their skills on top of figuring out when to do what skills to maximize themselves within a fight.


Anyway I dont normally like to brag but when bad players question your skill level you do have to prove that you are better than them.

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Deception is hardly underpowered. The rotation is fairly straight forward, but considering they rely on low CD abilities for burst, it's not as if your opponent is going to have a counter for your shock/discharge combo every time. Even if they pop a def CD, low slash is a great staller.



I play a Darkness hybrid myself (rank 65), but there are plenty of high level Dec sins on my server who are great in groups and solo.


But after briefly watching OP backpedal and mismanage his CDs on his stream, I'm inclined to think this is more of a L2P issue, no offense.

Edited by SenatorPalpaTANG
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If your enjoying Deception I say stick with it. besides your still doing pve and respec'ing back and fourth would be too costly.


once you get to 50 though I would recommend Darkness if your the type of person that cares about winning. If you dont care that much go madness. If you dont care at all stay deception.



Thanks for the input. I will most likely stick with deception, as I really enjoy playing one. Maybe once I hit 50 I'll respec, but I don't want to really figure out another rotation.

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Deception is hardly underpowered. The rotation is fairly straight forward, but considering they rely on low CD abilities for burst, it's not as if your opponent is going to have a counter for your shock/discharge combo every time. Even if they pop a def CD, low slash is a great staller.



I play a Darkness hybrid myself (rank 65), but there are plenty of high level Dec sins on my server who are great in groups and solo.


But after briefly watching OP backpedal and mismanage his CDs on his stream, I'm inclined to think this is more of a L2P issue, no offense.


This IS a l2p issue since deception requires you to think instead of facerolling on the keyboard.


I myself play an infiltration shadow (= dec sin) and i am doing quite well in PvP. I am R65 and often take people 1v2 if i manage my CD wisely and play in a clever manner.


I agree though i see some dec sins which are totally awful, i think the assassin / shadow in general is the class with the widest skill range: When they are awful, they are the most awful player of the WZ hands down but when one is well geared and well played, they can destroy anything in a matter of seconds among a pack of 5 ennemeis, then vanish as if nobody was there.

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In a 1v2 I usually spent the entire time spasming from CCs once Force Shroud is down. People tend to neglect the fact that 1v2 means the enemy has twice the CCs to use against you. I consider a pretty good fight if I can get one guy below 50% before I die in a 1v2. I rarely use CDs in a 1v2 because that usually means 1 guy gets to 20% instead of 50%, but he'll still just heal back up after the fight since he's now out of combat (if not, then it was not 1v2 to begin with, some of my allies must be close). If the 2 guys you're up against is extremely weak you can sometimes hope you can blow one of them away in the 5 seconds that FS lasts, but if you can blow away a guy in 5 seconds they're probably not much of a threat to you to begin with.
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Darkness sins fall into the same category as those people who thought riftblade/reaver was a viable spec in rift and who play as prot pvp in WoW.


It's a gimmick 1v1 spec that can basically only do 1 thing: force non healing classes with little or already used cd's into a 1v1 in some dank corner and slowly kill them. Sure, your numbers may look good in a warzone because increased survivability, great sin cooldowns, and the fact that any players who know what they're doing effectively ignore you till the rest of your team is dead means that ... hey, you rarely die.


The problem is that once you finish being impressed with yourself and your medal count, you realize that you offer very little to a cohesive team unless you're running a huttball or something (and, lets be honest, any sin can slap on dark charge, get past the first flame jet, and be home free for an unstoppable score so you don't really have a monopoly on that faction of play either). Low dps from darkness specs results in an inablility to kill any healer that knows what they're doing and a similar inability to clear out cap nodes and doors fast enough to guarantee a good cap/plant.


Deception is the way to go because it HAS the burst and the lockdown to take down healers, which really are the linchpin of any team that isn't just a faceroll victory. You have amazing survivability in the form of cooldowns, and can basically survive or escape any situation as long as you use your skills wisely.


Bottom line is that if you're having trouble being successful as deception, you probably just don't know how to fully utilize the tools of both the spec and class in general since you've been running around as a tank being healbotted for so long all you know how to do now is spike thrash thrash shock.


The key to successful deception play is not spamming your abilities, but timing your burst with a string of control to guarantee a kill. You're not an operative, so you don't open with burst. Use voltaic slash and your standard maul proc strikes until you force a heal, lock them out with jolt, pop cd's and unload your discharge and shock for burst (with cd's you should be able to shock for about 5k, possible chain shock for about 2k, and then discharge for about 5k... giving you a possible good 12k dmg in 2 gcd's that autocrit with recklessness), follow with a low slash to allow for another maul, electrocute into an asassinate. If they're somehow still alive you can vanish into a spike or even vanish into a sap to fill out their resolve bar and then finish them off with another maul or whatever (your jolt will be back up by this time also). The strength of our spec is that our lockdown skills generate very little resolve, allowing us to lock down for longer durrations than any other class in the game. People just have to realize that we're not pre-nerf operatives and we don't take someone from 100-0 in a burst (unless they're undergeared). We pressure into a position where we can lockdown and burst from, say.. 70-0 or 60-0.


I heart this post fully agree and play that exact style of wait, interrupt and burst. Nothing feels better than interrupting one heal with jolt another with low slash and killing a healer who thought he was going to faceroll me.

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I corrected it for you, now is fine :)


Of course i can't beat full T3 good players in 1v2, if i could, shadow/sins would be totally op and i think we will all agree we are not.


Still, a 1v2 is a 1v2, and not necessary agasint complete noobs, average player with average gear is doable.


About the "twice CC", will people ever understand how resolve works? Seriously? After almost 2 months we are still reading this ****?


In fact, it is even better since sometimes they will get you to full resolve immediatly and you just have to trinket then profit immunity.

Edited by zqsd
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