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The Operative Nerf


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unfortunately, your still a bad. your that guy that rolls fotm and pretends hes a good player, all the while picking the strongest classes with the most advantages cause of your slow reflexes.


im guessing you have a unkillable tracer spamming bh alt? amiright?


clown. play a def guardian well like i do than MAYBE youll get some acknowlegement from your piers. till than? bad on baddie, bad on.


Well aren't you just the most amazing player in the world for happening to roll a class on the slightly weaker side, right off the bat.


But seriously, the nerve of these other players, who legitimately rolled a different class to you. How pathetic are they for picking something so overpowered.

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Either you're wrong or OP and others don't know what an actual Stun "lock" is. If the second CC breaks on DMG, then you're either not CC'd for 7 seconds or you ARE stunned but not taking dmg.. which is fine.


Scoundrel/Operatives longest in combat stun is flash grenade, which breaks on damage. Our actual stun, lasts only 4 seconds. So even if you tie the knock down and stun together, it's only 5.5 seconds.

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Meh, they will just hot patch the resolve issue on Friday Night when everyone is playing. lol


At any rate, it is what it is guys. Just roll with the punches and hope both sides of the warzone have equally skilled Ops/Scoundrel to balance. Now instead of caring where the ball/bomb/turret is, I'll be looking for the "Opener" on a friend regardless of everything else.


I dont think anything is more infuriating than getting stun locked to 35% health.

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Scoundrel/Operatives longest in combat stun is flash grenade, which breaks on damage. Our actual stun, lasts only 4 seconds. So even if you tie the knock down and stun together, it's only 5.5 seconds.


Technically the stuns may be 5.5 seconds but everyone who's played the game knows there's an inaction bleed for animations like getting up from being knocked down. So even the 1.5 second KD does, in effect, take away player control for more than 1.5 seconds. I'm not going to venture a guess as to exactly how long but point being the timers on the abilities aren't really strict.

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Actually, they need to reduce the crit chance mechanic for the two classes.


Stims or not, Operatives/Scoundrels crit all the time.


Think about YOUR CLASS. Regardless of what it is, think about how hard you hit when you actually get a decent crit. Well, Ops/scoundrels crit like that ALL THE TIME!


Honestly I don't mind the crits. The only problem i have is getting stunlocked. I've got plenty of tools to deal with ops if I can actually fight back.

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And to the tool that said they have full BM and were hit with 10k and 11k hits, show a screenshot please I beg you. I thought my kids were a bunch of crybabies, holy cow man you so-called-adults take the cake.


I could be totally wrong...[snip]

3. I got hit last night on a operative opener. I was hit for 11k damage at level 50. Granted i dont have awesome gear yet but 11k? Holy Hell. I was hit for another one at about 10k, 9k and so on.


Again im not in any kind of good gear yet, but gimme a break. This is a little off. i hope some of you can agree !


How you got full BM gear from his post is..well..poor reading comprehension.


Not that I believe 11k hits eitherway.

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Before, after an opener you would be able to break CC and sprint away/shield-up/whatevah because your RESOLVE BAR would fill up from the Ops/Scoundrel Opener. There was nothing that they could do to CC you after that opener.


NOW that opener doesn't fill your resolve bar. So, after a 1.5 sec opener, we stun you agani for another 4 seconds (2.67 GCDs) and when THAT wears off, we can root you or just finish you off with a ranged hit (if you're not dead already).


Before you had a chance. Now you HAVE NO CHANCE!! Regardless of what class you play, how fast you are, or how good you are. ALL GAME MECHANICS ARE NOW AGAINST YOU!




Unfortunately its completely true. Reduced damage on one ability for improved stun lock is completely retarded from a balance perspective.

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Unfortunately its completely true. Reduced damage on one ability for improved stun lock is completely retarded from a balance perspective.


No it's not. Unfortunately all of the people with an IQ over 100 are being drowned out by the noobwhinefest.


If you read the thread very carefully, you'll discover it.

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I think you assume people were upset with your stun. Maybe some were, but my issue was with you taking people to 25% health before they stood up. As long as the burst is reduced enough that this doesn't happen in the 5.5 seconds of stun, that's fine with me.


I don't mind you being able to CC - everyone else can, after all.


There was n o 5.5 second stun...only 3 sec and the resolve bar was filled so we couldnt do anythign, now we will put ou to the ground (stunned for 1.5s) + the delay to get back up and BAM 4 sec stun, then blind or root :D

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No, and this reenolds guy's clearly a troll. Too early to tell, but I haven't had any problems with operatives. Stop saying ''you can't counter them'' since we clearly can, when the fact was OP had too much burst out of stealth that couldn't be countered really. Now they 'fixed it' and a team (TEAM, stop making every example 1v1) can counter your silly *** better. Can't say if it's a good change or a bad change but stop lying to people.



Nope...we cant counter a opener with that amouth of dmg and stun.


Thats the main subject here.


And *** are you talking about " a team" ? So i must join a party to fight a operative? Are they some kind of world boss now?




1)You can come invisible at your enemy.


2) Stun lock him for about 6 or 7 seconds.


3) While you deliver about 10k chain dmg.


4) And while you can finish him from distance with good 3 ~4k dmg.


5) And finally, if everything goes bad you can still vanish from the battle....and dont say " oh, you just need to dot them" cause gunslingers, just to point one class" got one dot with their main trait line.


Btw, the nerf should affect only pvp...pve should remain the same.

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the 4s stun will fill the resolve bar, also many abilities can be done while standing up (defensive CDs and stuff that doesn't require animations) so you take a chance if you wait for the stun.


Assassins know this because of dealing with spike, you're best to use spike, 1 ability then stun immediately or they will be able to use something defensive to mess with you.

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Or break the stun after they use 2nd one(because they will instead of stabbing you for another 3k) which will leave operative with stun on CD and us with some HP to actually fight back.

Well, then Operative will just have to get you noobs to use cc break on flashbang wont we?

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Nope...we cant counter a opener with that amouth of dmg and stun.


Thats the main subject here.


And *** are you talking about " a team" ? So i must join a party to fight a operative? Are they some kind of world boss now?




1)You can come invisible at your enemy.


2) Stun lock him for about 6 or 7 seconds.


3) While you deliver about 10k chain dmg.


4) And while you can finish him from distance with good 3 ~4k dmg.


5) And finally, if everything goes bad you can still vanish from the battle....and dont say " oh, you just need to dot them" cause gunslingers, just to point one class" got one dot with their main trait line.


Btw, the nerf should affect only pvp...pve should remain the same.



Ok lemme break it down for ya:


1) You can come invisible at AN enemy.


2) He stunlocks AN enemy.


3) 10k to AN enemy. (few GCD? 10k? really? that's not so bad, I do that in 3-4.5 secs and I don't need stealth.)


4) How did he gain distance? Game has dozen of snares, roots and stuns.


5) Vanish is a problem in wpvp. Warzones it means you failed, you can be scanned to death or at the very least your team will die. Good operatives use it offensively to get extra dmg NOT to try running away the tail between their legs.


So I say it again. Don't take 8v8 and make it 1v1. If your team does nothin' well then it's your teams fault. Yes, operatives will sometimes catch some people off guard 1v1 but that doesn't make them op if they're strong in that ONE particular case.


But yes, nerfing PvE because of broken PvP mechanics is dumb.

Edited by SneiK
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5) Vanish is a problem in wpvp. Warzones it means you failed, you can be scanned to death or at the very least your team will die. Good operatives use it offensively to get extra dmg NOT to try running away the tail between their legs.


eh.. evade/vanish cleansing dots/immuning to most aoe is a bit silly IMO. I would rather see it turned into allowing in-combat openers or something than have it be a frustrating basis for future nerfs.


You're right about the world pvp vs warzone/objective comparison, but stealth definitely has its own advantages in WZs. Standing safely on the other side of the pit in huttball waiting for a pass is one of my favorites. Even though world PvP obviously doesn't count for much in this game, evade/vanish does sort of make the best griefing class into an even better griefing machine.


There should be a better way to keep the combat effectiveness without the get-out-of-jail-free card.

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To all the qq'ers: You'll now be hit for around 1k less on the opener. You will however, be stunlocked for 7 seconds at a time. Enjoy it. I find it hilarious.


It's okay - I still hit Guarded by the Force (costs 50% of my life to reduce damage by 99% for 5 seconds) out of reflex the split second an Operative gets on me. It was a good idea, as I usually preferred to have 30ish% life over 0% and put up a token resistance before dying.


It's gonna take me awhile to break that habit, so take advantage!

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holy **** will these mouthbreathers not rest until OPs are completely erased from the game? They nerfed our burst AND sustained dmg by 20% and now they want to nerf our stun capabilities as well? Why not just remove our abilitiy to wield weapons, or wear armor? Nerfing our burst was one thing, but to remove our only control abilities would basically eliminate the class from PvP entirely.
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holy **** will these mouthbreathers not rest until OPs are completely erased from the game? They nerfed our burst AND sustained dmg by 20% and now they want to nerf our stun capabilities as well? Why not just remove our abilitiy to wield weapons, or wear armor? Nerfing our burst was one thing, but to remove our only control abilities would basically eliminate the class from PvP entirely.




Karma is a *****, ain't it?

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