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Everyone has a free top off. Why don't they use it?


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Just a small rant.


In pugs (and sadly a few times in guild runs) I have to ask the people in group to take the 3 seconds and use their health/energy recharge ability instead of standing there waiting for me to top them off. This isn't wow, you didn't need food or a Mage table or whatever. Its a free ability There's no reason I should use my resources to top you out, then spend another 3-5 seconds recharging my energy.

Edited by WickedTexan
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If someone cant be bothered to top themselves off between pulls, then I cant be bothered to heal them at all. I dont even bother asking people to use their regen skill anymore, most people start being douches about it and tell me to do my job.


Thats in my guild, but were always dicking around :p


For PUGs what Ill do is go stand right in that persons face and hit my own regen skill and not heal them. Most people take the hint.

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I agree I don't know why people don't use it. I generally try to avoid healing them on the next pull unless they get really low. It drives me nuts. Watch me stand there and regen my own HP/Resources, but don't do it yourself. Just stand there at half HP and wait for me to finish so we can pull. I have on rare occasions in my MMO healing career let people die to teach them a lesson, but that's only for the extreme's when someone's continually being an *** in some way. Edited by Leiloni
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I'll make a point to tell them to do it. Some people come from WoW or other games and just expect that to be the healer's job.


If they refuse...just don't heal them.


Which is weird because even in WoW, most classes had to drink between pulls to keep their mana up, and all this is doing is replacing that.

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Part of the difficulty, I think, is that for most of the trash, it's not an issue for most players in your group. They'll get through happily enough. So they don't do it.


But then, two things tend to happen; either they'll get to a boss mob and because they're not in the habit of meditating between fights, they forget to meditate and thus go into a boss fight without full HP; or a bad pull happens for whatever reason and you're unexpectedly fighting two groups and a patrolling mob - and all of a sudden they wish they'd meditated between fights.


If one of the DPS isn't topping up in a group that I'm healing, then I'll just point out that it's a good habit to get into and that I won't heal people out of combat. If it's the tank, then I'll insist that he does it.


I wouldn't go as far as withdrawing in-combat healing from somebody that doesn't top off, but I'm also unlikely to change my priority list. So if DPS finds themselves in trouble because they haven't topped off, then my priority will still be to heal the tank then the healer. I'll heal them if and when I have space, but I won't risk the Tank/Healer to do so.



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I have an irresistible urge to heal people that are not full on health....They don't even get the chance to use their 15-sec channel ability. Must.....Heal.....EVERYTHING! I think something is wrong with me >_>


hahahah That is kind of how I am too. It's so hard not to. I am still too used to SWG's healing class, with ample energy and instant AoE heals, and I can't drop the desire to have everyone's health peaked to max.


/sigh I guess I don't help the situation lol

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you have to be out of combat to use it and if you are out of combat long enough between pulls to, i don't want to be in your group.

this is coming from a healer btw.


This sounds like a well thought out and practical approach to doing NM Ops.



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I agree I don't know why people don't use it. I generally try to avoid healing them on the next pull unless they get really low. It drives me nuts. Watch me stand there and regen my own HP/Resources, but don't do it yourself. Just stand there at half HP and wait for me to finish so we can pull. I have on rare occasions in my MMO healing career let people die to teach them a lesson, but that's only for the extreme's when someone's continually being an *** in some way.


Me too, whenever some idiots wanted my shaman to tankheal the moron that was supposed to handle onyxia and he failed to turn the damn dragon between lightning uses, I just plonked down under the tail (Only safe spot, except there you get hit by knockdown attacks from the tail slap) and when we wiped I simply told him that he either do his job or I don't heal him.


He told the rest of the froup that I "Obviously had no *expletive* clue what I was doing" and that they should gkick me. Once the guildmaster had calmed everyone down, told him to turn the damn dragon or they kick him instead, and actually put me to job area healing the guys on Nefarion instead the whole thing went much smoother.


Unfortunately ever since I quit WoW for this I havn't been able to find as good a guild.


On top of that my computer has been way too laggy for me to play any role but DPS. However now that I've got a new processor I get to experience the joy of healing again...

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I prefer people who don't use their regen skill.


I'm a sorc who never runs out of force and who rarely if ever gets hurt.


Id rather we keep a brisk pace with me constantly healing. Then stop after every fight to shoot some steam, reload, be angsty, etc.

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