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Yes, There is a possibility he might return.. But why should he?

THat's what baffles me, Hasn't Revan already had his shining moment in KoToR?

Why not let these new characters be in the center for awhile?


Should he? Hell no.


Should he have even been in this game? Hell no.


Why was he? Money. The draw of a beloved character, the chance to pit your skills against him, find his true reasons for disappearing, see his true face, etc.


Why will he be brought back? Money. The draw of seeing a much beloved character back from the dead...again! OMG Revan's so cool and powerful he's back again!!11!!


...Look, I liked Revan as much as the next guy. I think his Force philosophy and balance of Dark and Light are fascinating. But he needs to stay dead and in the past, so he can stay great.


And do you know what price we payed for this?

We lost the Exile...

With her we lost...

The wisdom of Kreia




Edited by RoadtoArkham
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My response from Drew K about 5-6 months back.


You're right, I can't comment on this. But I will say that we've been

working on this for a long time at BioWare and I have been involved. I'll

also say that the fate people saw in the beta may not be what ships with

the game; we're thinking about leaving the door open just a crack.

(wink-wink, say no more)



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My response from Drew K about 5-6 months back.


You're right, I can't comment on this. But I will say that we've been

working on this for a long time at BioWare and I have been involved. I'll

also say that the fate people saw in the beta may not be what ships with

the game; we're thinking about leaving the door open just a crack.

(wink-wink, say no more)




You have it right there. ;)


And I just do not get why you are so "anti-Revan". Why you don't want him to be back? As for me, the current ending is a bit disappointing (or rather unexplained because if it is not the definite ending, its not bad at all). I am sure that BioWare will deliver great story twist related to Revan. And not only him, both the Exile and Kreia may come back. ;) We just have to wait and see.

Edited by Deviss
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He's dead, Jim. He had to die. It was painfully obvious that his link with the Emperor was affecting his mind. It's a mercy killing if anything... He comes off as bat*** crazy until the moment of his death, where you see some of his old self shine through.


Tragic and sad, but at least it gave closure.


He'll probably be 'back' as a force ghost in the inevitable death of Vitiate.

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All BioWare have to do if they want to bring Revan back later is explain that the one at the Foundry was a clone with implanted memories - also conveniently explaining why he wasn't as kick-*** as the higher-level one they now produce.
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You have it right there. ;)


And I just do not get why you are so "anti-Revan". Why you don't want him to be back? As for me, the current ending is a bit disappointing (or rather unexplained because if it is not the definite ending, its not bad at all). I am sure that BioWare will deliver great story twist related to Revan. And not only him, both the Exile and Kreia may come back. ;) We just have to wait and see.


I am pro-Revan that is why i don't want him back. And hopefully Kreia won't appear in this game bc for 99% they won't get her right. It's enough with what they did with the Exile and Revan, there is no need to retcon one more character.

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Yes, There is a possibility he might return.. But why should he?

THat's what baffles me, Hasn't Revan already had his shining moment in KoToR?

Why not let these new characters be in the center for awhile?

He should come back because there is so much more that can be done with him, like I said, him quoting Malak's last words was outright amazing... and I for one (yes, as a Revan fanboy) would pay Bioware a lot more money to see him come back, and I am not the only one... and I'm thinking Bioware is getting this impression from the forums, and since he was the main protagonist from their first Star Wars series I'm pretty sure he will come back.

Revan deserves a lot more then just one game, and Revan has to dissapear... but I'm thinking something along the lines that they will bring him in in an expansion pack, where the Republic's finest will have to join up with the Empire's finest to beat him and his Infinite Droid army and Revanite followers which he will empower. He may come back as a ghost, something like Naga Sadow, but he won't be bound to a tomb, so he will be more powerfull than Vitiate and Settile together.

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The Exile was always a better character than Revan. People just love him because he was meant to be a self-insert avatar of themselves and getting told 'you' were the most powerful Darth in the galaxy (in that period) tends to give people an even harder fanboy crush on him. Revan was a pretty bland character by most fictional standards. The Exile was written as an actual character rather than a blank slate (lolamnesia) which is why people found it harder to connect with her than dropping themselves into being Revan.


Revan is as dead as a doornail unless BioWare decide they suddenly want to bring him back for whatever reason. Honestly? All the fanboys crying about him likely just encouraged them to put him in there and get rid of him to shut them up because I don't think BioWare ever wanted to bring them back with a personal presence. "There's your Revan and now he's dead. Sucks to be him. Now you can shut up about it".

Edited by WhoDaresWins
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I emailed Drew Karpyshyn recently and asked him a few questions, here are the ones related to Revan's final fate (and his possible reappearance in the future):



Q: Did Revan really fall to the dark side again? How come he wants to commit genocide and exterminate the whole race? And how is that possible that Republic is supporting him in doing so - it's against all principles that the jedi believe in. And there are jedi aboard the foundry, along with republic troops.


A: Revan always walked on the edge of light and dark, and being corrupted by the Emperor's presence for 300 years did push him over in that direction. However, that doesn't mean he can't be redeemed again later - remember, you never see him die; he just vanishes. We left that door open on purpose.




Q: After the Foundry encounter, Revan speaks the same line as Malak did during his demise on the Starforge. Is this some sort of homage to Malak or? If yes, it kind of confirms that he fell to the Dark Side.


A: It's more of an homage than proof of anything.




Q: Is there a chance that you will ever write another book related to Revan? For example about his childhood, how Kreia found him and how he became a jedi. It would be great to find out more about him. We know that he came from the outer rim and that Revan was in fact not his real name (it was revealed in TOR: "Revan - it is not my real name, it never was, but it will do).


A: Nothing planned right now, but you never know what the future holds.



After reading the sentence I outlined, I am sure that we will see more of Revan in the future. Just can't wait! Revan will come back and will kick some major ***! :D

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  • 4 months later...

"Im… [cough] impossible. I… I cannot be beaten. I am the Dark Lord of the Sith."

"The power of the light will always be stronger than the dark side."

"Still… [cough] still spouting the wisdom [of] the Jedi, I see. Maybe there is more truth in their code than I ever believed. I… I cannot help but wonder, Revan. What would have happened had our positions been reversed? What if fate had decreed I would be captured by the Jedi? Could I have returned to the light, as you did? [cough] If you had not led me down the dark path in the first place, what destiny would I have found?"

"I am sorry I started you on this path. But you chose to continue down it."

"I suppose… I suppose you speak the truth. I alone must accept responsibility for my fate. I wanted to be Master of the Sith and ruler of the galaxy. But that destiny was not mine, Revan. [cough] It might have been yours, perhaps… but never mine. And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing."

―Darth Malak and Revan


I'm assuming you never have played the original KoTor Video Game.


And it is actually quite offending to think that Revan would die to us. He is one of the most powerful jedi's/ sith that has ever existed (Well, before that FP of course.)


How do you know that it referred to Malak?


While I am inclined to agree, I would never take such an assumption as fact.


I would say that he most definitely died in the Foundry, but that he did the vanishing act as a safeguard to future storylines, so that they can do whatever they want with him, should they want to retcon it.


Edit: I also want to state that Foundry is by far my favourite Flashpoint so far. It is reasonably long, has a great and coherent story, and is very fluid in how it plays. I absolutely love it, and even on level 49, I still take every opportunity to help friends through it, just so I can do it again and again.

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"Im… [cough] impossible. I… I cannot be beaten. I am the Dark Lord of the Sith."

"The power of the light will always be stronger than the dark side."

"Still… [cough] still spouting the wisdom [of] the Jedi, I see. Maybe there is more truth in their code than I ever believed. I… I cannot help but wonder, Revan. What would have happened had our positions been reversed? What if fate had decreed I would be captured by the Jedi? Could I have returned to the light, as you did? [cough] If you had not led me down the dark path in the first place, what destiny would I have found?"

"I am sorry I started you on this path. But you chose to continue down it."

"I suppose… I suppose you speak the truth. I alone must accept responsibility for my fate. I wanted to be Master of the Sith and ruler of the galaxy. But that destiny was not mine, Revan. [cough] It might have been yours, perhaps… but never mine. And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing."

―Darth Malak and Revan


I'm assuming you never have played the original KoTor Video Game.


And it is actually quite offending to think that Revan would die to us. He is one of the most powerful jedi's/ sith that has ever existed (Well, before that FP of course.)


I couldn't agree more. Just like Kreia said in KOTOR II, "Revan was power. It was like staring into the heart of the Force." So that means something. Revan is VERY powerful and seemingly omnipotent, as he deserves to be. So that means he's not dead. He more likely escaped.

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Not bothered by it in the slightest. Bioware gave us Revan to mess about with in the first place. Yes, they made it possible through the KOTOR (mainly with the impressive storytelling) for us to feel like we were Revan, but it was never going to be 'our' character. I have an ugly Shepard who wears bright pink armour in Mass Effect but I'm not going to complain that my vision of the story and character is different from theirs, the creators.

If I wrote a story about a character and presented it to the masses, I'd be happy if people liked them, but I would never waver from my own personal vision, as the creator of said character, just to please those masses, nor would I ever expect any other writer to do so.

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"Im… [cough] impossible. I… I cannot be beaten. I am the Dark Lord of the Sith."

"The power of the light will always be stronger than the dark side."

"Still… [cough] still spouting the wisdom [of] the Jedi, I see. Maybe there is more truth in their code than I ever believed. I… I cannot help but wonder, Revan. What would have happened had our positions been reversed? What if fate had decreed I would be captured by the Jedi? Could I have returned to the light, as you did? [cough] If you had not led me down the dark path in the first place, what destiny would I have found?"

"I am sorry I started you on this path. But you chose to continue down it."

"I suppose… I suppose you speak the truth. I alone must accept responsibility for my fate. I wanted to be Master of the Sith and ruler of the galaxy. But that destiny was not mine, Revan. [cough] It might have been yours, perhaps… but never mine. And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing."

―Darth Malak and Revan


I'm assuming you never have played the original KoTor Video Game.


And it is actually quite offending to think that Revan would die to us. He is one of the most powerful jedi's/ sith that has ever existed (Well, before that FP of course.)


Revan never was or has been one of the most powerful Jedi/Sith to have existed. There is nothing in official canon to back up this claim. Kreia's quotes about him can't be cited to support this because of her propensity to lie,shade the truth and manipulate and the fact she took pride in training him.


Revan fans always assign demigod status to Revan because of their emotional connection to him, I understand it as I am also a fan of Revan. However, I also know that he was nothing more than an extremely charismatic,brilliant tactician, distinctly above average Force user and saber duelist,former Sith Lord,redeemed Jedi and now most likely a Dark Jedi.


He was more powerful than a lot of Jedi and Sith out there in the SWU but calling him one of the most powerful ever is really pushing it..

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BTW, don't you find that revan can return as a companion? Let me explain. In Foundry he's in doubt: he's neither jedi, nor sith. Then he disapears. Possibly, we can find him somewhere and expalin Jedi Council used him (if we play Empire) and he's wrong (if we play republic)...
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guys please read the book revan and about the lvl 37s killing revan maybe when your lvl 50 iand you guys do it hardmode it might feel more right


ignore this. Drew Karpyshyn is a bad writer, just google the notes on it or go find a spoiler guide before you put more money into this hack's coffers.



as far as Revan being a consummate bad-*** and the most well done video game character, hmm a hmm, how well can you do a character that is almost entirely ambiguous for their cameo as they ARE a player character? answer; you can't. Everyone loves Revan because he/she was their revan. bioware just made the mistake of including revan so much in this game which cut an irony with the pains obsidian went to so that there was no "canon" ending to Kotor 1.


in my opinion, my top video game character ever would have to be Shodan from system shocks 1 and 2.

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  • 1 month later...

I've finally found a why to make the fight against Revan suitably awesome.


Solo him on HM.


I'm sure that Stevoo (the guy who soloed HM Malgus) could figure out a strategy.


To the best of my knowledge no one has downed HM Revan solo yet, so whoever does gets a World First.


Her's to fighting Revan the way it was meant to be done, 1vs1!

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Just read the OP.


1. Revan was lvl 36 with way too much HP's

2. Revan talked too much for his own good.

3. Revan was a psycho.

4. Rvan died by:

a. The Wrath of the emeperor (SW)

b. Darth Nox of the Dark Council (SI)

c. Champion of the great hunt and personal champion of mandalore (BH)

d. Head of imperial intelligence (Guess so.. IA)

this 4 prominent figures could wipe the floor with his face.

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Please, no. Can't we just bury the man and be done with it? Revan should not have been in this game in the first place. Death at the hands of the Emperor is far more epic than living 300 years and going insane. It would have done justice to his character, but having a man that many Revanites (by which I mean the forumites that worship him as the Force's gift to the galaxy) loved. But they did bring him into this game, but for one reason: money and subs. The Foundry flashpoint was available in beta and when people fought Revan and news about that got out, it drew in more people to play it.
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Please, no. Can't we just bury the man and be done with it? Revan should not have been in this game in the first place. Death at the hands of the Emperor is far more epic than living 300 years and going insane. It would have done justice to his character, but having a man that many Revanites (by which I mean the forumites that worship him as the Force's gift to the galaxy) loved. But they did bring him into this game, but for one reason: money and subs. The Foundry flashpoint was available in beta and when people fought Revan and news about that got out, it drew in more people to play it.


Agreed. Dying by a powerful being that is ruling the current galaxy is much better than becoming an insane lunatic that wants to wipe out an entire Race..

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Agreed. Dying by a powerful being that is ruling the current galaxy is much better than becoming an insane lunatic that wants to wipe out an entire Race..


It would have been perfect for his character. The guy players get to play as in KOTOR dies by the hand of the greatest villain that the galaxy had ever seen. It would have been justice, but now I can't even play KOTOR after seeing what Revan becomes.

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