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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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The quality of this game is a POS, its broken beyond a level of stupidity rarely seen. The problems have not broken the game ,therefore all the little fanbois can scream its not you its me, save teh swtor baby! They won't save you from everyone leaving for Diablo III and GW, and you know D3 will put a lot of them back into WoW as well.


No amount of content is going to do **** to bring them back either. FIX YOUR BROKE *** ****.



Edited by Zoggel
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- Lame arcade instead of space combat? No, thanks.

- Unbracketed PvP system, trying to equalize players of level 10 with players of level 49? No, thanks.

- Non x-server PvP matching system, placing you to Huttball ten times in a row? No, thanks.

- Total unavailability of basic tracking tools, making you to guess important fights rather then calculate them. No, thanks.

- Lack of group matching tools paired with poor travel / logistic system, making most group activities either unavailable or huge time waste. No, thanks.

- Poorly designed, inflexible UI. No, thanks.

- More bugs then in anthill. No, thanks.


Sorry, I made it bit longer then simple one-liner.

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Overall Yes... There are things to be fixed as there is with every game. Some of the people posting are posting... "I want WoW with Star Wars things." and I don't want that. I hated WoW not because of the game but because of the people that went with it. Friends who I knew for years changed. The whole you are a Palidan and not a Warrior thus you can't do this Raid because only Warriors, Hunters, and Shamans can do this Raid because this L33T player that I never heard of said it's the only way it can be done... FU I am done with this crap and to be honest WoW. Give me Darkfall AC anyday because noob grounds on that server is way better than this crap fest called WoW.

I'm here to play a new game and to give a new game a new chance to become something different and great. If you want WoW it's that way. Nothing holding you back.

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Overall Yes... There are things to be fixed as there is with every game. Some of the people posting are posting... "I want WoW with Star Wars things." and I don't want that. I hated WoW not because of the game but because of the people that went with it. Friends who I knew for years changed. The whole you are a Palidan and not a Warrior thus you can't do this Raid because only Warriors, Hunters, and Shamans can do this Raid because this L33T player that I never heard of said it's the only way it can be done... FU I am done with this crap and to be honest WoW. Give me Darkfall AC anyday because noob grounds on that server is way better than this crap fest called WoW.

I'm here to play a new game and to give a new game a new chance to become something different and great. If you want WoW it's that way. Nothing holding you back.


Keep WoW and everything related out of this thread and do not start arguments please. Thank you.

Edited by StrikeOfLight
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Yes........ But.....


If these are not changed it will be no very quickly:


- The lack of world feeling! Example: Tatooine feels like a big rock. Where is live music and dealers in the streets. Where is the smuggler shootouts. Where is the ships running off the planet. Where is the narrow streets with crowd feeling. Where is the smuggler lord hideout. Where is the Rankor monster and slavers ???? Please make the planets feel more alive and include planet specified vendors. I want to buy Bantha fooder. Tatooine was so disappointing.


- Space combat need to be open and need a HUGE upgrade. This is so lame right now.


- Gear need to be added. I run around with the same gear now for weeks. The gear also looks awful. Headgear is a way to show difference. So please do not give us the same headgear all the way. Im so tired of the Darth Malgus mask.

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It has enough content for now to keep me happy and since it is a newly released MMO I find it to be pointless to complain about lack of content and bugs, all these issues will eventually be fixed so I will just be patient. Worst case scenario I unsubscribe for a few months.

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