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Waiting for the Sage/Sorcerer Nerf Too!


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Well, operatives and scoundrels are nerfed well, we deserved it : P


I wonder whn the buble + CC master sorcerers /sages nerf is... Never ending slows+knockbacks+buble+stuns+heals+Uberly DPS..


Time to Nerf the sorcerer/sages pls..!


there to busy nerfing classes that already suck and im not talking about op/scoundrel

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Yes nerf sorc/sage they have way to much cc and that bubble is just OP oh and the sprint that skill should not belong to a ranged char.


* Infinite Slows (without Resolve? w t f ?)

* OP Buble (Short CD? w t f ?)

* Knockback (with dmg + root? w f t ?)

* Speed (just w t f ?)

* DPS Spec but can heal (5k Heal? w t f ?)

* and Stuns?


So many CC and Survival abilitys for "any" one class


I guess all devs playing Sorcerer...


They should be nerf? absolutely...

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* Infinite Slows (without Resolve? w t f ?)

* OP Buble (Short CD? w t f ?)

* Knockback (with dmg + root? w f t ?)

* Speed (just w t f ?)

* DPS Spec but can heal (5k Heal? w t f ?)

* and Stuns?


So many CC and Survival abilitys for "any" one class


I guess all devs playing Sorcerer...


They should be nerf? absolutely...


Yes..I completely agree. Let's take away a classes abilities to keep themselves alive, due to people having trouble killing them. Yes, I agree that we should take these abilities away because all other classes than mine should be super-kill-able teddy bear fluffs that bounce around the warzones like little kittens waiting to be boot-stomped. Signed sir. Use your own damn abilities to counter theirs and these problems almost ALL go away immediately.

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* Infinite Slows (without Resolve? w t f ?)

* OP Buble (Short CD? w t f ?)

* Knockback (with dmg + root? w f t ?)

* Speed (just w t f ?)

* DPS Spec but can heal (5k Heal? w t f ?)

* and Stuns?


So many CC and Survival abilitys for "any" one class


I guess all devs playing Sorcerer...


They should be nerf? absolutely...



So we have a class that can put a nice damage, have a lot of cc and mobility and good survivability (by going hybrid spec) and decent healing. All in one, making them extremely useful for warzones.

I guess tuning down their shield an removing sprint (or put it on 3 min cd)/disallowing the use of sprint while carrying the ball in huttball would be nice for a start.

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Yes..I completely agree. Let's take away a classes abilities to keep themselves alive, due to people having trouble killing them. Yes, I agree that we should take these abilities away because all other classes than mine should be super-kill-able teddy bear fluffs that bounce around the warzones like little kittens waiting to be boot-stomped. Signed sir. Use your own damn abilities to counter theirs and these problems almost ALL go away immediately.



I'm a Vanguard (usually some tank spec) and i've got quite adapt to killing sorc/sages because i've been dueling a Sage friend of mine, have like 55/45 chance when we both pop all our cds in a duel.

You people who have trouble with sage/sorc, become a friend to a good one and start dueling and do like me: discuss with him after duels what both he and you could have done differently, not just tactics but maybe specs. As some specs counter other specs quite good.




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So we have a class that can put a nice damage, have a lot of cc and mobility and good survivability (by going hybrid spec) and decent healing. All in one, making them extremely useful for warzones.

I guess tuning down their shield an removing sprint (or put it on 3 min cd)/disallowing the use of sprint while carrying the ball in huttball would be nice for a start.


I feel as a vanguard, if they did that then they would just be free kills for me.

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I feel as a vanguard, if they did that then they would just be free kills for me.


Well, it's not about 1v1. In 1v1 situation they aren't overpowerd. But when it comes to warzone pvp, usually the team that has more sages/sorcerers wins, and it's even worse in huttball (aoe knockback with root + sprint + shield allowing them to run through the flames while carrying the ball etc). When 2 or more sorcerers start playing as a team (managing their cds/crossheals etc) they will outplay any other 2 classes playing as a team just because they have more tools.

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The CC and utility is just over the top


A good player playing a sorcerer cannot die. A bad player playing a sorcerer rarely dies



Melee cant touch them, and when we do, we have to break through at least 2 bubbles. Then its just knockback, root, stun, force speed, dots dots dots, forcelightning spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam

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* Infinite Slows (without Resolve? w t f ?)

* OP Buble (Short CD? w t f ?)

* Knockback (with dmg + root? w f t ?)

* Speed (just w t f ?)

* DPS Spec but can heal (5k Heal? w t f ?)

* and Stuns?


So many CC and Survival abilitys for "any" one class


I guess all devs playing Sorcerer...


They should be nerf? absolutely...


And of course all sages have all those abilities in one nice little tree along with unlimited force and unbreakable stealth .....

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Before the scoundrel/operative nerf, In WZ i was playing against 6 operatives .Now ,it suddenly changed to 6-7 sorcerers and they are dmn more deadly than operatives..Cızzz 6 psorcerers lightininh combo , we are so dead :)


I am tryin to say, For the pvp players : which toon has the win button, people are lvlin it and then in wz and world pvp you see loads of the same class. Some people posted nerf sentinels/guardians and some other classes, I am playin in tomb of freedon nadd and u can barely see sentinels or guardians or whatever, only commandos-sages-scoundrels like other classes are trash bags.

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Hay guise, letz nerf the squishiest class in the game, with the lowest burst potential, because they have a 3k dmg bubble, on a 20 sec cooldown, and a heal that will do 5k max out of combat (minus trauma and plus adrenal/relic) when dps specced. Doesn't that sound like a good idea? Oh, and they don't get any more CC than other classes, but lets say they do anyway! Edited by Thurinlore
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I'm a Vanguard (usually some tank spec) and i've got quite adapt to killing sorc/sages because i've been dueling a Sage friend of mine, have like 55/45 chance when we both pop all our cds in a duel.

You people who have trouble with sage/sorc, become a friend to a good one and start dueling and do like me: discuss with him after duels what both he and you could have done differently, not just tactics but maybe specs. As some specs counter other specs quite good.





I have a sage friend we play together.


We use to duel pre 1.1.1 and he won more than I did.


Since 1.1.1 I won't duel him it makes me too sad.


I'm a Scoundrel.

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The CC and utility is just over the top


A good player playing a sorcerer cannot die. A bad player playing a sorcerer rarely dies



Melee cant touch them, and when we do, we have to break through at least 2 bubbles. Then its just knockback, root, stun, force speed, dots dots dots, forcelightning spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam


What melee class do you play? A well played marauder will beat any sorc hands down, a dps specced jug should be able to aswell (force charge, force choke, smash for 5k crit.. easy game from there).


When you charge and get knocked back, keep running at them... we have cooldowns you know, and our knockback is very small compared to others. There is no reason, unless you are undergeared and underleveled, that a sorc should be able to dps you down before you reach them. No reason.


Force lightning spam? You have an interrupt. Use it.

Edited by Thurinlore
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Sorcs really are in need of a nerf, and if not there needs to be a cap on the number of sorcs allowed to join a warzone. Their range is too far, they can just stand there and tab through the other team doing massive damage with little consequence because they either epic heal themselves or got a shield or you get stun or knocked by one of the other 6 sorcs just just raining lightning on everyone. It's not fun to join game after game and there be 4+ sorcs just doing massive damage while healing their team. Like someone else said, a sorcerer 1 vs 1 is not the problem, it's when one half of the team are sorcerers, each doing 200k+ and even 300k damage per round, all while healing their team with stuns, cc, knockbacks, sprints. Their range and damage with force lightning needs to be reduced, and a cap on how many are allowed in a game of warzone. I'm just one of the very many that are tired of joining premades with 4, 5, and even 6 sorcerers, all just healing and while killing someone else 100 meters away at a safe distance. The class is trash in numbers and abused in warzones. Something needs to be done because it's hurting the balance of the warzone PvP. Edited by ELECTRICJUDGMENT
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What melee class do you play? A well played marauder will beat any sorc hands down, a dps specced jug should be able to aswell (force charge, force choke, smash for 5k crit.. easy game from there).


When you charge and get knocked back, keep running at them... we have cooldowns you know, and our knockback is very small compared to others. There is no reason, unless you are undergeared and underleveled, that a sorc should be able to dps you down before you reach them. No reason.


Force lightning spam? You have an interrupt. Use it.


So I play a Scoundrel I have not hit once for 5k since 1.1.1 nice that other classes hit harder now that a class that was suppose to be a burst dps class but easy to kill.

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the problem lies in the force......


the sorcs/sage resourcers are infinite , can spam their skills and cant run out of force ,if low just stay ooc for a sec and regen....


every other class has to manage a resource bar









bubble + sprint + cc + dmg + heals

Edited by Warlyx
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the shield really needs to be moved into the healing tree as a talent, or as someone mentioned in the thread, putting talents into the healing tree that buff the bubble to where it is now, but reducing its base strength.


So you want to move a -3k- damage bubble IF TALENTED, 2k if not, into the healing tree; making the class squishier than ever? We already have the lowest armor in the game and no insta heals unless we go into the healing tree.. then we get one. We also have the lowest burst potential of any class, the only way we can get away from a melee is if we kite them (which they have a gap closer). The only way to get away from a merc/commando is if we interrupt their spam skill and LoS them, forcing them to target someone new. The only way to get away from an op/scoundrel is.. oh wait. The only way to get away from a powertech/vanguard is to hope that they are tank specced and not dps specced. Of course, this is all relative to if they are geared and good or bad.

Edited by Thurinlore
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So you want to move a -3k- damage bubble IF TALENTED, 2k if not, into the healing tree; making the class squishier than ever? We already have the lowest armor in the game and no insta heals unless we go into the healing tree.. then we get one. We also have the lowest burst potential of any class, the only way we can get away from a melee is if we kite them (which they have a gap closer). The only way to get away from a merc/commando is if we interrupt their spam skill and LoS them, forcing them to target someone new. The only way to get away from an op/scoundrel is.. oh wait. The only way to get away from a powertech/vanguard is to hope that they are tank specced and not dps specced. Of course, this is all relative to if they are geared and good or bad.


wow translation...


dont nerf me bro!

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A. interestingly enough when i warzone with my sorcerer there's like, ME as a sorcerer and 7-11 more operatives and powertechs. In fact, I still see obscene amounts of operatives post nerf, so why do you think think suddenly there would be a major drop in sorcerers?


B. not everyone chose sorcerer because they are "easy mode". lots of us like the story, or just jive well with the ranged dps. others just like shooting lightning out their freaking fingers.


C. i don't know what melee classes people are playing that can't stand up to a sorcerer, but they need to consider changing classes. my sorcerer can drop retarded melee but as soon as 1 or 2 good marauders or assassins (or their republic counter parts) get on me it's a death sentence unless a group member saves me stat!


D. why we gotta be crying for nerfs on everyone? game is like almost only 2 months old atm, let bioware do whatever balancing they think they need to do, which clearly some needs done (this stuff is really only discovered over time) and let people enjoy their classes however they are.

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