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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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I don't understand how people consider PVP where you don't risk losing anything "real PVP".


Imo they should introduce a random "risk factor" that piles up with losses, or whenever you fail at helping the team achieve objectives. Something like "if you die more than you kill, you stand a 20% chance at losing a random mod". Or even better, tie it to objectives.


Right now, I don't think calling it PVP is warranted if the worst case scenario is "ooops, have to respawn". As it stands, you only get rewarded for being good, but never risk losing anything if you suck.


There's no reason to anally **** a player that loses. They already lost.


The winner should gain something significant in a cosmetic way -- ranking, titles -- but item loss is generally a stupid design. Item loss models lead players to optimize for gear-less builds and ganking, which is non-intuitive and plainly asinine.


DAOC had a significant reward for winning -- glory, and at the end of the day, taking relics. There were no abusive death penalties.


PvP is player versus player. Do you lose anything at the arcade when you play a vs. fighting game? That is the purest PvP in gaming. Do you lose anything when you throw rock against paper?


No, yet that is pure PvP.


Adding item loss to PvP just means your a sadist, and that gear means something to you. You don't care about actual PvP and fighting. You care about punishing someone who already lost.


But this was already covered in the other thread. Item loss != risk. Item loss = you're a douche.

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1. Shadowbane: I don't really see how anything can come close to this. Large group sieges, small group mine fights (my favorite) and 1 on 1 skirmishing. Largest variety of class choices I have ever seen, BY FAR and they all had a role that contributed. On death you lost everything in your inventory. Thieves could actually steal from you! (though usually just better to kill you and take all your stuff) Politics, strategy, tactics, etc. Good times, good times.


I started reading what you posted, but then my browser crashed with "sb.exe".


Shadowbane failed because:


- Technical issues (see: sb.exe of epic)

- Gear-less ganking

- PvE to PvP (gold farming for gear for PvP)

- Oh, and click to move

- Some of the min-maxing was stupid, like "working-as-intended bugging" stats on the char creation screen


The overall game was designed to be too punishing for sustained player versus player. It was architected for someone to "WIN THE GAME" (and END THE GAME).


And it did so successfully ... Shadowbane died.

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best long thought out strategic Pvp, Eve online

Best 24/7 action with a fast pace, Planetside

Best spur of the moment pvp, Darkfall

Best small group with very high skill cap, Pirates of the burning sea






There's no reason to anally **** a player that loses. They already lost.


The winner should gain something significant in a cosmetic way -- ranking, titles -- but item loss is generally a stupid design. Item loss models lead players to optimize for gear-less builds and ganking, which is non-intuitive and plainly asinine.


DAOC had a significant reward for winning -- glory, and at the end of the day, taking relics. There were no abusive death penalties.


PvP is player versus player. Do you lose anything at the arcade when you play a vs. fighting game? That is the purest PvP in gaming. Do you lose anything when you throw rock against paper?


No, yet that is pure PvP.


Adding item loss to PvP just means your a sadist, and that gear means something to you. You don't care about actual PvP and fighting. You care about punishing someone who already lost.


But this was already covered in the other thread. Item loss != risk. Item loss = you're a douche.


Item loss adds risk to the game, its a focal point for excitement. Its the same reason people rock climb stuff they really should not, jump out of planes and other crazy stuff that risks life itself.


It does not make one a douche 'cause they like that style of game. 'Cause anyone and every one that joins that style of game Knows what they are getting in to. Plus normally gear in those games is important but very easy to get and horde, so the loss is never anything too bad, unless they were stupid and went out with something they could not replace.


Real MMO style pvp is of gain and loss. If you just want warzones with nothing else, then you might as well play any other FPS game, at least they are balanced, and require far more skill. Even a Dota style game would suit ya.

Edited by MadcatGTs
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I value PvP dynamics over all the other PvP aspects, so, for me the best PvP in MMOs is in Ragnarok Online. The game itself is terrible - years of solo grind are ahead of you on your way to the max level. But it's worth playing for it's super fast and highly skill-demanding PvP where a skilled player with just basic gear and medium level could still prove to be a worthy opponent to a rich and well-equipped but otherwise average high-level character. And the infinite amount of character builds (both skill- and stat-wise) only made it better, giving everyone an opportunity to create a truly unique way of fighting. What makes it so fast-paced is the lack of the Global cooldown on skills - all you have to wait for is the animation duration which can be pretty easily reduced to 0. It may sound weird but... well, just watch some gameplay videos to see what I mean. Edited by JackBurden
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This game def has the most balance of any game pvp wise I've ever seen. Minus like 3-4 tweaks to a few classes I would argue it is as perfect as you can have it in a game where everyone doesn't have the same abilities.


That being said Ilum does leave something to be desired although on a balanced server like Anchorhead, it can still be fun.


Huttball is def different to any other mmo bg, and I like it alot when I don't have to play it 1000times in a row.


World pvp would have to either go to daoc, or TM/SS southshore days in WoW. But I would honestly put SWTOR pvp up there.

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Item loss adds risk to the game, its a focal point for excitement.


***** into ****** is a focal point for excitement too, but it's not in an MMORPG.


Why not add in permanent character deletion? Why not de-level?


Why not get excited about BEING THE BEST? Why not get excited about being a STORMUR VAKTEN? Why not get excited about winning an "EIGHT VERSUS ONE HUNDRED FOURTY"?


Why not get excited about assjamming a 24 players with 6 or 12?



What does excitement mean to you that you feel nothing unless I take your lunch money?



It does not make one a douche 'cause they like that style of game.


By style of game, you mean a punitive game where stealing lunch money makes things exciting. Ok.



Real MMO style pvp is of gain and loss.


Real MMO style PvP is epic battles where skill, cunning, tactics, strategy, leadership, communication, and teamwork blossom.


Personally, if you want to flagellate yourself when you lose, that's fine by me. I'm satisfied with winning. I'm more than willing to let you stand up again and go for round 2. After all, it will probably be more exciting than round 1.

Edited by EasymodeX
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There's no reason to anally **** a player that loses. They already lost.


The winner should gain something significant in a cosmetic way -- ranking, titles -- but item loss is generally a stupid design. Item loss models lead players to optimize for gear-less builds and ganking, which is non-intuitive and plainly asinine.


DAOC had a significant reward for winning -- glory, and at the end of the day, taking relics. There were no abusive death penalties.


PvP is player versus player. Do you lose anything at the arcade when you play a vs. fighting game? That is the purest PvP in gaming. Do you lose anything when you throw rock against paper?


No, yet that is pure PvP.


Adding item loss to PvP just means your a sadist, and that gear means something to you. You don't care about actual PvP and fighting. You care about punishing someone who already lost.


But this was already covered in the other thread. Item loss != risk. Item loss = you're a douche.


No...item loss makes PVP meaningful. Because without out it, what's the point? You're never at risk of losing anything and can simply respawn. There's no real grudge matches because your opponent can simply respawn after you kill him.


I'm NOT saying PVP "light" isn't fun...but the removal of risk sure makes it less interesting in the long term. In life, if someone wins, anotherone will lose something...which makes it interesting.

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Warhammer Online, when it was all polished!


-True Immunity timers from CC (no bs resolve that doesn't work)

-Teamwork requirement/strategies (a good team could take out a bigger force due to teamwork and strategy)

-No stupid pvp stat crutch, ramped up gear based on renown (valor) level

-Underdog system for world pvp, where the lower pop side would get bonuses (what a novel concept)


Warhammer really transformed their PvP from release to the point where they got it right. Not talking the city seiges, but the actual fighting, teamplay and skill. It's a shame Bioware Austin didn't learn ANYTHING from the bioware team that took over Warhammer. It completely baffles my mind that one company can have their hands in 2 different games such as War and SWTOR and be so far off base on what works in PvP and all the mistakes they made and implemented in SWTOR when they finally had a good working model in Warhammer :( It's such a shame it took War the time it did to get to that point and as a result the game ended up failing, I see the same thing happening here sadly...

Edited by Wingfoot
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I'm suprised there aren't more people saying WoW was the best MMO. I guess it's just the game that everyone loves to hater.


In all seriousness though, WoW *was* by far the best MMO. People will make excuses all day about why it's been the most successful, but it wouldn't be as successful as it was if it wasn't the best MMO out there. It had the best game mechanics and feel of any MMO I've ever played, on top of good and evolving content that kept people wanting to come back to play.


In second place thouh for best MMO I've played, it would be close between DCUO and GW

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I'm suprised there aren't more people saying WoW was the best MMO. I guess it's just the game that everyone loves to hater.


In all seriousness though, WoW *was* by far the best MMO. People will make excuses all day about why it's been the most successful, but it wouldn't be as successful as it was if it wasn't the best MMO out there. It had the best game mechanics and feel of any MMO I've ever played, on top of good and evolving content that kept people wanting to come back to play.


In second place thouh for best MMO I've played, it would be close between DCUO and GW



Did you even read the title? It says best mmo PVP...not best mmo

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No...item loss makes PVP meaningful. Because without out it, what's the point? You're never at risk of losing anything and can simply respawn. There's no real grudge matches because your opponent can simply respawn after you kill him.


I'm NOT saying PVP "light" isn't fun...but the removal of risk sure makes it less interesting in the long term. In life, if someone wins, anotherone will lose something...which makes it interesting.


You seem to be lacking some measure of pride.


What do you lose when you die? Pride. You also lose the opportunity to gain whatever your objective was -- kills, "points", maybe your relic, your keep. Maybe you lose your ranking. Maybe you lose your title.



Taking someone's items does nothing except make them PvE more in order to come back and PvP. Clearly, PvP to you has something to do with gear. You think they get mad because they lose their items, when they're really just annoyed that they have to do retarded PvE-esque **** to get their boots back.


You seem to want to discourage fighting, and encourage 100% guaranteed ganking. Then have your victim come back even weaker than before.


You don't want to fight.


You want to win and then keep on winning.


You have no pride.


You're not a warrior, not even a soldier.


You're a thug.


You don't want PvP. You want to beat people up and take their lunch money.

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You seem to be lacking some measure of pride.


What do you lose when you die? Pride. You also lose the opportunity to gain whatever your objective was -- kills, "points", maybe your relic, your keep. Maybe you lose your ranking. Maybe you lose your title.



Taking someone's items does nothing except make them PvE more in order to come back and PvP. Clearly, PvP to you has something to do with gear. You think they get mad because they lose their items, when they're really just annoyed that they have to do retarded PvE-esque **** to get their boots back.


You seem to want to discourage fighting, and encourage 100% guaranteed ganking. Then have your victim come back even weaker than before.


You don't want to fight.


You want to win and then keep on winning.


You have no pride.


You're not a warrior, not even a soldier.


You're a thug.


You don't want PvP. You want to beat people up and take their lunch money.


clearly people pvp for different reasons . and loot based pvp mixed w/ bound items can be really fun . AC proved that w/ thier GSA and pvp weapons . all you'd really lose were your most expensive death items . but first you had to take the time and effort to farm the items needed to craft the gear .


but those games were never, nor will they ever be as popular as SWToR type pvp. and sadly we may never see those types of games again ..

Edited by badseed
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Did you even read the title? It says best mmo PVP...not best mmo


Meh, my bad. I just missed that part. I would still say WoW though because to me, it had the most fluid combat and control of your character. Also, world PVP was the best in that game from what I've played.


Second place would still be the same too.

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Rift was the worst PVP in any MMO ive ever seen.


Darkfall would be my #1 but I didnt play AC and UO, DAoC or Shadowbane which I hear were all very good.


This one gets my vote for best pvp. It seems to be the more dependent on player skill than anything. MMO progression with FPS style combat. And its all world pvp, no instanced warzones. Fully lootable free for all pvp.

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I think easymodeX got ***** in some hardcore pvp mmo, and is a bit sour. Its ok little buddy, you can have your carebear pvp where you never lose anything. PvP with Nothing at risk at all, is dull and unfun. Theres nothing there to get the blood going.


Sure carebear pvp Might be fun for people that have not pvp'ed for long, or never played hardcore pvp games, or are just big carebears at heart. But for Hardcore PvP'ers it will never sate the thirst for blood.

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You seem to be lacking some measure of pride.


What do you lose when you die? Pride. You also lose the opportunity to gain whatever your objective was -- kills, "points", maybe your relic, your keep. Maybe you lose your ranking. Maybe you lose your title.



Taking someone's items does nothing except make them PvE more in order to come back and PvP. Clearly, PvP to you has something to do with gear. You think they get mad because they lose their items, when they're really just annoyed that they have to do retarded PvE-esque **** to get their boots back.


You seem to want to discourage fighting, and encourage 100% guaranteed ganking. Then have your victim come back even weaker than before.


You don't want to fight.


You want to win and then keep on winning.


You have no pride.


You're not a warrior, not even a soldier.


You're a thug.


You don't want PvP. You want to beat people up and take their lunch money.


I'm not sure if you understand fully or are just so against this system that you're intentionally ignoring the things brought up.


Gear in these types of games is EASY to come by if you go out and get some wood and ore boom you can make a dozen swords. So if you lose one or two you have extra in your bank waiting for you. It's not like you were farming Hardmodes or what have you for weeks hoping for a lucky drop for your boots of the amazing jedi dodginess.


Gear in these games don't tend to give such a huge advantage in PvP. Someone can be completely geared to the teeth but if the other player can out play them they're going to lose. So you don't come back weaker each time you die you can either chalk it up as a loss and go about your day or re gear from the extras in your bank and go get revenge.


These games typically have weight limits in your inventory, so depending on the gear you have and what the other person has maybe they just take your sword or gold you've picked up or your spell components but the rest of your stuff is still there. Otherwise they risk being overburdened and unable to escape if someone else attacks them.


I've died and lost my stuff I re geared at my bank and happened to go back kill the guy that took my stuff so I got it back plus some of his stuff. Also these games typically are geared towards large scale PvP guild vs guild vying for control over a town or castle of some kind. You die, most people typically don't have time to loot your stuff since you have to open the person's bag and move stuff over one at a time which isn't smart during a battle.


If you don't like that type of PvP that's fine the community that does like the adrenaline rush you get from the possibility of winning or losing items or their guild castle, understands that especially in this day and age we are the minority. But don't sit there and call people that enjoy it bullies or dishonorable when based off your arguments you're making it out to be promoting dishonorable play.


Just like any game there's good and bad people. In those games unless someone is in a really powerful guild most people treat each other with a modicum of respect because being a tool will get you killed or start a guild war which your guild may not be ready for. Just like in WoW esque style games you've got people that try to ninja or abuse the master loot system and you have no recourse but sit there and rage at it being unfair while they laugh knowing they are immune to any sort of repercussions.


They have a different reward system than just grinding for gear and saying hey I'm #1. The environment gives you more of a reason to stay and work with a guild it has the capacity to constantly change with power shifts, and alliances. There's definitely more politics involved.

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