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Voidstar Fixed Civil War Still Broke...Getting Tired Of Favortism


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I won't insult your intelligence like you do mine. I realize you're smart enough to run out to the turret at full speed to stop the cap.

LOL, you threw the first insult, I repeated what you said back at you.


I'm telling you that if your opponent maximizes their ability to first get to the turret, and second to cap, you will not make it there in time.

You have a 6 second headstart on a cap that takes 8 seconds to cap and you need to run 30 yds farther since I only need to get in range for an insta-cast AoE spell. What is hard to understand that reliably I can stop you if my team commits 2-4 people to this tactic?


Sure, send someone out to stop me, one of us will get by and interrupt or he will be picked up by our intercept blocker.

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Uh huh. I suppose you asked the other team if that's what they did? I did. We set this up and tested it repeatedly. I have stated the facts repeatedly in previous posts. All of what I said was tested and true. If you wish to conjecture further be my guest, but fact is fact.

What I said is not conjecture. You have a 6 second headstart on an 8 second cap. What is so hard to understand that we can stop you in that 2 second window when we do not need to run as far?

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Sure, send someone out to stop me, one of us will get by and interrupt or he will be picked up by our intercept blocker.


What the hell is an "intercept blocker"? And how is this intercept blocker magically in FRONT of your sprinting Sorc? Are you just making this up as you go along?


Again, I leap your sprinting Sorc, you are rooted for 3 seconds. Bam - you didn't make it. If you CC break the roots (I hope you do this) I will Force Stasis you for 3 more seconds, then throw a crippling throw to root you for 3 more.


If there is more than one of you I will use Awe after you CC break, aoe mezzing for 6 seconds that you now cannot break and immediately use Force Camoflauge to vanish. I will then use Crippling throw and Force Stasis on the 2 people closest to the turret. Since they had to have used their CC break on Awe they will be rooted for 3 seconds.


You're done. Flag's capped.

Edited by EternalFinality
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What I said is not conjecture. You have a 6 second headstart on an 8 second cap. What is so hard to understand that we can stop you in that 2 second window when we do not need to run as far?


I have stated repeatedly that it is possible for a sorc to get to that aoe window in the 2 seconds. Do you really think it's harder to stop a sorc or two from having to play perfectly to get there? You may outplay the other team occasionally and make it, but I bet you'd be just as confident in your ability to stop the sorcs if you were on the defending side of the ball.


Furthermore, do you really consider it fair that the defending team has to be perfect to even have a chance to stop the cap? If you send help with the sorcs the interference can just be run at a point further up. We tested a large number of combinations of running defenders, and the simple fact is, while it is possible to hit that window, ANYTHING slowing them down, ends that possibility. You have to get a sorc to the turret stairs untouched the entire way.


This is not an advantage for the capping team? Really?

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Well, I know oblong will continue to say things like lag, or I doctored the pic or whatever, being the only thing I did was black out the names of characters and such since that is against the forum rules. Here is a pic of us just having capped the right node. Note the ticks on the Imp ship. The left node just capped right after I snapped this. We had the right node about 5 whole seconds, so while Oblong and company will say the tick only works for Imps, I know better.


Capping for the Republic


So for oblong,

but keep trying to beat that and say it doesn't happen that way.


Oh yeah you proved it wrong from a picture.


No really you completely proved your point on how fast something ticks down via a still frame.


Listen, I appreciate the bumps I really do but you are beyond wrong, you know it, I know it and a lot of other people here know it.


So if you don't agree with me, just leave the thread, but we all know you wont. you crave the attention by trying to troll everyone here by saying an obvious bug isn't in the game.


Judging by your logic, watch how fast this mouse runs.



Edited by oblongship
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Not sure if you haven't already noticed, but this game was designed to help siths.


New Ilum, Faster animations, Better designs etc. Lol Republics get screwed.


The only good part is there are tons of bad sith.


As much as I hate to admit it, you are correct on this one.

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FYI OP, marauders can't use their group speed buff : predation: without fury. there is no way to generate fury that i know of(not quite 40 yet) without engaging in a fight. so. no marauders cannot use predation to get a group of people to the left side(from imperial perspective) turret faster.



Edited by lectotrans
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The alliance one was a clear exploit and the turret issue in Civil War was fixed back in December. If you are seeing the Empire ahead now it is because they capped one side first.


This is incorrect.


Play any game in Alderaan, the Republic needs a full cycle to begin ticking damage off the Imperial ships. The Imperials however, when they get a turret, instantly tick the Republic ship. This isn't a huge bias, but it is a bias.

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I don't believe this issue was addressed in the patch notes so of course it is still broke.


Please tell me how many Civil Wars have you lost by 5 points? I bet the answer is none. So is this really a game breaking issue.


Worry more about taking and holding two nodes and you will win more instead of fretting over 5 points....wow

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Please tell me how many Civil Wars have you lost by 5 points? I bet the answer is none. So is this really a game breaking issue.


It is a little more than 5 points. Usually it adds up to 10-15 points and I have lost Warzones within 5-10 points before. It is rare and, even as I noted, a slight issue.


It is still annoying to me that there are so many "bugs" in the game that favor the Sith that are not being addressed and yet every Republic "bug" seems to get hit instantly.

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OK, video that was posted early in topic.. look at the first time again...




Republic one hit 590 first despite them ticking at the same time that one time. The second time would be worth watching longer to see if something similar happened, but the video doesn't give enough time.


I'd also note he had 3 bars latency rather then a full 4. Lag could be an issue in displaying.


EDIT: There is also mention of each turret ticking at different times. If that's the case, its a timing thing as well. Really wouldn't surprise me.


It is still annoying to me that there are so many "bugs" in the game that favor the Sith that are not being addressed and yet every Republic "bug" seems to get hit instantly.


Funny.. today's patch mentioned several Republic bugs. Picking and choosing are we? Also not to mention there are more Sith bugs then you realize, you just don't bother paying attention to them.

Edited by Kuari
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Ok lets be honest here.... Who really enjoys civil war? I mean come on now... Really? I know I'm not the only one who dreads when that map is played... VoidStar and Huttball have so much more potential to them then civil war...


Hehehehe, I dread both voidstar and civil war. Both matches amount to who brings the most aoe to prevent capping objectives.

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FYI OP, marauders can't use their group speed buff : predation: without fury. there is no way to generate fury that i know of(not quite 40 yet) without engaging in a fight. so. no marauders cannot use predation to get a group of people to the left side(from imperial perspective) turret faster.


*sigh* The Sentinel/Marauder ability you get at level 50 is a 3 minute cooldown that instantly gives a full stack of centering.


When I refer to "instant speed" I mean popping that and Transcendence immediately at the start of the match.


I'd also note he had 3 bars latency rather then a full 4. Lag could be an issue in displaying.


For crying out loud it's not lag. It has never been lag. This isn't the only video out there, there have been countless for over a month. The next time you're in Alderan watch the bars yourself! People are STILL questioning this?


EDIT: There is also mention of each turret ticking at different times. If that's the case, its a timing thing as well. Really wouldn't surprise me.


Wrong again. No matter when the Imperials cap the turret, whether it be 10 seconds in or 60, it always exhibits this behavior.

Edited by EternalFinality
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Honestly the first tick hit isn't a huge deal, its unbalanced but its not massive. What IS massive, that almost no one realizes is how much smaller the hangar spawn is for imperials than republic. This is actually a MAJOR balance issue especially concerning defending side turrets. They can get to the far speeder within 1-2 seconds easily because of how small their spawn is. The republic players are looking at a 3 second run on average, and 5 seconds if you spawn as far away as you can. When getting to the point and stopping cappers is something a second can change, this is a pretty large bias. However I don't know how many people have played alderaan on emp and republic, and how many of those even paid attention to the differences. Honestly this is a massive difference though.
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Yeah I am not paying attention to the Empire kiddies trying to troll the thread, but yeah it's very annoying to see a bug in republics favor busted right away but NOOOOOOO leave the Empires bug in and un-addressed.





/translasion I'm said that i can't cheat anymore.

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Players are no longer able to climb out of the attacking team spawn area in the hangar before the match starts.



Yet the Civil War tickets still gives the Empire an advantage with tickets counting against Republic faster. It's not a small difference either it's a 35 ticket difference.


I love how they fix the Republics advantage RIGHT AWAY but the Empire gets to keep theirs.



Tired of your crap BW...I really am...


Considering the fact there is no imbalance, I would say show proof or it didnt happen

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Honestly the first tick hit isn't a huge deal, its unbalanced but its not massive. What IS massive, that almost no one realizes is how much smaller the hangar spawn is for imperials than republic. This is actually a MAJOR balance issue especially concerning defending side turrets. They can get to the far speeder within 1-2 seconds easily because of how small their spawn is. The republic players are looking at a 3 second run on average, and 5 seconds if you spawn as far away as you can. When getting to the point and stopping cappers is something a second can change, this is a pretty large bias. However I don't know how many people have played alderaan on emp and republic, and how many of those even paid attention to the differences. Honestly this is a massive difference though.


Anyone have a screenshot of the Imperial spawn area?


Considering the fact there is no imbalance, I would say show proof or it didnt happen


You miiiiiiiiight want to read the topic instead of just the first post. You might look stupid otherwise.

Edited by EternalFinality
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