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Why do people cross-play?


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I have equal amounts of male and female toons - and also Jedi and Sith ones.

Why do I cross play? Interesting if redundant (to me) question but I'll throw my hat in the ring.

I made my smuggler a boy because..well..a smuggler *is* Han Solo. I made mine as 'looky-likey' as possible and I play him as close to han as I can (from books and movies).

My Bounty Hunter is also a guy although nothing like Boba or Jango (although come to think of it he does bear a more than passing resemblance to my smuggler lol)

My sith warrior is a guy - because I wanted to be a bit of a 'Darth bane' type toon.

My trooper is a female - and green lol - and I wanted to have a female 'GI Jane' type toon - and a romance with Jorgan seemed fun (my husband is ex military - although not a cat - so maybe i'm biased lol)

My Jedi conselor is female and Twi'lek. I jsut thought it fit the concept better than an 'Obi-wan' male.

My Sith Inquisitor is a female rattataki - because it looks badazz and sounds awesome.


I play them the way they are because it feels right to ME - I don't really need any more justification than that :)

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I sometimes play females, no big deal really. I'm just as normal as every other dude, I tell ya. I put my panties on one leg at a time just like everyone else.


Honestly though, it's pixels and gender, two things that people like to make way too much a big deal over.

Edited by DNA_Cowboy
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These fellas are probably just ashamed of being manly men! :eek:

I say embrace your manhood (like you do anyways) and be a man ingame!


Meh, some people don't need to gender-identify so readily. Honestly, I'm okay with being a dude, I just don't pin it on my sleeve like the world owes me something for it.

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The "looking at the butt" excuse is probably the easiest answer for one to make and not have their sexuality called into question (I once encountered someone who was convinced that any guy who played a girl was gay on some level.).


For me, like I said in the other thread: strong female leads are sexy as hell.


I shall further elaborate:

This is something I've found more in Bioware RPGs, but it creeps into some other games where you have the option of selecting a female protagonist. Frequently, the lead is written as gender-neutral to accommodate both roles, with the occasional nod to gender/race/class. What you get, as a result, is a female character who possesses typically masculine traits.



Commander Shepard (Mass Effect): This is a driven character. Outside the Renegade/Paragon dynamic, you have someone who endured hardship in their life (even the War Hero/Spacer background counts) and joined the military, rose through the ranks and now pushes themself to fight a menace that has culled life from the galaxy time and again over the millenia.


The Player (Saints Row 2): The character is an uncompromising ******. She's warm to her friends and unyealding to her enemies, even outright cruel in her retalliations to take back Stillwater. Nothing daunts her and nothing intimidates her.


Also, my personal feelings boils down to some childhood influences, that only recently dawned on me. Growing up, one of the first rated-R movies I owned (and watched repeatedly) was "Aliens". Sigourney Weaver's performance as Ellen Ripley cemented what "sexy" was in my young mind and it didn't really occur to me until recently.


So yes, I play female characters so I can see women being ******. :)


A well put together response. Refreshing. I wish I could like a post. :p


I'd wager that for >>>!!!***SOME***!!!<<< people cross-playing, it's to sate a inner opposite gender impulse. A girl wanting to get in touch with her masculinity. A guy wanting to get in touch with his femininity. There's nothing wrong with that.


As far as the "stare at my character" excuse goes... aren't these folks always the ones standing in the line of fire? ** ;)


** This statement was intended as a joke and should not be construed as a indictment of you and or others playing ability.

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I usually play characters that look somewhat like me. I am a fit, wiry, small guy who's kind of on the femmy side in the looks department. So if the game doesn't offer the option of playing a male of slight build, Ill play a boyish female instead.
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Only way i have to make a woman do exactly what i want ^_^ i actually name her as my wife so i get to boss her around :D


other then that I just like way more to see the cinematic of a girl rather then a guy!!!


obviously 100% of the time my "female" char is lesbian.... it's a pitty in SWTOR she can't be then she will just stay single.


the way i feel and see MMORPG or any other game that is RP... it's me taking control of a character it's not me BEEING that character but me beeing a god/virus/voice in her mind/ that create a dialogue with the character giving her advice and reasoning with her to make choises


i never ever feel i am the character i am playing that's why i can't play first person game i always have to play 3th person

Edited by Pekish
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Cross-playing is when somebody plays a character of the opposite gender(only counts in games where you CAN pick..No, playing metroid doesn't play you a crossplayer)QUOTE]


Different convo options, different romance options, and yes looking at the same gender's *** doesn't have the same apeal as looking at the others (IMHO).

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I am a guy and here is my reasoning...


My main, Trooper is a female. I did it because I wanted to play it as a story where a petite female character can rise the ranks and defy the odds against her.


One alt, Female Knight. I did this because I played a male one during beta and I didn't like how he sounded whiny during the conversations during Tython.


My Sith characters have been male characters, a Pureblood Sith Warrior because I want to romance Vette. Then my Imperial Agent, so I can flirt with every woman I come across.

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This is the first game where I have played a male and female character... and it's because of the companions and the dialog. It's really fun to see both sides for me... it will be funny one day if I play a male toon and talk in vent/mumble though lol:eek:
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Anyone who has played any previous Bioware games can tell you. They have different voice actors, sometimes different quest and dialogue options, and different reactions from certain NPC's. It was pretty funny in ME2 when the Krogen got sexist with femshep and she head butted him :) IMO femshepard did a better job then the male shepard on the voice acting. In all Bioware games I always play them through as good and evil male and good and evil female just to see the various plot options.
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Just wanted to add in, my only female character is my Consular. I just liked the female Consular voice more, and the class seemed to fit the gender. So, preference on the voice and class/story might sway somebody's choice on gender.


I know I'm barely containing myself from making a female trooper for the voice and the Panthro of the Thundercats romance option.

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Because I want some variety in the appearance of my characters.


Why does this question even keep coming up? Who cares, because its not like your going to ask "why does someone play a healer" or "why would you roll a DPS toon."


Absolutely. I enjoy making my characters as different as possible. And sometimes gender helps with that.


Also, in fantasy games, creating a female priest all ways feels right. Been doing it for games.

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Oddly enough, male or female toon, I've never experienced that sort of "harassment," or whatever you'd call it. Maybe sometimes it'd be nice for some free credits! =p But like the above post said, I don't make my toons overly sexy because I wouldn't identify with them that way. In fact, my main kinda looks like a butch les now that I think about it.


Its not all that common, I have played MMO's for 10+ years. And I have seen very few examples of guys have a fit over it. And from my experience they tend to have some level of homophobia.


I have also only ever seen one guy lead on to everyone that he was a girl in real life, he even took it as far as the server forums. The reason I found it creepy and wrong was if he became friends with you, he would let other guys know he was a dude.

And from his own words it was so they would stop flirting with him, which I myself will admit I flirt with girls all the time. And its not because I want to hook up with them over the internet or cyber with them, its just how I am.

But he would never tell the female players that he was a dude, it took it past the "I'm roleplaying" and into the level of creepy strange.


Myself I will play male or female, just depends if the models look better one over the other. This was more evident in say WoW, or if I thought it fit better with the class / race.

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Because blue Twi'lek chicks rule.


Seriously, I've never given it much thought. In Jedi Academy and now in TOR I play petite blue female Twi'leks, partially because, similar to anime, its great to see how much hurt the wee, inoffensive female can deliver. Hopefully some in PvP will underestimate that subconsciously too. In KotOR I played a female human for similar reasons (would not allow me a Twi'lek! *shakes fist*).


I can't wait to take my toon out to tank HMs. Hopefully next week!

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Honestly, I play both male and female characters. My highest level character so far is a female Jedi Consular. I played a female because my husband is playing a male smuggler and he wanted us to be a couple in game (It's one way he's trying to be romantic. :D ).


Anyway, I have several other characters who are male that I'm not playing in game with my husband with.


Why do I play males occasionally?


Why not? I think it's fun to see things from a different perspective sometimes. Sure, I prefer to look at a cute/handsome guy more than a girl on screen, but that's not really relevant.


Also, I am a DM for tabletop RPG's and I have had to play male NPCs so many times...I guess it just never bothers me anymore to do it now. I can switch roles whenever I need. It doesn't get to me.


I don't see why it bothers anyone else. Then again, I'm not going to misrepresent my true gender in chat or elsewhere. If someone tried to flirt with me (and was acting serious), I'd tell them my gender and that I was married..and move along.

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OP: Do you play only human characters?


Why do people pick Twilek's to play?


Why do people have force lightning, sword skills, spaceships, other planets populated with all kinds of alien life?




Do you only read books written by male authors speaking about only male characters speaking from the perspective of only male characters?


And LOOK out if you're male and choose the red piece in a game of CLUE. That's a sign of a pure deviant right?


Get over yourself. "cross-play" sheesh...

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For those not into the lingo. Cross-playing is when somebody plays a character of the opposite gender(only counts in games where you CAN pick..No, playing metroid doesn't play you a crossplayer).



-Better looking female models for the species of your choice

-Better looking female animations for the species of your choice

-Better voice actress than the male counterpart

-Better looking armor on female than male

-If RPing, the persona you have in mind fits a female better than a male (and BTW RPers play a role and don't necessarily view the character as an extension of themselves, hence gender is irrelevant)

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