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SW:TOR for Noobs


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the frigging fast travel...


I did notice a lack of mention on space combat however, this is esential to those newbs out in the world that are excited when they get a ship. tbh I didnt even realise ships made it to release until I got mine (thats what I get for not readng) I have to say it took a few tries to get the hang of the rail combat...


I have to run some errands today (as much as I loathe letting RL interfere with spamming my F5 key looking for my invite). I'll take a whack at both of these subjects after I return. In the meantime, thanks for all of the interest and support.

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Hey! I'm not a noob! I've been playing (insert your favorite MMO) for years!


I dont think you know what a n00b is.. Google on the word m8..


However, I did not read your whole post, I still want to say thank you, this might come in handy for many newbies that never have tryed out a MMO.

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I really like the game, today i got early access :D

but for leveling up my powers, do I always have to find a teacher?

and how do I find them. they are not special marked in the map.


Yes, you do have to go to a trainer in order to train your abilities. If you pull up the large map, there is a filter on the left side. Click on the button for class trainers and they shoudl show up on the zone map.

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I've played a few mmo's (Acheron's Call, WoW, Aion and Rift) so I'm not a total noob.

However, I found your post to be very amusing and very helpfull!

Thank you very much for taking your time to write it all down and share it with us!


I was going to make som post of my own asking about some stuff you wrote about and now you sawed me the time (if you don't count the time it took for me to read you post that is).


Thanx again and I really like the kind hearted nature of people on these forums!

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very nice!


I second the suggestion that you mention turning the auto and AREA loot options on.


also, you might want to point out that those BONUS objectives disappear if you leave the area before you finish them. Like you might have to kill a certain mob on a hill, and as you clear the non-named mobs near him, the BONUS objective will pop up (1 out of 8, 2 out of 8 and so on).


BUT if you kill the quest mob and leave the area before you finish the BONUS, you can't go back and finish them off.


The only thing about this that I'm not certain about is if it's LEAVING the area that cancels the bonus or turning the quest in. I think it's the actual leaving the area, but I'm not sure.

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very nice!


I second the suggestion that you mention turning the auto and AREA loot options on.


also, you might want to point out that those BONUS objectives disappear if you leave the area before you finish them. Like you might have to kill a certain mob on a hill, and as you clear the non-named mobs near him, the BONUS objective will pop up (1 out of 8, 2 out of 8 and so on).


BUT if you kill the quest mob and leave the area before you finish the BONUS, you can't go back and finish them off.


The only thing about this that I'm not certain about is if it's LEAVING the area that cancels the bonus or turning the quest in. I think it's the actual leaving the area, but I'm not sure.


It's turning the quest in that cancels the bonus quest. All bonus quests are linked to the parent quest, so once the parent is turned in, the bonus quest is either turned in (if completed) or abandoned (if incomplete). I had this happen during beta, where I was almost back to the QG when I finished the intermediate bonus, and had to turn around and go back for the mini-boss.

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I dont think you know what a n00b is.. Google on the word m8..


However, I did not read your whole post, I still want to say thank you, this might come in handy for many newbies that never have tryed out a MMO.


I certainly hope you are joking.. Incase you aren't old enough / clued in enough to realise, noob started being used as a way of shortening the original term, newbie. ie. "noo-b"


Don't be a ******, read the post as it's informative and witty..The point of this thread is CLEARLY not only for people new to mmo's, it is to highlight that even the experienced mmo players may make mistakes in SW:TOR.. It sounds like you read enough of his post that you really should have picked that up..


It's a bit hypocritical how you made a post about enutt being incorrect for using noob as a way of shortening his words, however you have done the same thing by calling him m8..


clue up, cheers

Edited by Nuetralise
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