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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Theres NOTHING to do now...


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1. Who are you to tell anyone they should spend more or less time with their hobby?

2. Your average "hardcore anybody" is defined by prioritizing that hobby (gaming) above all other hobbies. Devoting all of your effort and time to something to get better, more efficient.


People like he and I find our enjoyment of the game at that level, where as someone like you may not. Maybe you have other things you prioritize over gaming - you are a casual, and that's fine.


In reality anyone with free time will spend it doing what they like doing. For some, that means 100% of that time is spent on 1 hobby, perfecting it. To others they will simply dabble in multiple hobbies and have fun while not mastering any of them and that is where they find enjoyment.


Heh.. Mastering a video game to perfection... Woke my kid up laughing so hard.

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Players like you are killing MMO's just so you kow.


Seriously thats the best you can do? I tottaly disagree.. its devolpers who make things far to simple and easy that is the problem... what happened to having hard mode mean HARD? how about twice the hp, twice the damage and half the enrage timers? How about putting in some difficult space missions that arent just a repeat of the lower lvl ones. How about giving us soemthing that makes us what to log in and play more then once a week.. is that too much to ask from a game we pay for?


Because the WoW generation complainged about things being too dificult.

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1. Who are you to tell anyone they should spend more or less time with their hobby?

2. Your average "hardcore anybody" is defined by prioritizing that hobby (gaming) above all other hobbies. Devoting all of your effort and time to something to get better, more efficient.


People like he and I find our enjoyment of the game at that level, where as someone like you may not. Maybe you have other things you prioritize over gaming - you are a casual, and that's fine.


In reality anyone with free time will spend it doing what they like doing. For some, that means 100% of that time is spent on 1 hobby, perfecting it. To others they will simply dabble in multiple hobbies and have fun while not mastering any of them and that is where they find enjoyment.


The problem is: The average person has a job, spouse, children, etc... and doesn't have 8+ hours everyday to spend playing an MMO... perhaps I'm exaggerating some with the time, but most people I know that are considered "Hardcore" don't have jobs or do minimal work so they can devote all of said time to their "hobby" and play between 8-16 hours a day.


I'm not going to tell you or others how to run your lives... but in a world where most people are getting at best a few hours a night the games are going to be set up in such a manner as to be most rewarding to those "average" players. You are technically playing "too much" and exhausting the content far too quickly. That's not Bioware's fault and it's not the average gamers fault, it's your own fault...


I'm not trying to attack you here... just trying to point out the simple facts that (mainstream) MMO's aren't really set up to have people playing 24/7 and still feel rewarded.

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Exaggerations Exaggerations Exaggerations... maybe you should stop posting.


WoW had Ony and MC, we were on a PvP server and there was a ton of World PvP and it was actually fun. Instanced battlegrounds ruined ALL of that.



I'm with you on that one. I absolutely loathe instanced battleground crap, and arenas made it worse.


I played pvp in EQ and EQ2. No battlegrounds, only world pvp, and it could happen anywhere at any time.



When me and my guild got bored between raid times during WoLK, I would try to organize Stormwind raids. Take about 6-10 of us (and anyone in org chat who wanted to go), and go take over the SW auction house for awhile (Alliance used it as their main trade hub on my server). Great fun, and we found it to be quite the defensible structure. We'd try to hold it as long as we could before Alliance got enough people in there to clear us out. We held it indefinitely with only 6 of us one Saturday night. We ended up getting bored and left after crushing wave after wave of them.

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The problem is: The average person has a job, spouse, children, etc... and doesn't have 8+ hours everyday to spend playing an MMO... perhaps I'm exaggerating some with the time, but most people I know that are considered "Hardcore" don't have jobs or do minimal work so they can devote all of said time to their "hobby" and play between 8-16 hours a day.


I'm not going to tell you or others how to run your lives... but in a world where most people are getting at best a few hours a night the games are going to be set up in such a manner as to be most rewarding to those "average" players. You are technically playing "too much" and exhausting the content far too quickly. That's not Bioware's fault and it's not the average gamers fault, it's your own fault...


I'm not trying to attack you here... just trying to point out the simple facts that (mainstream) MMO's aren't really set up to have people playing 24/7 and still feel rewarded.


The time spent playing has no relation to the amount of features in the game. Even if it takes you three months to get to 50, you'll still end up having nothing to do beside fighting and you won't be able to live in the Star Wars universe because of how dead the worlds feel.

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Perhaps BW miscalculated how much time people put into an MMO. Even an average player puts in 21 hours a week (according to studies). I don't think they anticipated that some would blow through content as quickly as they have. Then again maybe they did. Even the content added in the patch was cleared the very same day it came out.
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They really need to add content and features beside fighting because there is indeed not much to do in this game. Give us housing, a living world, real space content, something...


You know, people always ask for sandbox stuff to be added, but the reality is that sandbox mmo's never work as anything but a niche game. SWG was a graveyard. They didn't shut it down out of spite, they shut it down because it was a failure.


That being said, there's nothing to say that BW won't add fun non-combat things to the game given time. We'll probably even see server wide events in the future. But right now, a month after launch, it is strictly theme-park and that's honestly where it should be. Fluff stuff can be added later.

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Perhaps BW miscalculated how much time people put into an MMO. Even an average player puts in 21 hours a week (according to studies). I don't think they anticipated that some would blow through content as quickly as they have. Then again maybe they did. Even the content added in the patch was cleared the very same day it came out.


The average player is still between level 20-30. That's nowhere near 21 hours a week.

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The problem is: The average person has a job, spouse, children, etc... and doesn't have 8+ hours everyday to spend playing an MMO... perhaps I'm exaggerating some with the time, but most people I know that are considered "Hardcore" don't have jobs or do minimal work so they can devote all of said time to their "hobby" and play between 8-16 hours a day.


I'm not going to tell you or others how to run your lives... but in a world where most people are getting at best a few hours a night the games are going to be set up in such a manner as to be most rewarding to those "average" players. You are technically playing "too much" and exhausting the content far too quickly. That's not Bioware's fault and it's not the average gamers fault, it's your own fault...


I'm not trying to attack you here... just trying to point out the simple facts that (mainstream) MMO's aren't really set up to have people playing 24/7 and still feel rewarded.


QFT, mmo's are designed for casual playing. if you want nonstop 24/7 action then i would suggest a few fps steam games.

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You know, people always ask for sandbox stuff to be added, but the reality is that sandbox mmo's never work as anything but a niche game. SWG was a graveyard. They didn't shut it down out of spite, they shut it down because it was a failure.


That being said, there's nothing to say that BW won't add fun non-combat things to the game given time. We'll probably even see server wide events in the future. But right now, a month after launch, it is strictly theme-park and that's honestly where it should be. Fluff stuff can be added later.


What you call fluff is what the game is all about for a lot of others. Don't think you are alone and that you are right. Without non-fighting stuff and immersion in a living world, people will quit, it's simple. It's the reason for the survival of SWG for such a long time as well as other games like LotRO.

Edited by Dreossk
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Simple solution. Go play World of Warcraft and stop flooding these forums with nonsense. Try Raiding? World of Warcfrat didn't even have PvP or raid content when they first launched. Be thankful have actually have something to do every week. Besides, the game is just over a month old what do you want 7 years of content in 1 month?



Please stop posting.


No. People like this pull the same crap in WoW. I was tired of their QQing there, and I'm still tired of it now.


OP needs to go play Everquest if he's so hard-up for a hard game.


Not Everquest 2. The original. They still have operational servers, a few of which are still progressing through content. Additionally, the game is still receiving regular content updates.


You want grind? It's got grind.

You want hard? It's hard.

Edited by Arandmoor
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Heh.. Mastering a video game to perfection... Woke my kid up laughing so hard.



Yeah, we arent talking old school NES games here, where one mis-timed press of a button could set you all the way back to the beginning of a game, no matter how much time and effort you had put in up to that point.



Many of those games had to be "mastered". MMO's are a far, far cry from that level of mastery.


I could only imagine the crying and whining you would see on forums if MMOs required that kind of skill to "win" at.

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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?



You have won SWTOR !!! Since what is currently in the game is the only content we will ever see, all I can suggest for you is to possibly go buy some XBox or PS3 games but play them slow, or you will waste $50-$60 per game ....

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You shoulda known this game wouldn't be for crazy people.







Lesson Eight


"Don't tune for the hardcore." Turning to the audience, Walton asked for a show of hands: "How many of you have shipped an MMO? How many of you remember a discussion about making the game harder to keep people in the game longer?" He dismissed those who had but didn't, and suggested that this stems from "forgetting our object is not to keep people as long as humanly possible, but to provide entertainment." When it comes to grinding, "they will do it, but they will hate you."


When he first encountered WoW, he admits thinking that the game would be over in 50 days -- because it's so fast paced. But when its success became apparent, Walton realized something. "I was thinking about crazy people! Crazy people can finish the game in 50 days, but crazy people are not who we should be thinking about.... where's the real market, our real customers? If anything, I think people should make games that level faster than WoW -- that have the right content to hold up."

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No. A*****es like this pull the same crap in WoW. I was tired of their QQing there, and I'm still tired of it now.


OP needs to go play Everquest if he's so hard-up for a hard game.


Not Everquest 2. The original. They still have operational servers, a few of which are still progressing through content. Additionally, the game is still receiving regular content updates.


You want grind? It's got grind.

You want hard? It's hard.



Meh, even EQ isnt that hard anymore. Not like it was in it's heyday anyhow. I picked it back up for a few months prior to SWTOR's release. Levelling in EQ is ridiculously easy now, at least in comparison to what it used to be.

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No. A*****es like this pull the same crap in WoW. I was tired of their QQing there, and I'm still tired of it now.


OP needs to go play Everquest if he's so hard-up for a hard game.


Not Everquest 2. The original. They still have operational servers, a few of which are still progressing through content. Additionally, the game is still receiving regular content updates.


You want grind? It's got grind.

You want hard? It's hard.


Are you for real? I played EQ when it first came out.. our guild was the first guild ever to cross team with other races and got bad mouthed for having unkillable healers in pvp.. we cleared the content there threw all the expasions.. kunark etc.. dont talk to me about MMOs.. you know nothing of grind. Ive bene playing MMos since merdian 59 the very first MMO, and Ultima online after that. You cant tell me anything about mmos i dont already know.

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The time spent playing has no relation to the amount of features in the game. Even if it takes you three months to get to 50, you'll still end up having nothing to do beside fighting and you won't be able to live in the Star Wars universe because of how dead the worlds feel.


If it takes you months to get to 50 more than likely there will be more new content to chew up by then... not to mention you still need to gear up, etc... theres always something to do if you go out and find/make it and don't expect to be spoonfed new content every few days...

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Leave the game and come back later when it has what you would consider enough content.


It's not like BioWare sat back and said "well, we have 20 raids here done and ready to go, but lets just let them play 2 so we have something to give them later". It takes time to make content.

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The average player is still between level 20-30. That's nowhere near 21 hours a week.


That 21 hours is for the genre not TOR. Also, I haven't seen any real source for the average level. I'd imagine average level gets driven down due to the massive amount of alts in this game.

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If it takes you months to get to 50 more than likely there will be more new content to chew up by then... not to mention you still need to gear up, etc... theres always something to do if you go out and find/make it and don't expect to be spoonfed new content every few days...


Tell me what can we do please.


Leave the game and come back later when it has what you would consider enough content.


It's not like BioWare sat back and said "well, we have 20 raids here done and ready to go, but lets just let them play 2 so we have something to give them later". It takes time to make content.


That's the problem, they are making content that have an end. Flashpoint, story, raids, all this have an end. They need to add content and features that don't end, like means to create our own content or a real freedom in space.

Edited by Dreossk
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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?



WoW has Panda's I here they need rescued and it seems the perfect job for a QQ'er

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While I agree with you that there is not much to do. However unlike you I still have a lot of PVP that requires completion.


I'm only Rank 41 since I am semi casual player. I been 50 for a while now but always find myself with things to do like dailies and PVPing.


I even try to challenge myself and SOLO Foundary at level 50.


If you are creative and imaginative, you can do alot.


Lead a PUG through an Operation.


See how many items you can craft and RE until you get frustrated that it doesn't RE.


Find all DataCrons... Do the +10 to All stats.


Count how many steps it takes you before the turret on the republic base kills you. Try to figure out the approximate location point before you get instant killed.


You may think I'm being sarcastic, but im not.... MMO's require imaginative individuals... not someone solely strictly focused on loot.


Enjoy the game rather than the loot. Play because you can chat with your friends.


Relax... Breath...


Help a guildie out.


Players like you are killing MMO's just so you kow.


Seriously thats the best you can do? I tottaly disagree.. its devolpers who make things far to simple and easy that is the problem... what happened to having hard mode mean HARD? how about twice the hp, twice the damage and half the enrage timers? How about putting in some difficult space missions that arent just a repeat of the lower lvl ones. How about giving us soemthing that makes us what to log in and play more then once a week.. is that too much to ask from a game we pay for?

Edited by spicycookie
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Quit drinking those caffeine-laden energy drinks, slow down and enjoy leveling.


I can't wait until they make a MMO where the end-game crazed players can just sub as a Level 3,000 Battlemaster King of The Hyper-Raiders and go on from there. That will go a long way to eliminating the 3,567,987 "I'm bored already" threads we see every day.

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