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Huttball- Using the Force Pull to instantly kill


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If it is this then I think its a fantastic tactic and one I do all the the time. Same with pulling people off of bridges in voidstar, however, of late i've noticed that in both, people are not actualy being pulled to where I need them, they seem to land in my character rather than just in front.


In PvP using strategy is cheating, using the environment strategically elicits an angry forum post.

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If two friendly Sorcs/Sages with half a brain can chain pull the ball carrier to the end zone in a matter of seconds, it dosn't seem unreasonable that the enemy has the ability to fight fire with fire.





You die instantly when you are grappled up to the ledge. Instantly. This can and does happen as you are about to cross the goal line, even surrounded by a full team defending you.


This is not working as intended. This is a mistake.

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You die instantly when you are grappled up to the ledge. Instantly. This can and does happen as you are about to cross the goal line, even surrounded by a full team defending you.


This is not working as intended. This is a mistake.


Attention misinformed guy: You score if they do this to you. You don't die until well after you cross the line. It happened to me just yesterday.

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Attention misinformed guy: You score if they do this to you. You don't die until well after you cross the line. It happened to me just yesterday.


This is incorrect. 90% of the time when this happens, you die before you score. Rarely does it count the score and also kill you.


*IF* the score counted every time, I wouldn't see a problem with it.

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This is a legit issue, to those who think it isn't... READ.


If you are about to cap the Huttball, a forcepull/grapple performed by a player who is standing in their spawn area (up on the ledge) can instantly kill you PREVENTING YOU FROM SCORING.


This is game breaking, and 100% not working as intended.


Learn something before you call someone out.


You are wrong! If they take this away then they should take away Jedi/Warrior leaping ability as well. Now I've never done this and I dont plan on it but it seems like fair play to me. Just as it is knocking someone off a ledge or in a fire/poison pit.

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Attention misinformed guy: You score if they do this to you. You don't die until well after you cross the line. It happened to me just yesterday.


Wrong. You can be grappled and not score. I've witnessed it, and am looking for a video. Congrats on being able to cross the line before you got taken advantage of though.

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We've had many many many many threads on this and lets just say the children of the game will quote the announcer and say "He tells us to cheat" and the grown ups who want to play fairly without SPAWN KILLING in a way will say "He also says get the ball across the line any way possible" this 'exploit' being one of those ways in my opinion and should count as a score.


They will then say they're not allowed to stay up there all the time because it will boot them... blah blah blah


Either way the vocal folks on these forums are the ones that probably check her every day to see if the exploits, cheats and speed hacks are being fixed just so they can say they never would do such a thing in the thread telling us it was an exploit...


Blah blah blah... one day these kids will enter the world of work and they'll have to grow up when Mummy stops paying their sub.

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Wrong. You can be grappled and not score. I've witnessed it, and am looking for a video. Congrats on being able to cross the line before you got taken advantage of though.


happens frequently on our server.


It's stupid, and it needs to be fixed. We bug report it every time it happens, and so far have just gotten the stock CSR response of "please check the official forums to see if there's a solution to your issue".

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Attention misinformed guy: You score if they do this to you. You don't die until well after you cross the line. It happened to me just yesterday.


Had this happen to me yesterday and you die before you score, at least it has 100% of the time to me.


This is a stupid tactic and shouldn't be allowed and it is obvious to anyone that it is not what they intended.

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why no crying about leaper scoring? Now that I have done many times either from a fire pit of the lower level. Shouldnt this be prevented then?


Quit making excuses for your bad game, it happens to everyone. Just kill the guy the next time you see them and you'll feel better.

Edited by whataboutbob
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This is incorrect. 90% of the time when this happens, you die before you score. Rarely does it count the score and also kill you.


*IF* the score counted every time, I wouldn't see a problem with it.


QFE. Simple fix. Make this always cause a score. I mean, you're crossing the plane of the goal line! Just 20 feet up. Just like football, this should always count as a score, then you'd have no more problems!

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why no crying about leaper scoring? Now that I have done many times either from a fire pit of the lower level. Shouldnt this be prevented then?


Quit making excuses for your bad game, it happens to everyone. Just kill the guy the next time you see them and you'll feel better.


No, because it's intended to work this way.


Can you honestly not see a difference?

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You die instantly when you are grappled up to the ledge. Instantly. This can and does happen as you are about to cross the goal line, even surrounded by a full team defending you.


This is not working as intended. This is a mistake.


Nothing prevents your team from pulling the guy down or using ranged incapacitation moves(such as Force Stun, etc).


Or simply learn to anticipate the pulls, and pass the ball to a team-mate. Especially if you're having the "full team defending you".


Game says cheating is encouraged in Huttball as "unfair play" as it might be to pull ball carriers into death. Deal with it.

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Last time I checked the announcer says cheating is allowed in Huttball. I don't have this problem nearly as much as others because of unstoppable force charge. It feels so good to be able to score while that BH is trying to grapple me up.
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Nothing prevents your team from pulling the guy down or using ranged incapacitation moves(such as Force Stun, etc).


Or simply learn to anticipate the pulls, and pass the ball to a team-mate. Especially if you're having the "full team defending you".


Game says cheating is encouraged in Huttball as "unfair play" as it might be to pull ball carriers into death. Deal with it.


If I put this bold, will you listen to me?


This game is horrible. And the PvP is the worst PvP in any game I've ever played. Bioware is incompetent.

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If I put this bold, will you listen to me?


This game is horrible. And the PvP is the worst PvP in any game I've ever played. Bioware is incompetent.


Woah slow down there bud. Would you like some Preparation H? I know this game has some serious issues, and I am mad too. But bold text like that just makes you sound like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.

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nothing prevents your team from pulling this guy down? ahh duh, your team has to have someone with a pull. And that someone has to be in a position to do it. and stun? Usually im the only one within sight from my team when im carriyng the hutball. getting pulled in is just a cheesy exploit. Why should i die from being in their spawn? its to keep me from camping them, so why should they be allowed to pull me in.


Honestly I dont mind the insta kill. But I do mind that all my hard work to get the ball there is undone without a thing you can do about it. Sure leave the insta kill, but add insta score

Edited by Kalliadies
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