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Sorcerer nerf - any dates?


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Nothing wrong with sorcerer.




Stupid troll is stupid, when you become the best player in the entire world at your class, I'll consider your opinion on my class being 'OP' valid.

Are you a best Sorc in the world then? If not, you opinion is invalid.

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I think its not a matter of sorc/sage, comando/BH, the whole thing is that ranged classes are aoverpowered in this game.


My buddy plays a champ geared sentinel and we call him the sleeper class. In his pvp spec he can jump onto a sorc push his buttons in and then I force grip him out before anyone on the other team realizes what happened. Not only that but when we duel I can never cast against him due to him not only having proper knowledge of my class ( he knows what he has to interupt) but he's also really good at keeping me shut down.


Melee classes usually tend to have a higher skill cap but if played by someone that knows what they're doing they can easily control a warzone.

Edited by Maleficium
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sorcs are squishy I eat them for breakfast




People dont seem to realize that they have no defensive cooldowns. Yes the shield is a great spell but once I've focused a sorc its so easy to eat through it and I know for sure they're going to die since they dont have a vanish or cloak or damage reduction cooldowns that they might use.


This thread just proves how many people aren't playing their characters properly.

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Sorc and sage are the druids of this game. Best pvp healer.. best Pve healer due to mobility and utility. All you sorcs that used your majority whine to get operatives destroyed next patch will soon realise you opened the door to all the cry babies that have no idea about class balance to whine until devs nerf. You will be next followed by every class in the game until all we are left with is lackluster endurance battles.
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A couple people mentioned everyone thinks we're 31/31/31. I see the truth in this. They complain about the knockback root... You have to specc into that (at least 12 points into lightning) They complain about our CC (lightning/madness hybrid) They complain about our heals (Need as least 21 into corruption to be effective)


You might look at the leader boards after a match and see sorcs at the top of both damage and healing... but its not the SAME sorc.


I would be in favor of a change (not nerf) put Lightning barrier in the healing tree where in belongs, and put whatever gives force lightning no cooldown high up in the lightning tree.

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Now that my IA is getting nerfed tomorrow, I will be playing my sorc alt. So hopefully they will hold off for a bit. Upside, I can join all the "all sorc" premades that form up at fleet to grind out wz wins.


Maybe instead of trying to play teh FoTM class you should stick with one that you like and learn to work with it while it is balanced...

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Here's why ppl think Sorcs need a nerf.


You're in a WZ and over and over when you're killed all you see is the giant bright FL pounding on you from the Sorc. You don't think about the 2 or 3 other players that are beating on you. It's not the Sniper's fault. It's not that Agent that rooted you. It's all that gd Sorcerer's fault. I say nerf the FL animation and I'm betting ppl stop the *cries*

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People dont seem to realize that they have no defensive cooldowns. Yes the shield is a great spell but once I've focused a sorc its so easy to eat through it and I know for sure they're going to die since they dont have a vanish or cloak or damage reduction cooldowns that they might use.


This thread just proves how many people aren't playing their characters properly.




-Electrocute (4s stun, 60s CD)

-Overload (Knockback, 20s CD) (Talented add a 5s root)

-Force Speed (150% Movement Speed for 2s, 30s CD)


And on top of that, you have shields and healing. Get out of here.

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-Electrocute (4s stun, 60s CD)

-Overload (Knockback, 20s CD) (Talented add a 5s root)

-Force Speed (150% Movement Speed for 2s, 30s CD)


And on top of that, you have shields and healing. Get out of here.


he needs more defensive cooldowns I guess, maybe a instant full heal or vanish or something

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-Electrocute (4s stun, 60s CD)

-Overload (Knockback, 20s CD) (Talented add a 5s root)

-Force Speed (150% Movement Speed for 2s, 30s CD)


And on top of that, you have shields and healing. Get out of here.


So angry.


Also here ya go sorc haters get edumacated.



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you forum warriors know right there is only 4 classes in tor. making everyone exactly same will turn the game into one of the most boring mundane an pathetic excuses for gaming ever seen. Look at warcraft an rift.....

Even a lobotomy would be more fun.


only reason you feel classes are over powered lol is because there's lots more of them, sorc has more survivability an dps than 1 or 2 other classes, deal with it. You non DAOC players have never seen an OP class :)... tor classes are the most mirrored, the most boring an simply put the simplest class design I have ever seen in over 10 years.


None of you who farm an expliot bg's/illum bg work together, you run round like rambo an wonder when someone kills you. You dont have a tank to guard you, you dont have healers to heal you. It seems its better to just spam nerf than actually learn how to play your classes.

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You realize we get ~30k healing a match from shielding ourselves right? The rest of a "dps sorc" healing comes from self healing for 1600 hp every 3 seconds.


The problem with most of you "nerf sorc now" people is you don't understand the class well enough to see how it needs to be nerfed. You're just mad you died in a warzone and come here to complain.


You guys all act like we're 31/31/31 specced.


Quoting for epic truth in a post full of terribads.

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You realize we get ~30k healing a match from shielding ourselves right? The rest of a "dps sorc" healing comes from self healing for 1600 hp every 3 seconds.


The problem with most of you "nerf sorc now" people is you don't understand the class well enough to see how it needs to be nerfed. You're just mad you died in a warzone and come here to complain.


You guys all act like we're 31/31/31 specced.

Sounds a lot like all the Operatives on this forum since two days after 1.1.
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such a shame to see all these demands to destroy diversity because of the stupidest mechanic ever seen in MMo's in last 7 years. Force people to world pvp again an all these demands would vanish because it would force people learn how to play their class more. Edited by BegaTasty
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Which is still better than non-healing classes can manage. The shield also effectively functions as a heal which puts them over the top of the other classes.


Fix'd . To the "poor" sorcerer that has to fire off 5 heals before getting to full life, it's still better than having no heals huh ? ;)

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fighting the class i dont have an issue, the contribution of multiple talents to render all environmental hazards pointless in huttball for a period long enough for them to score uninterrupted seems a little bit off.

Sure, if you ignore us we can mitigate a lot of the hazards with our shields on ourselves & others, sprint, & Pulling allies....but why would you let us set up to do that? Attack us and don't let us use those tools.

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