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What is your favorite SWtOR quote so far?


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SW on Hoth I think, typical mission intro, mission giver is explaining how something got screwed up and they need you to fix it. There's a choice to tell them what they did was dumb and your response consists of...


"You...are...an imbecile."


The way the female SW delivered it with the pauses really cracked me up.

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"This isn't glamorous work. We are sanitation workers, we clean up after the military and the Sith and do the jobs no one else will. Without us though the Empire falls apart. So we do whatever is necessary even if it's thankless and ugly, do you understand?"

-Keeper, explaining what it means to be an Imperial Agent.


"They're really afraid of you here aren't they? You come, you go, you're the friggin' secret police."



"I knew a guy who went to a Sith party once, he was the entertainment. He came back...wrong. We had to put him down. This place is messed up."



I think Kaliyo has the best quotes. My favorite is her commenting right after a holo conversation:


Kaliyo: "He was kind of cute wasn't he? Kind of stupid too. If only he had money he'd be perfect."

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On Balmorra after finishing Cave 52 while talking to the agent outside the cave:


There's.nothing better than the sight of gassed rebels running out of a cave into the waiting blasters of entire battalion....well maybe sunrises but you have to get up early for those.

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This just stired something inside of me when I heard it and had to write it down.


Master Kiwiiks always says we're fighting for the people inside the tower, not the tower itself. But I'm alright fighting for a tower that amazing, too. SWTOR Kira Carsen.


When you take Kira near the Senate Tower on Coruscant.

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"Apparently all the fashion designers went over to the empire"- Kira Carson (I don't remember it thats verbatim)
"Have you seen what the Sith are wearing? It's almost as if every fashion designer in the galaxy went to the dark side..."
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Alderaan NPC flirting with female smuggler:

"Ah, i haven't felt this way since I was a boy."

Corso Riggs, inserting himself between the two, says:

"I got news for you, Slick. You're still a boy!"


Elendryll Lioncourt

LVL 50

Smuggler and all around awesome Doctor Who fan

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Not a favorite quote by any mean but one that sticks out.

When Darth Baras says "Don't screw it up" to an imperial just after force chocking another imperial commander. Cringe worthy writing, killed the whole scene for me.

I mean he is a Sith lord not a 70s tv cop Sargent.

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When you land on Belsavis, some imperial officer is talking to a prisoner he's recruiting:


"Next! Name, please."


"Let's see—ah, there you are. "Killer" Kateo, butchered an entire squad of Republic soldiers with…a shiv?"

"That's me."

"Someone get this man a blaster! Welcome to the Imperial Army, Kateo. If there's anything else we can get you—maybe something dull and rusty?—just ask!"


Cracks me up everytime I'm on Belsavis. I love this little NPC convos. :p

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