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Get Rid of XP for PvP


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Are you serious? the exp gain for PVP is so tiny a small very very small portion. Just because you hate getting experience, doesn't mean other people don't. I just can't believe this post.


When warzone's first came out they nerfed the exp. Now I have to to do 4-5 just to even gain a small percentage of exp and I have to do it all day just to gain ONE level. Maybe this game isn't for you but it's not built for hardcore PVP.

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No, experience gain for PVP combat shouldn't be removed.

If anything, the experience gain for PVP combat should be increased and there should be XP for every kill. I'm not usually much of a PVP combatant, but gaining experience as well as other rewards motivates me enough to participate in PVP combat regularly. I'm having fun due to it. Although it was more fun before the reward nerf for loosing warzones, as I appear to be on the loosing side more often than not.

It's always been one of my gripes in other MMORPGs that you never got experience for participating in PVP combat.

Having the option to be able to level up your character several ways and with several different playstyles is a wonderful thing. It adds diversity in the leveling process and you cna do whatever you feel like doing at the time. Really good stuff.

Edited by Glzmo
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No no no no no no no.


I like being able to level up in PvP, especially low-level. It's what keeps me playing the game, and if I gained no benefit from it, it would seriously piss me off.


I think you should get XP for world kills, too. Hell, I think there should be whole questlines dedicated to PvP, a decent set of PvP gear for leveling in, and a ton of other neat stuff attached to the bare-bones system that's currently in place.


Take your twinking somewhere else. This and xp /off are both terrible ideas.

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So far pvp Xp has been huge for me. Having played for one week now, I love the xp/credits. I gained a few levels here and their. Most of the time I use the pvp xp system to finish off the last 10% or so of my level.


As far as turning it off, I can see if you pay credits to some general (in game rp) to turn off the commendations. People like to twink their alts, and I see no issue if the a player can simply turn his on/off.

Edited by Archdeaconzero
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No thanks. Twinks have ruined low level PvP in games like WoW, we don't need them here.

Not to mention that if you remove XP gain, queue times will increase exponentially because nobody would PvP anymore before level 49, since being facerolled by twinks is not fun.

Want to twink? Go play another game. This game is twink free, for the greater good.

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Title of the thread says it all. I won't go into a lengthy explanation...will let others argue it out and chime in if I feel like it...but I think most people know why. And no, I absolutely LOVE to PvP, so hold your horses on claiming I'm a carebear or some such nonsense.


Keep legacy XP for PvP

Dump character XP for PvP

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What is up with the almost 2 month old necro?


I dont even know what you're talking about.


Anyways, XP should be increased, it should be a viable way to level to 50 equal to the rate of speed questing offers. You dont like the speed of leveling then go level on planets that are green to you, that will slow it down.


Who cares how fast you level, no ones going to play a game where it takes you a year to max out, not anymore anyways.

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@OP if you feel you level too quick with PVP and story. try finishing the story before you start PVP, many ppl like to do the class quests and maybe the planet quests then top up there xp with a bit of PVP, so your suggestion is bad for the majority.


i agree with some others in the thread, it seem to me that you just don't want to ding 50 so you can gank all the noobs.

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I dont even know what you're talking about.


Anyways, XP should be increased, it should be a viable way to level to 50 equal to the rate of speed questing offers. You dont like the speed of leveling then go level on planets that are green to you, that will slow it down.


Who cares how fast you level, no ones going to play a game where it takes you a year to max out, not anymore anyways.


It means that before today, this thread had been dead and the issue had been dropped. Then someone decided to bring it back from the dead, only to make a comment that is exactly the same as probably 85% of the rest of the thread.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Not that I'd want to turn off XP in wz's, but if they did, then they should turn off commendation and valor gain as well, to make it fair. Otherwise it would be too easy to buy weapons from the pvp weapon vendor and harvest the expertise mods from them for other orange gear, not to mention other exploits.
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