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Bounty Hunter ship


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I'm not too fond of the Mantis' design, either. Compare with the cool and unique design of the Slave I (especially in Ep2, love that paint job), it looks embarassingly poor. The slave I look functional yet elegant, useful yet beautiful, neither overstyled nor purely functional...

The Mantis, however, looks like someone did not even bother what it would look like at all.

Edited by Mephane
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The Mantis looks like we are slumming it, just about every crew member makes a comment on how crappy the ship is. When your stupid crew members think it sucks you know it does. We are bounty hunters right, we take what we want right, how many ships have we walked by throughout out various missions that we could have taken at any time, but no we can't. Does that even make any sense.


At least we don't have the


that ship sucks

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I think the Bounty Hunter ship is perfect. It's inconspicuous, it fits in with the no-nonsense/pragmatic attitude of a bounty hunter (choosing substance over style) and is an patrol-and-attack type craft, a ship class commonly used by bounty hunters in Star Wars.
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I like the bounty hunter ship.


That being said I do hope they plan to make some nice additions to the space game, including being able to select from different ships, better combat, team combat, pvp combat etc.


It really is an area where they separate themselves from most MMOs currently out there, and would be a fun addition if done right.


Right now it's just a tacked on mini game, it's fun enough but it could be more.

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You get what you steal!


To the fella that said its the A-10 of the star wars world, you sir are my hero :D if i could figure out a way to make my cannons all be one huge rotary cannon and paint some teeth on the front of it, by god id be there in an instant.


I love our ship, its not pretty, its not stylish, and it sure aint gonna be featured in the parade on main street.


My ship is the mean, tough, brutally efficient machine that we need! Pretty? BAH!!! My baby eats capital ship fire for breakfast and gets me to your door before lunch so we can collect your head... you did know you were on the blacklist bounty board.. right? :p

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I like the look of the ship, I just wish there were more Bounty Hunter stuff placed inside the ship. We do have that carbonite "painting" on the lower level and what appears to be a holding cell but wish there was more. Hopefully one day we will have options to customize our interiors.
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Do you think it will be possible to get another ship in the future or a selection of some?


I really enjoy the class but i just cant stand the ship :/

It's ok inside but i hate how it looks on the outside, it's making travelling and space missions less fun to do overall.


Maybe im nitpicking but this feels like a big deal to me..


I hope so, I also hate the look of the Mantis,


If I was a the defence minister of a planet or faction and you brought me the designs for the D5 and said this is the new gun boat we'd designed not only would I laugh you out of my office but off my planet.


It's one of the stupidest designs for a combat ship I've ever seen 1 direct shot to any of the three struts would cripple it.


I wouldn't even need a "new" ship, I'd trade the D5 garbage scow in for an Imperial Fury in a heart beat.

Edited by Brutalos
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I love everything about it except the back end. Rather than a flat triangular face it should have come to more of a point (the landing ramp should be angled up and back like the Slave 1 rather than straight up). Other than that it is a cool ship.


This is exactly what I thought.


Our ship is obviously taken ispiration from the Slave I. But they decided to make it extra fat and bloated for some reason.


This BH ship is all I was used to (so I was ok with it), but then I saw my bros ships (Agent and Warrior) and got insanely jealous. Those ships are SO MUCH BETTER!!!!!! Makes the BH ship look like it came from the dump.

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As a Bounty Hunter playing for the highest bidder, I feel I should have the choice to get a luxury cruiser or similar at endgame.


It's odd how my character talks as if it's rich, then gets onto the same ship it has used for its career,

that it stole from some trader in the beginning of the game

. Everyone else's ships at least have some kind of niceness to them, why wouldn't a BH upgrade after he/she has saved/ruined the universe?


Hell, if they're loyal to the empire, shouldn't they be able to look at one of the Imperial bigigs and be like, "You see Darth Fragmasta829 over there? His ship is awesome. I've done so much for you, give me a cooler one than his."

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