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I heard Marauders are underpowered. I don't think so!


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You have the same IQ as our lovely "I have brought you something beyond perfection". So, no thanks. I don't need your opinion. /igno


Personal attacks because you don't like my oppinion on ONE thing in this universe? Get the F over your self you turd...

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maybe a knockback isnt really needed, because if you get jumped you can get away by force camouflage + sprint (if needed).


what annoys me the most is the auto knock back your opponents have.

Most of the players have an automatism.


i tested it on sorcs mostly: i force charge and directly run back and than you see them jump up and totally miss their knock back


its not efficient like that offcourse it was just to test the eagerness of players using that skill


but i just want an immunity of cc/knockback for 3-5 secs after force charge

just to make people witha knock back aware that they just cant use that skill the first second someone jumps them ...


but this way you can respond in a situation where marauders are really having troubles with ---> ball carriers on the side bridge just knocking you off after a frce leap and you just watching them score without being able to do anything about it.

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That was a rubbish example video


1. You're 50 and have all your skills in the 50 bracket, its like a whole other world there

2. You're hardly ever attacked, i think once in the whole video someone fights you, and you almost died infact, got very lucky it seems.


Useless video is useless.


Sometimes you get good Warzones. Sometimes you get bad ones. It doesnt mean the class is to blame, it means you got unlucky. When you get knocked down, its not important how, its important that you get back up. I did warzones for 2 1/2 hours last night and was only able to grab 1 win. The repbulic were rolling Premades all night so theres very little you can do except get organized yourself. Stay optimistic and not pessimistic, tearing someone else down because they had one of those few good Warzones is not productive in anyway, any experienced player knows this.


Great Job OP and congratz on getting a great Warzone :p

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Sometimes you get good Warzones. Sometimes you get bad ones. It doesnt mean the class is to blame, it means you got unlucky. When you get knocked down, its not important how, its important that you get back up. I did warzones for 2 1/2 hours last night and was only able to grab 1 win. The repbulic were rolling Premades all night so theres very little you can do except get organized yourself. Stay optimistic and not pessimistic, tearing someone else down because they had one of those few good Warzones is not productive in anyway, any experienced player knows this.


Great Job OP and congratz on getting a great Warzone :p


It feels like we have an inherent disadvantage on huttball over civil war and voidstar just because of mobility and the catwalks.


The advantage of Range over Melee is made to be even stronger. (and ranged had a huge advantage to begin with)


On Voidstar or Civil War, if I get knocked back, it isn't a big deal. But on huttball, its huge. Even if I save my leap, I can get knocked back 2 times back to back. Having to run from the lower pit all the way around and back up the ramp takes FOREVER.


I'd like to see something like what Juggernauts got, where we can refresh the cooldown on leap by using another ability.


OR, you know, maybe make it so that the further we are away from somebody, the greater the chance of deflecting blaster bolts with our lightsaber. Make it more of a mechanic, and help balance out the inherent advantage of ranged damage. Or, you know, you could GO WITH CANON and make it so that jedi and sith can actually deflect blaster bolts BACK AT THE ATTACKER, so we have a chance to hit and do damage to the sniper who is shooting at us from cover while we're busy running up the ramp.

Edited by miliways
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What the matter with some of you guys?


1. It was just a random bg.

2. I joined random, solo, without a group - and im sorry that i didn't defend a point alone :S

3. Terrible Opponents? r u serious? Do I look like that I'm carrying about how good my opponents are? I didn't choose them, so its not my prob. if they suck.

4. @DarthVaus Sorry, next time I yell that they should focus me :S



As Marauder, you go for the healer first, cuz u can kick. So whoes server sucks now, hmm?



Well, I got a friend who plays commando on another server and he thinks that Marauder are unkillable, because of the invis & 90% dmg reduce, but every player who doesn't suck balls knows, that 3 sek invis aren't much and that few sec 90% dmg reduce aren't much neither. Yes, Marauder need a knockback or a stun but w/e.



1. An Item which heals you for about 8k life, out of combat. If you want to know how to obtain it, make sure that u subscribed me, so you will be noticed when I release the next guide.


2. Well, like I wrote above, I can't decide who I fight against. Do you think, that you play all the time vs full bm? I would have no prob to fight against better equipt chars, but if there aren't any, what should I do? Leave the warzone? I don't think so.

btw, carnage is mostly an pve spec. If i wanna do big numbers I would choose rage, but I don't like that playstyle so I stick with carnage, because I do Pve too, so I don't need to reskill :p


i5 2500k, gtx 570 phantom, 8gig ram - I think the shadow is kinda buggy. I'll try that directx 9 thing out tomorrow.



I hope most of question are answered. If you like that video, or you didn't I would be happy if you would subscribe. I've got some ideas for new videos (e.g. PvP vs different classes (ofc. with good gear ;)) or naked pvp etc. The next pvp videos will be ofc vs better enemys and no rnd bgs :p


May the force be with you!




Wait hold up. you make a fail vid with a troll topic and you're complaining that people are ragging on you?



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I'd like to see something like what Juggernauts got, where we can refresh the cooldown on leap by using another ability.


That would work. Or an ability or talent, similar to Entrench on Sniper or Hydraulic Overrides on Prototype Powertech that grant temporary immunity.


OR, you know, maybe make it so that the further we are away from somebody, the greater the chance of deflecting blaster bolts with our lightsaber.


I would take that even as an activated ability, say 5 seconds where you block ranged damage, on 1 min CD. I'd take it. Even 3 min CD, I'd still take it. I mean, on my Sin, Force Shroud is 5 seconds of 100% immunity to tech/force (which includes CC) on 45 sec CD. Why not us?


Also a pull would be amazing. Sometimes enemy is bunched up, and leaping into them so you do at least SOME damage is suicide because of chain CC and quick death. But if you could yank one out to where you want him, that would be fantastic.


But I'm just dreaming, of course. Bioware has their own ideas about eveything. Or rather poorly copies stuff from WoW.

Edited by Sabbathius
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The biggest problem I continue to see is that ranged classes have no fear of melee. They do not even need to kite, they just stand there, pop shields/defensive cd's and tank our damage while they burst us down.


My main is a 50 merc with about 400 expertise. I don't kite any melee. I just stand there and go toe to toe. I do the same thing on my sorcerer. So on top of being able to go toe to toe i can also knockback, slow, stun, root, shield, sprint away, etc. depending on which of my ranged classes I'm playing.


On top of all this BioWare seems to be more interested in nerfing melee classes.

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I have a 47 sorc and i do this all the time, i see a marauder and i know exactly how to deal with them being that its my main, elecrocute, pop cd's and burst him down, if he pops his Defensive cd's knockback and kite a few seconds until its finished, repeat burst, dead. EVEN THROUGH HEALS i did this multiple times.
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Why would you pity me? It's easy to hit the cancel button on a game you don't find fun.


edit: I was gonna post the 30 hours of footage I have of me leaping into battle, getting my target to 65%, watching them get healed to full, then me dieing in three hits. It's really bad, just me doing that over and over and over and over. Of course I tried every build I could think of with every rot I could think of with about 20% give or take in leeway on outcomes. I probably wouldn't be able to get laid if I posted it though. So i'm broke from respec, frustrated from dieing so much etc.



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I can see why the OP is getting hammered over this, hehe.



nothing wrong with the Video, I like it. I really do. I'm trying to see what

spells you're using at times.


But the problem is the "Title" of this post.

You can't judge over/under powered with this video.

reasons were already stated on previous posts.

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Well, I chose the thread title because it seemed that else noone would click on this thread :p


So funny how trolls raging about how I can only fight 5vs1, but they don't understand that it was 5vs5 and we destroyed the reps, so ofc its in the end 5vs1....


Saw another Video, Jedi Sentinel, 4 premade players (1xhealer,3xdd) and no troll around. So yeah, off Forum is full of trolls.



Failvideo? right.

Edited by Ilianor
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Well, I chose the thread title because it seemed that else noone would click on this thread :p


So funny how trolls raging about how I can only fight 5vs1, but they don't understand that it was 5vs5 and we destroyed the reps, so ofc its in the end 5vs1....


Saw another Video, Jedi Sentinel, 4 premade players (1xhealer,3xdd) and no troll around. So yeah, off Forum is full of trolls.



Failvideo? right.

u troll!

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Its not a bad video, my only issue with it is that you pop stims and med packs like a junkie..

This completely negates your title... as your video kinda states marauders are fine, if your companion skill is biochem with infinite pots and additional pvp medpacks


In fact i see that with nearly all the video's and screenshots from people who think marauders are fine and dandy.. drop your biochem and rely solely on class ability, make a live stream showing this without a heal buddy and see how strong you really are.


Niches like these shouldn't make you believe the class is okay.

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1.) Wow, 3k healthpot. Sooo much ;) btw. the reusable medpack was the only thing I used and 3k isn't really much.

2.) Stim - I got biochem for 5 days now. So it doesnt matter if I play with or without.

3.) What the ****? Where do you see a healing buddy? Like I said -> solo random bg...


And I used an item which heals me for about 8k OUTSIDE of a fight...

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1.) Wow, 3k healthpot. Sooo much ;) btw. the reusable medpack was the only thing I used and 3k isn't really much.

2.) Stim - I got biochem for 5 days now. So it doesnt matter if I play with or without.

3.) What the ****? Where do you see a healing buddy? Like I said -> solo random bg...


And I used an item which heals me for about 8k OUTSIDE of a fight...


Little defensive aren't we now..

Check your own end specs in the vid @4:22.. 81k healing done, second one @6:35.. 77k healing done and your carnage spec.. basic math states your chugging pots and hogging in game heal boxes to than allow you to state the class is ok and tmk the ingame boxes don't count towards actual healing done... so your 75k badges are preety obvious.

Each of those total amounts = equivalent to 5 additional deaths.. its a very very big difference.

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Little defensive aren't we now..

Check your own end specs in the vid @4:22.. 81k healing done, second one @6:35.. 77k healing done and your carnage spec.. basic math states your chugging pots and hogging in game heal boxes to than allow you to state the class is ok and tmk the ingame boxes don't count towards actual healing done... so your 75k badges are preety obvious.

Each of those total amounts = equivalent to 5 additional deaths.. its a very very big difference.


Little offensive aren't we now..?


Medpacks DO NOT count towards any healing medal since a few patches now. What does count though is a special item that you can ONLY use OUT OF COMBAT and that heals you for 8k. Use that often enough and you get the 75k medal. But again, you CANNOT USE IT IN COMBAT.

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Little offensive aren't we now..?


Medpacks DO NOT count towards any healing medal since a few patches now. What does count though is a special item that you can ONLY use OUT OF COMBAT and that heals you for 8k. Use that often enough and you get the 75k medal. But again, you CANNOT USE IT IN COMBAT.


I wouldn't say I'm being offensive at all, just stating what i see.

And i don't exactly see the point your trying to prove?

3:34-3:41 shows just how powerful this is with the use of OOC mechanics, because without it he would have had to hide and recover, or risk 1-2 hit death no?


All I'm saying is that stating the class is perfectly fine while using niches designed to give an upper hand rather then a necessary crutch just appears wrong.

you can believe what ever keeps you the most happy.

Edited by Heraseth
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3:34-3:41 shows just how powerful this is with the use of OOC mechanics, because without it he would have had to hide and recover, or risk 1-2 hit death no?


I fully expect that item (or rather it counting towards healing done in warzones) to be nerfed shortly just like the medpacks were nerfed. Non-healing classes getting healing medals really shouldn't happen.


But still, if you're out of combat you can also use your health regen skill which only takes a few seconds to regen 8k health.

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