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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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EDIT: I wrote a book originally but am trying to condense.




Two characters, both level 26 or so, lost interest in Tatooine (not sure why that was the breaking point).



Issues for me:

Useless crafting, being forced to fight multiple mobs almost every single time I engaged just one (yes, 2 are usually wimpy and 1 stronger, but it's just something that got to me), insanely long travel to and from ship with loading screens, and the my biggest issue is with the companions.


I LOVE the companion idea, but I'm disappointed in the big differences between classes. Some classes get tanks first, some get DPS first, some get healers first. I wish we had a choice of what we get first or maybe the ability to pick your favorite companion and decide what role they should play (probably a coding nightmare though). Some are able to be romanced right from the start, others you have to wait a very long time for. I'm a sucker for romance, and the one character I liked the playstyle of the most, I never even got to the one I could romance because it's still a long way off, and I'm still stuck with my original companion because it's the only useful one this class has.

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In it's Current form ?




I have been looking forward to this game for a long time, and I like the game, I like the combat, I like the story (multiple story's, one for each class), I like the questing and I like the UI layout, apart from the tacky electro blue colour.


But omg, **** the loading screens, the endless blinkin loading screens, it's killing it for me.


There is just no feeling of a huge persistent world, it feels like a single player game, and it plays like a single player game.


The few Flashpoints that I have managed to do so far (it's really hard to find groups for FP's tbh) have made it feel a little like an MMO.


The loading screens are going to kill this game unless they do something, why there are so many is beyond me, I really cannot see a reason for it, WoW is built on an 8 year old game engine, and yet it plays as a huge persistant world, travel is smooth and painless.


This really can not be a techinal issue, If a single person tries to tell me that it has to be like this due to technical limitations then I am going to just call you a liar, sorry.


It boils down to this -


If WoW can run a smooth persistant world, with hardly any loading screens, on an 8 year old game engine, that can be run on low spec PC's,




It's a game breaker, a sub breaker.


I was thinking about upgrading my PC so I could play SWTOR at better graphics setting, but now I am having second thoughts tbh.

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EDIT: I wrote a book originally but am trying to condense.


Two characters, both level 26 or so, lost interest in Tatooine (not sure why that was the breaking point).



Issues for me:

Useless crafting, being forced to fight multiple mobs almost every single time I engaged just one (yes, 2 are usually wimpy and 1 stronger, but it's just something that got to me), insanely long travel to and from ship with loading screens, and the my biggest issue is with the companions.


I LOVE the companion idea, but I'm disappointed in the big differences between classes. Some classes get tanks first, some get DPS first, some get healers first. I wish we had a choice of what we get first or maybe the ability to pick your favorite companion and decide what role they should play (probably a coding nightmare though). Some are able to be romanced right from the start, others you have to wait a very long time for. I'm a sucker for romance, and the one character I liked the playstyle of the most, I never even got to the one I could romance because it's still a long way off, and I'm still stuck with my original companion because it's the only useful one this class has.



These are reasons I share. I can ALMOST tell that you play a Consular, yes? If not, the problems are very similar. Stuck with the lizard, unable to romance my love interest or even TALK to her until late in the game, which is a shame, because having Nadia Grell to fight along-side earlier would bring attachment to the game via attachment to her!


I understand exactly what you are saying.

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This does not sound dumb to me at all.


In fact, these are reasons I share. I can ALMOST tell that you play a Consular, yes? If not, the problems are very similar. Stuck with the lizard, unable to romance my love interest or even TALK to her until late in the game, which is a shame, because having Nadia Grell to fight along-side earlier would bring attachment to the game via attachment to her!


I understand exactly what you are saying.



LOL. I just went back and edited again to condense because I realized my post was really long and I wanted to fit into the rules.


Yes, Consular was my favorite and the one I was talking about. :)

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I will come back when things aren't so broken, and there's realistic goals for me to meet at 50. Until then, great single player or 2-player co-op leveling. Terrible endgame. Lots of work still needs to be done.


I give it a year until it's playable. For me, anyways.

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This is actually true for both me and my wife.


We are playing together (as well as alone at times) and are enjoying the experience. There is a lot that is fun about this game. So yes to that part.


We both are seeing the ability delay issues, targeting issues, and bugs galore. I tried my wife's BH over the last few days and it could be great, but the targeting is iffy at best, there are still many misfires or no fires of abilitys, you can hit something with a shot and see no affect on it's health bar at all then suddlenly a few seconds later sudden the health bar (when you are not shooting) drops drastically or it is dead. The game plays better on her q9450, 4G ram rig, 2 x 9800gtx+ than on my i7 950, 12G ram, 2 x 285OCX (which kills every other game I play) rig.


We are enjoying the game for many reasons, but feel the techical implementation was poorly done. I can see us playing for four to six months and then unsubbing unless the game play feel and combat does not get better.

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I'll list most of my problems with the game and the few aspects i like.


Apologies for any TL;DR




Lvling up was decent, good speed maybe a little to fast, storyline was 'ok' wasnt a fan of consular story but any toons i made had decent ones.


Daily quests repetative as with any game but rewards for doing so are good and its an effective way to gear up into a full set of orange gear and use the mods from the heroic dailys to make yourself a decent starting set.


Companions have storys, help you out add more flavour to the game. Would have liked to see more alien species some classes just get alot of human variants which are borrrinnng.


Datacrons good idea in itself gives slightly more to do and something to work on if your bored.




Optimization of the game is horrific, FPS drops, Ilum world pvp unplayable (since 1.1), Ops over 8 man are clunky and fps dropping crazy, Warzones also terrible FPS rate. Im not all about graphics but the game is very demanding for the visual effects provided.


Customer support well lets face it i think most people can agree i dont think there is any, i made a thread in the suggestion forum to improve this as its just currently a automated message response for every issue and your never informed of anything. 2 days was my quickest response, my longest is over 2 weeks and still pending.


Orbital stations - air locks etc etc, speaks for itself totally pointless exercise i understand it adds more to the game from a RP prospective but it is totally pointless.


Bugs bugs bugs list is endless, originally i thought they'd be fixed pronto but nah alot still persist in the game such as bosses bugging out in FP's/Hm's/Op's. Biggest one being the Ranchor boss, theres a bug when you zone in you have a possibility of dying from nothing as our OPS group realised when the boss was dead someone zoned in and died instantly, originally we thought it was cleave but no, its a zone in death bug. Speeders in EV killing people while your riding them?? Soa being a complete bug fest. 'Interergator?' think thats its name in d7 makes clones of your party members (makes hundreds of troopers) I could go on but those are the more game breaking ones i can remember.


EU maintenance times, basically breaking into 'peak' game time for us.


PVP fun for a while till u realise its a endless grind with no real point to it, pvper's need a reason to play like arena/rated wz's with an additional new set of gear added. Nobody wants to eternally play battlegrounds for no 'end game'.


World PVP as stated up nearly unplayable (FPS), faction ratio's completely unbalanced across most servers.


End game gear system, Hm's give a columi token at the end, Op's normals give columi gear, tionese is basically pointless as by the time u've gotten enough points from running HM's you'll prob have a full set of columi. HM ops drop rakata, Nightmare Ops drop .... Rakata.. so my main point is it should have been Tionese - Columi - Rakata not Columi Rak Rak, makes the whole process null and void really.


End game OPs bosses and encounters, no real brain requirement before nightmares the encounters are generally to easy they could make them harder and more complex in someways, it wouldnt hurt to make most of the encounters far more difficult or add more complexity alot of fights are tank + spank, move a little etc, SoA is the only real encounter in the game.


Endgame overall not much to do, you gear up pretty quick if you put a bit of time in, then you have nothing to do, HM's become pointless quickly, pvp is a grindfest with no end goal, not enough OP bosses to work through. More options are needed overall to keep the consumer busy! You can do datacrons, craft or get your companions rep to 10k but after that your options are very limited to making more toons to get to the same problem of after 1-2 weeks at 50 you have nothing to do apart from log on at a raid time!


Pointless NPCS, planets feeling dead visually. Its always the same time of day on every planet, never goes night to light or light to night etc, Coursant looked great when i first visited all the flying cars big city views to the side, none of the other planets have anything great to look at no amazing buildings or what not, it just adds more to the game overall if something gripping makes the player go 'wwoooowww'. NPCs all stand still doing nothing, nothing feels very alive within this aspect of the game.


Playable races, everything is basically a human with different colour skin or a few little things eg. spikes or jewelery, a few complete alien races would have been awesome even just ones that spoke basic.


Voice acting, they are great in some ways but my main hang-up is that every body type of every single class has the exact same voice if voice acting cost so much why does every consular class regardless of body type or what not have the same voice as every other ingame! Some originality would have been great, also the repeat of the same lines over and over gets tiresome, a few times is forgiven but using the same line for threats over and over.....


Think i covered most of my issues within the current game will have missed out some things im sure but i got the jist out!


Overall i played my free month, re-subbed hoping i'd keep going but after 3 days after my re-sub i realised i had absolutely nothing to do ingame anymore unless i wanted to pointlessly pvp all day (i was Rank 52 valor from playing just for dailys everyday). I only logged my main for raids.... lvled toons decided i didnt want to play a game for the single player grind 8 times to see all the storys! so i cancelled my sub! hoping in a few months the game has more to do! Till then i'll wait on Diablo and play other things to keep me amused!

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Class Design/Talent design is incredibly boring, lackluster, and the classes just don't really feel any different from one another.


Lack of attention to Star Wars lore which undermines the story for me.


Was in beta several months before launch and besides bug fixing the game has really gotten worse.

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Needs some major improvements to maintain my sub past 2-3 Months however, I enjoy the ability to play through it with friends, but sometimes i get the feeling that I'm playing a Co-Op game not a MMO.


This isn't always a bad thing, but running out of things to do is.

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Just because someone votes no does not necessarily mean that they hate the game. I am one such person who voted no, but I hold hopes that Bioware will pull through for me.

Already voted so don't count me twice ;)


So wanted to say I totally agree with you. Some of us try to look at the long term. For now the game is broken/half finished/lacking, well name it the way you like but one thing is certain it does not do the trick and it's bleeding subscriptions too fast.


Once again it seems many of us don't hate the game and want it to be insanely successful.

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NO, some classes have way too many advantages compared to others.

Pvp needs more restrictions, stun immunity snare immunity...like that.

Ilum needs world debuffs and buffs. So 20 imps v.s. 12 repubs is not totalaly unfair.

Team teleport or shuttle for groups please.

Cross server pvp and or the ability to switch.

Galatic group finder please! I am not the only one who needs to do a certain mission, it just happens the people who need to do it also are on different planets.

Mentor/Sidekick/Master system for playing with new toons at 50.

High level 50 pve gear for single player. Flashpoint loot is random.


... Dang if this was not Bioware and Star Wars I would quit.

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Don't count me again because I already voted.


I did forget a couple things.


Character customization (since I see myself a lot during the cut scenes):

- Every single female character I created had the exact same face because the others were weird/ugly, shaped strangely, etc.

- Every single character I created had the same body type (2) because my other choices consisted of anorexic, amazon woman, or chubby woman.

- Every single character I created had the same complexion because for some bizarre reason, the complexions are tied in with the eyebrows. I might find eyebrows I liked, but the complexion looked diseased. Or I might find a complexion I liked, but the eyebrows made her look surprised, scared, or about to cry.


Also: Why can the Sith Inquisitor make gear for both itself and it's tank companion with Synthweaving, but the Jedi Consular can only make gear for itself with same but not its tank? :confused:

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I like it but not enough to continue a subscription at this point. I plan to hit my Xbox 360 for awhile, maybe go back to LotRO for awhile (since I have a F2P with most unlocks) and keep an eye on this game to see what they do with it in the upcoming months. If the changes I'm looking for don't happen withint the next couple of months I'll probably lose interest entirely and write it off. (which is usually what happens with new MMOs for me).


There's been a few MMOs out there (namely Warhammer) that I have a years worth of subscription fees to or more hoping for a change only to see it make changes for the worse, not better.


I have high hopes for SWtOR but I'm done financing hopes and dreams. :p


I think the game has alot of positives though and I plan to keep playing it until the end of my current sub.

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Yes, I love it, but I want so much more. I love the story, companion interaction and love interests. I'm just worried BW has backed themselves into a wall and made a very expensive game to produce. Thus it will be slow for new things to come. To continue the stories has to be expensive and time consuming.


This game has endless potential. Something I'm so afraid BW will give up on due to costs. Is it perfect? No, but dang close. I would like to see more vibrant planets, maybe something like Pandora in Avatar. I love planets with a lot of vegetation and vibrant colors.


I have to say exploring in an open like MMO is what I so enjoy a lot as well. Seeing new planets and creatures make me ahh in wonder. I want more adult love themes and a few darker story lines. As I said more details that make it feel more like a real environment, but I understand time/cost issues.


As far as bugs, what bugs? I've had so few it's not even worth mentioning. Except for the last patch which made my game lag spike from time to time. Otherwise it's been running great for me. Can't complain in that department. Where do you guys get all the bug claims from? lol

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