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The Operative Nerf


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I rather be stunned and able to trinket ...than be stunned and killed instantly. thx. stop being so butthurt over these changes and deal with it.


you could trinket before. only difference now is you only get half a resolve bar instead a full one. Now our supposly 7k crits are only gonna land for 5.9k. You think 1k health is gonna help you, especial since u will be stun locked now?


enjoy getting facerolled even harder lol.

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Before, after an opener you would be able to break CC and sprint away/shield-up/whatevah because your RESOLVE BAR would fill up from the Ops/Scoundrel Opener. There was nothing that they could do to CC you after that opener.


NOW that opener doesn't fill your resolve bar. So, after a 1.5 sec opener, we stun you agani for another 4 seconds (2.67 GCDs) and when THAT wears off, we can root you or just finish you off with a ranged hit (if you're not dead already).


Before you had a chance. Now you HAVE NO CHANCE!! Regardless of what class you play, how fast you are, or how good you are. ALL GAME MECHANICS ARE NOW AGAINST YOU!




In this perfect vacume of yours maybe. In real pvp (not your 1v1 scenario) this nerf is pretty nice for everyone not playing your class. You might need a bit of skill to take people down. Based on my experience most people fail when skill is a requirement.


I do like that this nerf didn't go overboard though.

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*rolls eyes* Can't sages and sorcs stun lock for just as long?


We have a 4 second stun, that pretty much every class has (electro dart for BH)


We also have whirlwind, which will hold them for a while (maybe 10s?), but will break on damage


And we have ONE immobilize if you are madness spec'd (Creeping Terror)


If you are lightning spec'd, then you can have electric bindings, which will hold a number of targets for 4s, but will break with damage after 2s

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you could trinket before. only difference now is you only get half a resolve bar instead a full one. Now our supposly 7k crits are only gonna land for 5.9k. You think 1k health is gonna help you, especial since u will be stun locked now?


enjoy getting facerolled even harder lol.


umm yea...with full champ gear stim/exp buff/relic my highest crit has been 4900 since nerf. GL with those 5.9k crits. This thread's been good for a laugh tho, keep it up.

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umm yea...with full champ gear stim/exp buff/relic my highest crit has been 4900 since nerf. GL with those 5.9k crits. This thread's been good for a laugh tho, keep it up.


I'm critting for 5k with nothing but a relic. BM ops with full power/surge enhancements do still hit as hard as he said.

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pretty sure this was not the full nerf. Some stun duration will be nerfed. i remember in some game STUN was prohibited and called OP to use with caution. This game doesnt, exemple with the sorcerer i can stun you and immobilize your for 10-15 sec EVEN IF YOU USE YOUR THINGY TO REMOVE IT!



nerf seems legit. let's just see what happen next. ranged hero nerf ? ranged>Melee in any aspect, they can tank, heal or do anything with other class + They got an advantage on you for being ranged. lolz



THE choice is clear! being ranged >Melee





Edited by SageOfSixPath
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To all the qq'ers: You'll now be hit for around 1k less on the opener. You will however, be stunlocked for 7 seconds at a time. Enjoy it. I find it hilarious.


unfortunately, your still a bad. your that guy that rolls fotm and pretends hes a good player, all the while picking the strongest classes with the most advantages cause of your slow reflexes.


im guessing you have a unkillable tracer spamming bh alt? amiright?


clown. play a def guardian well like i do than MAYBE youll get some acknowlegement from your piers. till than? bad on baddie, bad on.

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unfortunately, your still a bad. your that guy that rolls fotm and pretends hes a good player, all the while picking the strongest classes with the most advantages cause of your slow reflexes.


im guessing you have a unkillable tracer spamming bh alt? amiright?


clown. play a def guardian well like i do than MAYBE youll get some acknowlegement from your piers. till than? bad on baddie, bad on.


Thanks for the compliment.

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So does Scoundrel/OP's.


Either you're wrong or OP and others don't know what an actual Stun "lock" is. If the second CC breaks on DMG, then you're either not CC'd for 7 seconds or you ARE stunned but not taking dmg.. which is fine.

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oh, i see you have no reading comprehension as well. why am i not surprised


No, I'm pretty sure you have no typing comprehension. Acknowledgement from his piers? What is he? A boat captain?


Complaining about Tracer Missile Spamming Bounty Hunters? Good people eat them for breakfast. If you're complaining about them, you're the bad.

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All they gotta do is make the opener fill resolve again. Problem solved.


they wont.


Now Hidden strike is like Spike.


Im glad people whined and got operatives buffed..maybe the carebears will learn something.


+1 for ops buff.

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Can that be more ridiculous?


Now we will be stun locked for 3 more seconds...and that was a nerf?


Was that a joke?


No, and this reenolds guy's clearly a troll. Too early to tell, but I haven't had any problems with operatives. Stop saying ''you can't counter them'' since we clearly can, when the fact was OP had too much burst out of stealth that couldn't be countered really. Now they 'fixed it' and a team (TEAM, stop making every example 1v1) can counter your silly *** better. Can't say if it's a good change or a bad change but stop lying to people.

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unfortunately, your still a bad. your that guy that rolls fotm and pretends hes a good player, all the while picking the strongest classes with the most advantages cause of your slow reflexes.


im guessing you have a unkillable tracer spamming bh alt? amiright?


clown. play a def guardian well like i do than MAYBE youll get some acknowlegement from your piers. till than? bad on baddie, bad on.




Man you seem really bitter.


Guess your still mad your getting rolled by every other AC in the game still



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I'm critting for 5k with nothing but a relic. BM ops with full power/surge enhancements do still hit as hard as he said.


Sure bro...ur prolly the same guy who was getting 3 9k hits in a row in a knockdown before the nerf game. Post a 5900 crit on anyone who's wearing any amount of PvP gear I wanna see your mad skills. Trying a bit too hard in this thread tho.

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while the op's methods aren't for me i can't disagree with his motivation. Weeks of listening to people who don't know what it is that makes the class overpowered completely ignoring those who do play the class (and dont inform people to go learn to play) trying to make people understand why its happening, as well as pointing out the lack of use of cc. People just see you play operative, and assume you've chosen to play the class because its overpowered, so you don't have anything to add to the conversation. Which to the contrary its hard to believe you rolled the least played class as your first character to be op, and not because you "like" the idea of the class. Seriously if you were to roll what is thought of as "op" from any testing prior to launch you'd be a sorc, there simply weren't enough people playing operative/concealment.


Every rational argument i saw with regards to those who play operatives pointed out the damage was jacked, and the damage was masking our issues with cc. To which the response was "you hit me for 8-10k, and i can't run away." Which i have to say is particularly annoying when you point out you can't escape without your cc break cause its a 4 second cd, and you have your damage going during that cc, and that if you address the 4s kd and the damage you'll have a better shot, BUT YOU"LL BE MORE SUSCEPTIBLE TO OTHER CC.



So it is slightly pleasurable to see the rational argument win out in terms of what happened, instead of the "i get hit for 8k" crowd.

Edited by goulet
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Stunlock isn't a problem, the problem was a team not being able to react to a member being insta-gibbed.


Now a tank has time to switch guard and taunt and a healer has a chance to shield and heal.


If people care about your 1v1 power the class will be a joke before they think it's balanced.

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