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Is Mako the Best Companion for a Power Tech?


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Once you go Jawa you can't go back... :rolleyes:



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what do you mean with "can she hold you up while you tank/dps? " ? you mean if she herself can finish a mob or is it about giving enough healing while you pull nonstop mobs ? *scratches head in bewilderment*

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Once you go Jawa you can't go back... :rolleyes:



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what do you mean with "can she hold you up while you tank/dps? " ? you mean if she herself can finish a mob or is it about giving enough healing while you pull nonstop mobs ? *scratches head in bewilderment*


Like will you be able to play the style of you doing DPS/keeping Agro, while she heals? Is that probably the most effective way to play?


In other words, is Mako the best companion for a Tank specced Power Tech?

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Like will you be able to play the style of you doing DPS/keeping Agro, while she heals? Is that probably the most effective way to play?


hmmm, i'd have to say yes, go for the healing companion. just an assumption on my account, but i think healing will always trump faster kills through a dps companion, since you'd need to regenerate more often; and i don't think an additional tank companion would make any sense if the PC is already a tank.


and maybe sometime down the road we'll see a dual spec system so you can switch between tank and dps and fitting companions as a PT to adapt to the situation at hand.


i'm happy to go for blizz as a ranged tank as a dps merc, can't beat a jawa wit a RPG-launcher, and i'm dying to see the animation on http://www.torhead.com/ability/cq7dXZv :o

Edited by Thoinar
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  • 4 months later...

if you're a shieldtech powertech?


Mako? Not likely. Only if you're pyrotech.


As shieldtech you should be using Gault or Torian. By the time you're high enough to get them, (BH gets companions on a late schedule, you'll be near the end of tatooine when you pick up Gault.) You'll have enough points invested in the tank tree to be appreciably hard. At that point, its not a question of whether or not mobs are going to die, its how fast you want them to die. Use a DPS pet, as a tank you aren't going anywhere.


Of course, some people might say, "but I don't want any downtime between fights! I'll use the heal pet and then I'll finish every pack at 100%!"


Well, yea. But it will take you a minute to kill them all unless you wait for Death From Above to refresh between packs.


Trust me, use a DPS pet. You'll level faster. Downtime doesn't mean crap when your uptime is fast. Believe me, I've leveled every tank class to 50 and I never used the damn healbot for any of them.

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I can't stand Mako. I've given her good gear, taken off her dps abilities and she still sucks as a healer. The only healer I have used since obtaining him on my ship is Quinn. He is a BEAST with healing even with his DPS abilities on as well as his heal spec.


Mako doesn't do much. I prefer Torian. My advice, use Mako til you get Gault and then either use Gault or Torian after you get them. Faster kills. You have to heal up a smidge between fights, but it's safer this way as far as I'm concerned.

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Mako certainly makes solo life easier.


She's kind of annoying though, and light side.


Of course, if you're light side she and you will get along wonderfully. :)


I'd say she's very solid but best is relative. Depends on your playstyle.

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if you're a shieldtech powertech?


Mako? Not likely. Only if you're pyrotech.


As shieldtech you should be using Gault or Torian. By the time you're high enough to get them, (BH gets companions on a late schedule, you'll be near the end of tatooine when you pick up Gault.) You'll have enough points invested in the tank tree to be appreciably hard. At that point, its not a question of whether or not mobs are going to die, its how fast you want them to die. Use a DPS pet, as a tank you aren't going anywhere.


Of course, some people might say, "but I don't want any downtime between fights! I'll use the heal pet and then I'll finish every pack at 100%!"


Well, yea. But it will take you a minute to kill them all unless you wait for Death From Above to refresh between packs.


Trust me, use a DPS pet. You'll level faster. Downtime doesn't mean crap when your uptime is fast. Believe me, I've leveled every tank class to 50 and I never used the damn healbot for any of them.


This. Gear Gault.


If he takes damage, remember you can mount/unmounts and he will be at full health. Yes you can go constantly with Mako healing you, but even with "downtime" you will kill faster with Gault. Don't neglect Mako though, she will be needed for some story quests unless you are over leveled.

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a Dark side Bounty hunter can get along with Mako just fine, just spoil her with gift spams and she'll shut her face for a time. To be quite honest, i think its hilarious when i make a DS choice and i get a -30 rep with Mako, such a goodie goodie. It seems like all the Empire female companions are goodie two-shoes, except for Dark Jaesa and Kaliyo, I wish i could trade companions between characters, i'd totally give my Agent Mako for Kaliyo. :D
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As a shield tech, leveling will be easier @ 30+ with torian/Gault. You will still use mako for heroics or even flash points. I use mako for HM BT As a pyro, and I run with another dps and his companion. So she is more than a capable healer.
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From what I understand, tank and healing specs in this game do enough damage to operate effectively in solo play. So yeah, if I were running a tank spec, I'd probably grab the healing companion.


Tank spec + companion (DPS or Heal, depending on situation) works great.


Heal spec + companion (DPS or Tank, depending on situation) works great until about level 37ish. You start having problems dishing out enough damage to outlive the mobs. Get an extra mob pulled, and you die.

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I can't stand Mako. I've given her good gear, taken off her dps abilities and she still sucks as a healer. The only healer I have used since obtaining him on my ship is Quinn. He is a BEAST with healing even with his DPS abilities on as well as his heal spec..



That's quite remarkable considering they have the exact same spells with the exact same numbers and only the names and animations of the skills are different. So Quinn is a "beast" and Mako is useless. Ok.

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A new notes and comments:


1) until you have a choice of companions it doesn't matter.


2) by the time I have a good alternative to Mako, I've already invested in her gear.


3) I'm not gonna be level 30 to 50 for months. And you can't even do ALL the quests (basic planet + bonus) everywhere and finish the planets before you hit 50, regardless. If it takes me 4 weeks to get to 50 from 30 then I'm really really coasting. Do i want to stop and gear more than 1 companion from 30 to 50, with the money and time that investment requires? No, I don't (YMMV).


4) Mako works just fine, I'm for darn sure not going to equip 2 companions for the difference between Heroics and solo FPs and for general leveling. The trash mobs die fast no matter who you use, and I level pretty darn fast regardless of which companion gets used.


5) At level 50, things are going to stablize. Now, it's worth it over time to outfit more than 1 companion for your amusement or the quests/stories/unlocks or for specialized situations. But until I hit level 50, ALL gear is disposable, and will be replaced by recruit/battlemaster/columni/etc. at 50.


6) Therefore any discussions of which companion is "better" before level 50 are useless. Gear the first one you get - if you just can't stand that one, grab another asap, but after personal preference is settled who cares?

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Turn Mako's cast time abilities off. Put her in dps stance.


Presto, you have a dps machine with instant heals and hots.


The only time she's 'outclassed' is when you're level 50, and so overgeared for your dailies, that you may as well just use a dps companion, and at that point, it's beyond disingenuous to pretend your input matters to the sub-50 who's just trying to wrap their head around what the best Companion to level with is.

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My leveling experience so far.. (I'm 48 right now)


Mako is great until you get Gault. Then I replaced Gault with Torian when I got him.


Mako/Gault use the same stats, so you can keep a 'set' for them (just don't pick the stuff that's specific to one of them) - except for the weapons, but you can upgrade them with mods, so it's not too difficult to keep one 'set' of gear for the two of them.


Once I got Torian, though, I found I like using him a lot more than Gault. Gault takes too long to do stuff and dies easily if he gets stuff on him. Torian uses the same stats as I do, so he gets my hand me downs. There is downtime between fights, but I usually end up at 50% and it only takes a few seconds to use my regen to heal back up. As a gatherer, I also found it useful to loot the mob, then tell Torian to resource gather it if applicable, then I would Recharge while he's doing that.


I tried Blizz out for a couple of fights. I tried having him tank (as well as having my tanking on) - thinking maybe with both of us switching the focus back and forth we'd end the fight with less damage. or something like that. Well, as much as I like a Jawa with a rocket launcher, I think i'd just gotten too used to Torian to switch. I personally didn't like Blizz as much so I switched to Torian.


Then I got Skadge. Again, I tried him out for a while. I liked the idea of a companion that liked me being a bad-*** and wouldn't complain about my dark side choices. However, I found Skadge to move too slow for my liking (I did only turn on his DPS abilities).


Torian just flies around the battlefield. I usually can start a fight by using my little missile blast on the standard mob (can't remember the name of it, but it's the one where they get hit by it and then they are 'stunned' for a few seconds and then blow up. Anyway, I start with that, and then Torian will usually fly towards that mob and start attacking it. I'll then start with Unload on the strong standing next to him. Torian is usually pretty good at picking off the other mobs while I clean up the strong - then when he's done he comes and helps me finish off the strong.


With Elites, I usually will send Torian in and let him take a short beating while I unload from a distance. Then, after I've gotten a good 'round' of my shots off, I'll taunt the elite so he doesn't totally kill Torian (sometimes it happens anyway if they have a lot of aoe abilities).


Keep in mind, I'm usually 4-5 levels above the area I'm in. I've found it rather difficult to do quests if I'm not fighting green mobs. I don't know if this is normal or not - I got my Sith Sorcerer up to about level 27 with Khem, and it seemed like I had a lot easier time with that toon, but I also found her kind of boring, which is why I started the Bounty Hunter in the first place.


So far, I haven't had too much trouble with mobs and this sequence. I have to rest/recharge between almost every fight (because if I don't, then surely the 2nd pack I fight will accidentally pick up a roaming strong or something, and we can handle that if we started at 100%, but not if we started at 80%)


So, my vote is for Torian as soon as you get him, and then try and keep extra gear you pick up set aside for Mako when you need to use her in your story line (I just did the one where you can't use Torian, and had her with not even a full set of gear, and we did okay).

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That's quite remarkable considering they have the exact same spells with the exact same numbers and only the names and animations of the skills are different. So Quinn is a "beast" and Mako is useless. Ok.


She's gotten a little better, but even if she were Quinn's clone, she's annoying. I used Torian from the moment I got him all the way to finishing my class story and the kills were 100 times faster.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Turn Mako's cast time abilities off. Put her in dps stance.


Presto, you have a dps machine with instant heals and hots.


The only time she's 'outclassed' is when you're level 50, and so overgeared for your dailies, that you may as well just use a dps companion, and at that point, it's beyond disingenuous to pretend your input matters to the sub-50 who's just trying to wrap their head around what the best Companion to level with is.


This worked VERY well for me the last 6 odd levels (21-27), thank you. Sometimes things are so obvious, they could force choke you without you even noticing...

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Used Mako all the way to 50 (lvling PT tank in tank spec/ gear from start)

Its slower but it helped me get my head round the tanking mechanics properly. There is no substitute to hands on experience with a certain build. Mako allowed me time to take on multi packs etc. and really get a feel for what works and doesn't work. etc....


At 50... I am sad to say I stuck her in a modded up slave outfit, parked her on the ship and started to use Gault., as his DPS allowed me to whistle through the dailes. Only time I would use Mako now would be on a Heroic 4 or something where we need to 2 or 3 man it (due to server numbers being low atm).. and I need a healer. (eg:/ end of torvix)


Now 50 and nearing completion of current Operations I have started working with the other pets also, to get them to max lvl /story lines to unlock the legacy bonus's. Although it strikes me that I could just feed them gifts on the fleet.. but that seems a tad lame. Besides its always nice to have a fresh face hanging around.


Mako FTW.. besides its funny as hell watching her get indignant every time I chose to shoot someone rather than save them :)

Edited by Littlegem
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