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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Theres NOTHING to do now...


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First of all, voice overs do not equal content - Period. It equals a time sink and a weak story that is 100% linear. Good or bad, light or dark -the outcome is the same every time.


We the hardcore DRIVE the MMO genre. MMO companies tend to use 80-20 models for business. That means when 20% of us hit end game 80% of the casuals are not there yet and are busy doing other things. The company uses that to base the speed of content releases to keep the hardcores paying. So we gage the speeds of content release, we also hammer out bugs and issues found and are the reasons patches happen when they do. We are the reason the casual player enjoys his first heroic without issues.


You should be thanking hardcore players lol


This maybe was true possibly 6 years ago, maybe not even then. This was no longer the case as soon as MMO's went mainstream. Have a fun time crying in the "next big MMO" forums.

Edited by TheRealRainier
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So....they'll be doing absolutely nothing for free every night? Hmmmmm.....:rolleyes:


Show me a MMO where no one complained about "lack of content" right after its release. You will ALWAYS have the epeen fanatics who want to brag that they were amongst the first to reach end-game. It makes them leet in the eyes of three or four people for around 2 minutes. They often are also the first to post and whine that they want more content and they want it yesterday. I feel sorry for them, really...can't slow down enough to actually enjoy a game.


Ask yourself this--


Are you getting $15 worth of bug fixes and new content every month? You already paid $60 for whatever the game released with (this includes all 8 character stories).


Assuming that the $15 breakup is as follows--


1) $10 for server upkeep and maintenance (this is very high. Apple Cloud service for all those iTunes songs and movies you maintain on their server comes free of cost)

2) $5 for bug fixes and new content.


So, are you getting your money's worth ?

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If you bought this game with 8 complete storylines with dozens of varying paths based on advanced class and light/dark choices just to play one storyline, yeah you're going to hit the wall pretty fast.



I think you are over exaggerating the "variety" amongst the 8 stories a tad. Don't get me wrong......I think BW delivered in spades in terms of the story telling but they did not market this game as a single player origin story game like Dragon Age. Strip away the actual class story missions and your left with a alt leveling experience that differs only in which 1 of 4 starter 'zones' you start in ...only til level 10 then you are on 1 of 2 extremely linear paths.

Edited by Draylore
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Your callous sarcasm only serves to defeat you, because you are right. He has beaten the game, there is nothing left to do, nothing. This is supposed to be a MMO, a continuing adventure, always something to strive for.........TOR has none of that.


No MMO has that..

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Tell me what to do on other MMO, when you're lvl 50 and that you cleaned everything...



I played EQ1 for 2 years starting in 2000.


Had 2 characters at max level. (Paladin/Shaman)


Never managed to finish top tier raiding content when I left. (PoTime)


The quest line bugged out on me and back then there was no way to track which boss kill didn't get recorded so you had to repeat them all again till you got the right one and could move onto the next boss kill and so on till you finally got access to PoTime.


Point is I did not make it to the end.

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Ya know.... once I ate a whole bag of potato chips in one sitting. At first it was sooo good, but once I got to the bottom, I was sick to my stomach of it. Then, I cursed the bag for being empty.


All good things come to an end. Everything should be in moderation.

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Let me start by saying I love the game, have 2 lvl 50 chars. I'm part of a PvE oriented raiding guild. I wouldn't say we're hardcore by any means, we raid 3 times a week.


Two weeks ago we completed 16 man Karagga hardmode and 1-4 EV 16 man hardmode. Last week we finished off Karagga 16 man hardmode. Sunday we cleared 16m hardmode EV 1-4. On Monday we decided, seeing we had a whole night, to try 16 man Soa nightmare and killed it after maybe 10 attempts.


The OP is correct, there are not enough hooks at endgame. Loot is too easy to get, content is too easy to clear, and there's not enough fun other things to do.


We will clear both Karagga and EV 16 man nightmare next week, and probably won't need 3 nights to do it in.


There's literally no reason to log in, apart from for raids.


Ye, ye, there's PvP, I have both chars to valor rank 50 with almost full champion gear and I'm sick of the 3 warzones so much i doubt I'll get either of them to rank 60.


To everyone saying go out for a walk, or get a life. There are many people in the same situation, and they do not play 24-7, just because you are not one of them, doesn't automatically mean they have no life.


The simple fact is, that endgame right now is too easy, with not enough to do. If your argument is that people need to do other things, that's 1. not really a valid argument in the context of the discussion, and 2. means that you haven't cleared content and aren't in an informed position to properly comment.


I can use my imagination to keep myself busy in and out of the game, but that's not what I pay a subscription fee for.

Edited by Scather
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Ya know.... once I ate a whole bag of potato chips in one sitting. At first it was sooo good, but once I got to the bottom, I was sick to my stomach of it. Then, I cursed the bag for being empty.


All good things come to an end. Everything should be in moderation.


And now you have to pay a monthly fee to keep that empty bag of chips on your table and hope for the best.

Edited by Dreossk
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Tell me all about GW1's regular free content patches... :p


Guild wars has been around for 7 years.


4 expansions (lets say $50) = $200


lets say $100 for collectors = $400


$15 monthly sub for 7 years = 1260


And the game is still going and coming out with a sequel.



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Ignore the fanboi responses. No, there is nothing to do other than to log in to raid once a week after you have cleared everything.


Really? I can think of no less than 10 other activities you can perform at 50 after you have cleared everything.


Maybe you just aren't being creative enough.

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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?


Quick, quick, someone get a spoon and feed this person some tapioca!!! And make it snappy!!!

Edited by justadude
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Really? I can think of no less than 10 other activities you can perform at 50 after you have cleared everything.


Maybe you just aren't being creative enough.


Please tell us. The tease is inhuman.

Edited by Dreossk
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It's not a good idea to tell people to leave. It will won't help this game get better and stay longer than a few months.


I never told you to leave. But it's ridiculous to think you HAVE to stay. If you are bored, why wouldn't you leave? That's what I would do. I'm not bored though, so I'll continue to play because I believe there is plenty of content.

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Let me start by saying I love the game, have 2 lvl 50 chars. I'm part of a PvE oriented raiding guild. I wouldn't say we're hardcore by any means, we raid 3 times a week.


Two weeks ago we completed 16 man Karagga hardmode and 1-4 EV 16 man hardmode. Last week we finished off Karagga 16 man hardmode. Sunday we cleared 16m hardmode EV 1-4. On Monday we decided, seeing we had a whole night, to try 16 man Soa nightmare and killed it after maybe 10 attempts.


The OP is correct, there are not enough hooks at endgame. Loot is too easy to get, content is too easy to clear, and there's not enough fun other things to do.


We will clear both Karagga and EV 16 man nightmare next week, and probably won't need 3 nights to do it in.


There's literally no reason to log in, apart from for raids.


Ye, ye, there's PvP, I have both chars to valor rank 50 with almost full champion gear and I'm sick of the 3 warzones so much i doubt I'll get either of them to rank 60.


To everyone saying go out for a walk, or get a life. There are many people in the same situation, and they do not play 24-7, just because you are not one of them, doesn't automatically mean they have no life.


The simple fact is, that endgame right now is too easy, with not enough to do. If your argument is that people need to do other things, that's 1. not really a valid argument in the context of the discussion, and 2. means that you haven't cleared content and aren't in an informed position to properly comment.


I can use my imagination to keep myself busy in and out of the game, but that's not what I pay a subscription fee for.


Finnaly somebody who gets it... rest of you guys who say you havent gotten there becasue your taking time to "enjoy it" are just fooling yourselfs. This game is way way way to easy. There nothing hard or epic about it. There is no content that a group of monkeys couldnt beat given enough attempts.


The design team need get there heads togther and actully TRY to chalenge the players or they will find they have very empty servers very fast. The whole point of a boss encounter is its meant to be hard, its meant to take blood sweat and tears and wipes and all sorts to give players and sense of accoplishment when they finnaly beat it, Not be soemthing that every idiot who just dinged lvl 50 can do.

Edited by Francisab
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This game got one thing right: it took the grind and boredom out of lvling.


You, sir, level all 8 classes on your faction.

Then lvl the 8 on enemy faction.


By the time you are finished, gw2 beta will begin.


This is what i am doing :)


Most MMO vets/players just aren't going to do that. If the strategy here is one based on needing to roll alts to stay engaged this game is in trouble. Alts will not generate long-term dedication and subscription in the MMO genre.

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Sorry to say but I agree somewhat with the OP. This game does have one of the thinnest endgames I've seen so far.



Babies first MMO?



Most MMO vets/players just aren't going to do that. If the strategy here is one based on needing to roll alts to stay engaged this game is in trouble. Alts will not generate long-term dedication and subscription in the MMO genre.



Are you that unfamiliar with WoW?

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