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Why all the WoW hate?


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So many people Hate WoW on other games becouse it has ruined the standard of MMOs it set the bar so high by being so casaul that harder games get flamed by hordes of "this isnt WoW this is to hard i cant get x/x/x/x/etc"


Dont get me wrong the game was good and there are parts of it that are "hard" but by any mean s the AVG WoW fanboy played easy mode and never did any of the hard things thus complain when other games dont offer the eays mode route. the only players that realy have a right to say anything are the top raid guilds and Live streamers that have done all the world 1st killed are the world boss and raid boss and can do it with very few deaths.


TL:DR to many young kids played easy mode WoW without raiding and got the hand out gear and think there ******'s then complain when they cant do it on other games

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I'm bored to death of wow, no matter what content they come out with, how much they change the game. I can't get into it anymore. To some people that brings hate, to me however, I'm thankful that wow gave me so many years of fun. More than any other game.


Well said!



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So, anyone on these forums brings up anything even remotely wow related and people start raging. First of all, wow was a great game in it's prime and if you doubt this then think of the reason bioware made swtor, to compete in the lucritive MMO market that WoW established. Second of all, MMO is an archtype, there are bound to be major similarities in mechanics as well as gameplay and most of those similarities wow improved on if not perfected, so saying swtor is not like wow is a little strange as they're taking a lot of their features from wow. So it's easy to see how they're, at the very least, comparable. Also, the majority of people telling others to go back to wow have in fact played wow.


Also, for those of you deluded enough to think the (current) lack of dmg meters will fix all of the elitism problems WoW had, you're sorely mistaken. There will always be something to gripe on.


TL;DR: They're comparable games, so stop being annoying when anyone says anything about wow.


I totally agree with you. I used to love WoW. After WotLK I got bored and a few months into Cataclysm I quit. I've always said that the game that will rival WoW would be one that takes everything that is good about it and leaves everything that is bad.


Also I love how people call everything a WoW clone when I've played games older than WoW that looked the same. Maybe WoW is the clone? :p


I think people just look at the UI and think "Oh, it's all the same as WoW." When really action bars, mini map, chat box and everything else is the MMO standard. It would be like saying CoD is a clone of Battlefield (or which ever came out first) because you play the game in first person and there is a health bar and an ammo count on the screen. I don't think they use health bars anymore but you get the idea. :p

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I agree with your fourth point, however most people do not have an extensive knowledge of mmo history and therefore compare it to what they know: WoW. Are you really going to fault them for that? If so, leave your elitist views at the door and think about it again.


As for your first point, I would disagree. WoW brought the mmo gamer base from the hundreds of thousands into the millions, they definitely popularized the genre.


I agree that each new MMO builds upon it's predecessor, but that would allow for comparisons, wouldn't you agree?


I will fault someone for not doing their homework before making a grand post like the OP. If knowing my MMO history because I'm and MMO fan makes me an elistist... well, I'm okay with that. I'll just park my elitist views up here and post away.


I would agree that WoW did a lot for the genre, but I would stick to the fact that they really didn't invent much. They just marketed the crap out of it.


As I said before there are a few areas were SWTOR and WoW should be compared, I have not problem with that.

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It's these Nerd-Rage MMO Elitists. The old-school UA, EQ players who consider themselves to be the only true MMO players. I guess even a number of vanilla WoW hardcore types fall into it. They have a disdain for WoW and casual gammers. They don't like that WoW has an accessibility that appeals to casuals. They think that MMO's should cater to them, regardless of how many other paying customers, would be paying for the content. They believe in things like extreamly harsh death penalties and crafting systems that turn into a second job. They are a selfish and neurotic group who refuse to accept reality. They used to have a lot of influence on gamming, but their day has passed.



i would like to say the same...

*********** kids thats crying over nothing compared how games where back in the days, i played Lineage 2 and DAoC back in the days, and after 10 years of mmo gaming, i think WoW was pretty decent.. If you think of accessibility as you said, old mmo`s had lots of grinding and such, as you said, some games had full focus on party play in endgame or the hole game (final fantasy online) , and it took AGES to get a good group, not to mention the lvl progression L2 had..


Some kids think they know all about the mmo`s when they played WoW as their first mmo.


And whining about WoW not beeing inoative with new systems, whats "new" in SWTOR?

not a single ****, everything has been done before.. hell its the 2nd Starwars mmo, after SWG`s



with that said, PVP nowadays are SCRAP, to casual , thats why i hope TERA-online is going back to the roots of FFA pvp , not this 2 sided care bear faction ****.. the mmo market now is allways going for the easy pvp rout..

Kill or be killed!



seriously, i curse the day they made mmo`s mainstream, i want the old MMO community back, not this troll kid **** that we see now adays.. whining about everything..



my guess... SWTOR gonna fail like SWG did.. only reason ppl play this is because its HYPED like every other game now adays, my bet, ppl gonna go back to wow when the expantion hits,.. every mmo`s since TBC has been told to be a WoW "killer" still every single one of em has failed or gone F2P...

Edited by MrDarkey
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440K players WAS lucrative back then for an MMO. Now 12 million is. compared to a FPS 12 million is nothing. For their time they were very successful and lucrative.


LOL we're not comparing the mmo market to the FPS market, genius. FPS's are way more mainstream then mmos but blizzard brought the mmo market into the broader public which in turn created the huge budget for swtor.

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So, anyone on these forums brings up anything even remotely wow related and people start raging. First of all, wow was a great game in it's prime and if you doubt this then think of the reason bioware made swtor, to compete in the lucritive MMO market that WoW established. Second of all, MMO is an archtype, there are bound to be major similarities in mechanics as well as gameplay and most of those similarities wow improved on if not perfected, so saying swtor is not like wow is a little strange as they're taking a lot of their features from wow. So it's easy to see how they're, at the very least, comparable. Also, the majority of people telling others to go back to wow have in fact played wow.


Also, for those of you deluded enough to think the (current) lack of dmg meters will fix all of the elitism problems WoW had, you're sorely mistaken. There will always be something to gripe on.


TL;DR: They're comparable games, so stop being annoying when anyone says anything about wow.



When Lord of The Rings Online launched there was countless WoW player spamming the world channels that the game was a "WoW Clone".


SW:TOR is taking existing mechanics from MMO's that pre-date WoW by at least 3 years but again the usual state of the WoW crowd is that SW:Tor is using WoW features, it's complete rubbish.


I have beta tested other MMO's and eventually some WoW player will state the game is a "WoW clone".


So I will continue to dislike the game as long it's infest other MMO launches with their usual X Game is a WoW clone comments.

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young and old enjoy this game, but well, from what i see, they are goiing more to the kids ( wonder witch adult wanna play with a panda)


My wife wants a panda the moment she saw reveal video she said.. is it horde and when.. don't assume that adults don't like something just cause you don't..


She loves WoW and has zero interest in ToR. Some people just don't dig Star Wars..

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They are not taking the features from wow, because those features were not innovated by wow, GET IT ? thats what anoys people, newbie mmo players who think that wow is the birth father of all modern mmo's, It is not.


True, because no other MMO compares to WoW, in fact as of this moment no other significantly developed MMO released on a major platform (please do not bring up Farmville) is even living in the same universe as World of Warcraft.


You can complain all you want about anything you want to about WoW, or Blizzard for that matter. You can complain that they cater to casual players, that there are too many hardcore elitests (funny how both of those arguments exist). That the game engine is broken (nothing is perfect and if that's what you are looking for you'll be sorely disappointed by anything you do.) and that nothing is balanced. But the fact of the matter is that on a comparative scale WoW is NOT Goliath and every other MMO is not David. WoW is the Death Star, and as of right now every other MMO is just praying not to become Alderaan.


As far as some of the features that exist in WoW also existing in SWTOR, I'd like to point out something. Entertainment (in any form) is a COPYCAT business, if it works for someone (and so far WoW is the ONLY THING that works.) then someone else is going to try it.


As a gamer myself do I find it disappointing that WoW is the only truly successful MMO out there? Yes, I wish I had choices to go somewhere else and try something else. Am I impressed that even given the COMPLETE LACK OF COMPETITION in the marketplace that Blizzard continues to upgrade/innovate on their product. Yes, frankly when someone has a stranglehold on a market it's common that companies spend time and money destroying their competitors not trying to improve their product. So KUDOS to Blizzard.


In all honesty all I can hope for is that Bioware and EA have figured out the key ingredient that Blizzard brought to the MMO table that made their game so unbelievably successful where so many others had only seen marginal success in the past. Whatever it is, I hope that Bioware, and EA found it, and that they USE THE EVERLOVING @%#$ out of it. Cause I desperately want SWTOR to be as successful as WoW. And I'm not afraid to say it.

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personaly i disslike wow because of the fundamental changes they made to the game. In the beginning, there was like 90% casual and 10% elite players. The pvp, pve and all that was designed so that a handfull of people could achieve incredible feats. Like winning a 1 v 5 pvp scenario, rare but it happened. There was so much to explore back then, simply because so few could actually enter and take down bosses and instances.


During the years they started to add in mmo "wheelchairs" so that people could catch up. Suddenly 100% of the players where elite. Not only by gear and beeing able to down whatever they want, they also picked up the attitude. I have 200-300 people i played with during vanilla, and i cant stand beeing around them ingame nowadays sience all seem to have picked up the "elitist jerk" attitude with the gear. "hey guys! Wanna come play with us in this instance, nice to get to know you" became... Inspect/fu..


They even "rigged" pvp, back in the days, a skilled player would down a bad player within seconds, if two good players faced eachother the fight was as long as it is today. Back then it was more split second desicions that added action to the gameplay that made it exiting, suddenly they pured porage into the game thru resilience mechanics and what not.


Some people, like me, spent alot of time investing in learning and gearing ect and suddenly, fresh people could achieve the same with no effort at all. This, was my personal reason to dissliking wow. Im glad i wasnt playing when the panda expansion trailer was out. Cause i would probably go into a catatonic depression.

What where they smoking when they designed the "kung fu panda/china please start paying us 15dollars a month" expansion? =/


and finaly... Due to the pvp gear req they locked people out. Back in the days, gear was gear. You could pvp with it, and pve. Youre not raiding tonight, its full... Oh no problem! I will go pvp instead, cause its fun! Nowadays tho, you cant just decide to go pvping, due to pvp gear you have to commit just as much time as in getting your pve gear. In other words, if you cant join the raid tonight, drama begins cause there is nothing to do, fights, people leave guilds, drama and so on. So if you focus on one of these things (pve/pvp), you cant do the other properly ect...



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I'm bored to death of wow, no matter what content they come out with, how much they change the game. I can't get into it anymore. To some people that brings hate, to me however, I'm thankful that wow gave me so many years of fun. More than any other game.


This ^^


I loved it, but I've been there and done that - played it for so long, I can't get into it anymore at all... which is also the reason why I'm quite fearful for SWTor trying too hard to go in the same direction as WoW.


If SWTor ends up being a simple WoW reskin, I can't see us old WoW players who got fed up with it, staying and playing after the class storylines are done.

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Even compared to FPS, those numbers are staggering. Then factoring in monthly pay fee's on top of it. The sheer wealth generated by WoW in its glory, defies any other video game to date.


Not trying to nitpicking here, but right now it's more like 10mil and that number is comprised of :


1) chinese players for something between 50 and 60%, that don't buy boxes and don't pay monthly fees (they pay by the hour);


2) whoever played even just a month and then cancelled, still counts for ActiBlizzard toward the Quarter numbers;


so they are really making money from those 3-4 millions westerners that still play it.


Nothing against WOW, used to be a great game (and a decent MMO), but there is a lot of people who started playing MMOs with WOW that believe it's original: there is NOTHING in WOW that hasn't been copied from other games. So saying SW:TOR is a WOW clone is quite ridiculous

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Some kids think they know all about the mmo`s when they played WoW as their first mmo.



seriously, i curse the day they made mmo`s mainstream, i want the old MMO community back, not this troll kid **** that we see now adays.. whining about everything..




I agree that the greatest crime committed by Bliz was diluting teh genre and opening the flood gates to all the halo kids...


But I doubt TOR will fail, realistically

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Biggest thing to kill decent mmo's was casuals wanting what people worked hard by spending a lot of time working for. and the arena people who wanted the same level items as the pve lot.


arena crowed killed world pvp. casuals killed the feeling of propper raids.


sorry to people who are either or both but thats my take on it

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True, because no other MMO compares to WoW, in fact as of this moment no other significantly developed MMO released on a major platform (please do not bring up Farmville) is even living in the same universe as World of Warcraft.


You can complain all you want about anything you want to about WoW, or Blizzard for that matter. You can complain that they cater to casual players, that there are too many hardcore elitests (funny how both of those arguments exist). That the game engine is broken (nothing is perfect and if that's what you are looking for you'll be sorely disappointed by anything you do.) and that nothing is balanced. But the fact of the matter is that on a comparative scale WoW is NOT Goliath and every other MMO is not David. WoW is the Death Star, and as of right now every other MMO is just praying not to become Alderaan.


As far as some of the features that exist in WoW also existing in SWTOR, I'd like to point out something. Entertainment (in any form) is a COPYCAT business, if it works for someone (and so far WoW is the ONLY THING that works.) then someone else is going to try it.


As a gamer myself do I find it disappointing that WoW is the only truly successful MMO out there? Yes, I wish I had choices to go somewhere else and try something else. Am I impressed that even given the COMPLETE LACK OF COMPETITION in the marketplace that Blizzard continues to upgrade/innovate on their product. Yes, frankly when someone has a stranglehold on a market it's common that companies spend time and money destroying their competitors not trying to improve their product. So KUDOS to Blizzard.


In all honesty all I can hope for is that Bioware and EA have figured out the key ingredient that Blizzard brought to the MMO table that made their game so unbelievably successful where so many others had only seen marginal success in the past. Whatever it is, I hope that Bioware, and EA found it, and that they USE THE EVERLOVING @%#$ out of it. Cause I desperately want SWTOR to be as successful as WoW. And I'm not afraid to say it.


Well said.

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so they are really making money from those 3-4 millions westerners that still play it.


You do realize that 3-4 Million players is still about 15 times as many players as the next largest MMO currently on the market and about 10 times as many as the running player rate on the next largest MMO to have ever existed?

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I hated when WoW came out because it killed Planetside, which was and is the greatest MMO ever. But I went on to play WoW after a few years and enjoyed it. Not as good as Planetside but not bad and obviously not the same genre.

I still have WoW and Planetside accounts and jump on once in a while, I'll play TOR until Planetside 2 comes up, and then I'll have little time for other games. You won't find me slagging either TOR or WoW off because of some odd sense of loyalty to a new game I haven't played yet.

People like what they like. The likelyhood is TOR won't reach the levels of subscription that WoW did. Nor will Planetside 2. That doesn't make everyone who plays WoW a cretin, barely able to string a sentance together. It just means WoW is more popular, not better or worse.

And whichever way you look at it, it's hard to argue with 12,000,000 people.

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It's been said before but come ON! WoW did not invent MMORPGs, and it didn't perfect it either.


It just opened the door to the masses and made it accessible and cool.


Apple didn't invent mobile music devices and they didn't invent tablet computing. They didn't perfect them either.


They just opened the door to the masses and made it accessible and cool.


Each was a "tipping point" in a way.


Every product has a lifecycle and WoW's lifecycle is on the downward slope of the bell curve.


The hate on the forums comes from people feeling let down partially by WoW's incessant "balancing"

of classes, disappointing content updates, and the impending DoomTM of Pandas and Pokemon.


WoW appears to be trying to appeal to the junior end of the market and good luck to them.

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MMO i played



DAoC, EQ, EQ2, Istaria, Perfect world, Vanguard, Lineage 1 & 2,Star Wars Galaxy, Shadowbane, WoW since release and still playing, SWTOR Beta week end + Early access


WoW took the best idea of other mmorpg and did a good job at it.


WoW make it possible to play on low end computer because not everyone have the $$ to buy a new computer to play games.


Beside that everything was done way before WoW.


You will always compare new mmorpg to the first mmorpg that you played. Can't get that feeling anymore :-) I'm 56 years old and my first mmorpg was DAoC yes i played EQ after but the first time i log into a mmorpg was DAoC. I will never forget this first time :-)

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