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Fix Voidstar, Wins going to wrong teams.


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Team A breaks gets to the force field and clock runs out. This team never got through the force field. Took them full time on the clock.


Team B gets to the force field with 3min remaining and gets through it an starts planting on the final door. Multiple plants happen during the final 3min game ends. Team B is clearly the winner. By time and Objectives. Yet Team A will be awarded a win.


This is extremely wrong. Very bad an needs to be fixed. Cant be awarding wins to losing teams. Has happened multiple times. In fact this bug is making voidstar lame an making close victory's for awesome matches into defeats an that is a very big buzz kill.

Edited by Furyofwar
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Please fix voidstar wins should not be RNG an awarded to first attacking team. Should be based off who plants more who gets farther. Who gets quicker time through the doors etc.


I have already confirmed this many times.. considering my pre-made all have 9-11 medals for each player. We got to the force field with 3min remaining. Deactivated it an planted the bomb on the final door many times it was defused no big deal right? Wrong.


The other team was attacking first. Never even got through the force field and was granted the win. Even though A: We got past there farthest location and B: We did it 3min faster. Looks like Void star does not count Bridges & the force field as objectives. So the first attacking team only has to break the second door. An as long as they prevent you from opening the door to the data core they win. Which is clearly one sided and favoring the first team that gets to attack. Medals don't count cause my pre-made alone had more medals then the other 8 players on the other team.

Edited by Furyofwar
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We got through 1 more door than the other team. We should have won, but the win went to the other team.


Many people in the WZ wondered how we could have lost when it was a clear win.


Anyway I'm tired of all the bugs they keep introducing to the game with each patch, instead of actually fixing bugs. I wonder if they even test anything prior to release.


PS: We were defenders first round, attackers second round.

Edited by Treplos
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Get me a vid of this. Not to imply I don't believe you, but there will be disbelief with some people if you don't BioWare included perhaps.


Sorry this is not a vid but it happen'd to one of my teams like a week ago, both side had the first doors destroyed + bridges, rep side couldn't go any further, our side (imps) planted a bomb on the second doors, but the time ended 1 or 2 damn second before it exploded, and we lost.

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Points are awarded not on *almost* getting an objective.

There are a total of 6 points possible on Voidstar.

Here is a list of the points possible:

  • Breaking through the first set of doors.
  • Crossing the bridges.
  • Breaking through the second set of doors.
  • Breaking through the force fields.
  • Breaking through the final set of doors.
  • Accessing the datacore.


Planting a bomb that gets disarmed does nothing, it has to actually explode to count for that team. Same goes for bridges/force fields.

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Points are awarded not on *almost* getting an objective.

There are a total of 6 points possible on Voidstar.

Here is a list of the points possible:

  • Breaking through the first set of doors.
  • Crossing the bridges.
  • Breaking through the second set of doors.
  • Breaking through the force fields.
  • Breaking through the final set of doors.
  • Accessing the datacore.


Planting a bomb that gets disarmed does nothing, it has to actually explode to count for that team. Same goes for bridges/force fields.


Bridge and force fields are really hard to do considering the defenders spawn on the other side. :rolleyes:

regardless of how the points are scored - the implementation of the Warzone needs some work.

Edited by jdnyc
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I have already confirmed this many times.. considering my pre-made all have 9-11 medals for each player. We got to the force field with 3min remaining. Deactivated it an planted the bomb on the final door many times it was defused no big deal right? Wrong.


The other team was attacking first. Never even got through the force field and was granted the win. Even though A: We got past there farthest location and B: We did it 3min faster. Looks like Void star does not count Bridges & the force field as objectives. So the first attacking team only has to break the second door. An as long as they prevent you from opening the door to the data core they win. Which is clearly one sided and favoring the first team that gets to attack. Medals don't count cause my pre-made alone had more medals then the other 8 players on the other team.

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Points are awarded not on *almost* getting an objective.

There are a total of 6 points possible on Voidstar.

Here is a list of the points possible:

  • Breaking through the first set of doors.
  • Crossing the bridges.
  • Breaking through the second set of doors.
  • Breaking through the force fields.
  • Breaking through the final set of doors.
  • Accessing the datacore.


Planting a bomb that gets disarmed does nothing, it has to actually explode to count for that team. Same goes for bridges/force fields.


This cannot be true considering I just said the first attacking team never got through the force field. Yet we planted on the door for the enemy's datacore. So if force field awarded points why did we lose?

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Pst... In the case of a tie in Voidstar, the winner is the team with the most medals.


Nope, the win goes to the first attacking team.


I'm not sure which of these is true, but I can at least confirm that several times I've started Voidstar as an attacker, and then the WZ got aborted and it counted as a loss for me anyway. In any case, what the OP is saying is that both of these situations are garbage, and I basically agree.


The whole point of Voidstar is that you're taking turns racing the other team to an objective. The team that gets the closest to the objective in the fastest amount of time should be the winner in any circumstance. In the event of a tie, shouldn't the team that accomplished the objectives more quickly win the WZ?


Take this scenario for example:


Team A detonates bomb 1 and breaks through the 1st force field after 5 minutes. They fail to plant bomb 2.


Team B detonates bomb 1 and breaks through the 1st force field after 3 minutes. They also fail to plant bomb 2, but they completed the first two objectives a whole two minutes faster than team A.


If Team A gets a win based on medals (or because they got to attack first, whatever the case), it completely negates the effort put forth by the players from Team B to get to the objective faster. If that's the case, why even bother trying?


Many times I find myself sacrificing medals in order to misdirect enemy players because it often results in a bomb plant, since three players who should be watching a door will run around chasing me while an op stealths in and ninjas. On the same note, that op is also sacrificing medals by staying stealthed and waiting for the right moment to plant a bomb, instead of trying to get KBs and damage totals. By prioritizing the objectives, people who work together like this are putting forth a solid effort to play the WZ in the spirit it was meant to be played, aren't they? Why shouldn't they be rewarded for that?


This is a problem, and I agree that it needs attention.

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I have yet to replicate this, but once when my team made it to the end and accessed the terminal to end round 1 and then round 2, the enemy also made it to the terminal and accessed it with ~4 seconds left on the clock, we still won. I guess because the timer ended before the win screen would normally pop up, we won. Despite the round 2 team actually making it to the terminal before we did..
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Nope, the win goes to the first attacking team.


Every Voidstar I have done where the doors penetrated have been equal, has been a win for the first defending team not the first attacking :) Everyone in my guild has had exactly the same experience with 'draws' in Voidstar.

Edited by Loxion
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