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Theres NOTHING to do now...


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Hardcore players who play 8 hours a day are not the majority of players in the game. BioWare, nay, NO company can afford to cater to that demographic because it's impossible to output quality content in the quantity necessary to keep up with their playstyle.


There is a ton of content in this game, probably moreso than any other MMO has launched with before.

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What you described taking you 3-4 months in another game is done here in 30 days. I think that is the issue that the OP has.


...then the OP and people like him play too much and are not (should not) be catered to. This game clearly is not tuned or developed to satisfy people like him. I don't see where the issue is here.


The amount of people that play as much as the OP (or as efficiently) is tiny compared to folks that put in a few hours when they have a break from work/family obligations.


This game never set itself up to be a sandbox, or hardcore, or anything of the sort. In fact, if you'd been following it pre-release, you should have known it was focusing heavily on the journey and not endgame. Choosing to play it anyway and complaining about what it's not is not just pointless, it's dumb.

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Players like you are killing MMO's just so you kow.


Seriously thats the best you can do? I tottaly disagree.. its devolpers who make things far to simple and easy that is the problem... what happened to having hard mode mean HARD? how about twice the hp, twice the damage and half the enrage timers? How about putting in some difficult space missions that arent just a repeat of the lower lvl ones. How about giving us soemthing that makes us what to log in and play more then once a week.. is that too much to ask from a game we pay for?


You already stated you didn't do hard modes because the gear wasn't what you wanted, and the answer to something to do is called playing the game, you have 8 class stories you can play through, while doing that you can pvp, craft and once you reach end game you can get those oh so important purple pixels that are keep you awake at night.


As for wanting to grind through faction rep, you can keep that in the other game that you obviously prefer to this one.

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Fortunately, Guildwars 2 is in beta, and it sounds like open beta soon with launch potentially around July. A proper MMO is in the works so we can forget about this chaos that is swtor and its highly dumbed down single player easy mode designed for wow ex-pats that have no real idea what a true MMO is.


Guildwars2.... A proper MMO?? How would you know? Are going by the first instalment? If so ill lol... Or are you going by the hype? Either way you dont know it will be a proper MMO. And going by the first game, I wouldnt hold your breath!

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...then the OP and people like him play too much and are not (should not) be catered to. This game clearly is not tuned or developed to satisfy people like him. I don't see where the issue is here.


The amount of people that play as much as the OP (or as efficiently) is tiny compared to folks that put in a few hours when they have a break from work/family obligations.


This game never set itself up to be a sandbox, or hardcore, or anything of the sort. In fact, if you'd been following it pre-release, you should have known it was focusing heavily on the journey and not endgame. Choosing to play it anyway and complaining about what it's not is not just pointless, it's dumb.



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Just wanted to point out to those that use the "roll an alt" answer. Playing alts is not a substitute for End Game content. The fact that it is the most popular answer to the question sorta proves that end game in SWTOR is weak.


Question, You did know that this game is story driven right? Have you already went through all 8 stories?


This game is about the story. You want to raid go to WoW and save pandas.

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Are you for real? I played EQ when it first came out.. our guild was the first guild ever to cross team with other races and got bad mouthed for having unkillable healers in pvp.. we cleared the content there threw all the expasions.. kunark etc.. dont talk to me about MMOs.. you know nothing of grind. Ive bene playing MMos since merdian 59 the very first MMO, and Ultima online after that. You cant tell me anything about mmos i dont already know.


I hand-played a half-elf Warlock in MajorMud to level 25 back in the mid 90's.


If you understand what that entails...you know I understand mindless grind.


My friend got me into EQ during Kunark. I stopped playing because it was making my grades drop.


I can't tell you anything you don't know?


How about "THIS IS HOW EVERY SINGLE THEMEPARK MMO WORKS". The fact that you made the OP proves there's a lot about MMOs you don't understand.


The game you want doesn't exist.


It doesn't exist because it wouldn't be profitable to make it.


The closest you're going to get is EQ.


Go back to EQ and quit QQing.

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I tried alts.


Then it hit me that the only difference between leveling my first and the alt is the story.


Outside of the story it is the same exact experience.


Which is funny because so many say they hate grinding (doing the same content over and over) and yet playing an alt is that.


$15 a month is not worth the story lines only.

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Just wanted to point out to those that use the "roll an alt" answer. Playing alts is not a substitute for End Game content. The fact that it is the most popular answer to the question sorta proves that end game in SWTOR is weak.


And as has been stated many many times, end game is not the focus here at the moment, while it is hard to believe there are people who still do not have a level 50 character, some are enjoying the journey to "Endgame" which in itself is a hateful term.


Why not roll an alt? This is not the normal mmo where you just ignore everything in the game world till you reach the maximum level. This game is a RPG MMO, the main emphasis is on story, a story driven mmoRPG.


STORY, not ops, not competitive pvp. A lot of people seem to have come here thinking the game would just have copy and pasted features from other mmos and basically reskinned them into star wars, this didn't happen and it seems people were somehow upset with this?

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Just wanted to point out to those that use the "roll an alt" answer. Playing alts is not a substitute for End Game content. The fact that it is the most popular answer to the question sorta proves that end game in SWTOR is weak.


The end game in this game is fine... it has more at release than pretty much any other MMO to date, it's not BW's fault that content locusts come through, eat up all the content in record time and then complain there is nothing to do... you did it to yourselves...

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What you described taking you 3-4 months in another game is done here in 30 days. I think that is the issue that the OP has.


I do understand that. So this is a shorter MMO then most at the moment, which I'm personally ok with. It took me a month to get to 50 (just ding'd last night) since I don't get as much time to play as I would like.


I am however pointing out that I've gotten to that same place in WoW (I know everyone LOVES that example but it's what I know and a lot of people can relate to) before and stopped playing for months on end. I understand the OP is frustrated at getting their sooner in this game then in others but what would he like to have to do?

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Question, You did know that this game is story driven right? Have you already went through all 8 stories?


This game is about the story. You want to raid go to WoW and save pandas.


I have no problem going through all 8 stories. However character story is like 20% of your leveling experience. Rest 80% are common quests. And doing them over and over again gets old pretty quick.


Also, each character story is massively out of place in an MMO space.


Once again--


Very good RPG

Terrible MMO.

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I tried alts.


Then it hit me that the only difference between leveling my first and the alt is the story.


Outside of the story it is the same exact experience.


Which is funny because so many say they hate grinding (doing the same content over and over) and yet playing an alt is that.


$15 a month is not worth the story lines only.


So the only difference with your leveling between alts was the story, in a story based mmo?


Surely you are mistaken!


Did you perhaps try rolling an alt on the opposite faction to see their areas and quests?

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I tried alts.


Then it hit me that the only difference between leveling my first and the alt is the story.


Outside of the story it is the same exact experience.


Which is funny because so many say they hate grinding (doing the same content over and over) and yet playing an alt is that.


$15 a month is not worth the story lines only.


Don't mind them. They can't read correctly what we say or won't see the reality. Just leave and let them be, they'll realize the truth soon enough.

Edited by Dreossk
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Fortunately, Guildwars 2 is in beta, and it sounds like open beta soon with launch potentially around July. A proper MMO is in the works so we can forget about this chaos that is swtor and its highly dumbed down single player easy mode designed for wow ex-pats that have no real idea what a true MMO is.


Hee-hee! I can't wait to see all the whiny posts in the GW2 forums...."I'm bored already!", "Need more content!" (4 days after it's release), "I'm not getting good FPS on my 8-year old laptop!", etc., etc.


Wait and see.

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Show me a MMO that is adding content faster than the afore-mentioned end-game crazed fanatics can finish it. What is your example of a MMO that is a continuing adventure and always provides something to strive for? IMHO, he has beaten himself for probably being a Spacebar Ranger and zipping like the Roadrunner to Level 50. I always thought that the goal of a MMO was to entertain over a reasonable period of time, not to slam dunk it in just a few days and then wait/complain for the next annual or semi-annual expansion. Why would one expect a brand new game to be that perpetual? I would rather they correct the bugs right now than work on new content. Or did we expect them to have 1,234 levels all worked out at release?


Why do you choose to be so ignorant? Its not about adding content at a feverish pace, its about having enough content to begin with at a level of difficulty that compels players to return continually. There is a reason why there are only a few servers that are decently populated and the rest are barren wastelands........say what you want but the proof is in the results, barren servers impossible to refute.

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Hee-hee! I can't wait to see all the whiny posts in the GW2 forums...."I'm bored already!", "Need more content!" (4 days after it's release), "I'm not getting good FPS on my 8-year old laptop!", etc., etc.


Wait and see.


GW2 is free. No subs. Unlike SWTOR, GW2 players wont be paying $15 a month to do absolutely nothing every night.

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Tell me what can we do please.




That's the problem, they are making content that have an end. Flashpoint, story, raids, all this have an end. They need to add content and features that don't end, like means to create our own content or a real freedom in space.



SWG ended for a reason. This isnt a sandbox, nor is it going to be.

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Question, You did know that this game is story driven right? Have you already went through all 8 stories?


This game is about the story. You want to raid go to WoW and save pandas.


Yep I know that the game is story driven.


But BW did not develop it as a single player game........a KOTOR 3....if they had and had spent the $$$ focusing on making it another great title like ME or DA then perhaps we would be talking about one of the best PC games ever. But instead they chose to wrap a well done single player story/origin game inside a MMO. Once you are done with the story elements all you are left with is the MMO aspects.......and that is where you see just how weak TOR is.


They also chose to sell it as a subscription based game instead of a one-time $$ game like ME or DA. That brings with it a certain level of expectation that they better be willing to deliver on.


Basically they chose to market the game as a MMO..........no matter how good the single player story part is (and I think it is very good) ...the game will be judged as an MMO.

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Hardcore players who play 8 hours a day are not the majority of players in the game. BioWare, nay, NO company can afford to cater to that demographic because it's impossible to output quality content in the quantity necessary to keep up with their playstyle.


There is a ton of content in this game, probably moreso than any other MMO has launched with before.


First of all, voice overs do not equal content - Period. It equals a time sink and a weak story that is 100% linear. Good or bad, light or dark -the outcome is the same every time.


We the hardcore DRIVE the MMO genre. MMO companies tend to use 80-20 models for business. That means when 20% of us hit end game 80% of the casuals are not there yet and are busy doing other things. The company uses that to base the speed of content releases to keep the hardcores paying. So we gage the speeds of content release, we also hammer out bugs and issues found and are the reasons patches happen when they do. We are the reason the casual player enjoys his first heroic without issues.


You should be thanking hardcore players lol

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I tried alts.


Then it hit me that the only difference between leveling my first and the alt is the story.


Outside of the story it is the same exact experience.


Which is funny because so many say they hate grinding (doing the same content over and over) and yet playing an alt is that.


$15 a month is not worth the story lines only.


One thing you may eventually learn is that what constitutes a "grind" is a matter of personal opinion. Just because rolling another character is considered a grind to you doesn't mean it is to someone else.


A grind is a repeatable task that is monotonous and tedious. That means it is a matter of personal taste and opinion.

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And as has been stated many many times, end game is not the focus here at the moment, while it is hard to believe there are people who still do not have a level 50 character, some are enjoying the journey to "Endgame" which in itself is a hateful term.


Why not roll an alt? This is not the normal mmo where you just ignore everything in the game world till you reach the maximum level. This game is a RPG MMO, the main emphasis is on story, a story driven mmoRPG.


STORY, not ops, not competitive pvp. A lot of people seem to have come here thinking the game would just have copy and pasted features from other mmos and basically reskinned them into star wars, this didn't happen and it seems people were somehow upset with this?


The story is a solo experience?


If the story is solo content how is this a MMORPG.


Sounds like a single player RPG to me with some coop activities.


And once you are done the story then what?


If the story is the main focus it shouldn't end should it?

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