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Autoface: The reason why ranged is imbalanced


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Autoface rules. It's one of the best features in SWOTR pvp. My pally in WoW could defeat most casters just by continually running back and forth through them. That's just idiotic design.


For those of you threatening to leave in favor of another game that allows you to use cheap tricks to get an upper hand, please do.

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Here come the trolls:

"Post swtor videos if you want to back up claims of being good in this game."


I'm working on one right now; it takes a lot of effort and footage to make a good pvp video. However; swtor is a game inspired specifically by the EQ/Wow nexus with almost 90% of the elements being similar if not the same (resolve/DR, Trinket/Ability CC break, 1.5 sec GCD in both games). To state that a game that sets the industry standard (WoW) that was inspired by a previous industry standard (Everquest) that inspired the game you currently play (Swtor) has no bearing on skill in said game is insanity.


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


"sorry, couldn't get through the first 16 seconds (i'm not 12)"


Real mature post, get back under the bridge.

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I agree with poster. If Melee doesn't autoface, why in blazes does ranged? There is way more work to be done playing as melee with no reward when in the optimal distance and position.


It doesn't matter though for melee if you are facing or not facing, as long as you are in melee range you're rewarded for you ability going off. If you are standing a bit behind or directly on top of, there is no penalty. Perhaps I'm wrong? By as a Gunslinger, my few melee abilities, dirty kick, blaster whip, hit weather i"m facing the target or not, my only prerequisite is that I have to be in melee range for them to work? But that's not OK for range classes? This thread is nothing but a plea to empower melee and make range obsolete, whilst melee keep the auto-facing ability, and it's removed from range?

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Autoface rules. It's one of the best features in SWOTR pvp. My pally in WoW could defeat most casters just by continually running back and forth through them. That's just idiotic design.


For those of you threatening to leave in favor of another game that allows you to use cheap tricks to get an upper hand, please do.


How is this cheap tricks? That would mean you running away from a melee class to keep yourself from getting hurt is a "cheap trick" if you are a ranged class you should have to BE AT RANGE to do damage - hence being able to kite - not much point in this game

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Jumping is stupid. Spam jumping is the dumbest thing I've seen people do. I'd be ok if spam jumping depleted your energy bars or insta killed you or something.


Also, running in circles around someone is pretty dumb.


I'm all about having skill involved but circling someone is not skill and neither is jumping around like a rabit or 'running through' people to do backstabs.


If you're getting rolled by slingers you need to check your gear or something.


Yes, gaining positional advantage is stupid....


Spamming one button and eating a sandwich while a melee is in your face trying whittle away at your shields and the only disadvantage to the ranged player is that the melee can actually land a hit. - I suppose that's not stupid that's skill.

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The problem with ranged classes is that spamming 1 button is actually effective. So that's what they do.

Autofacing is probably the only thing BioWare did right.


Oh please, there's plenty of other things they did right. Don't exaggerate because of the few serious issues.


Also there's only two classes that have a 1 button spam that works. Mercs and Commandos. Don't try to say sorcs, almost all their abilities look similar to force lightning with similar look to it, nor is it nearly as effective as tracer/grav. Force lightning just sets up bigger hits if you're specced for it to do that.


Yes, gaining positional advantage is stupid....


Funny, I manage to do that and use Maul on my assassin despite auto facing.

Edited by Kuari
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Why bother with interrupts if you can just run through your enemy casters? How does that promote skill based PVP? Is running like a maniac and spazzing around considered skillful?

Oh and btw, melee classes don't need autoface, because their ranged opponents are already rooted in place - they have to stand still in order to cast abilities.

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How is this cheap tricks? That would mean you running away from a melee class to keep yourself from getting hurt is a "cheap trick" if you are a ranged class you should have to BE AT RANGE to do damage - hence being able to kite - not much point in this game


Oh no he is running away from me so I can't attack him ABUSE!!!!


How is that any different from running through or past someone trying to cast at you? The silly thing is that I could run right next to (not even through) you character and achieve the same effect.


Here's a challenge; the only point I hear for autoface is that your mad because getting run through interrupts your casts. Can you argue your point without that example? Say if the casting was similar to rift; where you don't actually turn but that cast will go off anyway?


"Why bother with interrupts if you can just run through your enemy casters? How does that promote skill based PVP?"


More options always create more skill, that is a basic tenant of mmos.

Edited by Stealthsultan
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PvP is meant to be about responsiveness to constantly changing situation, the ability to adapt to your opponent's actions. Unfortunately autofacing takes out a great part of this.


With autofacing some(all) of the pvp encounters if no stun is used look like this target A comes to target B and it is just a one big button mash and the person with the bigger hits wins.


Overall its not something that would keep me up at night, it actually is fun watching one of these brain dead ranged players as they stand there and wonder why nothing is happening when you line of sight them around the pillar.


I am more surprised that this complaint did not come predominantly from classes that use back stab type attacks.

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Oh please, there's plenty of other things they did right. Don't exaggerate because of the few serious issues.


Yeah, that was ********, of course. But still, considering how controversial this feature is among the ex-wow pvp crowd, I was pleasantly surprised by BioWare in this case.


Also there's only two classes that have a 1 button spam that works. Mercs and Commandos. Don't try to say sorcs, almost all their abilities look similar to force lightning with similar look to it, nor is it nearly as effective as tracer/grav. Force lightning just sets up bigger hits if you're specced for it to do that.


I don't want to argue about this, but I've met plenty of sorcs casting only force lightning. I can tell that because I always pay attention to my interrupts.

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Yes, gaining positional advantage is stupid....


Spamming one button and eating a sandwich while a melee is in your face trying whittle away at your shields and the only disadvantage to the ranged player is that the melee can actually land a hit. - I suppose that's not stupid that's skill.


No I mean it's dumb that the game lets you do that and that some games give you a benefit for it. Any realistic situation if you did that you'd exhaust yourself while I stood still and just shot you in the face :).


Btw, I don't spam one button, I'm a GS, I actually have different skills I use for different situations. That being said, imagine I had to get out of cover every time someone went behind me? That'd be the most broken thing ever.


Anyway, getting interrupted based on running through characters is easy to do it is not skill. My assassin toon has no issues getting off maims. If you turned running through a toon into a free interrupt on any caster you'd break PVP entirely.


As far as skill vs non-skill, you can argue it any hundred ways. You can't get up to me without stealth? Guess you have no skill. The game has to move for you via force charge so you can gap close? How lame. Etc. If you want to play a FPS go play an FPS.

Edited by dcgregorya
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They wanted casters to be extremely easy to play in pvp, it's no surprise really. It's a joke honestly. You can't interrupt if you get lucky and run through and they aren't paying attention and you can't fully lockout schools of spells. Great idea for 'competitive skill based pvp.' Edited by Nocorras
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Melee do not have autoface lolz. Not sure why they gave it to ranged, but not melee.


...you sure, because I swear I've turned to melee something directly behind me on my assassin. I can check again, but I'm pretty sure.

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[...]Say if the casting was similar to rift; where you don't actually turn but that cast will go off anyway?


In Rift you only have to face your opponent to begin the cast. As far as I'm concerned, that's even better than autoface. But they both address the same issue.

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never once in my 7 years of WoW have i ever had a problem turning while casting when players run through me......u cast if they run through you you hold your right mouse and turn with them....its simple, there is no need for auto facing


This ^^


I played a caster for years and all you have to do is hold right mouse down and move with the melee. Not hard.

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i think that many ppl in this thread are under the impresion that a caster can beigin casting a tracer missile if you are behind them, positing works, it just dosent brake a cast that is already beeing cast ( wich is a good thing IMHO ).


btw before you ask i play a jugg :p

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Melee do not have autoface lolz. Not sure why they gave it to ranged, but not melee.


Really? Weird, because all of my few melee abilities, and ranged abilites Gunslingers can use in melee range and not undercover work without having to face the target, and it's only when out of melee range that one must face the target to use an ability like Quick Shots or a grenade (so in this respect for Gunslingers there is no auto facing for range unless they ARE in cover or in melee range, but if kiting must face the target manually to achieve an ability hit in at range) and I've seen this as true for other classes running away, being able to use melee abilities or range abilities while in melee range and whilst facing a different direction not toward my direction.

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This ^^


I played a caster for years and all you have to do is hold right mouse down and move with the melee. Not hard.


It worked in WoW, because of its tight combat system.

It didn't work very well in Rift, so they had to patch the LOS requirements 1 month after the release.

And I'm VERY sceptical it will work in SWTOR, due to various delays, lags and all that jazz. SWTOR combat system is abysmal.

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No I mean it's dumb that the game lets you do that and that some games give you a benefit for it. Any realistic situation if you did that you'd exhaust yourself while I stood still and just shot you in the face :).


Btw, I don't spam one button, I'm a GS, I actually have different skills I use for different situations. That being said, imagine I had to get out of cover every time someone went behind me? That'd be the most broken thing ever.


Anyway, getting interrupted based on running through characters is easy to do it is not skill. My assassin toon has no issues getting off maims. If you turned running through a toon into a free interrupt on any caster you'd break PVP entirely.


As far as skill vs non-skill, you can argue it any hundred ways. You can't get up to me without stealth? Guess you have no skill. The game has to move for you via force charge so you can gap close? How lame. Etc. If you want to play a FPS go play an FPS.


So standing still trying to target a missile while spinning (without even moving your feet; terrible animation) while someone is swinging a lightsaber at your face that is realism for you.


In every single mmo made to date (this is a plus for all of them) being in mele range as a ranged cast is a "get the hell out of there" moment and not a "lets keep casting moment". If you sit in mele range and cast, you deserve to die; this is by a caster for casters.

Edited by Stealthsultan
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