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SWTOR has "Failed" ~ Just looking for evidence.


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perfect example :




" Fixing Ilum should be 1st priority"


the dude says, this pvp place should be first priority. because, well, 'pvp community is strong here'.


it does not occur to him at all that, among the hundreds of thousands of people playing the game over the same day, his crowd is in the vocal minority which is excessively demanding.

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Bioware is currently projected to have 13.7 million subscribers by June 2012.


I would like to know what animal's behind you pulled such a ridiculous, yet specific number? So this game is going to do in 6 months what took WoW 5 or 6 years? Are you trolling?

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I would like to know what animal's behind you pulled such a ridiculous, yet specific number? So this game is going to do in 6 months what took WoW 5 or 6 years? Are you trolling?


"Wow is so great that ............. its so great !!!!"




wake up.

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wow. thats a grim picture for blizzard.




but no, they are not trolling.


they are mainly wow refugees, trying to turn this game into wow.


blizzard started heavily 'casualizing' wow, because going hardcore cost them majority of subscribers. 5% is the hardcore segment which have ever seen molten core etc in wow, rest have never made it that far.


increasing casualizing alienated the hardcores. and after that, blizzard started moderating forums heavily. you cant see any of these 'game will fail' threads there now. quick ban. you cant even talk smack. this is since 1.5 years.


this alienated more hardcores.


and at last, they brought in pandas. this alienated a huge number of those hardcores.


and now here they are, continually complaining, but NOT canceling their subscriptions. because they have no other game to go to now.


so, they talk talk, shout shout, demand. when you look at their demands, you see that they have a common pattern : all are stuff that are in wow.


so, they have fled from wow, which has turned on them, and now trying to make another game into wow and fit in it. swtor, copying the general mechanics of wow was susceptible to this crowd. and here they are.




bioware needs not to pay attention to their demands. unfortunately for them, their demands are self destructive for themselves too ; their demands increasingly turns a game into a tedious, irritating grind, and then drives away majority players. then, the company either goes bankrupt, or turns on this hardcore crowd. its a self-defeating spiral. and, there is NO way of satisfying them, regardless of what you do.


if bioware caters to these, they will lose all the whopass sales numbers which came in from star wars base.

I agree. Money shouldn't always talk. The goal should be to maximize profit without sacrificing game quality. And while wow fanboys will say "Swtor is just a single plaeyr rpg", they should look at wow. You can sit in org waiting for a que to pop and not say a thing to anyone ever. There's no need to go out into the world, nor will you find anyone out in the world. SWTOR should not try to topple blizzard. They'll just destroy their game. Blizzard's greed will finally manifest in MoP, and I can easily forsee it being a major disaster for them. BW would be best to not follow in blizzard's path.

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If the numbers were very good they would brag about those numbers to every magazine that would listen. The simple fact that they haven't is a sign in itself.


This tells me the numbers are average or worse. I enjoy the game, will stay with the game, but even I can see the reason for their silence.


They bragged about beta numbers, they bragged about box sales, and now they went silent about subscription numbers? Come on, no one can argue or defend them and say they have millions of players but now decided to be humble about their huge success? lol.


Its clearly obvious to any intelligent soul that their subscription numbers are lower than their box sales and that is why they won't disclose numbers anymore for the PR backlash and stock issues. They will with hold those numbers until quarterly earnings reports force them to.

Edited by Twolow
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I would like to know what animal's behind you pulled such a ridiculous, yet specific number? So this game is going to do in 6 months what took WoW 5 or 6 years? Are you trolling?


Or you could look at what he quoted and probably figure out that he meant that everyone can make up figures in their head without basing it on anything...


Disclaimer: according to my interpretation of what the original quoted person wrote considering what he quoted in the first place.

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Bioware is currently projected to have 13.7 million subscribers by June 2012.


Because somehow you can pull 13.7million subs from 1.5million accounts activated.


I could see this game tanking ONLY because endgame is so meh right now.... im battlemaster with most PVP gear and I see little reason to PVE because PVP gear is hands down better than PVE gear. Plus with the many valor exploits theres a few 100 more people with battlemaster now over night and that kinda made me mad. Then they go and tell us "were working on server transfers" ***... and Im gonna have to wait until March for the next big content update? *****.... they really need some content at endgame thats worth doing if not I can see this game seriously tanking on subs. Im not hating its just that... Ive been 50 for like 3 weeks now and Ive already done Kraggas, EV, pretty much all of the hard modes and Ive gotten battlemaster. Now someones gonna be like "DERP ROLL AN ALT" So I can do all that meaningless content over again no thanks, but I already do have a ton of alts. My legacy level is 15.


To sum it up... I think swtor came out a bit too early, they really needed to polish the game a bit more its still quite buggy, ability delay is making me claw my own eyes out, not having server transfers was a bad call when you opened up 10 new servers a day how did you not predict some servers becoming barren or too overpopulated, theres hardly any endgame content, Ilum was a disaster please learn how to make a open world pvp zone, finally.... ffs give us achievements or collection stuff besides datacrons like those are great and all but I dont get anything besides crystals (which I dont need) i'd like there to be something like vanity pets, better looking mounts, better armor models maybe I could work for SOMETHING.

Edited by Alumera
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This game fails because the endgame is bad and you level up quickly. I'm not saying it's too easy, I'm just saying everyone is expected to reach max level. It's not an insane grind and it's a lot of fun. 1-50 this is the best mmo I've ever played. But 50 is bad. People are indeed getting to 50 and quitting.
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Internet trolls and nerds are some of the angriest, grouchiest people on the galactic rim.




No, seriously though... Its like some big, weird competition to see who can have the most superior, "I called it first" attitude when it comes to something they don't like. They'll trash and blame a game they are currently playing, saying its not up to par with "their" standards and at the same time keep playing it! As if they scream and cry enough about something, the company will just drop everything and build a new game.


Then they rush to the forums to trash something/someone in the most unproductive, vitriolic manner. Instead of just voting with their wallets, or trying to be constructive, they just keep on clinging to the most tired, repeated arguments. Many of which don't even hold any water when shown the evidence.


Its just...sad.

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This game fails because the endgame is bad and you level up quickly. I'm not saying it's too easy, I'm just saying everyone is expected to reach max level. It's not an insane grind and it's a lot of fun. 1-50 this is the best mmo I've ever played. But 50 is bad. People are indeed getting to 50 and quitting.


So I assume you have an entire set of top PvP gear, beat all the hardmodes and have an entire set of top PvE gear?


If you have, GREAT! Awesome man. Time to go outside or read a book.


If you haven't...then explain to me how there is no 50 end game content.

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This game failed for me, simply because this was not the MMO I was hoping for. Infact, it's not a true MMO, it's to linear and the small planets are tunnel driven, not open like a true MMO.


Love the graphics on max, awesome, like the story lines to a degree, but these help to make the game very single player/linear.


If I wanted a linear game, with sroty line... i'd have bought KOTOR.... wait! I had that! Whhooooo, it's KOTOR3 (which has some online content),although it's all instanced!


Simple terms as a single player game, it was awesome for about a month...... fingers crossed that it's sorted out for the near future so I can come back..


Bet you it's free to play withing a few weeks/months :p

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It's easy to make baseless claims but without proof most reasonable people will never take you seriously. I saw some guy claiming SWTOR lost 65% of it's subscribers the other day, the guy of course had no proof.


I'm guessing here, but he probablyl took the estimate of 1M subscriptions at launch and subtracted the estimate that was going around about 350K people being actively logged in at a time (which was taken by a lot of people to be a good sign) and then twisted it to mean that 650K (65%) had left.

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Is the population shrinking since launch or is the server capacity increasing?


Looking at the server populations based on the fact that server capacity has increased, it seems that it's either stable or decreased only a little from the high point in EU but has decreased significantly in NA.


Perhaps the game for some just doesn't fit as well with the NA aka US audience's - from most of the endless "I cancelled and now want attention on the forums" posts seem to be coming from - tastes?

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This game failed for me, simply because this was not the MMO I was hoping for. Infact, it's not a true MMO, it's to linear and the small planets are tunnel driven, not open like a true MMO.


For you then there must be very few "true MMOs". Only sandbox games with all game zones being vast open landscapes are true MMOs for you, right?

Edited by Rouge
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Nobody like to be in a minority - if someone likes something, they'll try to persuade others that it's good - it's human nature.


Likewise, when someone doesn't enjoy something they'll try to persude people to their way of thinking - otherwise they'd just leave the game - not come up with long rants about perceived "faults" (a lot of which are features that other players actually find as strengths - like the stories).


In the same vein, like some politicians, they'll spout unsubstantiated "facts" to make their argument seem valid.


If you take them all as trolls and not reply to them at all, then they can have their rant - shouting into silence - and then disappear back into obscurity.




In fact, I have decided that from now on, I'll just put them on ignore.

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So I assume you have an entire set of top PvP gear, beat all the hardmodes and have an entire set of top PvE gear?


If you have, GREAT! Awesome man. Time to go outside or read a book.


If you haven't...then explain to me how there is no 50 end game content.


First off Pve gear is garbage compared to Pvp gear. Second hard modes are lol easy if you have a competent group. Finally.. there is NO endgame content because the content that is there is DERP easy. I understand this game is casual but once you hit that peak like a week after hitting 50 and youve managed to get half your Pvp or Pve gear you'll realize theres 0 motivation to continue gear capping yourself out. Im gonna get trolled for saying this but... WoW does one thing right and thats knowing how fast the community clears content and caps out on gear and they time it just right releasing new content at a steady pace for people to clear. This rewards people who cap out on gear and those who do not. Bioware needs to learn from them or else YES endgame is pretty dry and boring and forever will.

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Like that last one - ignored.


All is ease and quiet!


It must be really easy to sit there and post in a thread of which you have no knowledge of, so you just post smart alec quotes to sound like you know something about the topic.

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OK Professor of computer super troubleshooting, what is next diagnosis you're going to make? Maybe how he needs a super-computer to run everything?


Nope - I don't have a "super computer" - and it runs fine, thanks very much - as do the vast majority of players.


Troll post - ignored

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This game failed for me, simply because this was not the MMO I was hoping for. Infact, it's not a true MMO, it's to linear and the small planets are tunnel driven, not open like a true MMO.


Love the graphics on max, awesome, like the story lines to a degree, but these help to make the game very single player/linear.


If I wanted a linear game, with sroty line... i'd have bought KOTOR.... wait! I had that! Whhooooo, it's KOTOR3 (which has some online content),although it's all instanced!


Simple terms as a single player game, it was awesome for about a month...... fingers crossed that it's sorted out for the near future so I can come back..


Bet you it's free to play withing a few weeks/months :p


Definition from Wiki


"A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously"


so, in what way is this *not* an MMO hmm?


You don't like this particular MMO, fine - LEAVE! don't bend our ears about it - we're fine, thanks very much.



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Nope - I don't have a "super computer" - and it runs fine, thanks very much - as do the vast minority of players.


Productive post - ignored because im ignorant


Go find that 200+ page thread about horrid FPS in Warzones and how many people cant even zone in because of it. Yes your lucky that your hardware hasnt run into any problems, sadly to inform you that is not the case for a good chunk of people. There are alot of problems with this game just because you happen to not experience them doesnt mean they dont exist and that they arnt a serious problem. Btw I fixed your quote.


This guy really amuses me

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