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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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enjoying the game, but also voting yes because this is a flawed statistical analysis. A self-selecting sample of forum visitors will skew the results. Only a fraction of people playing the game visit forums, of that fraction, an even smaller fraction will see this thread. And THAT fraction will by and large be those predisposed to disliking the game because they're on the forums to register a complaint.



/statistics 101

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And let me repeat myself from another thread:


As much as I liked TOR to begin with, as much disappointed have I become.


For an RPG game, TOR would have been very good. As an MMORPG? No.


An MMORPG is not just about the story. I know a lot of people have been asking "Why can't you just appreciate it for it's story?". I think most can. However, an MMORPG is also - and always should be, about freedom. If a supposed MMORPG cannot deliver some kind of freedom, it moves away from the path of being an MMORPG and simply just end up as a regular RPG.

In this case, TOR is closer to being just an RPG with added multiplayer function.

Sure there's end game content, and more will come, but the journey up to that doesn't give you a whole lot of choices.


I have always liked BioWare's games. They're absolute kings when it comes down to story. However, I don't think they were ready yet to produce an MMORPG. I fully understand, that somewhere, they probably figured that in these days, one of the more successful paths to follow in the gaming industry, is to produce an MMORPG. They just focused a wee bit too much on the story, which guided them off the path.


Now, I would suggest to ofc add some sort of choices story-wise, such as why does the two advanced classes share same story? Most of them are like playing two different classes in total. However, I know the millions and millions of codelines that need to be produced that way, making it slightly difficult to create such choices.


TOR had potential - I wont say "have", cause the time has long run out.

The lack of areas to level in, makes it far from attractive to level an alt, especially same class -> different advanced class.


TOR wins on RPG, but drops on being a Massive Multiplayer.

Edited by TotalKitty
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I like the game, been a while since i could level cap an mmo. But too many servers meaning too little in certain servers. Oh yeh, i wish we could choose where to level next, i dont like being forced to go to a planet to level there because theres no alternative. Mainly Nar Shaddar. That place sucked Edited by ThatIrishLad
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No. Planets feel empty. As stated feels more like a single player experience rather than an MMORPG. That is the biggest game breaker for me.


Another big let down is the missing high res textures and shadows, and just overall poor engine optimization.


On a positive note, I've noticed an improvement with the ability delay issue, but it still needs some work.


If they fix these issues within the next couple months I can see myself resubbing, but we'll see what happens. Fingers crossed.

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Man are you gimping the number for 'NOs'


I see a lot more NOs than you counted and undecided is also NO, no one will ever spend their money to stay on, if they are undecided.


FYI I am on the "No" side, actually.


I am not "gimping" anything. I want this total to mean something to people, so I am actually trying damn hard to keep the totals fair. Which means I double count everything, sometimes triple.


Undecided/unclear votes are just that... undecided/unclear. If I can't figure out what side someone is leaning to, I will place them in that category.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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As a Casual, Solo, Full time job, mmo duffer type of player who actually enjoys time consuming games, Yes and No.


First 20 levels, Yes.


30+ levels, no, not so much.


Difficulty progression of mobs and quests is just too much.

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292 for NO


326 for YES




Click HERE to view results in pie-chart form.




To the few people voting twice, whatever the side: Your handful of votes have been thrown out, along with your original. Do not attempt to skew this poll. I will find you. The above scores are meant to be as accurate as possible. Thank you.


I kept accuracy as main goal, as usual. Continue on.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Yes because it does not copy the flawed design features of wow, like LFD, Arena or addons.


This game needs, and will have LFD.


Only poor players think it ruins a community because they can't get past small group content so they think that's the entire community. They also have people constantly getting mad at them for messing up. :)


But to answer the OP's question: No. Endgame is a mess.


Nope. Game gets too boring at the "endgame" - and considering how quickly this game pushes you to the end, this is a serious problem.



Edited by Gohlar
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~Updated pie chart has been constructed and edited in to original post.

~Clarified and streamlined several sentences.

~Caught several people attempting to skew polls. Everyone point and laugh!

~Made several changes to make thread more user friendly and aesthetically pleasing.



Total time I have spent on this thread: About 10 hours.




Continue on.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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No problems running the game. My wifes PC needed an upgrade of memory from 2 to 4g to stop most of the stuttering.


We play together sit and listen to the stories.. Argue over decisions. It's fun.


Lvled one character to 50 solo and doing some end game content with him. This is also fun.. Would like to see improvments but not going to be all jerky about it.

Edited by corbanite
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Was just informed that there is a very high chance the developers are, in fact, watching this thread and reading responses posted here!


If you are, I would like to thank you and invite you all to continue to read as more people post. I have worked VERY hard to make a place where people can voice their concerns and compliments regarding the state of the game, and I am thrilled at this recent news.


~The Thread Starter



Carry on.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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No. It doesn't justify it's scope and it doesn't justify the same mistakes happening all over again. Plus, this game forces you to have a group 24/7. I joined this game alone, because none of my friends have the time or faith for another MMO and it's very hard for me to find a new community of like minded people to play with and with most guilds being very selective and very restrictive, it's WoW all over again and I hate it. Edited by Dabigbom
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Yes. I love the game and would sub for lifetime if they had that. Ive been thru many MMO launches and this is the elast buggy with the most content and polish ive ever seen. I also see lots of room for improvement and I expect we'll see that month by month. Im quite satisfied thus far.


I would have to say there's likely a large percent age of "no's that are actualy yes's or they wouldnt still be here.

Edited by ademnus
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Yes. I love the game and would sub for lifetime if they had that. Ive been thru many MMO launches and this is the elast buggy with the most content and polish ive ever seen. I also see lots of room for improvement and I expect we'll see that month by month. Im quite satisfied thus far.


I would have to say there's likely a large percent age of "no's that are actualy yes's or they wouldnt still be here.


I have thoroughly read all of the responses in this thread. I had to, in order to tally everything as perfectly as possible! It would seem that many of the "no" votes are people who would still like to see this game improved and to continue to play it when they feel it is in better shape than currently. They want to give feedback, and feel the game should be better.


The question was not "Do you still play SWTOR", but rather "Are you satisfied with it's current condition".


Just because someone votes no does not necessarily mean that they hate the game. I am one such person who voted no, but I hold hopes that Bioware will pull through for me. I unsubscribed a few days back because I encountered several game breaking bugs that wouldn't allow me to progress further, and one such bug embarrassed me in a party expecting me to keep them all alive and I couldn't heal because of lag due to an issue from a patch. At the time, I was furious.


BUT. That doesn't mean that I hate the game. Not at all. Was I feeling somewhat let-down? Sure! However, I have always held the policy that forgiveness and allowing for more chances is something that this world desperately needs, and I extend this same sentiment to Bioware. I am happy to give them more time to fix some of the issues with the game, and I would like to see improvements based on feedback like those you see in this thread, both negative AND the positive!


I am still unsatisfied with the game's current condition myself, but I am willing to give more time for them to listen to the community and fix the most paramount of the errors before I pass complete judgment and move on to another game.


In summary: If someone voted no or yes, I think the vast majority are speaking truthfully and how they actually feel, and have diverse reasons for voting as they did.


I trust the vast majority of people who have posted in this thread, and therefore I trust the tally to reflect, with reasonable accuracy, the feelings of many players of SWTOR.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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