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Theres NOTHING to do now...


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Well you could,


Help out lower lvl guildies

All guildies are 50

do quests that you missed because you sped your way through the content

Did every quest and heroic

make an alt to find out the storyline for the different classes

I don't play MMO's to create multiple alts. I already have 2 50's, that''s enough.

do space battles

Did them

Go for all the achievements that are available

Not completed yet. Could look into that

find and get all the holocrons

Datacrons - and done

orchestrate guild events

Raids are compelted the day they come off lockout. Event's? Not into RP sorry

work on getting your crafting maxed out


work on getting every single schematic for your crafting skill, including the ones that you can discover through disassembleing your crafted items

Done, for all the useful ones


Only thing worth doing and that's gets boring with 3 WZ and ZERO activity in Ilum

Those are just off the top of my head.


Not a bad list, but most people have completed those.

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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?


SWTOR isn't the problem, you're the problem.


You're one of those dudes that races to finish everything and *****es about not having anything to do. MMO's are just not for you, i'm sure you would do the same **** in WoW.

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SWTOR isn't the problem, you're the problem.


That's what everyone says until they get to that point themselves. This topic is brought up every week or so and the threads are becoming increasingly larger now that people have finished the endgame. People like you said it wouldn't happen and it did. Give it another month and this will be the most popular topic on the board.

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There's plenty to do. You can still run Hard Modes every day. You can still do Warzones all day every day. Nothing stopping you. Work on all your purple crafting schematics. Apparently you only play to obtain a reward. So go level an alt. If playing the game isn't fun for you, then go find another game.
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people tend to forget the purpose of MMOs.


the interaction with other players.



Imean seriously . the whole thread can be tl:dr'd like this :


QQ we dont get enough items/mounts/achieves for playing the game, so its not *worth my time* to do so. since when did u have to get a reward to play a frcking game?

seriously.... thats like the worst habit WoW did introduce to MMO-scence.






ever thought of playing a game for the sake of playing, after a day of work/studies/ w.e


why does everyone need rewards ?

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FYI WoWs raiding now is a joke...


You can pug it.. and win.. and worse... its like easy as standing still.


Pug.. end game bosses.... yeah raiding is NOT what it used to be.

But that's exactly the experience here.


I stopped playing WoW back in BC, when they started heading down the same direction BW has taken SWTOR.


people tend to forget the purpose of MMOs.


the interaction with other players.

BW forgot about that when designing this game. Edited by Ansultares
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Some people like to enjoy the game and let the story take them on a ride.


Others like to clear content.


Personally, I feel bad for people who skip quest dialog, do exactly what the quest says, go online for strategies, and do everything they can to get to the level max ASAP, only so they can ***** about being bored.


To each their own. If you want to pay 60 bucks plus 15 bucks a month so you can level a character in three days more power to you. Seems wasteful to me with all the free MMOs you can power through, but its not my money or time.


I'm on the other end of the spectrum. I've been playing for a couple weeks now and I have 3 or 4 characters all in the 30-40 range. I want to see all the stories and experience as much as the game has to offer. I do FPs for the story as much as the XP and rewards.


Bioware is not going to cater to the hardcore players like the OP any more than the raging altoholics like myself. The game is for all those people between us, people who progress normally and chew through content at a regular pace.


Sorry OP, either slow down, lower your expectations, or play a new game.

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SWTOR isn't the problem, you're the problem.


You're one of those dudes that races to finish everything and *****es about not having anything to do. MMO's are just not for you, i'm sure you would do the same **** in WoW.


Its been a month since this game is out. Most people have 2-3 level 50's. Its not rushing, theres nothing to do.


I feel the fan boys have no defense to the fact there is no end game content, so in their minds the only come back is to acuse players of rushing the leveling experience.


Here is something to consider:


If they players in question rushed or not isnt the point. Many people are complaining. This game shipped without an end game that was tested or well thought out. Players laughed their way through the operations, and there are pages of PvP posts that show how horribly bad that system is and why no one would want to try to get the top tier gear (good luck on your RNG rolls).


This 'YOU RUSHED IT' attitude worked first and second week of this game, but we are getting to the point that even people that picked this game up in early January are hitting 50 with their second alt.


This game is not WoW, or Rift, getting max level is VERY quick. You can level stupidly fast without much effort, and not by 'rushing' through content. I did every side quest and every heroic leveling both my toons to 50, and I played at most 2-3 hours a night. I fail to see how that is rushing it.


Lastly, what is your answer to people? This attitude of yours implies that people should slow down how fast they play because apparently the game cannot accomodate them. Thats a great idea...


BW: "Hey guys..we know you love our game..but could you like..not play it as much?"

Players: "But..we really enjoy our characters. We want to see what you have in store for us when we complete this enjoyable leveling experience!!!"

BW: "Well um...heres the thing..we havnt really ...put alot of work..into that. You may want to you know,...roll up some alts? Leveling is FUN right?"

Players: "Um...so i ...shouldnt play my main?"

BW: "Have you tried a bounty hunter yet?"

Players: "No...I like being a Sith Warrior"

BW: "Yeah...listen why dont you level up a bounty hunter and by the time they level to max, we will have some content for you. Pinky promise"

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That's what everyone says until they get to that point themselves. This topic is brought up every week or so and the threads are becoming increasingly larger now that people have finished the endgame. People like you said it wouldn't happen and it did. Give it another month and this will be the most popular topic on the board.


I'm at the same point of the OP...


My post still stands.


I have a level 50 BH that has already completed the content, i'm on my second level 50 inquisitor that is close to clearing the content again. I still enjoy the game; I enjoy logging in to my guild's TS and chatting with friends. Whether it be helping alts and changing roles in raids. I also enjoy leveling new characters.


PvP is not over when you hit 50 BM. Bioware has come out and SAID they will be adding ranked PvP to the game. I guarantee you that the OP wont be saying this game is too easy once the ranked PvP comes out. Maybe he should focus on practicing his skills?


There is still lots to do, even if content is stale you should enjoy the company of friends when you login. Again if the OP can't find joy in this or realize that THIS SITUATION EXISTS WITH EVERY SINGLE MMO then MMO's are NOT FOR HIM.


Go ahead and reply again but I urge you to think next time.

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Go ahead and reply again but I urge you to think next time.


You urge ME to think? Your post was completely about YOU and not about the general community. Do you think YOUR singular experience is worth so much? It isn't. There are statistics all over MMO-Champion showing how popular LFR is over normal raids which shows that most people (because trying to prove a point with one person's opinion is stupid) are motivated by end game loot and not for the guild experience or running things with friends. With that FACT (see, I use facts to debate with and not opinions), anyone should be able to quickly deduce that TOR's endgame is too short and easy because most people's endgame goals will be reached in no time upon hitting 50.



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Its been a month since this game is out. Most people have 2-3 level 50's. Its not rushing, theres nothing to do.


I feel the fan boys have no defense to the fact there is no end game content, so in their minds the only come back is to acuse players of rushing the leveling experience.



wah wah wah wah blah blah



Cut the dramatics, it takes 2 weeks to go from 1-85 in WoW with 7+ years of content that game has. Truth be told, in an MMO there really is only 1 raid and that's the raid that delivers the best gear at the time.


In two weeks I can go 1-85 and then LFR enough gear to do hard mode raids with my guild.


The fact remains, this is not a SWTOR problem; it's an MMO problem. What keeps my playing games life BF3 that is the same thing over and over and over again? I play with friends and it's fun to me.


I think video games attract alot of "social *******" therefore they can't understand the concept of having fun with friends.


I think this is the same reason why they are so centered on a game's content. It's because they don't have the social skills to obtain hobbies other than a single video game therefore rely on it for entertainment 11 hours a day.


There isn't a game in the world that can deliver 11 hours 7 days a week content to keep some of you happy.

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In two weeks I can go 1-85 and then LFR enough gear to do hard mode raids with my guild.



Yes, but you are not going to 1 shot HM 25 raids in WoW unless it's already on farm. Ask Blood legion how long they spent on 25 man HM Ultraxion or Spine.

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Cut the dramatics, it takes 2 weeks to go from 1-85 in WoW with 7+ years of content that game has. Truth be told, in an MMO there really is only 1 raid and that's the raid that delivers the best gear at the time.


In two weeks I can go 1-85 and then LFR enough gear to do hard mode raids with my guild.


The fact remains, this is not a SWTOR problem; it's an MMO problem. What keeps my playing games life BF3 that is the same thing over and over and over again? I play with friends and it's fun to me.


I think video games attract alot of "social *******" therefore they can't understand the concept of having fun with friends.


I think this is the same reason why they are so centered on a game's content. It's because they don't have the social skills to obtain hobbies other than a single video game therefore rely on it for entertainment 11 hours a day.


There isn't a game in the world that can deliver 11 hours 7 days a week content to keep some of you happy.


So it's acceptable for you fanbois to compare WoW NOW to SWTOR when we talk about leveling, but if we talk about content, we have to compare it to launch?


LOL you casuals make me laugh.

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You urge ME to think? Your post was completely about YOU and not about the general community. Do you think YOUR singular experience is worth so much? It isn't. There are statistics all over MMO-Champion showing how popular LFR is over normal raids which shows that most people (because trying to prove a point with one person's opinion is stupid) are motivated by end game loot and not for the guild experience or running things with friends. With that FACT (see, I use facts to debate with and not opinions), anyone should be able to quickly deduce that TOR's endgame is too short and easy because most people's endgame goals will be reached in no time upon hitting 50.




Did you not read the part about them saying they are adding more endgame content?


What's the *********** problem here? You are crying for nothing! Remember vanilla WoW when you would raid MC and the gear set graphics were not even in the game yet?!


You need to relax and stop clenching your mouse. Content will come; but i'm sure you will find something else to cry about.

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I think the most important thing to remember, as others have stated, is that the game has barely been out a month, and it is pretty damn huge. Think about the sheer amount of content BW have created just in the 1-50 game. If you level one character and do all the heroics and FPs and see as much as you can you're probably only seeing about 1/4 of the available content. I have a feeling that the future content of this game is going to rock, we just need to be patient.


Compare where this game is to where your precious WoW was a month after launch. How much endgame was there? Did daily quests even exist? How often were you even able to login and play??? And how long before new content was released?


Not that any of this matters to the OP. I'm sure theres a thread like this in the forums of every game the OP has played.

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So your lvl 50.. your a battlemaster... and your guild clears both operations on hard mode... other then logging in once a week on patch day to do the only 2 instaces what else is there too do? You can do the daily pvp quests if u want to try your luck at the lottery that is the bag system for gearing up battlemaster gear there F all else to do.


I said this game was gonna have problems when ppl made 50 four days after release but nobody thought it was going to be a problem that leveling was so quick, what do you think now.. 1 month later, and there nothing to do but log on once a week to clear allt he content this game has in 3 hours and wait till next week?


You could make 8 characters on one server (one of each class) and then make 8 characters on another server (choosing the other advanced class for each) so you can experience all the stories and all the class combinations.


That's what I do.


-Ozmar the Completionist

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So it's acceptable for you fanbois to compare WoW NOW to SWTOR when we talk about leveling, but if we talk about content, we have to compare it to launch?


LOL you casuals make me laugh.


Do a search on my name and posts before you call me a "fanboy". Probably my first post defending this game ever.


I am defending it because crying RL tears over endgame content in an MMO is about the dumbest thing ever. You KNOW it will come, you KNOW it will.

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The problem is NOT lack of content..


That's what BW and various posters don't understand.


There are plenty of things for endgamers to raid.





The actual problem is at the endgame, the story -- which is what makes this game stand out -- ceases to offer anything.


So what you have without the story is an MMO with few classes, a broken raid-frame system, a UI that can not be customized whatsoever, balance problems, completely linear and limited gear progression, no crafting purpose (except BioChem, lol), and a lvl 50 zone that is a giant iceberg of boredom.


The content is fine -- on par if not better than other MMOs. The problem is playing those other MMOs is simply a more enjoyable experience. Raids are raids, grinds and grinds -- but I'd rather go through those motions with a game with a functioning UI, and more diversity in its classes and gear. The problem is at the endgame, its easy to see all the faults with the game itself.


That's why I unsubscribed today, going back to Rift.

Edited by Leporello
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