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Romance leads..to the Dark Side


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I just started a Jedi after being bored with running the same mobs/side quest's again for the second time. Thankfully the Republic have a whole new host of missions. I was discouraged to learn that "Romance, attachment" and pretty much all emotion is forbidden. Am I to assume.


if I play a Jedi, I cannot have a romance? many this is why the shrink in republic forces

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The possibility of my SWTOR character never getting "some" was a difficult possibility to overcome when playing the Republic. He is in 12 step program and receiving counseling. His future looks bright if he sticks with it.
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I just started a Jedi after being bored with running the same mobs/side quest's again for the second time. Thankfully the Republic have a whole new host of missions. I was discouraged to learn that "Romance, attachment" and pretty much all emotion is forbidden. Am I to assume.


if I play a Jedi, I cannot have a romance? many this is why the shrink in republic forces


That isn't true. My Jedi Guardian is 10,000 Light and I am following the Romance line with Kira. What you have to do is watch what you are saying. At one point she suggested we go behind the councils back. That would have given me Dark points. I refused and a few options later I got another romance option that didn't give me dark points.

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You can, and you don't have to get DS points to do it. It may be frowned on, but that's not stopped a lot of Jedi from doing it over the years.



Honestly, I'm surprised you were even worried about this.


Bioware isn't THAT fail.

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You can, and you don't have to get DS points to do it. It may be frowned on, but that's not stopped a lot of Jedi from doing it over the years.


Isn't it a bit hypocritical? Early in the Jedi Quest line I was faced with



Two young Jedi who were in love. Their master's were concerned they have fell in romance. I didn't turn them in, nor did I accept their bribe. I wished them to follow their love..and I received dark side points..


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Isn't it a bit hypocritical? Early in the Jedi Quest line I was faced with



Two young Jedi who were in love. Their master's were concerned they have fell in romance. I didn't turn them in, nor did I accept their bribe. I wished them to follow their love..and I received dark side points..


Yes but you didn't get the Dark Points because of the romance, you got it because you lied to your Masters after telling them you would find out the truth of the matter.

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Yes but you didn't get the Dark Points because of the romance, you got it because you lied to your Masters after telling them you would find out the truth of the matter.


If the Jedi Master's frowned that deeply on them to ask me to "spy" for them. The logically speaking if I enter into a romance later in the story line would I be open to the same backlash.





I didn't see anything wrong with romance. However even after I lied to the master's and got the DS point's...I got them again after telling them to follow their romance in which my Jedi said "Follow your passion" why is wishing them well enable dark side point's?


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Isn't it a bit hypocritical? Early in the Jedi Quest line I was faced with



Two young Jedi who were in love. Their master's were concerned they have fell in romance. I didn't turn them in, nor did I accept their bribe. I wished them to follow their love..and I received dark side points..


The most wrong point about that is if you *accept* their bribe you get less dark points than if you don't.


You get like 50 points if you accept their bribe. 100 if you don't.

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There is a simple solution to this:


Gray Jedi.


We get to do whatever we want, and can say it's because we're gray.


"Why'd you kill that guy!?!?" "Sorry, man - I'm a Gray Jedi."


"You should have killed that killer!" "Sorry, sir - I'm a Gray Jedi."


"We should be romantically involved!" "Sure, babe - Gray Jedi all the way!"


You will not believe how many people I've killed on the Esseles because I simply wanted to get some fresh air, and I'm still a savior of the universe (even moreso than Flash "AAAH!" Gordon.)

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I am playing my Jedi Shadow as a pure and full LS Jedi. I don't see how being in a relationship is considered ok. Attachments are very dangerous to a Jedi and could put them on a path to the Dark Side. What if your wife/girlfriend is captured or killed? Would you be strong enough not to become emotional or angry? How about feeling like revenge?


Whether or not Jedi in some of the novels or even in this game are married, I just don't see how it's acceptable. A Jedi's duty is also to the Republic first and foremost. He would have to neglect his family quite a lot to truly be a Jedi which seems pretty selfish.


Anyone else feel this way? Most forum posts I've read seem ok with the romance idea and people really want it. Feels so wrong to me though.

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I just started a Jedi after being bored with running the same mobs/side quest's again for the second time. Thankfully the Republic have a whole new host of missions. I was discouraged to learn that "Romance, attachment" and pretty much all emotion is forbidden. Am I to assume.


if I play a Jedi, I cannot have a romance? many this is why the shrink in republic forces


I dont know about the Jedi Knight but......



The Consulars romance with Nadia is different than that of Anakin and Padme. As your apprentice and a very new to the idea of the force and Jedi, you constantly coach her and teach her lessons on the Force. Even while romancing her, you tell her that emotions lead to chaos and the dark side. In the end, it seems she displays the kind of love that the Jedi not only allow, but promote. Not the unconditional love that is forbidden to the Jedi. At least, thats what I got from the whole story.



Now as for romance and the Jedi itself, there are some instances of it happening without adverse affects. In the movies, Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura fell in love, but the council separated them. Something similar happened to Satele Shan as well, and even ended up having a son from the affair. They too were separated, but it was a mutual decision.

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I am playing my Jedi Shadow as a pure and full LS Jedi. I don't see how being in a relationship is considered ok. Attachments are very dangerous to a Jedi and could put them on a path to the Dark Side. What if your wife/girlfriend is captured or killed? Would you be strong enough not to become emotional or angry? How about feeling like revenge?


Whether or not Jedi in some of the novels or even in this game are married, I just don't see how it's acceptable. A Jedi's duty is also to the Republic first and foremost. He would have to neglect his family quite a lot to truly be a Jedi which seems pretty selfish.


Anyone else feel this way? Most forum posts I've read seem ok with the romance idea and people really want it. Feels so wrong to me though.


I would agree with you, but so far that hasnt been a scene where the Jedi Council actually sees a romantic act between the player character and a companion. As far as we know, romances with Jedi are without the councils knowledge (for now.... ), and thus we can only assume the Jedi council would still look down upon it. Love itself isnt neccessarily a Dark Side act, it is the emotions that follow love that are inherently dark sided; greed, attachment, selfishness, etc.


Romance between Jedi was pivotal to the Old Republic universe as well. The romance between Bastila and Revan was exceedingly important to the events of KOTOR one, and was a very compelling story to be added to the star wars EU.

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You guys are all ignoring the fact that ROMANCE IS NOT FOR THE JEDI.


Just QUIT whining about it. Light Side Jedi should NEVER have any romance/love in their lives. That's how it is and ALWAYS was. Don't bend the game/story/SW universe because of you think you deserve everything no matter what choices you do.


See? People kept whining that DS/LS options had no impact. And now we clearly have proof that THEY DO, and you're STILL WHINING.

Edited by dashspeed
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Yeah, jedi aren't supposed to get attached, so it seems reasonable that you'd get dark side points for straying from the path.. Even so, its not like you're going to end up with sith corruption or anything, its a few points you can make back up in Eseless later. And thats only if you care about LS5, which really isnt needed for anything anymore
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You guys are all ignoring the fact that ROMANCE IS NOT FOR THE JEDI.


Just QUIT whining about it. Light Side Jedi should NEVER have any romance/love in their lives. That's how it is and ALWAYS was. Don't bend the game/story/SW universe because of you think you deserve everything no matter what choices you do.


See? People kept whining that DS/LS options had no impact. And now we clearly have proof that THEY DO, and you're STILL WHINING.



In the Jedi Consular story you meet a Jedi Master and later his daughter who is a Jedi herself. The Council treats it as nothing special.


So I would guess that at this time it is possible to get a marriage permission from the council. Maybe there are some consequences, but they won't force you to end the romance.



I think if you are light side romance may lead you more towards the dark side. If you are dark side, romance may lead you more towards the light side. Makes sense, romance is just... human/[insert species].

Edited by Maaruin
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If the Jedi Master's frowned that deeply on them to ask me to "spy" for them. The logically speaking if I enter into a romance later in the story line would I be open to the same backlash.





I didn't see anything wrong with romance. However even after I lied to the master's and got the DS point's...I got them again after telling them to follow their romance in which my Jedi said "Follow your passion" why is wishing them well enable dark side point's?


Because passion and love, to the Jedi point of view, leads to the dark side.

Jedi aren't allowed to engage in romantic endeavors. It's mostly the "passion"

point. They believe having passion outside of the Force its self corrupts.

It's the whole jealousy and anger thing as well. I dunno. I'm a passionate person

so if I was a Jedi I would probably fall into the grey catagory since I would rather

love than be apathic *shrugs*

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When people say "Romance leads to the Dark Side", or "Jealousy Leads to the Dark Side", I try and have a different conception to this theory...


To me, when someone refers to falling to the Dark Side and Emotions being an integral part, from what I've seen, it comes down to how well people can control their emotions, in some cases, emotions have saved people from the darkside!


Look at Bastilla and Revan, Bastilla fell to the Darkside and Revan, through telling Bastilla he loved her, came back to the Lightside, and ultimately used her powers to defeat Malaks forces...


Nomi Sunrider is also a prime example, her husband was killed, so not only did she fall in love, but she also experienced hate towards the people who killed him, she didn't fall to the Dark Side, it all comes down to resisting the urge to follow your emotions, not the emotions themselves which CAN lead to the darkside.



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The actual reasoning about why the Jedi Order discourages romance is given in that early quest. The Jedi Master that tasked you, when asked about Romance, says: "Emotions disrupt balance. When you hold one person in higher regard than others, it clouds clarity and twists reason." -- he then follows that up with "We mustn't stand by" meaning that it's his role as a Master to prevent temptation -- which is in a sense, just avoidance of the possibility, not actually dealing with it.


The key would be to have the strength of will to follow the balance. I think some of the events in the Consular storyline (especially in Chapter 3) are intended to test this balance, but for some reason they didn't happen to me.


In fact, a lot of Jedi code discussion on Tython also state that compassion for others can ALSO cause imbalance, for example when protecting the weak, be it sympathy for the victim or anger toward the aggressor -- but there are only Light Side points for THOSE decisions you make throughout the game, for example when you give money to the kids in the water purification station on Coruscant. So, along with the fact that in conversations, you get the Light/Dark points based on your choice whether or not you "win" the roll, suggests that the Light/Dark part is how you yourself perceive whether or not your actions are light or dark, so the light/dark stuff on Tython could simply be due to an internal conflict between your own understanding and the strict Jedi code, rather than it being a "true" manifestation of Light/Dark.

Edited by Ancaglon
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If the Jedi Master's frowned that deeply on them to ask me to "spy" for them.


Those two are still Padawans. The rules don't apply in the same way to people still in training that it does to fully fledged Jedi.


Kinda like when I was in bootcamp for the US Army. I was expected to do things there I wasn't expected to do in regular service. For example, looking at a girl in boot would get me dropped. After boot, it wasn't at all the same thing.

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