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Swtor IS a success, at least financially


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Actually Wall Street analysts have been calling it a failure, so I would say it's a pretty poor investment, at least as far as expected returns go.



I love how bad rumor + haters = wildly false information.


Precisely one analyst called it a failure, and he was a crock.

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I love how bad rumor + haters = wildly false information.


Precisely one analyst called it a failure, and he was a crock.


I also love all the people trying to bolster there claims with probably false claims of authority on the subject.


I mean, I can tell they are clearly wrong because I'm Warren Buffet.

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I also love all the people trying to bolster there claims with probably false claims of authority on the subject.


I mean, I can tell they are clearly wrong because I'm Warren Buffet.


See you at the next Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting.


That said, SWTOR will probably hobble towards profitability over the remainder of this year.

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I would like to ask a few questions to the doom sayers here.





Name ONE just ONE MMO that can pump out the content fast enough to keep the most hardcore player busy.


Answer NONE, Blizzerd can't even keep up and they have been at it longer.





What horrible combat, Replace the lightsabers with swords, and the blasters with bows and the flying objects with fireballs and you have the same BASIC combat wow has, I like what they did with smugglers/agents cover.




What game breaking bugs, level 40 now and I have not found ONE that BREAKS the game, a few annoying ones but nothing that effects the ACTUAL gameplay. (movie clips and a small amount of audio glitches. (WoW had SERVER crashing bugs for the first 4 months, not to mentions 3-5 HOUR ques, just to log on and the server crash again.




Money making wise, If anyone here thinks that a game as big as an MMO can make its money back within 8 weeks is smoking some really weird stuff (can i have some).


Game takes x to make, realistically you would expect to hit the green patch around half the development time. So my guess would be TOR starts making profit by 6 months (assuming it took 1 year to make start to finish)


Thats taking into account all the content they push out between now and then too witch still costs money.


People said Warhammer online would die, Umm its still going pretty strong, and STILL turning a profit, would have done better with a less bumpy start.


WoW was said to be doomed at the end of vanilla,TBH/Wrath and even now, Umm its still here and is one of the most played games, Why because it has GROWN, It didnt come out the bad like it is now 7 years ago. (It was piss poor then)


Now you want a failier of a game go and see Command and conquer Tiberium twilight (C&C4) that was pitiful.


I trust Bioware here and with MY MONEY, Why making a GOOD game is hard, making that game even BETTER is a mammoth task and if anyone can do it it's Bioware, I just hope the EA idiots responsible for C&C4 are not allowed within 100 miles of this game.


elexier out-

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What you are saying has literally nothing to do with what I said. Sorry about your sob story though, brah. That is what happens when you spam.


edit: Also Blizzard never says NEVER to a request that isn't way out there. They are very careful about it.


so you say i am telling lies. i am not, i dont care absolutely about you believing me. they said repeatedly not only in response to my threads but to others - they will NEVER do this. end of story. no pve to pvp transfer. btw i do not really need your "sorry", season 4 end and season 5 were both ****, and then i had my piece of fun when Ulduar came out (top 3 russian guild).


I am just asking people not to misinform others. Blizzard did a lot of miscommunication, bad communication, disrespect to community, false promises, et cetera.

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