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Developer Blog: Busting Bugs and Fixing Exploits


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*staff member makes a post*


usual forum poster: YOU SUCK BLARG BLARG BLARG


other usual forum poster: GIVE THEM MORE TIME BLARG BLARG BLARG


people like me: *slowly over time stops posting in forum, plays more of the game*


You are ALL a stuck LP *sighs, walks away* seriously, play a new tune.


/end rant


P.S. Thank you sir for a great blog.

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I've just cancled my account. This wall of lies is why. There are so many bugs that I've reported that are reproduable by myself, my wife, my friends that are so BASIC in there functioning that we are frankly amazed. I have canceled simply because I refuse to pay to participate in a BETA that is called a RELEASED GAME. They can post all they want about fixing bugs but with the inane responses I have recieved from in game bug reports has shown to me that they are not even collecting the data they claim. And the founder title? Obvious added at the time they did for the soul reason of causeing as many as they could to let the first month be charged on their account so that their release numbers don't fall off the proverbial cliff at the first month mark. I had 9 days to go and I've had it. BASIC FUNCTUNALITY IS IMPORTANT. This game isn't so much as finished AT THE UI LEVEL. Ok ok off that soap box. Have fun all. As a programmer I couldn't. :eek:
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*staff member makes a post*


usual forum poster: YOU SUCK BLARG BLARG BLARG


other usual forum poster: GIVE THEM MORE TIME BLARG BLARG BLARG


people like me: *slowly over time stops posting in forum, plays more of the game*


You are ALL a stuck LP *sighs, walks away* seriously, play a new tune.


/end rant


P.S. Thank you sir for a great blog.


Pretty much sums up a post I was about to make.


I feel sorry for Bioware, they are clearly trying to appease the forumers, but that is an impossible task. So long as there is at least 1 thing to complain about, the forums will be full of a whining, inconsiderate, and insignificant mockery of this game's community. It reminds me of the League of Legends forums *shudders*.

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stop new content and fix the game. All your resources need to be put into fixing the game that exists now!!! You said you patched warzones not properly awarding wins, you lied. There is no argument there. You told the player base you fixed an issue when you did not. That is LYING.


Lying to your paying customers will result in you losing paying customers. As for the bug thing, it would be best for this "future" content you are working on to be tested this time. Please test it and increase the utility of the PTS. The PTS is useless as is right now. Add incentive for players to want to test your patches on there such as character copying!!!! Why is this so hard for you?????


Stupid whiny *** twit

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Here's a little scenario that happen to me last year at work.


I work for a pet retail store that sells fish.Last winter we had a freakishly cold snap over the week end. Unfortunately the Monday I return to work I saw water EVERYWHERE.


First thing: Oh **** the system pipes burst-ed ****, and I clean up the mess.


Second: Oh snap the water temperature is below 60. I start dumping all the heaters I can into the 40k gallon system in vain to keep the fish alive.

a: Then I attempted to raise the temp via the controls. Nope those were gone

b: Texted my manager and she gave me the repair number

c: Sat holding for support for 30 minutes; ~.~ Took them 3 days to get out here


Third: Oh snap I gotta check the water quality: I attempted to keep the No1 No2 and ammonia levels safe.


Fourth: Awe snap the fish are too weak. :<


Fifth: Explain to the customers what happen as gently as possible. Sorry you can't buy fish for awhile we had an accident over the week end.

a: Customers rage

b: Customers understood

c: More A than B, they still bought the fish then came back 2 days later with dead fishies and raged more ~.~


Things break and sometimes it takes awhile to fix and get it back to quality standards.. be patient!

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WZ matches still won't count. FAIL.




So how un-severe do your QA team think the warzone-win-non-counting bug?




The last time I checked (three days ago) a win in a War Zone registered as a win on my daylies. If not maybe a little more than FAIL!!!!elf111! would be ... more considerate?




Edited by Morrgans
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Yeah come to think of it i have not seen 1 single bug. Mostly just game mechanics that fail. Like class balancing and what not. But i havent actually seen a single game breaking bug at all.


Well... I just don't know what to say to this statement.... maybe you're just "special". No here ya go: All the folks complaining about issues and bugs are a bunch of rage mercinaries running around on the forums "raging" just for the fun of it.(sarcasim). I bet ya a hundred bucks if you got the game and after the patches started releasing your game experience grew progrssively worse to the point you couldn't actually enjoy the game period you'd be in here "whining/raging/whatever yourself. People aren't in here making stuff up and with the ratio of positive vs negative forum feed back I'd say your experience is a extremely high minority... so respect people who aren't and are trying to be heard.

Edited by Greyhorse
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You need to go talk to your guys in the dev department and also stress about them not telling you something is fixed when it's not.


I'd start getting a visual confirmation on this stuff if its becomes a bigger issue..


As with you bugs. It's cool you guys have those metrics and stuff but do you ACTUALLY player test it?


Hard to want to roll another toon on your test server. Once again going through all the current bugs that have been reported time and time again.


Give us an easier out to testing what you guys have for us.. Give me a carbon copy of my 50 on your test server. Bam thats all we need and we can start from there..

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Hard to take this developer blog seriously when they claim to have fixed the Warzone wins not counting in this patch, yet it still happens, and it also introduces new bugs and exploits.


Check out this thread, tons of people still experience Warzone wins not counting towards the daily: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=257011


And this new patch introduces a new exploit of allowing more than 8+ people in the warzone, causing an instant win in under 2 mins. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=258511

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The main issue I'm seeing with the game is not even so much the bugs while annoying most people can actually handle it. I'm just seeing a series lack of end game content or any sort of satisfaction with it:


1. Gear crafting professions are for all intents and purposes worthless. The RNG game of crafting I think was to squeeze more time out of it allowing people to work towards something. The only problem is you can get Champion's and Columni Gear far more easily and they are a huge upgrade compared to the gear you can craft. Effectively making everything but biochem and slicing pointless.


2. The end game content is seriously way too simple. I hate to bring up WoW but on it's initial launch, as much as I hated Molten Core, made you farm gear from the dungeons to be able to progress. While this mechanic was annoying it did squeeze life out of the end game content. Not to mention you required forty people to even being to start the raids. I understand it wanted to be casual friendly but when I can group together about 8 random people in orange and blues and can blow through normal operations in a single night there's no satisfaction.


In addition why even bother going into normal operations when you can just farm the gear

from hardmodes just as easily as you can from operations. The only incentive I see for it is to get even easier Columni Gear.


3. This goes to my next point, gear progression. There is basically none in the game right now, the difference in Colmni and Rakata gear is negliable to the point you really don't care unless you want to min max your stats. The way I see it should have been was using crafted gear to get into hard modes, from hard modes you would get Tionese not Columni gear to get you set up for operations, from normal operations you would receive Columni gear and lastly from nightmare operations you would get Rakata gear.


Now the other thing about gear progression is what is up with with the cost of Tionese being so much. I was geared up in Colmuni long before I was even able to buy a single piece of Tionese. I mean you get one token for completing hard mode but you have a good chance of getting a piece of gear that is going to be better anyways at the end of it? What was even the point of Tionese gear?


4. My next point is the the pvp gear compared to pve gear. I don't understand how pvp gear is so good for pve. I mean there is no point to even really trying for any other gear. Let's say you have go into a hard mode depending on it and how geared your group is say it takes you hour and a half. From that last chest you have 1 in 4 chance to get the Columni piece you want. Now Champion's bags are RNG based but you know for a fact that any piece you recieve from it is specifically geared for you. You can be very lucky and can get almost an entire set within days of reaching 50. If you had 1000 merc and 1000 wz commendations you can get a grand total of 13 bags to open after you finish the dailies and weeklies and even if you're really unlucky you can already buy a piece of centurion gear.


5. Finally it's the casual friendliness of the game. I loved this game when I first started the whole companions thing was great, the hard enemies that required some strategic thinking to take down, the cutscenes and the voice acting, the heroic areas that required a group to take down. I mean I thought oh wow they actually made it difficult and awarding. But you hit endgame and any sense of hard vanished, I mean the only hard parts about the endgame content was the bugs.


To be honest I still like the game I love making the alts and going through a whole new set of story lines though the planet quest lines get boring but it's not game killing as most people make it out to be. However, Bioware needs to go back to the drawing board with the endgame. They just need to man up and basically start over don't trash everything just bring out a new set of gear that is leaps and bounds above what we got currently and make it harder to get. The thing may ***** and complain about how hard things are but man when you complete something that was difficult and the award is fulfilling they don't mind it. Good real life examples, Marine Corp boot camp, a successful business taking off, and sports.

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Why is it that people always complain about things like these..


Heck, BW did not force you to buy their game. It's just like a restaurant, if you did not like the food, leave a comment and don't ever comeback to it and look for a better one.


You guys act like you could work better than BW's employees. Try working for them and see if you guys could do better.



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Why is it that people always complain about things like these..


Heck, BW did not force you to buy their game. It's just like a restaurant, if you did not like the food, leave a comment and don't ever comeback to it and look for a better one.


You guys act like you could work better than BW's employees. Try working for them and see if you guys could do better.




Sure, I'd need to go a crash course in basic programming, but I'm pretty damn sure I could handle the coding, management and thinking a hell lot better than these guys.


And I'm smart enough to know that you should always cater to the customers, and one huge step in the right direction could be to actually talk to the community about the game.


The last time I even saw BW/Mythic care about what the players think was when we got to vote about the Consular AC class (Seer won obviously), and that was looong ago.

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Why is it that people always complain about things like these..


Heck, BW did not force you to buy their game. It's just like a restaurant, if you did not like the food, leave a comment and don't ever comeback to it and look for a better one.


You guys act like you could work better than BW's employees. Try working for them and see if you guys could do better.




There is always constructive criticism granted a lot of people just want to say I hate this thing and go storming off but if I owned the restaurant I would want to hear why my customers hated the food so I can make it better.

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Sure, I'd need to go a crash course in basic programming, but I'm pretty damn sure I could handle the coding, management and thinking a hell lot better than these guys.


And I'm smart enough to know that you should always cater to the customers, and one huge step in the right direction could be to actually talk to the community about the game.


The last time I even saw BW/Mythic care about what the players think was when we got to vote about the Consular AC class (Seer won obviously), and that was looong ago.


Maybe you should work for them then. Since you know it all and you got the smarts. LOL :p



Oh wait...you can't..you're not qualified :p

Just create your own game then :p

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Hello everyone! We’ve posted a new blog from Richard Vogel that talks about busting bugs and fixing exploits. Click here to read the blog!





Logitech/Naga camera bug fix is an on-going issue. Please add it to your todo list asap. It started happening to me in first january patch. I was hoping the second January patch would resolve it.



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