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Theres NOTHING to do now...


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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode...


Stopped reading here. Don't you think you might be spending way too much time playing video games and that it might not be BWs fault that you have 30 days /played

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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?


Simple solution. Go play World of Warcraft and stop flooding these forums with nonsense. Try Raiding? World of Warcfrat didn't even have PvP or raid content when they first launched. Be thankful have actually have something to do every week. Besides, the game is just over a month old what do you want 7 years of content in 1 month?



Please stop posting.

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ok name some? there is no point in running Hard mode flash points if u have gear that is better then it.. if u clear both opertions on hard then flash points are a waste of time.. if your totaly geared out in pvp gear there is nothign to do! period. There is no arena , no faction to farm for rare items , no difficult raid to wipe on.. everything is far to simple and done way too fast.


Roll Republic? :p

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I won't exactly call it racing to max level... but when you quickly achieve max level, and then rush through all of the available content what exactly do you expect to happen?


Maybe I'm old school, but back in the day when we hit max level and felt there was little to do we made things to do, explore, help guildies, craft, level alts, etc... I'm sure there is plenty to do that isn't completely gear related... these are social games, be social...


I'd also venture to say for a brand new MMO there is plenty to do at max level... you must not have played WoW when it was released, or RIFT or really any MMO at release before because lack of content is nothing new...

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Stopped reading here. Don't you think you might be spending way too much time playing video games and that it might not be BWs fault that you have 30 days /played


1. Who are you to tell anyone they should spend more or less time with their hobby?

2. Your average "hardcore anybody" is defined by prioritizing that hobby (gaming) above all other hobbies. Devoting all of your effort and time to something to get better, more efficient.


People like he and I find our enjoyment of the game at that level, where as someone like you may not. Maybe you have other things you prioritize over gaming - you are a casual, and that's fine.


In reality anyone with free time will spend it doing what they like doing. For some, that means 100% of that time is spent on 1 hobby, perfecting it. To others they will simply dabble in multiple hobbies and have fun while not mastering any of them and that is where they find enjoyment.

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1. Who are you to tell anyone they should spend more or less time with their hobby?

2. Your average "hardcore anybody" is defined by prioritizing that hobby (gaming) above all other hobbies. Devoting all of your effort and time to something to get better, more efficient.


People like he and I find our enjoyment of the game at that level, where as someone like you may not. Maybe you have other things you prioritize over gaming - you are a casual, and that's fine.


In reality anyone with free time will spend it doing what they like doing. For some, that means 100% of that time is spent on 1 hobby, perfecting it. To others they will simply dabble in multiple hobbies and have fun while not mastering any of them and that is where they find enjoyment.


but the OP is not finding enjoyment he sounds miserable just saying....

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Simple solution. Go play World of Warcraft and stop flooding these forums with nonsense. Try Raiding? World of Warcfrat didn't even have PvP or raid content when they first launched. Be thankful have actually have something to do every week. Besides, the game is just over a month old what do you want 7 years of content in 1 month?



Please stop posting.


Exaggerations Exaggerations Exaggerations... maybe you should stop posting.


WoW had Ony and MC, we were on a PvP server and there was a ton of World PvP and it was actually fun. Instanced battlegrounds ruined ALL of that.


Yes he is asking for 7 years of development in SWTOR and rightly so!


This game has been in development for how many of those 7 years? How many of thier devs PLAYED WoW or at least studied the games mechanics? You can not tell me they didn't KNOW what the players would expect.


If you are used to a certain style of gaming - and have been playing it for many years. It is a shock to your system to pack up and leave to try to next "best" thing and find out you are back at square one and the next "best" thing is FAR from the quality of play you are used to.

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Can't help but agree with OP. There are not enough "time sink" in the game. They need to add class daily, crew-skill daily and other things to make the game at 50 more enjoyable.


Once you done OPS and Battlemaster, there is no reason to log your main.


I do like to roll alts so for me it is an option, if op doesn't like to re-roll, that's his choice, but right now at 50 the game is stalled.

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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?



What you are describing here happens in most mmos, and most of their expansion packs.


Some players race to level cap (which isnt hard these days, nothing like oldschool EQ or lineage)


Then they race to complete end game content.



Then they complain that there is nothing to do.





Seen it many times, in many games. Generally, when I get to that point, thats when I take a break from the game, and come back when more content has been released. They're never going to be able to crap out content at the rate hardcores can consume it.


Blizz couldnt do it, and still cant do it. And with the resources they have behind WoW, if they cant do it, then you can bank on pretty much no one else being able to either.




The only times I have seen games keep up with the hardcores is by introducing artificial barriers to progression, such as keying, insane levelling curves, alternate advancement systems, etc...


Then players complain about treadmills. Its seriously a no win situation for any MMO company.

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but the OP is not finding enjoyment he sounds miserable just saying....


People like us LOOKED for it and wanted it to be here.. the cold hard facts are that there is nothing.


Like I said before now we just wait and mess around in here till GW2 launches. I will give BW my monthly fee till then.

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Congratz. You've grinded the best gear in the game. /applaud


Now go put it to use. You don't just suddenly get locked out of PvPing because you've obtained the highest rank, or get banned from Operations because you don't need gear from them anymore.


Do you have people in your guild who aren't geared yet? Take THEM through hard mode flash points and operations.


Do you have people in your guild who aren't battlemasters yet? PvP with them and help them get that rank and make the process more social and enjoyable for them.

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1. Who are you to tell anyone they should spend more or less time with their hobby?

2. Your average "hardcore anybody" is defined by prioritizing that hobby (gaming) above all other hobbies. Devoting all of your effort and time to something to get better, more efficient.


People like he and I find our enjoyment of the game at that level, where as someone like you may not. Maybe you have other things you prioritize over gaming - you are a casual, and that's fine.


In reality anyone with free time will spend it doing what they like doing. For some, that means 100% of that time is spent on 1 hobby, perfecting it. To others they will simply dabble in multiple hobbies and have fun while not mastering any of them and that is where they find enjoyment.


Hobbies definitely start blurring the line into obsession/addiction pretty fast when you start spending that much time on them. It is in no modern MMO's interest to cater to people playing 80 hours a week. For that matter it is in no person's best interest to game for 80 hours a week. Learn a realistic definition of "hobby", and possibly some social responsibility on the side, and you will be a much happier person.

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People like us LOOKED for it and wanted it to be here.. the cold hard facts are that there is nothing.


Like I said before now we just wait and mess around in here till GW2 launches. I will give BW my monthly fee till then.


And then you will plow through all their content in a month and be a nuisance on their forums instead. Cya.

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Can't help but agree with OP. There are not enough "time sink" in the game. They need to add class daily, crew-skill daily and other things to make the game at 50 more enjoyable.


Once you done OPS and Battlemaster, there is no reason to log your main.


I do like to roll alts so for me it is an option, if op doesn't like to re-roll, that's his choice, but right now at 50 the game is stalled.


I like the idea of crew skill dailies. Obviously it would take more than just that but it's thinking along the right lines.

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People like us LOOKED for it and wanted it to be here.. the cold hard facts are that there is nothing.


Like I said before now we just wait and mess around in here till GW2 launches. I will give BW my monthly fee till then.


and you will not find it GW2 ether because you are already making it the greats game ever in your mind , when you start to play you will be disappointed human nature .

Edited by Selaik
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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?


There's plenty to do. It's called real life. Go out and experience it.

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Hobbies definitely start blurring the line into obsession/addiction pretty fast when you start spending that much time on them. It is in no modern MMO's interest to cater to people playing 80 hours a week. For that matter it is in no person's best interest to game for 80 hours a week. Learn a realistic definition of "hobby", and possibly some social responsibility on the side, and you will be a much happier person.


Yeah he is more in the realm of avocation, not "hobby." Imagine if he could harness his energy into say something like cancer research. Cancer would be cured in like 3 weeks once he finishes leveling to 50 on advance oncology research.

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