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The WORST pvpers i have ever seen in an MMO


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well for one



pvp is broken and unbalanced right now its not even funny


mercinary and commando are OP

agents and smugglers are OP

the guard ability is broken and OP

the resolve bar dont work properly

buff/pots/powerup stacking is OP and broken



these are just like 5% of pvp problems




you are aware that your reply was completely off-topic as this thread isnt about pvp mechanics but rather people being bad at playing, right ?


go QQ elsewhere

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I get so tired on Alderaan. I explicitly state to my team at the start, "if we lose both side towers, we lose the match."


No one seems to understand this concept though. Everyone fights the middle as if it is the supreme objective, and its not. When will people learn that the side towers are easier to hold and reinforce? If you gain the middle only to lose both side towers, thats it. You will only win that match if you severely outplay the other team.


It takes roughly 5-10 seconds to reinforce a side tower from spawn if you already have it and something like 15-20 seconds to reinforce mid regardless of who has it.

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I was just in a huttball match, it was clear people didn't really understand what was happening. rather than rage or quit or start insulting people i told them to make sure they got ahead through traps to receive passes. We managed to win due to using teamwork.


PVP is team based, most people are willing to work as a team when others are willing to lead that team. Take responsibility and give instruction in a confident, rather than condescending manner and you generally get good results.

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You do realize zerging and farming medals is more efficient than actually winning a match?


No it's not. I can manage maximum number of medals for my level (I can't top 500k damage at my level no matter what) while still winning the game. People are just morons.


And OP, I totally get what you're saying. Half the time Voidstar starts, I see my entire team to to the right door. Doesn't matter if the enemy sends NOBODY to the right door at all. They still all go there. I just shut my eyes and run away screaming (i.e. leave the match) when I see idiocy of that magnitude.

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What is much worse than this are "elite pvpers" who instead of trying to instruct the "bads" or help them improve simply abuse them to the point that it wouldn't suprise me if many of them never step into a warzone again which is why the Qs get so damn long.


The best of us (of which I am not one) will screw up from time to time - we will miss a pass inhutball for instance, but when it happens you might think you had just killed someones mother judging by the abuse.


Any way - short version - help bad playes get better, don't just abuse.

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I cant help but agree with the OP.

I'm by no means a PVP expert, having only played the last 6 months of PVP in WoW, and playing fairly regularly in SWTOR, though I do TRY at least.


IQ's seemed to drop quick sharp after the 50 bracket was implmented.


-Hutball = Hardly anyone passes.

-When they do its to somebody with 10% health.

-When a team does finally manage to score, EVERYBODY is up on the goal line meaning the 2 campers on the ball spawn just LOL to the other side and score back.

-People cant seem to tell the difference between left and right.

-Nobody trains healers, despite me namechecking them several times.

-Constant Civil War afk'ers.

-Node/Door Defenders being drawn away from the point to tackle a lone low health enemy.


Yet I continue to play, hoping, nay praying for a premade that knows what they're doing.

Then you do win, and it doesnt count.



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/agreed. I can usually muster enough resolve to make it thru most matches, but lately I am getting fed up. I just turned 50 thinking its gotta get better, right? He'll no... its worse. On Keller's Void the imps outplay rep so much it is just absurd. And its a combination of not caring, no pvp skill, and gawd awful gear. I am constantly amazed to see level 50s with level 35 green gear on... it really floors me how often I see this. I mean ***, u are GIVEN better gear than that on your way to 50. Last night was the worst - it was the very first time I /quit mid-match ;(... felt bad afterwards. I should have just went off and did something else. There's always tomorrow....
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Funny i'm not even on a PvP server but on my server most people now play properly or at least try to play properly instead of the mess we had like 3 weeks ago. On the other ends. Most Imperial still don't know how to play though. But i'l put that on the fact that they have a higher population. Edited by ImperiumAlpha
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I'm also on the same server as the OP. The PVP situation is still in it's infancy, I have tried to talk to players that are new to the scene, some have played MMO's with PVP before and for others it is their 1st time...so, I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, over time I would hope that once people learn their own class and eventually, learn how the other classes function, we will see some progression in PVP....then again, some just like to run in and smack the opposition, either way, I still enjoy myself..


I have to add, I'm far from a PVP elitist, I've played a good few MMO's and always enjoyed PVP but like any new game, I take my time to understand the dynamics (if there are any) to each class/PVP area etc....and regardless of what I think I know, there are plenty out there who are just better at what they do.


I did have one warzone where I had no keybind to pass (I switched it in for a previous warzone and didnt switch back), now I barely staggered over the line but the rage coming from some other players was cracking me up....if I took the time to try and reply to them I would never have made it over the line!


As stated in previous posts, I find a huge difference in doing warzones with Guildies using TS, it makes a fundamental difference to matches when there is communication...and that there is the key word "communication"..not just "PASS THE F**K*N BALL"..."OMG you f***** noob!! Why didnt you pass"...or "*** are you doing heading to the middle turret?!?! you noob!!"...then more often than not, the person typing these contructive messages leaves the warzone early, so instead of having the chance there to give any advice they leave and the match is usually handed to the Imps....and on more than a few occasions, I have been in warzones with the "I LIKE TO SHOUT BECAUSE i'M UBER AND YOU'RE ALL NOOBS" types...and more often than not their performance is mediocre at best.


Anyway, some folk are still learning, some folk may not get it...but ideally, a quick bit of advice at the start and a nudge or 2 during the match goes a long way, granted, there are times when people just dont listen and the rush of blood they get while PVP'ing is enough to render them useless...but in the end, it's a game, you can always win the next match.

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That's what happens when people get used to losing most of their matches. They stop trying to win and start farming kills or doing farg-all in the corner. Which of course guarantees more losses.


In some games I just throw the ball away if I happen to get it because I know my team won't be there to back me up. It's very frustrating because I like to win, but that's just how MMO pvp has developed over the years. Hopefully it will change eventually, until then, it's best to either avoid pvp or find other things to enjoy about it besides winning, because unless you premade, you aren't going to win very often.

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I find it hilarious that less then a month into a game you people expect everyone to be playing at an MLG level. I remember when WoW first launched battle grounds, they were a terrible because it was still a relatively new MMO and no one had any idea how to play their class, or even spec properly. In fact just about every game at launch has half the population running around using abilities seeming at random with no real clue how to play or spec. Give it some time.
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the pvp is fine and i noticed that you failed to state your level probably for the simple reason that you are not 50.


ill put it this way.

most 50s know how to actually complete objectives while gaining medals at the same time.

people complain that they are not skilled but rely on gear but i simply LoL at them for being afraid to try to compete with those who actually know what they are doing.


then again for all i know your server may just be idiotic no idea.

if you want try out my server the republic has a tendency to decimate the imps on a ragular basis.

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you need wins for the dailys/weeklys if u want champ gear/bm gear


Well getting 3 wz wins and 30 kills is quite easy on my server.


Usually i try for the first mins in every match , if my team is bad , i either leave or i begin farming medals.

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In huttball i would grab the ball then make my way towards the goal but where are my team mates? most the time they are running behind me like im some sort of tank? i mean what the hell they should be running in front of me so i have someone to pass











I just do not understand what is going these players heads, and you try tell them but of course they have likely closed chat or not listening.


Its soooo frustrating, when you have the ball ALL the enemies come for you and your team mates should be ready for you to throw to them because NO ONE cares about the guy without the ball!


it baffles me, really does, i wonder how they tie their own shoe lace...

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I was just in a huttball match, it was clear people didn't really understand what was happening. rather than rage or quit or start insulting people i told them to make sure they got ahead through traps to receive passes. We managed to win due to using teamwork.


PVP is team based, most people are willing to work as a team when others are willing to lead that team. Take responsibility and give instruction in a confident, rather than condescending manner and you generally get good results.


i wish this was true , i ask for passes i call out for help when i have the ball, the rest of the team are usually on the other side of map completely ignoring the ball.


now when i have the ball and theres 5 enemy in front of me about to nuke me and i have no one to pass to i just throw the ball to the ground reseting it and vanish.

what else can i do? im not so stupid as to think i can solo through 5 players with no help at all.


i even /yell when i have ball "go in front" i stop where i am and give them a chance to go ahead, but guess what they do they just stand next to me or behind , i can understand healers being behind but even they dont need to they can still stun, push or even better pull me .


im standing on the line at the score zone some idiot has ball but refuses to pass i could score at any moment would he decide to pass but no he rather try survive 10 players attackign him then get a instant score by passing.


i think the voting up players may be good but id much rather have the option to vote players down

Edited by rushx
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It's worse than WoW, I didn't think it was possible. I think the results you see in warzones are what happens when you combine single player fans + bioware fans + MMORPG. It's a recipe for disaster.


What I'm saying is, the kind of people playing this game are synonymous with people who don't fully grasp "MMORPGs" just yet. Anyone with any kind of skill, brainpower, and the ability to focus inside warzones... has already quit SWTOR.


Basically people just want to run around and kill each other pointlessly.

Except for the sad few of us still clinging to hope.


Also, medals. Good call.

The system rewards kill farmers.



Think about what you just indicated....

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the pvp is fine and i noticed that you failed to state your level probably for the simple reason that you are not 50.


ill put it this way.

most 50s know how to actually complete objectives while gaining medals at the same time.

people complain that they are not skilled but rely on gear but i simply LoL at them for being afraid to try to compete with those who actually know what they are doing.


then again for all i know your server may just be idiotic no idea.

if you want try out my server the republic has a tendency to decimate the imps on a ragular basis.


no they dont, believe me ...


and if a dude shows up as lvl50 in a warzone wearing green lvl40 gear no ammount of skill is gonna compensate that ...

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I'm so fed up with the majority of the pvp players in this game in warzones.


I've never seen such a lack of understanding or skill in any game that had pvp before.

The complete lack of interest for objectives and ability to apply basic logic is astonishing.


I think this game could be one of the best PVP games out there if given some time to develop, but the players? my god ....


I'm wondering if its just my server that is extremely bad? "Tomb Of Freedon Nadd".


I really think they should add a non-objective based warzone just for those that either ignore objectives or are just plain too dumb to comprehend them. Ill give you some examples


In huttball i would grab the ball then make my way towards the goal but where are my team mates? most the time they are running behind me like im some sort of tank? i mean what the hell they should be running in front of me so i have someone to pass or another thing is when the enemy has the ball they are in what i like to call the los area and some **** runs to the egde and gets force leaped by the enemy ball carrier giving a easy score. just simple things like that.


in civil war is it so hard to press the Map button ? is it hard to use logic? if there is 7 enemy at one base? why charge them solo and get *****? go to another gosh darn base obviously if there is 7 at 1 base the other ones will be vulnerable... hell even 5 at one base


voidstar.... i stealth to one door and defend it on my own while the whole other team is defending the other door ...guess what door gets opened first yes their door "HOW !!!!!!


HMMMm i just dont understand the point of doing warzones with 90% of the people not even trying..


please Bioware make a deathmatch warzone for these people to flock too, so people who want to do objectives can have fun


Sadly this problem seems widespread, thus a lot of the qq on forums about this or that class being op.

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