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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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I love how the No people keep voting over and over.


OP assures us that this is covered...


Also most of the community does not love how certain people keep trolling in this thread and derailing it over and over.


Lets stay on topic.

Thank you.

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NO, the game was better on release day than it is now a few patches later, sadly, every mmo i ever played i can say the exact same words too... go figure... i'll take all the bugs if they remove all the nerfs/content changes, pvp was fine before, now it's too easy to rank up, playing with ppl under 50 was fun, now warzones are silly since no one can kill anyone when half the teams are healers.


no i'm not an operative, but still the nerfs this early without a combat log = ridiculous! im the biggest starwars fan PERIOD, as such ive already bought 6month subs on both my accounts, but im losing full faith in this game and the devs sadly.


As time goes on my faith is diminishing, if i dont see High Rez option for graphics within 3 months thall be me out of the door as well.


Yeah soemone will say who cares, well it must be thousands who have gone already because of all the major issues that were in at launch and if more and more go its the death nail, or if not death, itll just be a mediocre affair for the game.


All the hype and advertising and all the money thats been spent and its actually (in its present state, WITHOUT the fact its Star Wars) a very mediocre game.


How many HONESTLY would stay if it WASNT based around Star Wars, id probably have gone already.

Edited by Urko
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The story thing, and the focus in casual player, more than in hardcore players, are the main things I like.


If they solve the High Res issues (At least for the people who have high-end PCs), the lack of "alive word" feeling (Adding some "sandbox MMORPG" mechacincs) and some new ideas, I'll keep playing for a long time.

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How many HONESTLY would stay if it WASNT based around Star Wars, id probably have gone already.


Unfortunately even SW huge fans and long time mmo players are leaving too. Me included.

I give it few more weeks before even the fact that its "SW" wont help the game.

Edited by Riddickcz
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Unfortunately even SW huge fans and long time mmo players are leaving too. Me included.

I give it few more weeks before even the fact that its "SW" wont help the game.


Im still hoping March patch turns it around , but if i dont see better textures (which is what I want) then as said im off.

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Im still hoping March patch turns it around , but if i dont see better textures (which is what I want) then as said im off.


They would need to go back to white paper to actually fix all the stuff in the game. Which aint gonna happen, so there is no way it will ever get better. Not with this team, not with this engine, not with this mentality.

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They would need to go back to white paper to actually fix all the stuff in the game. Which aint gonna happen, so there is no way it will ever get better. Not with this team, not with this engine, not with this mentality.



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Absolutely, yes.


I have been leveling a bounty hunter in recent days. Got her the armor set from the Taris heroics and quest chain. So I have her all decked out and I'm running back through one of the areas, when I noticed the armor had a particular sheen to it, with shadows and light glancing off it, so that it looked like an actual piece of armor someone would've made as in the original movies, perhaps. And I stopped long enough to pan my camera all around her, watching how the light shown on the armor, thinking, "Whoah...that is cool."


That's the sort of attention to detail that blows my mind about this game. How each one of the quests and missions and story lines all tie together into one great big tale, how I can go from playing my Republic characters to see how my Imperial characters undermined what they did, and vice versa, even.


It's a truly great game already. With the potential for new stuff, to boot, I am truly thrilled.

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Overall, this is an excellent game. It has room for improvement, but that is to be expected from any new game put out on the market. Being both a single RPG and an MMO avid fan, this game caters to both of these interests and I must say that all the completeness that we are accustomed to in SRPG's is extremely welcomed in an MMO. And of course, it's Star Wars, the revelation that shaped a good part of my existence the day it walked into my life.


My biggest issue so far has been performance, I had a pretty average machine and it really ran TERRIBLY on it, barely being able to keep 20 fps at best, dipping under 10 all too often, 3-4 min loading screens, etc. I have switched to a new machine this week and it now runs like a charm (2500$ later, ugh). I was due for a switch, but if it wasn't for that game I could have waited another year or two since I can play all other recent games at acceptable settings/FPS... but this on just killed it, totally.


Other than that, I pretty much despise the attitude here on the forums. I feel the negativity is about 100,000 times worse than it warrants and honestly it's pretty depressing to come on here and find so much bickering and ************. In fact, I think the moderators should apply a zero tolerance policy to the kind of BS we see on here daily, there is so much crap that it's hard to find something interesting or positive to read.


I must admit I'm concerned about the downtimes though. I'm not going to start a debate on it, but I'm a software engineer and I really hope they smooth things out real fast. They should quickly aim at making the downtime 1 time a week and also work on making it much shorter than it is. I have played pretty much all MMO's to come out since 2004ish and this is by far the worse track record ever. Even Vanguard which had a million more bugs than this game didn't get half as much downtime, it's really something that could lead to a lot of anger from the player base.. A couple of weeks can be excused, but if this goes on too long, I'm sure it will hurt the game very badly.


There's still a lot of room for improvement, but it is an extremely solid base to build on.

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I normally wait 1-2 years post launch to join an MMO because that's when I feel MMOs begin to hit their stride. No-one forced me to join for the launch day. I am quite happy with what SWTOR is offering me at launch, and I am excited to see how SWTOR will evolve over the next few years.


I'm not as hooked on SWTOR as I have been in other MMOs, but since this is my 4th MMO I'm paying a sub for, that could just be attributed to genre fatigue.

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Too restrictive on everything.


I'm going to have to say "No" as well for the same reasons. Too linear. Too restrictive.


Plus, i've realized that i'm looking for something new in an MMO for endgame. I'm tired of chasing that carrot all the time to get the best gear.

Edited by UA_Wookie
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I'm enjoying this game immensely.


I've been through my share of disappointing MMO launches. AoC, FFXIV, STO, WAR and this game so far definitely isn't a disappointment to me.


Yeah it's buggy and needs work, but I have faith that this particular Dev Team can get the job done right if given time.

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Yes I do.


The only thing I don't like is Ilum in its current iteration. In my opinion they should make it more like an old school Alterac Valley with different points containing NPC guards which can be upgraded through items looted from dead enemies, with PvP oriented quests that can allow buffs to your side or bomber runs or NPC walkers/droids that actually help your side. Make it a lot more interesting and dynamic.


Right now it's basically just ring around the rosie at central assault looking for boxes.

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I am definitely enjoying the game... I have been playing since Jan 13th and I enjoyed every minute of this game.. I can't wait until they extend the legacy system... I also think there are "paid" haters in these forums just my opinion though.
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YES! Enjoy it so far, because I am taking my time not to hit max lvl in a month because that seems to be where most complaints lye. I do think the fact that it seems like half the game population hit lvl 50 within 2 weeks of release is the underlying issue.
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