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Gamer Question: What's the best thing you learned from gaming?


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Learned from gaming? I learned a lot, and I do mean A LOT, about history from playing the various Civilization games over the years. I learned so much I think Civ IV would be a valuable addition to a middle school history curriculum. Civ V sucked though, don't do that one.
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The best thing I learned from gaming is that most people will blame anything other than themselves when they can't do something, with this being true only 0.001% of the time.


Had a guy tell me the original Turtles game for NES was bugged and couldn't be beaten - something about it crashing when you went to the Technodrome. Well, I proved him wrong before he even told me that, since a few years before that I had dug out my old NES and beaten that very game on it. Clearly the game WAS bugged - if you got hit by bad guys and died, you would see this bugged screen that said "game over" and it'd reset your game.

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Transferrable skils:


market arbitrage - buy low, sell high


multitasking - type faster, manage companions, hold a relationship with companions, and kill republic forces all while questing and earning more credits.


application of game theory: aka the gank of the worn down republic player - let your opponents wear each other down, then go in for a kill

And this.
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Learned from gaming? I learned a lot, and I do mean A LOT, about history from playing the various Civilization games over the years. I learned so much I think Civ IV would be a valuable addition to a middle school history curriculum. Civ V sucked though, don't do that one.




"And in 200 BC, Christianity was discovered in Paris under the rule of Napoleon. This was shortly after the Hanging Gardens were constructed in London by Winston Churchill."


(Played a lot of CIV. Great game, yes. History.... erm..... not so much. :) )

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I have learned to be very incredulous. With all the hacks and botting going on in MMOs today, whenever a player comes on bragging how high a level they are, how many credits/gold they have, etc. I almost automatically think "How many bots do they have working for them at this given moment? Did you go to just one or several gold farming places to gain that wealth? How can you be so proud knowing you cheated your way to that position?"


And I always feel sorry for them really...because, in the end, they only cheated themselves.

Edited by Dechomai
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I have learned to be very incredulous. With all the hacks and botting going on in MMOs today, whenever a player comes on bragging how high a level they are, how many credits/gold they have, etc. I almost automatically think "How many bots do they have working for them at this given moment? Did you go to just one or several gold farming places to gain that wealth? How can you be so proud knowing you cheated your way to that position?"


And I always feel sorry for them really...because, in the end, they only cheated themselves.

Good one.
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that its a complete waste of time. any time spent gaming should be spent working out, studying, or working. I am a weak human being like billions of others. One day i will die, and my death will be an insignificant event in a sea of chaos.
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Table-top games:

- How to grab, hold and control player's attention.

- How to make a story flow.

- How to stir and calm emotions and conflicts.


MMO games

- Some basics of leadership.

- Somewhat improved communication skills.

- 5 seconds is a lot of time. :)


Actually there might be much more, I've just listed a few that came into mind.

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Acronyms! Kids, nowadays, think things like 'brb' or 'lol' were invented for texting. Communications on pvp driven M.U.D.S. and the earliest mmo's saw us doing this while our typing speed inceased over the years.


Oh, also beer and pie are must haves!

Edited by Visinji
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