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[Guide] Reverse Engineering


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I have NEVER successfully RE'd an item that shows grey in my list of items to craft.

I mean grey in the sense that you don't get any XP if you craft it. Another way of putting it is that they show grey when you sort by difficulty.

I've had much success RE'ing items that show blue or green (or orange?) but as soon as it turns grey i'm no longer successful.


Is this expected?


Basically I'm finding that I have a window of RE success during a given level of Armormech on the items I'm crafting that are in the range of my level (show blue or green). But as soon as I out level an item (in Armormech skill) but still go and craft it I'm never successful with an RE attempt.

Am I wasting my time or just "unluckly"? I was wondering if this was by design so an Armormech can't learn all the artifact (purple) items.


Well I take that back. After playing since launch I have finally been able to reverse several blue/green items that are well below my current armormech level. Its crazy how random and streaky this is.

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Is it random which prefix you get when you reverse engineer? I reverse engineered a focus for my shadow, and got defense. I want critical, so do I just have to keep REing the focus until I get what I want?


I'm not sure when it comes to critical vs Defense but the guide posted lays out how a green can RE to 3 different blues and most blues can RE to several different purples.

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Is it random which prefix you get when you reverse engineer? I reverse engineered a focus for my shadow, and got defense. I want critical, so do I just have to keep REing the focus until I get what I want?


Yes, you just keep REing until you get the one you want.

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Im sorry if I skipped over it, if it was posted here as there is alot of information here.


is there a list (For Cypertech) of what can be RE'd to what? Sort of a check list. I am trying to work my way up to all the available patterns.


Thank you for your time.


My Cybertech guide, in the link in my sig, has a list of what RE's into what.

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Is it random which prefix you get when you reverse engineer? I reverse engineered a focus for my shadow, and got defense. I want critical, so do I just have to keep REing the focus until I get what I want?


When you reverse engineer to a Tier 1 prefix, it is random. You can wind up with one of three prefixes. Keep REing if you didn't get the one you wanted.


When you RE the Tier 1 item, the Tier 2 prefix you can receive in a new schematic is dependant upon which Tier 1 prefix you are REing.


This guide, or the one in my link, explains everything in greater detail.

Edited by Craftamancer
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A couple of quick notes from Patch 1.2


1) There's nothing available above Tier 2 for RE. When you hover over a Tier 2 item with your RE tool, it does NOT say "Research Available" on the tooltip.


2) REing the Redoubt line only has 4 Tier 2 children. If you discover all four and hover over a Redoubt item with the RE tool, it does NOT say "Research Available" on the tooltip.


3) The success rate for finding a new pattern is quite a bit higher then it was. I was only testing with my level 10 character, but I was learning a new Tier 2 pattern every 2 to 4 attempts.


Here's a picture that displays what I'm talking about: http://i40.tinypic.com/x1amj9.gif


You'll note that the top left tooltip shows "Research Available" for the Critical Savant Sash...I don't currently have any Tier 2 children of that. That message is missing on the Redoubt Savant Sash (As you can see, I've got all four of the currently known children) and it's also missing on my Anti-Armor Savant Sash.


I'll keep an eye out and let you all know if I see any changes up until 1.2 drops to live.

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Wanted to comment that the T2 > T3 prefix trees are not set in stone. Specifically while trying to get a lvl49 Cunning (Ion-charged Power Device) into a Fervor (+crit and +accuracy) or an Endowment (+crit and +surge) earpiece the Critical variant RE'd into a Hawkeye (+pwr and accuracy) variant. Seems something to do w/the base piece already having some +crit and +accuracy on it.
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A couple of quick notes from Patch 1.2


1) There's nothing available above Tier 2 for RE. When you hover over a Tier 2 item with your RE tool, it does NOT say "Research Available" on the tooltip.


2) REing the Redoubt line only has 4 Tier 2 children. If you discover all four and hover over a Redoubt item with the RE tool, it does NOT say "Research Available" on the tooltip.


3) The success rate for finding a new pattern is quite a bit higher then it was. I was only testing with my level 10 character, but I was learning a new Tier 2 pattern every 2 to 4 attempts.


Here's a picture that displays what I'm talking about: http://i40.tinypic.com/x1amj9.gif


You'll note that the top left tooltip shows "Research Available" for the Critical Savant Sash...I don't currently have any Tier 2 children of that. That message is missing on the Redoubt Savant Sash (As you can see, I've got all four of the currently known children) and it's also missing on my Anti-Armor Savant Sash.


I'll keep an eye out and let you all know if I see any changes up until 1.2 drops to live.


Hopefully Max level schematics are a little more difficult to learn. I hate to think that Bioware is making the crafting game so easy that it's no longer a "challenge" to have all the best patterns. Initially their stance was that a dedicated crafter would be distinct from the average joe who only did it out of boredom. If it only takes 2-4 REs to get the desire proc, then serious crafters are probably going to lose their "exclusive" market, and being a gatherer is where the real money is going to be.

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Hopefully Max level schematics are a little more difficult to learn. I hate to think that Bioware is making the crafting game so easy that it's no longer a "challenge" to have all the best patterns. Initially their stance was that a dedicated crafter would be distinct from the average joe who only did it out of boredom. If it only takes 2-4 REs to get the desire proc, then serious crafters are probably going to lose their "exclusive" market, and being a gatherer is where the real money is going to be.


Well...one thing that will very likely save that (at least for the Synthweavers and Armormechs) is that I can take any of the current armor pieces that have mods in them and reverse engineer them into an orange schematic. From there, I make it enough to get a critical success and I've got a fully modifiable orange piece of armor with an augment slot. I'll also be making augments that I've REd up to the max level. Now my customers can buy the gear they want because it looks good and it has an augment slot....and they can pull the mods out of the end-game gear and install it in the stuff I've sold to them. The gear set bonuses come along with the mods they extracted and viola! they've got end-game gear that looks exactly the way they want and I've got income.

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I have 2 questions:

1) I understand that the schematics you will learn from a RE has to be a learnable pattern for your profession, but do you have to already have learned the lower tier one to successfully RE? Specifically, can I buy on the market the blue version of a green schematic I know, and RE it to learn the purple without specifically having learned the blue pattern myself? This way I could start with the Tier 1 prefix I want on an item to try and RE the Tier 2 purple I want.


2) I see the previous post has a linkhttp://i40.tinypic.com/x1amj9.gif where there are green letters that say "Research available" on the tooltop. I have all my tooltip boxes checked in preferences, and yet I have never seen those words (though I do see the "Right-click to reverse engineer) when mousing over items I reverse engineer (even though they are green or blue items I craft and subsequently successfully RE).

Any idea why I don't see this on my tooltip when mousing over an item?

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I have 2 questions:

1) I understand that the schematics you will learn from a RE has to be a learnable pattern for your profession, but do you have to already have learned the lower tier one to successfully RE? Specifically, can I buy on the market the blue version of a green schematic I know, and RE it to learn the purple without specifically having learned the blue pattern myself? This way I could start with the Tier 1 prefix I want on an item to try and RE the Tier 2 purple I want.


I'm not sure on this one...I don't think we've had anyone come in and say they've had any proven success when trying to do this, so it may not be possible...


2) I see the previous post has a linkhttp://i40.tinypic.com/x1amj9.gif where there are green letters that say "Research available" on the tooltop. I have all my tooltip boxes checked in preferences, and yet I have never seen those words (though I do see the "Right-click to reverse engineer) when mousing over items I reverse engineer (even though they are green or blue items I craft and subsequently successfully RE).

Any idea why I don't see this on my tooltip when mousing over an item?


Sorry for the confusion on that, my picture is from the Test server and relates to the changes that are coming in Patch 1.2 which should hit the Live servers some time near the end of April (I think)

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Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around. I took quite a bit of time off playing SWTOR in order to replay Mass Effect 1 and 2 getting ready for 3. (And yes, it was totally worth it, somewhat disappointing ending or not, ME3 is likely the best game I've ever played.)


Anyway, I doubt you guys really needed me around during that time period as not much was changing with RE. However, we're entering into an exciting period of change for RE, and I assume this will lead to a new flurry of activity and will definitely lead to many changes to the guide.


I'm still not back into playing yet, I figure I may as well wait for the 1.2 patch so I can make a whole server full of Chiss, but I am keeping up on what the devs are saying and information from the PTS.


For now, I'm leaving the copy of the guide on the forums as is, because it is relevant to live servers. I will update the guide in conjunction with 1.2.


So a big thank you to all the people who have kept this thread going and answered questions in my absence, and I look forward to exploring 1.2 with you!

Edited by Slaign
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I have a question that might have been asked already and if it was then I'm sorry for being lazy *** and not conducting proper search.


From what I gatherred, virtually everything that comes in 1.2 will be possible to RE in order to learn that specific schematic. However, what I'd like to know, is it currently possible to RE custom (orange) item you get as QUEST REWARD and learn that schematic as well.


Seeing how marauder gear looks, well, terrible, I remembered that there was one specific chest I got for a quest on Dromund Kaas but of course I later went and sold it. If it was possible to RE quest reward to learn the schematic, I wouldn't mind leveling another marauder with synthweaving just so I can craft myself that specific chest, hence the question.



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I have a question that might have been asked already and if it was then I'm sorry for being lazy *** and not conducting proper search.


From what I gatherred, virtually everything that comes in 1.2 will be possible to RE in order to learn that specific schematic. However, what I'd like to know, is it currently possible to RE custom (orange) item you get as QUEST REWARD and learn that schematic as well.


Seeing how marauder gear looks, well, terrible, I remembered that there was one specific chest I got for a quest on Dromund Kaas but of course I later went and sold it. If it was possible to RE quest reward to learn the schematic, I wouldn't mind leveling another marauder with synthweaving just so I can craft myself that specific chest, hence the question.



I think the problem at this stage is that there isn't a great deal of comms coming out to confirm or deny these specific questions. I've been reading up as much as I can about the RE and Armormech changes these last few weeks, my own impression is that you would be able to RE that chest to learn it's schematic. That is, if you are Synth. My impression is that Armormech can RE any item that has Aim/Cunning stat while Synth is for Strength/Willpower (?).


But as I say, I can't be 100% sure (more like 90%).


One query I've not had any luck finding the answer to is this: are we going to be able to get (either buy or RE) orange schematics for other armor pieces? i.e. boots, gloves, belts etc.


As an Armormech I'm pretty excited about 1.2. The major disappointment I've learned so far is that set bonuses are not transferrable out of Centurion/Champ/Battlemaster/Columi/Tionese/Rakata. This is a real shame.

Edited by Turino
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I have a question that might have been asked already and if it was then I'm sorry for being lazy *** and not conducting proper search.


From what I gatherred, virtually everything that comes in 1.2 will be possible to RE in order to learn that specific schematic. However, what I'd like to know, is it currently possible to RE custom (orange) item you get as QUEST REWARD and learn that schematic as well.


Seeing how marauder gear looks, well, terrible, I remembered that there was one specific chest I got for a quest on Dromund Kaas but of course I later went and sold it. If it was possible to RE quest reward to learn the schematic, I wouldn't mind leveling another marauder with synthweaving just so I can craft myself that specific chest, hence the question.




I don't believe that custom (orange) items can be RE'd for a schematic. I've RE'd a number of items that weren't crafted by me, in an attempt to learn new schematics, and have never had any luck. All I get is, at best materials. At worst I get a message after I've RE'd it saying that the item isn't REable. But it still destroys the item.

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As an Armormech I'm pretty excited about 1.2. The major disappointment I've learned so far is that set bonuses are not transferrable out of Centurion/Champ/Battlemaster/Columi/Tionese/Rakata. This is a real shame.


I don't think that's true....This item from the PTS Patch Notes seems to contradict that completely:


  • Players can now remove Armoring modifications from items with set bonuses and transfer those set bonuses to Custom (orange) items. These modifications can only be transferred to an item that is equipped in the same slot.


Full Notes: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=3463544&postcount=6

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I don't think that's true....This item from the PTS Patch Notes seems to contradict that completely:


  • Players can now remove Armoring modifications from items with set bonuses and transfer those set bonuses to Custom (orange) items. These modifications can only be transferred to an item that is equipped in the same slot.


Full Notes: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=3463544&postcount=6


After digging around, it's my understanding that the Tier 1 gear has the set bonuses tied to the shell of the item. So the set bonus can't be extracted and put in new custom gear. They are not going to change this.


They have fixed this with the new Tier 2 gear (i.e. War Hero). The bonuses for this new gear are put into the armour mod of particular items, so can be easily moved about. Any new armour with set bonuses will be applied to the corresponding armour mod in future. All existing Tier 1 gear cannot have the set bonus transferred, unless there has been some announcement in the last few days that I'm not aware of (not out of the question).

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After digging around, it's my understanding that the Tier 1 gear has the set bonuses tied to the shell of the item. So the set bonus can't be extracted and put in new custom gear. They are not going to change this.


They have fixed this with the new Tier 2 gear (i.e. War Hero). The bonuses for this new gear are put into the armour mod of particular items, so can be easily moved about. Any new armour with set bonuses will be applied to the corresponding armour mod in future. All existing Tier 1 gear cannot have the set bonus transferred, unless there has been some announcement in the last few days that I'm not aware of (not out of the question).


Hmmm...you may be right...I don't have any characters that are high enough level on either Live or PTS (I'm a recovering Altaholic ;))...but I did see this:


Hey, some answers.


1. Yes, we have updated the stat distribution on Rakata gear with 1.2.


2. If you have not modified your gear, it will seamlessly update the mods inside when you log into the game the first time after the patch has been applied.


3. If you have modified your gear, it will retain any changes you have made. Any mods you didn't change out will update.


4. Restoring the original mods into the item, before 1.2, will cause them to upgrade at the time of the patch.


The problem, of course, is that if you hand modified your gear, we ultimately have no way of knowing what your intention was. Maybe you wanted to use the mod you removed somewhere else, maybe you just wanted to replace it. We cannot make any assumption as to the intention of individual users when modding the item, preventing us from upgrading already modified items post fact.


TL;DR: Any 'original' mod in an updated item will upgrade with the patch. Any 'foreign' mod added to an item will be left untouched.


Hope that answers your questions.


And that leads me to believe that the mods will be updated to include the set bonus if they haven't been removed from the set piece already....

Edited by Vrock
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Hmmm...you may be right...I don't have any characters that are high enough level on either Live or PTS (I'm a recovering Altaholic ;))...but I did see this:




And that leads me to believe that the mods will be updated to include the set bonus if they haven't been removed from the set piece already....


I don't think that has to do with the set bonuses, I think it has to do with stat rebalancing on that gear. If I recall correctly, I read somewhere that set bonuses will not be removable for current gear, but that the new system will be used going forward starting with the new gear in 1.2.

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Boy, I can't wait until the patch that will make reverse engineering increase the discovery for better upgrades cuz I'll really tired of wasting my mats trying to get them. For instance, I made over 80 combat shotguns, rev. eng. them all and nothing. Thats sad. Yes, I got some mats back, but thats not the point. I should have learned something. But, all and all, I love the game. Keep up the good work.
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Boy, I can't wait until the patch that will make reverse engineering increase the discovery for better upgrades cuz I'll really tired of wasting my mats trying to get them. For instance, I made over 80 combat shotguns, rev. eng. them all and nothing. Thats sad. Yes, I got some mats back, but thats not the point. I should have learned something. But, all and all, I love the game. Keep up the good work.




Shotguns/Vibroknives are currently bugged and cant be RE'd at all. This is to be fixed in 1.2

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