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SWTOR was promising. I liked it untill now.


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Finally someone who has brains. Guys, the game is just few months old. Give it a break.



As much money as they put into this game... and as hyped up as the game was made out to be... people have the right to ***** about everything wrong with this game. I don't care if its a couple of months old. A lot was expected from this game and so far, its not living up to its hype IMO.

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This game isn't bad... It just don't fall into YOUR taste. Let all of us who acturally enjoy the game enjoy it without your preaching. I'm not returning to WoW or EVE online witch are two of the most borring MMO's ever created. Yes... I LIKED wow and EVE. But they were missing something that every second of the so called "RPG's" missed... THE ROLE PLAYING PART!!! This MMO got the RPG part in chek wich makes it superior!!!


Sorry I'm not good at spelling english!


But why diss a game others enjoy. Just think it without telling. I know it's hard but I don't go around preaching that WoW and EVE are bad just because I don't like them?!?

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I personally don't care much of the opinion of people who grind that fast. They just want to be first and then complain that they are SOO 1337.


You deserve not to have something to do at this point, you didnt enjoy the leveling I guess. For me the content is actually pretty good and the reason I am not rushing.


Like my granny always said: "Chew your food at least 100000 times before swallowing"

Then i would say: "But granny its a soup, i dont need to chew"


This game is soup, the only thing that really takes time from you leveling is the tedious RUNNING for 5 hours between quest givers.


It doesnt take 2 months to get to 50, unless you are just standing around doing nothing, chatting in general, or whatever you do with your finger up your ... nose , instead of leveling.


Who are you to say if he deserves anything?


To OP : Great post dude. ALOT of valid points and very nicely put . I hope BW reads and considers fixing some of them. Maybe it will make some of us resub for a month more.

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For all of the vaunted experience some people in this thread are claiming to have there's a fundamental lack of understanding of the process of developing a computer game, let alone an MMORPG.


Everything has to be tested. Everything has to be balanced. Everything has to be tweaked. Things can't be thrown in willy nilly and content must be considered within the context of the game. Some people are talking about cross-server PvP as if it is the undoubted saviour of PvP and a no-brainer to implement. It isn't. It has profound effects on the server community - in fact it utterly destroys the PvP community within a single server as a discrete entity.


Some people are talking about introducing World PvP - as if that will make predominantly PvE realms somehow more interesting and dynamic. Obviously these changes would really only have their largest effect on PvP servers. On PvE servers World PvP often relies on the griefing effect of PvP'ers killing vendors and quest givers to draw the PvE'ers into PvP combat that they're usually not specced, equipped or experienced for - thus increasing the sense of griefing and disruption.


Frankly there are many suggestions in both OP and other posts that make sense to me. I'd like to see WAY more character customisation. I'd like to see characters physically change more as they level up. A Wardrobe system a la LOTRO would be a very welcome addition - and way more content that changes the physical appearance of gear. Or just more visually diverse gear for all characters.


I'd like to see Space developed more. More diversity to the missions and perhaps some class themeing to them too or the introduction of class specific space missions if that's too difficult. More. More. More.


Whilst the Ship is a really neat piece of property for the player, I'd like to see the chance to customise the physical appearance of ships more - as well as the opportunity to own other similar pieces of awesome property. Planetary estates, perhaps? For the lowbies how about mere apartments? Guild Halls? Guild Capital ships?


It'd be interesting to see more zones added and to have different class quests dragging people off to different parts of the galaxy. Every zone is huge, right now, perhaps the addition of more graphically diverse zones that are smaller would break up the tedium that can set in mid-zone on planets like Taris, Balmorra or Tatooine?


But there has to be an understanding that it is still FAR too early for anything other than very minor, very simple changes to existing/planned content have made it into the game. Let's say that Bioware IS listening/watching and they identify a good idea in this very thread. That idea has to be communicated to the design team, debated and discussed and adopted for implementation. Then it has to be designed as an individual mechanic. That mechanic has to be examined in the context of how it affects the overall game balance and experience. Once the design is hammered out so that it won't completely break the game / game balance it needs to go to the Gameplay Coders to be implemented and that implementation will have impact on a cross-discipline level with the AI Coders, Artists etc etc etc.


Now the idea has been implemented it needs to be tested - first of all at the Developers place, then introduced to the test server so that its impact can be measured with a proper wealth of data and interaction. Think the mechanic will get out of either of these phases without modification? Some ideas get kicked all the way back to the drawing board at this late phase and take time to make it back in a fixed state for more testing, sometimes only to throw up ANOTHER conflict/bug!


Only once it passes the smell test on the test server can the idea be implemented into the game proper, whereupon it recieves the first real test that is worthy of the name. Sometimes an idea that had vocal minority support on the forums is hated by the, until now, silent majority and gets a poor reception. Whether it is liked or loathed you can bet that it has some unforeseen effect that will only become apparent when it goes live.


People who write a post making suggestions two weeks after launch, are rabble rousing one month after launch and are quitting two months after launch are simply chasing their dials. They need to go away and do something else and then come back and see what's changed. Resubbing for a month costs $15.



TL&DR? It takes time to make changes. It takes more time to make significant changes. It takes a LOT of time to make significant changes properly. There hasn't been enough time to see many changes yet.

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We dont care if it takes 1 year to develop cross server PVP, or interactive environments , or CUSTOMIZABLE UI. Its their job, not ours. We pay - they deliver thats how it works. Simple as that.


If they saw what other MMOs deliver then they should have planned to have that implemented at start.


If they cant deliver then the money goes to someone that can :)

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I love how everyone compares the first 2 months of this game to the past 6+ years of WoW.


Sure, BW could have implemented/changed a few more things before turning on this game's Gold Switch, but I also recall how crappy WoW was when IT launched.


Folks need to relax and be a bit more patient.

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We dont care if it takes 1 year to develop cross server PVP, or interactive environments , or CUSTOMIZABLE UI. Its their job, not ours. We pay - they deliver thats how it works. Simple as that.


I totally agree. Of course about 80% of the stuff you listed as being vital is largely unimportant to me. I could care less about almost ANY implementation of PvP and the UI works fine for me the way it's currently implemented.


If they saw what other MMOs deliver then they should have planned to have that implemented at start.


Maybe. Of course one might say that this only works if they were specifically chasing the same market as all the other MMOs. Given how fickle the MMO crowd is and given the high recidivism rate for games like Eve and WoW, one could argue that the venn diagram of hardcore MMORPG'ers and SW:TORs target market doesn't have quite the same level of intersection that you suggest. I speak here as one who has been present at the launch of Aion, LOTRO, Warhammer, Conan and SWTOR and seen a vast tide of WoW players sweep in and sweep out after a couple of months each time.


If they cant deliver then the money goes to someone that can :)

That's how the market works, baby! You should always give your money to the people that make the kinda game you want to play and not to people who don't. Personally I'd prefer it if games appealed to niche markets a little more, like they used to before they all had nine figure budgets. Trying to be all things to all men is a bit like trying to defend everywhere - you wind up defending nowhere.


Of course, personally speaking, I quite enjoy the time I spend with SW:TOR. I play for about two hours per day, I play in a group with a good friend of mine and we're having lots of fun. One day I might join a guild. One day I might even do some PvP.

Edited by Apolloin
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Out of the things that I picked up after reaping the OP quickly, I disagree with

1) larger BGs - the ones in SWTOR are smaller and for smaller teams, feel much tighter and faster paced

2) flying mounts - it just ruins the grand feeling of the world in my opinion, doesnt bring anything good.

3) dungeon finder: your argument is "its easy to use and you get rewarded for it!". dude, c'mon. wow jokes aside, that looks plain childish. otherwise there is no way you seriously want things the "easy" way + being "rewarded" for it, that sounds like something that would fit in an "ages 3+" game. its an mmo, find your group and go to your dungeon. i personally enjoyed dungeons more than enough before dungeon finder was implemented in wow with all that insta-teleport and random groups nonsense. for those who just want to get things done and rush through dungeon after dungeon with as little mmo-experience involved as possible... well, hate saying it, but wow is still there.


+ a few more, but these are the biggest ones I think. there were, of course, things in the OP that I agreed with, no doubt.


SWTOR might be a take on the wow-formula, but its not trying to be wow-clone, which is great in my opinion. things like these just sound to me like the choices BW consciously made about what aspects of wow they don't need. And for the most part I totally agree with those choices.

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I remember being gutted after I finally hit level cap with my Warrior in WoW. Now I was done with questing and all that was left was running endless rounds of instanced dungeons every day or chasing after the daily quest grind.


I can really see how insta-teleport and insta-pug utilities are a necessity in a game that relies on that. There's no time to do all the travelling and LFG'ing you'd need to do in order to get to all those different dungeons in all those different parts of the world.


I really hope that SW:TOR doesn't go the 'endless Raids' route for endgame and, therefore, never needs that functionality.

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All this BS about "WoW had years to develop, SWTOR has only been out a month"


When I build a house I know to make it out of bricks and mortar with footings, windows, doors, insulation and the rest........ I don't build it out of mud and say "well I need time to develop it".


SOMEONE ALREADY HAS and I just need to replicate what works and put my own unique twist on it. Be it a design twist or content twist. this game clearly has not been developed for 5 years. an idea for 5 years maybe but not being created.


Customizable UI is standard in 90% of games.... How did they miss that?

Dungeon finder tools are standard now..... How did they miss that?

Cross server pvp and ability to duel almost any where...... How did they miss that?

Decent end game content that doesn't feel like such a chore/lottery......How did they miss that?


I could go on for ages but you get my point. I agree the game is a just over a month old but when some things already been done for you and has been accepted by the community it should be in here. When there are genuine problems with HM FP's and Ops they should be fixed THEN add new content.


This game had massive potential but like rift it was to slow of the mark and missed its boat. all you have to do is look at the servers when you log in. all I saw was Very Heavy everywhere, now all i see is standard for most and a few Very Heavy.


I'll miss the story lines for sure but that's it.

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The reasons behind why WoW was enjoyable with PvP

  • Dueling in durotar/elwynn added competitiveness against own faction. Cannot happen here because there is no dueling area within 10 seconds from the main part of the fleet without going through a loading screen.
  • Arena. Yes arena added excitement to PvP and added competition. I enjoy competition and therefore is why SWTOR has lost its edge for me. No matter how much you hate arena it is still better than anything SWTOR has to offer at this moment. It consists of rewards if you are good and is not dependant on others. It feels personal to you making a team. Just endless hours could be spent trying to increase rating and the feeling of winning was great.
  • Ratings for arena and battleground groups. Added competition and elitism. Made the community thrive in a bad or good way. Depends how you think about it.
  • Battleground were alot larger than SWTORs and added an MMO feel to it. Mounting included.


Arenas werent in WoW at release. It was what? A couple of years before they got added. Oh my TOR is just released too.... you didnt know that?


Battlegrounds alot larger? Got your rose colored glasses on? Except for Frostsaber the battlegrounds were small.


Ok no more of that. Listen up. The developers have said this over and over for 2 years. They crammed it down our throats so much. This is a story based MMO. This means everything else besides story is going to be an afterthought. I remember all the posts made by some of us, including me, to PVPers and the like. Story will be the main attraction. Everything else is just going to be "there". And you PVPers and such would flame us off the forums for saying. Well how you like us now?


The reasons behind why WoW was enjoyable with PvE

  • It didn't just involve token rewards from dungeons. The actual gear from dungeons was useful. Made people have a sense of excitement when killing a boss waiting for loot to drop. Wasn't free access to token gear at the end of each dungeon.
  • The token grind for gear that was worth XXXX amount of tokens wasn't long. It was only 2 weeks of lock time or so. Compared to SWTOR this is short.
  • One of my favorite features of WoW when it was in WoW was the daily heroic where you had to kill a specific boss in a specific dungeon.
  • Dungeon finder was easy to use and using it gave rewards.


Token grinds suck no matter how you slice them. But when WoW added token grinds I remember working for quite awhile to get my next tier upgrades. Even with lich king it was nuts. Again you got rose colored glasses on I think. Yes with Cata it was sped up. But Cata sped everything up.


As for a dungeon finder. I for one have no trouble on my server getting a run. I just type it in fleet general and I am off. Maybe your on a low pop server. Considering the way you talk about AH comparing to the GTN its quite possible.


Daily heroic? Go to the fleet. Head to the supplies area. There is a terminal there that gives out a daily.


The reasons why WoW was enjoyable

  • Community was larger and auction house was thriving. Had an actual economy. Felt good.
  • Events that took place when events took palce in reality. E.G christmas events that gave you decent rewards from doing christmas stuff or valentines day etc etc.
  • You could re-do you characters hair style at the barbers.
  • Professions felt great once they were leveled to the max. Felt like you achieved something.
  • Fishing, Archaeology, First aid etc
  • You could attack the enemy cities. Also attack towns and cities alone as long as you avoided elites because guards were only normal mobs. In SWTOR guards are champions for most places.
  • Flying mounts
  • Quick travel with portals.
  • Daily quest zone had dailys close together and it interacted with opposite faction. So it could also be pvp. Zones were small and easy to complete. Not a drag. Illum daily area doesn't have much zones shared with imperial and is quite the drag in illum.
  • Guilds had reputation/amazing rewards for being exalted with guild. Heirlooms to level alts with. Mounts etc.
  • The ammount of gear varied massively and it wasn't allways the vendor gear that was the best. Unlike SWTOR where you can only rely on vendor gear.


First year WoW was out there were no holiday events. So you expect them to that now? Ok fine but the only holiday so far was christmas and new years. And how many days after release was it?


Flying mounts didnt appear in WoW until BC. Archeology wasnt added until Cata. First aid? Yeah we call it Biochem. Barbers werent added til way later. Lets face it here. Most of what you are bringing up was added later.


The reasons why Rift was enjoyable for me (I played no part in pvp so I have no idea what it is like)

  • Frequent world events / updates. Rifts opened and invasions happened where community would group up.
  • Zones were shared with opposite faction at higher level instead of split into two halves.
  • PvE gear was aquired only from bosses. Vendor gear was not necessary the best gear again. Also crafted gear was good and there was crafting daily/weekly.
  • Crafting was updated frequently
  • Training dummys
  • Multiple currencys from rifts. Allowed purchase of gear that could be used at end-game level.
  • Reputation mounts.
  • Reputation
  • 10-man instances were completely different to 25-man. 10 man rifts were available and 5 man.
  • two tiers of dungeon at launch.
  • and more!


Never played Rift so aint gonna talk about it.


Alot of this stuff your bringing up was added later in WoW's evolution. And this is the issue here for me. Your basically expecting them to come out with exactly what WoW has now. WoW evolved on its own track. How about we let TOR do the same. Let it evolve on its own. Instead of just screaming "I want it to be just like WoW"


Its not going to be the same game. And thank god for that. I wouldnt want another WoW clone. I am sick and tired of them. Oh and a point here. Most WoW clones end up free to play or shut down completely in a year. Rift is the only one that lasted. You want TOR to jump in that pool?



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People waited for this game for a long time and watched release windows pushed back more than once. Anyone remember this?


People had high expectations, and rightly so. Now those high expectations have not been met.


The epic game that was touted to them turned out to be an all-flash plastic turd with training wheels that you play while your hand is held.


Now we're left with two groups. The rose colored goggle wearing turd-riders.... and the people who rightfully want to know what happened to the quality game they waited and paid for.


Well, turd-riders have fun for now because your goggles will fall off sooner or later.





P.S. To all you fools saying that this or that wasn't in WoW at launch and SWTOR shouldn't be expected to have them either.... I'm not going to make analogies because it's been done. But business and product progression don't work that way.


"The game cost the same as WoW but it's not as advanced? Oh ok sure well golly gee take my money anyway BW guhyuck!"

Edited by IncreaseX
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If you have run out of quests on Hoth with 2 levels to go you are doing something very wrong, i made it to 50 way before ever finishing correllia, and i barely did any fp/pvp or space combat missions.


My friend was doing space missions and he was 4 levels ahead of me and we were questing together so tbh you have missed a **** load of content somewhere




What game were you playing? You obviously did not play classic WOW. The same 3 BGs were present for a very long time. There was no arena and the Q times were very long. SWTOR WZs are small and keeps the action going. There is no long ride or runs to action it is always in your face. Even now 6 or so BGs it has are stale. Also, heroic dungeons with good gear? That did not exist until the very end and it still had a token system. You didn't run heroics daily for the gear inside, you ran them for tokens.


Unlike what others said this is not a constructive criticism post. This is I want to play wow instead. If you want arenas, then wait. If you can't handle 3 warzones until March then good luck. To play MMOs for as long as you say, require one thing on the part of the user, patience.


Yes, you have to compare this game to WOW, but let's be accurate.

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You know what? no you really wont! if you honestly believe wow is so superior you are retarded, now run along and run your nerfed DS raid that is so easy i cleared normal 8/8 in the first week right before i quit.


Now maybe its been nerfed you can too, have fun with the pandas


If you have run out of quests on Hoth with 2 levels to go you are doing something very wrong, i made it to 50 way before ever finishing correllia, and i barely did any fp/pvp or space combat missions.


My friend was doing space missions and he was 4 levels ahead of me and we were questing together so tbh you have missed a **** load of content somewhere

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What do you haters want? you are the same people in WOW that complain about how people were better geared than you. Do you think this game is not going to improve on stuff you are just a fool? When I left eq1 i went to eq2 and made fun of WOW so bad because in the beginning it was absolutly garbage. EQ2 destroyed it in every faucet of the game. Then they made improvements and by their first expansion they hit it right on the head. Since then they have done some good and bad stuff. I truely believe this game will turn out just like that. So give it time or come back don't worry I will be here. WOW is old very old after 7 years and Rift just does not appeal to me at all.
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When I build a house I know to make it out of bricks and mortar with footings, windows, doors, insulation and the rest........ I don't build it out of mud and say "well I need time to develop it".


That's great, sport. But there's the problem that they're not building a house or a car or a sandwich. They are creating a bespoke and organic system that has a very arbitrary design goal - fun. They have to make the crafted solution using Gree Ingenuity.


SOMEONE ALREADY HAS and I just need to replicate what works and put my own unique twist on it. Be it a design twist or content twist. this game clearly has not been developed for 5 years. an idea for 5 years maybe but not being created.

Your argument proceeds from a number of assumptions that you and I do not share:


1. WoW works.

2. Nothing before the Production phase and nothing after content lock counts as Development.


Customizable UI is standard in 90% of games.... How did they miss that?

Do you want me to break out all my games and count the number of them that include a customisable UI? Do I really have to do that for you to admit you made that number up?


Dungeon finder tools are standard now..... How did they miss that?

Standard in... WoW? I don't remember them in many of the MMO's I played.


Cross server pvp and ability to duel almost any where...... How did they miss that?

I find duelling an idiotic waste of time. Let me be clear - I regard an 'auto ignore duel requests' option as more important than a customisable UI.


Decent end game content that doesn't feel like such a chore/lottery......How did they miss that?

This is a game focused on the levelling process. The story. Endgame is NEVER full featured at launch and I don't know ANY game that makes Endgame anything other than a chore.



I could go on for ages but you get my point. I agree the game is a just over a month old but when some things already been done for you and has been accepted by the community it should be in here. When there are genuine problems with HM FP's and Ops they should be fixed THEN add new content.

I disagree. From my experience SW:TOR gets to the level cap about twice as quickly as other games I've played. I'd like to see that addressed and THEN let them try and satisfy those who felt the need to race to endgame.


This game had massive potential but like rift it was to slow of the mark and missed its boat. all you have to do is look at the servers when you log in. all I saw was Very Heavy everywhere, now all i see is standard for most and a few Very Heavy.


I'll miss the story lines for sure but that's it.

The storylines is THE POINT. That's where they sank the majority of their effort. This post indicates two things to me:


1. You are more interested in playing a different take on a game you already like. You clearly hold that game up as the design template for all other games and are fundamentally uninterested in allowing a new game time to develop itself at a proper pace. You expect something to be both derivative and innovative. This is clearly insane.


2. You clearly expect the majority of resources to be devoted to constantly feeding new raid content to the endgame. Despite your statement that you enjoyed the story aspect you are obviously not happy with the concept that all stories must have an end - even if that end is a temporary one whilst a new chapter to the story is crafted. It is clear that this is an impossible feat - content MUST take longer to develop than play - but you expect it anyway. This is clearly insane.

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To all the fanboys who jump down everyone's throat every time someone mentions WoW, let people vent. They are making post like this because they want the game to be great. They want to play it for years like they did with WoW. Like it or not, WoW is still THE MMO to be compared too.


I am sorry but the people that played Wow at the start, as here in swtor at the start are nowhere to be seen when most likely the OP started playing wow or the game was at least picked up a long time after everything he mentioned had been patched into the game and most people that once enjoyed it no longer do.


I got 2 lvl 50's, one in full T2-T3 gear and one gearing up and i have no issues so far, my expectations of swtor werent up there when i started it, and i know for a fact a new MMO cannot live up to an established MMO that has been going for 13 years or 8 (EQ and EQ2) or for him Wow.


But people tend to think that mmo's launch with 10 years of content!



Even if Wow is THE MMO that made people that dont like to play MMO's play MMO's, ill still compare it to EQ and EQ2 and think ....WOW really ****ed up our genre...


-Instant Gratification

-Solo Gameplay


Are 2 things that should not be in an MMO, and leads to people doing everything on their own, getting instant gratification at every level and at 50 after solo grinding to the top can only go down when it kicks in, hey ive beat the game, theres nothing left for me to do!


Sadly the people that enjoyed challange and working for something in a game are a dieng breed, in 10 years from now youll log onto an MMO at Max level with full pvp gear and think back to how hard wow and swotor has been, "Damn man remember it took you 2 week to level to 50? Djees that was hardcore!"

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Again a thread where half the people points out that it's too much like WoW and the other half that it is not enough like WoW. Truth will be halfway the middle somewhere is my guess. I think people who hoped it's close to WoW will be dissapointed as well as people who believe it should be as far from WoW as possible will be dissapointed.


Point is games in this genre will always have features that resemble other games and at the same time have features that differ. If you like them or not is a matter of taste and that is not discutable.

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I don't even want to get into whether it's too much or too little like World of Warcraft. The point I would like everyone to accept is that if it's not going to be EXACTLY like World of Warcraft then it needs time to develop into whatever it is that it IS going to be.


This process requires a non-zero and finite amount of time.

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I disagree. From my experience SW:TOR gets to the level cap about twice as quickly as other games I've played. I'd like to see that addressed and THEN let them try and satisfy those who felt the need to race to endgame.



The storylines is THE POINT. That's where they sank the majority of their effort. This post indicates two things to me:





Broke your own argument there. "Sank the majority of there effort" and "gets to the level cap about twice as quickly"


Which is it..........


And remember the story line consists of roughly 40 quests (not including filler planet quests that have nothing to do with the story and any class can do).


That doesn't scream "Sank the majority of there effort" to me


If I was to hand a thesis with that much effort after 5 years I would expect to be laughed at.......ALOT.


Lastly I didn't say what they "built" was easy, you missed the point. I said the foundations were already there and they still failed in it's creation.


As I said the game had great potential, but they were to slow of the mark. WoW's been around for 8 years and they have been working on this for 5 and cost them between $150-200 Million....... yeah...... I think we can all agree some things should have been as standard.

Edited by Siklilmike
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Lol everything you mention about Wow wasnt given to the players till later on into the game. Wow did NOT have arena when it came out. Please stop comparing a game that has been out for more than 6yrs or so to a game that just came out! Everything you mention are lil fixes wow did in its latest expansion and you haven even given this game a chance. Stop crying because you have to really work for your gear in this game. Its better like that spreads the nubs from the norm's. Boring is playing wow pvp and getting your full set of pvp gear epic in no more than a week or two. You probably never got the full pvp arena gear set in wow lol by the sound of things haha but thats another story.....


If you enjoy the simple-ness that Wow(Hello Kitty Adventure 2) has to offer then go right ahead do us the favor :) Bye!

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