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fighting against imperial agents = automatic death?


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How do you fight imperial agents?


Here are the problems

1. you can't jump to them. he can attack you while you walk toward him.

2. if you manage to reach him, your hp is already half way down, and he can knock you back and you just repeat #1 again.

3. and if you manage to reach him again, he will stun you.

4. he can go invisible, knock you down, and spam 5k damage while you are down.

5. he is immune to interrupts


what can jedi knights do?

Edited by JoonKimDMD
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How do you fight imperial agents?


Here are the problems

1. you can't jump to them. he can attack you while you walk toward him.

2. if you manage to reach him, your hp is already half way down, and he can knock you back and you just repeat #1 again.

3. and if you manage to reach him again, he will stun you.

4. he can go invisible, knock you down, and spam 5k damage while you are down.

5. he is immune to interrupts


what can jedi knights do?


Someone asks for advices and the first post is already a troll. This forum keeps getting better.


I'm not the greatest sentinel around. but one thing i do is go invisible to try to reach him.


other one is to use the skill with 99% reduction, and release all the damage the fastest i can, to try to put him down before i die.


to me, it is a hard fight, but i'm sure someone else will come with a much better strategy.


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Line of sight never fight on their terms if u run in a straight line at them yes you are dead.


Then how do you fight them :confused:

Let's say you don't go after them, but they came near you and then take cover, start shooting at you to take alderaan node? or what if they were the ones defending the node?

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They are a pretty good 1v1 class, but pvp is rarely balanced 1v1.


Usually I wait until they open up on someone else, then jump in and lay the smackdown on them. Sure, it's nice to help someone in a jam, but mostly I just like attacking them when they least expect it, so they know how much that sucks.


On a serious note, when you have good enough gear that your health is 15k+, you can survive the initial cc and pop some defensive cds, that should keep you alive long enough to either get help, get away, or fight back.

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Well, the Sentinel has their in-combat invisibility. That's always useful for closing on a stationary class that can't be charged. As for the Guardian, I'd suggest getting out of line of sight, switching to your tank stance, then running straight at 'em. The Sniper deals mostly "weapon damage" and other damage which is able to be mitigated by armor and shields, so your overall mitigation is fairly high against many of their attacks.



Edited by Macheath
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1v1 a good sniper is a hard nut for us sentinels.


what i try to do (dot-specced):

-run to him as close as possible (assuming there are no objects for LoS)

- as soon as he starts shooting me I use camoflouge (now you should be on him)

- opening with zealous strike, cauterization (snared now)

- trinket his stun

- when he's on the move => force leap / if already in cover again, he cant be that far since he was snared

- as soon as I have some dots on him : foce stasis

- if needed: medpack/saberward

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I dueled my gunslinger friend a hundred times to work this one out. Every move they have: The gunslingers have too. Every different scenario you know of, every possible ambush, run through it with a friend. Bout 2-3 hours of work and you'll have it all down pat. Everyone is a little different, though. So I can't give you a play-by-numbers, but give that a whirl.
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To answer your thread title question: Yes, automatic death - for them!


A sniper has absolutely no way to counter a lvl 50 good sentinel. Mainly because of the constant bugs with channel skills of the class when facing melee opponents.


Just do the following:


- stay real close to them at all times

- move around in circles while hitting them

- time your interrupts/stealth with their use of Ambush

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A good sniper is the most challenging fight you'll have as a DPS knight.

Even DPS guardians will have trouble. I met one really good Sniper yesterday. I basically had to use all of my cooldowns to kill her.




To answer your thread title question: Yes, automatic death - for them!


A sniper has absolutely no way to counter a lvl 50 good sentinel. Mainly because of the constant bugs with channel skills of the class when facing melee opponents.


Just do the following:


- stay real close to them at all times

- move around in circles while hitting them

- time your interrupts/stealth with their use of Ambush



What do you do when they use their knockback and have it talented so it roots you in place?

Then they follow that root up with their other one. Then they stun you when you get close and if you break out of that one, they flash bang your face.

What do you do then?


Also, they're immune to interrupts.

Edited by Faolon
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As a guardian, what I try to do is:


LoS until you get close (or pop defense trinket, enure and saber ward)

Saber throw

When close enough, force stasis so he doesn't throw you back again when you are onto him, Force Sweep as you close gap.

If he breaks CC, you are close enough to Force Push, them Force Leap, them Hilt Strike, Force Freeze, pop expertise boost and damage him (keeping your back to a wall or object), them he will CC you or throw you out and root you. Either way, Resolute, If you are close enough - Awe. At this point, he should have taken a lot of damage for you to use Dispatch, if not, he probably has way better equips them you, so turn away (popping others damage reductions cooldowns) and pick another fight. :)


If, in the middle of the process, he goes invisible while close to you: force freeze, try and guess his position and do an AoE there. If you missed, get away (pop damage reduction cd) trying to LoS, if he manage to cc you and you already used Resolute, soak up the damage (hopefully your DR CD will be up), use medpack and start over.


Its hard to figure every situation here on the forum, but this is a really interesting thread to see how other people approach this situation.

Always be aware to LoS corners and map health boosts.


This is a really tough fight. And really really avoid them in Hutt Ball (the layout gives them a lot of advantages).

Edited by EdAraujo
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