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Swtor IS a success, at least financially


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You really think thats enough? well if mediocrity was their goal I guess you right.


Yes that is enough. This is why everyone keeps copying Blizzard. This is what Trion did and what Bioware did. They don't care about quality product, they get investments for profit, not quality.

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Hehe, not much into reading for context eh?


The point being - many people will buy the game just to play their Star Wars fantasies out -which this game does a great job of. Nitpicking MMO featuers that aren't in the game yet doesn't matter much, this game isn't focused just on the niche MMO market most people use as the context for their complaints. IT would be more productive to review the game for what it was designed to be, not what you wish it was designed like so it would be more like other past MMOs.


What do you think it was designed to be? I am curious.

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I honestly wish it wasnt so poorly designed. You must be living in some other dimension to think this is a success as an mmo.


What dimension are you in? Cuz the one with earth, has lots of people that enjoy it.


Close your eyes to it all you want, doesn't make it any less true.

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Yes that is enough. This is why everyone keeps copying Blizzard. This is what Trion did and what Bioware did. They don't care about quality product, they get investments for profit, not quality.


Rift and WOW are still better games in terms of gameplay.

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Broken PVP, buggy endgame, horrible loot and gear system at 50, overly linear planets, immersion breaking travel system, clunky combat, and the list goes on and on and on.


I don't see mediocrity in there, I see an angry opinion.

Edited by djsmileey
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Op has a valid point, It has to be the most amazing game marketing stunt in a very long time.



To make a game then market it as a completely different kind of product in the gaming industry was a genius stroke. They took a slice of the pie from a section of the gaming market most xbox games like kotor and kotor 2 could never have done.


Simply brilliant. It really doesn't matter if the game is all that successful now. I predict a lot of other single player games will slap on some mmo features and enter it into a broader gaming market also.


Kotor 3 would of been successful but it wouldn't of made as much money as this / is going to make.





You think I sound crazy?





Then ask yourself this, multiplayer is pretty much standard now. It never used to be.


Diablo 3 will have multiplayer, same as torchlight 2.


Social networking has taken off, look at facebook shares. Look how google and microsoft are desperate to get into that market.



This is the same sort of thing.

Edited by Harower
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Its not the initial month the determines the success of a MMO. Its if they can retain a certain number of subscribers.


Lets discuss this in 6 months and see if SWTOR has a lot of subscribers or just barely hanging on.

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No he pretty much stated facts with the exception of the travel system which, god knows why, some people like.


facts eh....i'll teach you about some fa...


wait..nevermind, I am not going on this ride with you. I've been down it to many times!


You hate it, I like it.



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seriously if I make a website and call it something smart, does that mean I can write articles and make up numbers as news too.


Seriously Ive never heard of this fkin site in any way shape or form when involving gaming before.


Why do you guys read something on the internet and not realize it can be made up.


They say "according to sources."


I can say that then, according to sources, I heard they made pod babies to rebuild the staff to keep swtor going for years for free, then started researching clones.


Give me a break with these weirdo websites.


Since when are they some credited respected website.

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I look at it this way:


1. Trolls/flamers/haters stay, another month of subscription to BioWare supporting their product, bug fixes for those of us who enjoy the game, and something new to read at lunch time every day at work.

2. Trolls/flamers/haters leave, I don't have to deal with them on a daily basis and actually get to see positive threads not turned into trolls and flamefests because positive input about this game seems to get a bad receptions.


The game will do fine. Each game has a rough/bumpy start when it begins. Customer Service is always overloaded when a game begins. People expect everything 100%. Yet Skyrim, CoD, etc. all release with bugs. When an MMO releases with 0 bugs, lag, or issues, I will personally sign my two week paycheck to that company as a sign of my respect and admiration.


Software will always release with bugs. Even complex systems that control pieces of equipment for multi-million dollar companies, require a few weeks debugging during "commissioning" of that equipment. Even after months of internal testing, testing the software with a Witness (see beta test with the users), there is still testing at the site, ie live. That is a few hundred/thousand lines of code as opposed to a few million/billion lines of code for this game that is completely software based.


Unrealistic expectations from users who lack any semblance of technical understanding.

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Just because something makes a profit doesn't mean it's considered a success. If the profit is only tiny then perhapes the time and money spent on developing the product could have been spent on something that would have turned a bigger proft.


To use TOR as an example, the game may bring EA a profit but that profit is so small that they may consider the game a failure and that it would have been better investing their money in something else that could have been released sooner and could have generated more profit for the amount invested into it. Say something like KOTOR 3 for example, which would have cost half as much to make as TOR, taken half as much time and probably would have sold just as many copies.


Now I'm not saying that they should have made KOTOR 3 instead of TOR and I'm not saying that TOR is a failure. What I am saying though is that when it comes to the success or failure of a product it's not as simple as whether or not a profit was made.

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