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SWTOR was promising. I liked it untill now.


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The reasons behind why WoW was enjoyable with PvE

  • It didn't just involve token rewards from dungeons. The actual gear from dungeons was useful. Made people have a sense of excitement when killing a boss waiting for loot to drop. Wasn't free access to token gear at the end of each dungeon.
  • The token grind for gear that was worth XXXX amount of tokens wasn't long. It was only 2 weeks of lock time or so. Compared to SWTOR this is short.
  • One of my favorite features of WoW when it was in WoW was the daily heroic where you had to kill a specific boss in a specific dungeon.
  • Dungeon finder was easy to use and using it gave rewards.


I would add heroic dungeon achievements to that list. Those were some of the best pve additions to any game in a long time in my opinion. Doing all the achievements for the protodrakes added hours of challenging replay value to the game with out the feeling of a grind. I would love to see more of that in other games, TOR included.

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I agree with the OP 100%. This game is bare bones and this being from such a monster IP. It is a total spit in the face when 100's of million dollars is invested and this is the best we get...please you have to be kidding me. Just based on the competition alone (Rift/Wow) this game should been at least full of features at launch. Its 2 months in now and still no features. I leveled my shadow up to 48 and quit for 5 reasons.


1. I was very disappointed that they pulled that little graphic scam on us. I'm a gamer that loves great graphics and have built my rig to do so. When i saw the amazing beta graphics i was sold. Then I learn they were just for advertising only and we'll probably never see them again. Deal Breaker #1


2. Terrible UI. Its not customizable or scalable in any way. Epic fail.


3. No Que'able LFD tool for pve. There is one for Pvp and it only has 3 zones they could of easily made one for all the fp's. They could of easily referred to Rifts model. Once it became a hassle and some times impossible to form groups shouting in fleet I just gave up on FP's. Deal Breaker #2


4. Endgame gear system for Pve is Terrible it needs a total revamp including the horrible gear models especially for Jedi. First the EG gear there is very little difference between the 3 teirs. People should of been given a choice to make their EG gear from mods that dropped from Raids especially since we were given the option for 1-50 gear. Then there is the horrible gear models for the Jedi...seriously they dropped the ball on the Jedi gear? How do you mess up the gear models on the most played class Jedi/Sith? It seems like there was no effort invested in this aspect of the game and its one of the most critical. I often ask myself did the creators even play mmo's before they made this game? Deal Breaker #3


5. Only being able to have one spec in the advanced class unless i respec. This concept in any MMO that uses the Trinity system Tank/Dps/Heals but only allows one spec is destined to fail. Its like BW did absolutely no homework when they made this game.

Deal Breaker #4


I'm just glad i didn't quit Rift but I am mad that SWTOR let me down. I really had intentions of making this my main MMO in stead of just something to do when i was tired of play rift. Now i don't even know it if it will be that because like I said I'm lv 48 and I just am not interested in dinging 50 in the current state this game is in.


I have reported u cos of your disrespect and that part about the UI not true I think next month they are going to make the UI customizable

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The game JUST GOT RELEASED Half the stuff you put Especially in the world of warcraft section made me face palm. Of course world of warcraft is going to have a thriving auction house The game has been out for 10 YEARS. Of course it's going to have things like a barber or Holiday events or added recreational professions like fishing.:rolleyes: Half the stuff you listed will more than likely be added in the future. And flying mount's just ruined the game I stopped reading after that horrible reason why you like world of warcraft.:eek:
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The reasons behind why WoW was enjoyable with PvP

  • Dueling in durotar/elwynn added competitiveness against own faction. Cannot happen here because there is no dueling area within 10 seconds from the main part of the fleet without ave a sense of excitement when killing a boss waiting for loot to drop. Wasn't free access to token gear at the end of each dungeon.
  • The token grind for gear that was worth XXXX amount of tokens wasn't long. It was only 2 weeks of lock time or so. Compared to SWTOR this is short.
  • Community was larger and auction house was thriving. Had an actual economy. Felt good.
  • Events that took place when events took palce in reality. E.G christmas events that gave


disagree, if swtor is not good, then wow is much worse.

Edited by oakamp
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Great post OP. I had very similiar thoughts at first like you and was defending SWTOR to death, but then I also saw the reality. The game has problems and those who deny it, will see the same things themselves sooner or later. It is sad, because I really was hoping this would be MY game and I even pre ordered the CE. That was money badly spent.


I still have faith that SWTOR may get better in say 1-2 years. At least lots of things should change in that timeline, but I don't think I will stick around so long.


But even now though, SWTOR is a good single player experience through the class quests.

Edited by PalawaJoko
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at launch WoW had less content than this, and was 1000000x more broken than this could ever be, yet you all forget that simple fact.

This is NOT WoW if it was you wouldnt be playin it, fact is you left WoW because you were bored of it, yet you come here to try make this game exactly the same?


I feel as if all logic has slowly dribbled out some peoples ears after years of playing WoW.

Fact is, if they make this game just like it, you will quit this too, so leave and save us all the hassle

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So why arent you playing Rift or WoW? I understand maybe you figured you would try SWtOR but its not your thing so just go do what you like. I believe SWtOR will evolve into its own thing and I am going to enjoy the journey. Best of luck to you.


sorry but 90% of us don't find out content through tedious leveling.

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Now go back and do all those quests you missed. Don't say you didn't skip tons of story because if you do all the quests on every planet you can be level 50 before you get to Hoth. That may not be a good thing but it's the truth. The other truth though is there is tons and tons of good story in all those side quests you skipped.


If PVP is all that you love then yes, you probably are bored. It's not even the end of month two. More warzones and what not are coming. If they had put everything in the game at the beginning you would have complained too because there was nothing new coming.


The game is more for Star Wars fans than MMO fans. If you can't accept that, move on.

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Reasons why WoW's PvP was enjoyable:

-They had years to improve, add BGs, arenas and whatnot.


Reasons why WoW's PvE was enjoyable:

-They had years to improve, learn how to better handle loot distribution, encounters, how long should it take to farm tokens and whatnot.


Reasons why WoW was enjoyable:

-Back when it started, the standards for MMOs were low. Really low. Don't let the EQ fanboys fool you, you either lost your soul to that game or you were ****. WoW pretty much molded how MMOs should be nowadays, specially how it became viable to casuals(larger market at the cost of game quality...aka BC>wrath/cata)


Reasons why Rift was enjoyable:

-Its WoW with a ****** armor/weapon designer.


With all those years of experience, how come Bioware didn't learn from it? Just saying.

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You got to level 50 on Jan 1st? You must have played almost nonstop from the first day of early access.


I got 50 on December 29th and I started on the EGA day 3 I also missed 2 days of play time my Birthday (24th) and Christmas. Although I have no life the main reason I got it so fast(ish) was because I got out of College that week and had nothing to do.

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And I can tell you don't.


I do run a business. I build houses for a living. I can't compete with developers who have multiple years more experience than me in the business. Why? Because I haven't had the time to develop their resource infrastructure. Yet my business is still successful....and with time will grow enough to offer those aspects that I'm missing.


For example, my office is in my 4th bedroom. My conference table is the kitchen table. I don't have sample rooms, but refer customers to my subs for their sample choices. I don't have dozens of choices for each subcontractor, I have 3-4. I don't have a massive website, I have business cards and a phone number.


Now, give me a couple of years, and I can have these things. Because these things take time to develop. However, none of them were absolute necessities when I started my company.


There is a difference between you "not having the same resources" versus "you are making the same mistakes they did, - in other words, reinventing the wheel". Would you build a house without indoor plumbing? How about no kitchen, no closets, or no bedrooms? That's what we are talking about here. You know any house you build, if you didn't have indoor plumbing, would not sell. Well, lack of UI customization, today, is like no indoor plumbing in a home, today.


Tell me, if some investor came along and said, "Hey, I got $50 million, I want to invest it in your company", would you still have those problems? Only if you tried to "reinvent the wheel".

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There is a difference between you "not having the same resources" versus "you are making the same mistakes they did, - in other words, reinventing the wheel". Would you build a house without indoor plumbing? How about no kitchen, no closets, or no bedrooms? That's what we are talking about here. You know any house you build, if you didn't have indoor plumbing, would not sell. Well, lack of UI customization, today, is like no indoor plumbing in a home, today.


Tell me, if some investor came along and said, "Hey, I got $50 million, I want to invest it in your company", would you still have those problems? Only if you tried to "reinvent the wheel".



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And I can tell you don't.


I do run a business. I build houses for a living. I can't compete with developers who have multiple years more experience than me in the business. Why? Because I haven't had the time to develop their resource infrastructure. Yet my business is still successful....and with time will grow enough to offer those aspects that I'm missing.


For example, my office is in my 4th bedroom. My conference table is the kitchen table. I don't have sample rooms, but refer customers to my subs for their sample choices. I don't have dozens of choices for each subcontractor, I have 3-4. I don't have a massive website, I have business cards and a phone number.


Now, give me a couple of years, and I can have these things. Because these things take time to develop. However, none of them were absolute necessities when I started my company.


But... you're a different kind of business structure than the large developers you might be "competing" with. It's ok that people don't expect you to have the same customer service infrastructure or whatnot - they know that when they get into business with you.


But we're talking about BioWare and Blizzard. Activision and Electronic Arts.


Not Mojang or Rovio... oh wait...

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The game JUST GOT RELEASED Half the stuff you put Especially in the world of warcraft section made me face palm. Of course world of warcraft is going to have a thriving auction house The game has been out for 10 YEARS. Of course it's going to have things like a barber or Holiday events or added recreational professions like fishing.:rolleyes: Half the stuff you listed will more than likely be added in the future. And flying mount's just ruined the game I stopped reading after that horrible reason why you like world of warcraft.:eek:


So, it's expected that every time a new game comes out we have to invest 4 years for it to "catch up" with where we left off in the last game, let alone surpass it?


So we'll never "progress" again? Just wait for new games to come out, live for a few years, and then start the cycle over again?

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So, it's expected that every time a new game comes out we have to invest 4 years for it to "catch up" with where we left off in the last game, let alone surpass it?


So we'll never "progress" again? Just wait for new games to come out, live for a few years, and then start the cycle over again?


Its an MMO, you have to invest time.

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Its an MMO, you have to invest time.


Uh, no. Not the kind of time where you take 4 years of steps backwards and then hope it catches up. I'm speaking in general terms here, not jsut TOR.


If You compared Mass Effect 3 to the original KoTOR if they both came out today, it would be clear which one was the 2012 game. That example being, the genre has progressed over 9 years. It can be done without taking steps backwards.

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Uh, no. Not the kind of time where you take 4 years of steps backwards and then hope it catches up. I'm speaking in general terms here, not jsut TOR.


If You compared Mass Effect 3 to the original KoTOR if they both came out today, it would be clear which one was the 2012 game. That example being, the genre has progressed over 9 years. It can be done without taking steps backwards.


Uh, no. Mass effect and Kotor are practically identical, besides the graphics if they both were 2012 graphics you would not be able to tell the difference of what game came first.


Who says we are taking steps backwards? no lfg got you to qq? get over it.




VO is def a step backwards



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Bioware has had zero of that experience, so what is your point, exactly?


His point is Bioware had all the time to see how Blizzard handled things and improve upon that. You know, the general idea of the whole business.


Inb4 but Blizzard didn't have experience in 2004 huehuehue.

Edited by Fixiooo
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I dont want WoW in space!


I left WoW for many of the reasons you have stated that is it so good


I hated Arena

I hated Cross Server LFGs

I hated the daily heroic



There are a number of other things I didn't like in the end that you haven't mentioned like FOTM PvP, one patch it was Mages next Hunter and it went around in a circle and everyone would want to re-roll all the time.


You may say that SWTOR is not as good in many areas, well the game is new and give them some time to roll out new things you cant have it all right away.


and come on remember how hard C'thun and Arthas were when they came out? It felt like an achievement when you killed them Now you can pug kill Deathwing..........you shouldn't be able to pug the last boss of the game!


There may not be allot to do at 50 but the game is new, I tried out all the classes Republic and Empire then settled on my Sith Warrior. I am not stupid so I knew there would not be a massive end game yet so I have taken my time and have done all the story in the game. BW did say this is a story driven MMO.


I didn't like the game to start with but then I just got out of the levelling mode and slowed down and did not treat it like WoW.


Try playing it as it says on the tin STORY DRIVEN MMO.




P.S I loved WoW in the start and up to Wotlk I am very greatful to Bliz for making it one of the best games ever made. I chose to leave and didn't bash it on the forum.


Just because you like SWTOR doesn't make you a WoW hater. This isnt COD and BF you know!

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