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Are people just tolerating TOR at the moment?


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Then need to fix the performance issues, that is the number one reason that will determine whether I will leave or not.


Also in4b your comp sux



Phenom 965 BE @ 3.2

8gb ddr3

gtx 580

Crucial SSD


5-10 frames on Ilum when in a full ops group is beyond a joke.


Yet I am running a Dual Core AMD with 4 GB of RAM and a NVIDA 9600 GTX and have no performance issues and a decent frame rate even on Ilum....It's weird because I know your issues are valid because my friend has a rocketship and can barely play...I agree they truly need to fix the High end machines issues.

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I opted for a month by month sub and am off when this month runs out. The fixes may all come eventually but it's not like I can't come back for a look in six months or a year or so and see if it's any better :)


Yeah I originally had the 6 month recurring plan, quickly switch to month to month when I saw the endgame and all these issues. We'll see.

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Yet I am running a Dual Core AMD with 4 GB of RAM and a NVIDA 9600 GTX and have no performance issues and a decent frame rate even on Ilum....It's weird because I know your issues are valid because my friend has a rocketship and can barely play...I agree they truly need to fix the High end machines issues.


Yeah its specifically when I'm in a ops group, out side of a group I get about 20-30 which is good enough for me. I just sucks because I'd rather be in an ops group because its easier to coordinate and see where my guild is at.

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you do realise when it does hit, all you will hear on the GW2 forums is alot of ppl saying:



"this is not how an MMO should play"




If Arenanet had forums sure you would...only they refuse to have them because Mike O'Brian said he would not provide the stage for Trolls and Astroturfers to insult his teams hard work.


Honestly I think Bioware should have done the same thing...but yeah GW2 is going to let down a lot of the Zelots...it is so casual it isn't even funny and there is an almost Loathing for the Raid game and Raiders....I know this because of my hands on time with the game...yeah it's going to be a /popcorn moment when they open up the beta

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Yeah its specifically when I'm in a ops group, out side of a group I get about 20-30 which is good enough for me. I just sucks because I'd rather be in an ops group because its easier to coordinate and see where my guild is at.


Yeah that screams memory leak... thing is they can be a bear to track down.

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One thing I don't quite understand, why is the comparison to a mature MMORPG invalid?


I've seen a lot of people say "Yeah, but WOW was horribly buggy at launch as well" or the like. I do agree, it was, I was there. However, they're not releasing SWTOR 8 years ago during the WOW launch, they're releasing it now. The competition is what we have now.


If Toyota released a new car that had it's wheels fall off every 20 miles and sometimes the engine exploded, would you expect a defense of "Well, the Model T had issues when it was first released, so why should you expect this to be better?".


That's just the business reality. You release a product right now, you face the competition which is several mature products with a lot more stability. It is 100% valid to compare because those are our CURRENT choices. We don't have a wayback machine to use so that we can choose between SWTOR or launch day Rift / WOW / Guild Wars / etc.


So I'd think Bioware would take claims of "This game is too buggy, I'd rather play XYZ other MMO" or "All the other MMOs have XYZ feature, I'd rather play them instead" seriously if they wish to keep customers and you know, keep the game alive.

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i'm just about tolerating these stupid *** threads :p


no seriously i bet half to 75% of ppl that are unhappy with SWTOR are just burned out with MMOs in general, how many times have a read a post starting with :


i'm a 14 year vet, and this is not what an MMO should be




10 year vet, and i'm unsubbing


on the other hand it seems to me all ppl that have just picked up there first MMO are loving the game.




OP are you a vet or is this your first MMO?


This, sorta. I'm not over MMOs, I've just been playing them long enough to have higher standards.


I started with EQ back in 2000, I've done it all from hardcore server firsts to just messing around in a family guild. Nothing new here except the solo story, which btw BH was great. But its done, and the awfulness of Ilum, total lack of Open World, bugs and bugs, and other stuff is making harder to hold my interest. I can only play so much Huttball and the PvE encounters aren't anything new or exciting.


I have yet to come across anything in PvE thats felt epic, despite or perhaps because the game was set up from the start to be "epic" always fighting 3-5 guys at a time, killing Iconic characters before 50, etc.


Oh well, the game will get more time to improve itself for me simply because there is nothing else new on the market.

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I know I am. I'm hoping bioware gets things together sooner than later, but as for right now I'm locked in for three months. I play, sure, but I'm not thrilled--I'm mainly just on standby watching to see if bioware puts their priorities in the right place and fixes what needs to be fixed.


yeah definitely.

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I know I am. I'm hoping bioware gets things together sooner than later, but as for right now I'm locked in for three months. I play, sure, but I'm not thrilled--I'm mainly just on standby watching to see if bioware puts their priorities in the right place and fixes what needs to be fixed.


Nope, I'm enjoying the game just fine thank you :D Yeah I know there are issues, but they've been acknowledged and now it's up to Bioware to fix them.

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I know I am. I'm hoping bioware gets things together sooner than later, but as for right now I'm locked in for three months. I play, sure, but I'm not thrilled--I'm mainly just on standby watching to see if bioware puts their priorities in the right place and fixes what needs to be fixed.


Definitely. Maybe one day.


What's curious is all the people that say they love the game are posting here.

If they love the game why aren't they playing? And if you're working, why aren't you working?


Did you just happen upon this one thread in the midst of the thousands that scroll through page 1?



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Definitely. Maybe one day.


What's curious is all the people that say they love the game are posting here.

If they love the game why aren't they playing? And if you're working, why aren't you working?


Did you just happen upon this one thread in the midst of the thousands that scroll through page 1?




No Great mystery guy as for me personally Between waiting for renders to finish or between meetings I post... sometimes I'll post during a meeting if they just want me bodily there and not actively participating.....my job is a hurry up and wait affair anyway.



I'm sure I'm not alone and you don't have to play a game every second to love it...playing Games OCD style is why so many so called hadcores are disillusioned right now.



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