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SWTOR has "Failed" ~ Just looking for evidence.


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Honestly, no one who actually moved on from this game would still be posting doomsday on the forums. Either they are trolls, people looking for attention, wow paid employees, or whiners who have too much time on their hands. Anyone who actually unsubed for not liking the game a) cannot post here (trust, my card got messed up and for an hour i didnt have a sub, I instantly couldnt forum post), and b) wouldnt care enough to post here.
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This type of "evidence" is simply nonsense. Don't believe me then look at any other MMO. Even during its height when it had 12 million subs had its forums filled with complaints and general chat filled with trolls. Most intelligent people know to take such things with a grain of salt.


If you judge the performance of a game based off of forum post and people spamming general chat for attention then every MMO around is a "failure".


In reality the game is doing ok. Its not "failing" nor is it a smash hit. Its just doing alright. And that's how most sensible people expected it to do. This game is in no danger of being forced to go free to play anytime soon nor will it be close to wows sub level for the foreseeable future. Its only the fanboys and the haters who are delusional about this and make post exaggerating things to try and make it seem like their false points are somehow true.


QFT this guy gets it. I think the game will retain a stable population. It isn't a WOW killer but even WoW didnt start at 12 million subs. In time who knows what it will be, for now its just another mmo. And it isn't the fail that AOC or FF14 were at launch.

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I am almost inclined to agree with the numbers for this reasoning.

We were promised Epic battles and gameplay, having played every char to 30 and two 50's I have yet to find it.

General questing feels boring drawn out and pointless, republic is sensless killing that isn't gear toward anything, the empire is a little better because they reward you for pointless killing.

The PVP, we all love voidstar its cool an actual battle where teamwork comes into play and premades don't mean much, alderaan we tolerate because it's mildly interesting but if you have a premade its cake 96percent of the time, huttball enough said, you get three players on voice and the game is over before you begin.

The flashpoints, if you are a commando, bounty hunter, consular, inq you can solo all but two and the other two you only need one more person, same is almost true for hard but those are quite easily done with just two.

RPG in an MMO, ex, I am a combat medic: quest is go an kill all these people come back pick up the quest and go kill some more turn in and go kill some more, go talk to this guy and guess what go kill some more. Where are the heah medic we need your help healing the troops as they actually advance on the battlefield or prepping people for evac or something IDK something like a medic would do. Jedi all they do is kill, sith they don't kill enough, agents (they are suppose to be spy like right) do you see james bond going and killing all the people in a city, the best spies are the ones who you never hear about, not the one who kills the most.

The worlds are incredible and awesome to look at but if you sit there and quest then you know that nothing matters at all, just like um well all other MMO's save for guild wars or maybe rift. IE go and retake that fort and kill the sith lord who is there, you fight and fight and kill all in the base to get to the Lord and then kill him, he drops a durasteel chest piece and then guess what they all just respawn and nothing you have done means a thing, you may be saying oh its just a game but hey we all do the quest and spent the last twenty minutes of hard grinding to clear the base, the least they could do is make some friendly troops show up and hold it say for at least ten minutes or something to make us feel better.

So in point BW has failed on everything except the VO, it is wonderful its cool and neat the first time through but having played every quest on both sides getting to 50 you know all the quests and the VO and the only thing you have to look forward to is the class quest and they don't get you to 50, very sad. The class quests are the great saving grace to SWTOR, they are well thought out and progress the story extrememly well but I think after they put the class quests in the writers and design team took a vacation thinking they were done and then puked up the remaining quests. Remember that after a certain point the two sides are at war but having spent nearly a decade in the middle east and other places fighting so called wars this feels nothing like a war but a pathetic attempt to copy wow. I see so many quests that are carbon copies of wow and other mmo's merely wrapped in a star wars package, the only thing new is the VO and that gets old really quick.

So the sad part is I believe the numbers that they have lost alot of subscriptions based on so much that went wrong in the story and I feel really bad about it because they built up something that has been in development for nearly a decade and then let out something that was not able to follow through with what they promised. It is a sad day when people decide not to play star wars because I had such high hopes for a game I could play casually and with no grind with excellent story that they said but the sad truth is that BW should not have gotten the contract to do an MMO. KOTOR was a star wars game and well thought out with fun side games and quests that made since and a common story line throughout with twists and plot changes, surprise, intrigue and was well done. I wish someone at BW would have played KOTOR a couple of times and took notes on what the community said they did well insted of making something that is well not worth the fifty hours it takes to get to 50.

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I don't understand why anyone cares how well SWtOR is doing. If you enjoy it then play it if not then don't, but coming on the forum and constantly announcing failure is odd. Posting predictions based on hypethetical scenarios and uneducated mathematical equations seems just silly to me. I don't get it. Edited by Derfmiolleh
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Seen quite a few people say how "SWTOR is failing" or something along those lines.


Just wondering where they are getting the "evidence" behind these claims.


I don't understand how anyone can take those people seriously when Bioware doesn't release subscriptions numbers...and almost all of the player-tracking tools are very far from accurate.


I'm just baffled that this many people can confidently write a post saying "Well its obvious SWTOR is a failure"


*Shakes head*


Did I miss some news article that release subscription numbers of people on their second month compared to the number of people that purchased the game?


its people that cant afford to pay for the sub, and instead of owning up to that, they come up with every excuse about how its the game and not their wallet thats causing them not to reup their sub.

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Wedensday, Feb 1st at 2pm PT.




EA Q3 2012 Earning Conference Call. Expect hard numbers to come out on that day at that time.


SWTOR will hardly make or break EA, they have their hands in too many things. If this game flopped they wouldnt bat an eye. Its already earned back what they spent on it.

Edited by lunabaguna
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I am almost inclined to agree with the numbers for this reasoning.

We were promised Epic battles and gameplay, having played every char to 30 and two 50's I have yet to find it.




lol sorry man, but I hate to break it to you.


When you have leveled EVERY character to 30, and two 50's already. You have already played an absurd amount.


You are no longer tasting the cake, you sir have eaten it.

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Wedensday, Feb 1st at 2pm PT.




EA Q3 2012 Earning Conference Call. Expect hard numbers to come out on that day at that time.


They will not publish actual subscriber numbers. They don't have to, and it's not common practice in the industry. Common practice in the industry is to bat around subscription numbers as a PR thing separate from quarterly reporting.


They may field some questions from analysts about it, but they will generalize their responses.

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SWTOR will hardly make or break EA, they have their hands in too many things. If this game flopped they wouldnt bat an eye. Its already earned back what they spent on it.


How much did they spend on it and how much did they make on it. Sources would help as well. I dont think they are even close to making what they spent on it but thats just a guess.

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Everyone who played swg post NGE hated it, but they still played LOL. Now, SWG is dead and I hear people saying they wish this game was like that POS. Lol!


People will say they unsub. But don't. Heck I did during the CU of swg.


Anyhow, my point is smple. Everyone complains about MMOs. Period.

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SWTOR will hardly make or break EA, they have their hands in too many things. If this game flopped they wouldnt bat an eye. Its already earned back what they spent on it.


Agreed but I doubt they have made back 500 million just yet....




and in case you need something from the actual market industry....





But that could be a lie as well. Either way you will never know by listening to the investor meetings as the breakdowns won't be there. Investors look for the bottom line. If they still see their $$$$ they don't care about the details for the most part.

Edited by JediKnightKillah
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I find the 'Fail' threads interesting, mostly because of the level of emotion they generate...That and the complete and utter lack of factual evidence to support their claims.


Given the availability of information out there, honestly kiddos you just have to look around and have the I.Q. of a 2 year old monkey, I can say without a doubt that SW:TOR is not only successful it has generated an approximate subcription increase of 12-14% in the closing days of this month depending on which sources you rely on.


The days of citing SW:TOR as a failure are long since past, anyone with the lack of intelligence to make such a claim is relying solely on speculation and lack of reason.

So please cry 'Fail!', those of us with the ability to read and properly use a search engine will just smile and enjoy your emotional, fact void rants for what they are.

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How much did they spend on it and how much did they make on it. Sources would help as well. I dont think they are even close to making what they spent on it but thats just a guess.


They spent 200 million on it Source http://pc.ign.com/articles/121/1216969p1.html

They sold between 1 million and 1.5 million source http://www.gamespot.com/news/star-wars-the-old-republic-sales-could-already-be-15m-analyst-6347878


at 60 dollars that's around 60- 90 million in revenue. But that doesn't factor in brick and mortar overhead cost, higher priced editions like the ce, and the overhead costless DDE

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I guess we have no idea how much it really cost then because you have two different source both estimating widely different numbers. Believe the LA times or this Analysts estimation? I'm not sure which to believe. http://herocomplex.latimes.com/2012/01/20/star-wars-the-old-republic-the-story-behind-a-galactic-gamble/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&dlvrit=63378#/0 there's the Article the LA times printed where they give the dev cost. I'm moer inclined to believe the 200 million figure in the article its clear the reporter actually spoke with the dev team. The 500 million figure is just an analyst speculating.

Edited by mezlabor
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Really? Please post your empirical data supporting this claim.


Log out of your server - and look at the server populations. There ya go. It's so obviously, a blind monkey can see it.


Having said; EA said TOR isn't a failure until it goes under 500,000 accounts after a year. They've clearly not gone that far; but it's quite evident (as is normal with any MMO); people are leaving once they finish off the story they wanted to finish.

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