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Bioware - Player Housing and Player Run Cities


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Lets assume a player-run function in the game could work well.


What would work if this idea would not (I think it does but I want to see what you think).





Player run anything won't work well. This is the point you seem to be missing.

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I prefer EQ2 type housing. i hated housing in swg.

Just let use rent a space in one of the cities. Its easy and there is no problems with a players house being out in the boonies and unfindable!

Also the thought of attacking a players house or city is not going to work for pve servers.

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Maybe in the future they can create a new planet, with a large open area, with multiple cities on it. Different guilds/factions could raid the city and take control over it. Would give you some what of the same feeling. Maybe give you options to upgrade defenses and stuff like that. Would be interesting.
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A good idea, but like SWG has shown us, it would be a game breaker.


Does anyone from SWG remember the sea of empty houses outside Mos Eisly? More importantly, does anyone remember trying to head out from there (or Theed for that matter) and have to deal with the continual snap-backs because of lag caused by all the housing and decorations loading into your system? While it would be great to be able to have our own housing (which we do, with our ships), player cities would just create even more of a FPS problem for the game.


Now, the ability to decorate our ships would be nice...


The entire point of decorating is so other people can see it. Why decorate your ship when only you and your group can see it? Also what would you decorate it with, there is nothing in the game that you can decorate it with.


Also the sea of empty houses where because of the CU not because of lag or snap-backs.

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Maybe in the future they can create a new planet, with a large open area, with multiple cities on it. Different guilds/factions could raid the city and take control over it. Would give you some what of the same feeling. Maybe give you options to upgrade defenses and stuff like that. Would be interesting.


This is a good idea. An entire player-run planet would be a great place to have constant conflict and a dynamic environment. Even on the PVE server this could work because they would have to travel there to participate. So if you didn't want too, you didn't have too.


On PVP servers it would be nice if you could loot people bags of all there BOEs and materials.

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like star wars galaxies? YES - MOST SANDBOX MMO EVER


no room for player housing/cities. they need to open up the planets or add new world open planets.


big guilds (and their alts) would control the npc cities giving no chance to the rest of us...[/


lol, just add a new zone to coruscant and bring in a patch so you can decorate, guild ships would be cool ;3

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I think it would be great to add zoned housing areas on some of the planets. It seems Bioware would have to do some modeling for all of the items that would be used to decorate.

There's a perfectly feasible way to do it by adding it away from the questing area to prevent lag and having them accessible through starports and shuttles. The planets ARE big enough for it. Also the option for vendors could work too, give players kiosks that tie into the galactic market so they can be taxed.

That was the most star warsy part of SWG imo.

It would set TOR over the top, and if it works.. byebye WoW

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A lot of people are saying we would need to make new planets too... Noooo lol

Tatooine for instance.. a HUGE planet, the questing area accounts for like .5 % of the planet... come on now..

an anchorhead spaceport shuttle to the tatooine player housing area...

or your ship, land in the tatooine player housing area spaceport instead of the quest area

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So this thread started with an idea to be able to create cities and the whole thread revolved around "its not sandbox game" and etc.


What cities have to do with sandbox style and how would that alter the game core.


i just dont get it.

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Hold on ffs, dont be an @55 and start demanding they add new features that take a lot of planning and development like this right of the bat. I mean ***, the guys are still fixing the game which at launch still felt like a decent morpg 2 months away from finishing its beta period, and you want to add housing which wasnt even considered for this game?


Barring the idea that this thread is trollbait read below if you want some life coaching :)


Get serious kid, anyone who posts some serious bulls'hit like this is a complete idiot, what are you a fullbring user from Bleach and your fullbring is fulls'hit? thats like worse than bulls'hit bro, i seriously cant see how you ask for housing with a straight face just 2 months after launch #>_>


I hope you are eaten by the trolls, Ta~Ta


ps: frack the stupid profanity filter, why add one when your game has an option to turn the game's profanity filter off, add one in the forums too if you are so carebear BW.

Edited by Kuuraien
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I'd much prefer guild ships. Of various makes and models that only your guild can fly into. Maybe be able to set it into different sections of space at the discretion of your guild leader. Have class trainers but not skill trainers, making people have to stop into a city or fleet to get that or something. A dueling arena could be in there as well as a Catina.
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This is my idea For a guild owned base/city.

the game could offer 3 types of bases.


Planetairy Guild Base or city.


Orbital Station Guildbase.


Capital Ship Guildbase.


From this perspective Bioware or EA could give the following options.


Guild wars: attack and capture the oposite guildflag (for capital ships and Orbital stations you could make an attack and boarding scenario before the actual fighting starts.)


Guild Banker: People could put items on a guild bank or store on their own bank using this NPC.


Guild broker/AH: Guildmembers Could place items on the broker/AH and put a specific option with it (everyone or guildmembers only.)


Guild visitor hall: Let your friends go in awe how awesome your guild base is.


Guild Ralleypoint: Like to start a raid, why not register at this NPC and get a trooper transporter to the desired location.


Guild base liberation Flashpoint: Enemy have takover part of your base, assemble a group and wipe them from the place.


Guild Diplomatic section: Want to tighten ties with friendly guilds, why not make an alliance of guilds here?


Guild vendor section: Buy and sell your items here.


If anyone has ideas or likes to correct mines, i be glad to see it.

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as much as i can accept its a new game id still love to have an area to call home


my ship just doesn't feel like it i cant place my stuff down and remember quests or make collections to show off


i'd quite happily accept a guild hall as long as we could actually have movable items in it


i know it would be a huge content change and require alot of work but i feel it could take the game to a level were you can enjoy being in the universe without progressing your charicter


i think games that have sidelines hold me longer as it can be a second life


right now when i get into game i can quest pvp/fight


i love crafting but tbh it took me about half an hour to work out how it was going to work up to level 400


nothing entertains me in game when im not fighting, and i feel thats sad i struggle to find the social aspect of the game come to life


only within a guild do you get some resemblance of that




im not a gaming guru but i do know what i like and right now there arnt enough moments where i share a space with another character and interact


maybe the guild ship will help with this provided its a place people can get to easily and need to go to drop guild items or somthing like that


there just isnt a social community i feel yet


housing can help that by helping players feel comfortable just chilling in the universe ! thats when all the cool conversations happen !

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