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Tracer Missile, for all non bounty hunters


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Just look on snipers, they have same damage, BUT they have covers (what can absorb many many damage with good luck, have immune to interrupt, have inmmune to jump from melee classes) have roots, have snare, have absorb shield with cure effect + sniper have bigger shot range.. With all this - sniper can do MORE damage.


Arsenal merc - turret without ANY defense.

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If I went around and spamed my free blaster attack at players all day long there would be no post the next day about how my blaster fire should be nerfed.


They complain about it becuase it's effective and relentless.....to the point of being demoralizing :).


Think of all the posts and complaining as clapping and applause at a job well done.


The dev's know the mechanics....it's not op....working as intended.

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Anyone yelling Tracer Spam is the noob. We spec to get Tracer Missle, we spec more points into it to get it to be as powerful as it can be. Of course we are going to use it, a lot. It's our signature move when specced fully into arsenal.


Don't let the real noobs get to you.

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If I went around and spamed my free blaster attack at players all day long there would be no post the next day about how my blaster fire should be nerfed.


They complain about it becuase it's effective and relentless.....to the point of being demoralizing :).


Think of all the posts and complaining as clapping and applause at a job well done.


The dev's know the mechanics....it's not op....working as intended.


You, sir, are my hero... :)

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You play a Tm spam class in the first place. Yes, this makes you a noob.


we feed on the tears of those we obliterape with RS + HSM and then laugh later when they are clueless and blame TM. that is all, you can go

Edited by Cegenaus
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bahaha I had a Sorc say the same thing to me yesterday, all I replied was "come here boi, lemme tracer you some more". With that no matter what I was doing, if I saw that sorc I would focus him. Hahaha I swear I could feel the rage through the computer.


It's ok, rage is a good thing for the sith.

Edited by Decembrist
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wait wait wait a min, a sorc who spams only 1 skill aka Force lightning called you a noob for using 1 spam skill too?...the stupidity of that sorc makes me laugh really hard right now. i'm impress by the level of his stupidity


lol I came in here to find a good spec for Ranged DMG BH as I know nothing about them and want to start one as an alt, but hear about tracer spam all the time, and yes I agree, as a Sorc, it’s a dumb complaint.


Most classes have their bread and butter base ability.


Just as a Sorc Spams Force Light until Wrath procs, for insta CL or application of Crushing Darkness if not already on.


Sure I use Jolts and Electrocutes to interrupt, Whirlwind and overload to CC and evade, and I will frequently Barrier or Extract the ball carrier to aid in scoring ....but to the point, 40-50+% of the time I’m using Force Lightening for attacks, as other abilities proc of this, Insta CD and Insta CL....... and it’s the main bread and butter...just as TM appear to be for Merc.


I’m actually surprised Sorc don’t get more complaints.


General is good for a laugh, or to find a quick group for a HM, otherwise its just filler, a place for the General Public to show how silly they really are.

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It's the animation my friend...;)



I have to agree with this as Grav Round is identical in every way except for the animation and everyone is silent about it.


I play both a Arsenal Merc and a pyro PT. I use flameburst and rocket punch, on my PT, to get my free rail shot way more than I use my TM on my merc, and I never hear anything about that and it hits for a hell of a lot harder.

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When I'm on my Sniper, Arsenal Mercs are some of my favorite targets. With few active defenses and no interrupts, it's pretty easy to out-burst them. The really funny ones are the ones where you interrupt their Tracer Missile, and they just stand there trying to figure out why TM won't cast anymore. Gives me a few seconds to lay into them while they just stare stupidly at their UI.


I also have a level 21 Arsenal Merc of my own, and it's a blast to play. Loads of damage output if I'm left alone to do my thing.

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When I'm on my Sniper, Arsenal Mercs are some of my favorite targets. With few active defenses and no interrupts, it's pretty easy to out-burst them. The really funny ones are the ones where you interrupt their Tracer Missile, and they just stand there trying to figure out why TM won't cast anymore. Gives me a few seconds to lay into them while they just stare stupidly at their UI.


I also have a level 21 Arsenal Merc of my own, and it's a blast to play. Loads of damage output if I'm left alone to do my thing.


its funny you say that because snipers are the one class i have never lost to 1v1

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its funny you say that because snipers are the one class i have never lost to 1v1


lol well I'm not saying I'm that good, or that the mercs I fight are that good. I'm simply stating my experience :p The portable cover and talented damage absorption makes it easy to negate a lot of ranged damage if you know what you're doing, and between a ranged interrupt and a lot of burst, it's not especially hard to put down a tracernoob merc.

Edited by Greyfeld
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It s a game Im paying for. If I want to spam TM, I will. If I want to go pyro, I will. If I want to spam medical scan, I will! And if ANY sorc will say anything about me beeing spammer, Ill laugh my *** of.


Really why the heck someone thinks about yells on general to create a topic?

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It s a game Im paying for. If I want to spam TM, I will. If I want to go pyro, I will. If I want to spam medical scan, I will! And if ANY sorc will say anything about me beeing spammer, Ill laugh my *** of.


Really why the heck someone thinks about yells on general to create a topic?


This for sure. If the game calls for it to be stacked then stack away and f the losers that think its worng. Its a tool in the game, use it.

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its funny you say that because snipers are the one class i have never lost to 1v1


DF specced or the equivalent sniper version and you should be able to take out an arsenal merc pretty much every time with clever use of interrupts and stuns. They aren't mobile at all, whereas you have plenty of bleeds and can LoS them easily.


Granted, if there are two of them hitting you with TM for debuffs etc, you are toast, but most dps classes doubling up on someone will kill them anyway. In truth, as a gunslinger, I would rather go up against a merc then a sorc any day. Getting pounded out of cover and CC'd to hell and back without being able to use half my skills is way worse them tracer spam.


Basically, sick of lightning, Tracer is fine ;)

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You play the game how you want OP, don't listen to anyone. Like another poster said its a fps tactic to rattle you, which by this thread the namecallers have succeeded.


Play the way you want, there is no set way to play a class. Each to their own so if you want to kill via using TM's then do so.


Red = Dead by any means.

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DF specced or the equivalent sniper version and you should be able to take out an arsenal merc pretty much every time with clever use of interrupts and stuns. They aren't mobile at all, whereas you have plenty of bleeds and can LoS them easily.


Granted, if there are two of them hitting you with TM for debuffs etc, you are toast, but most dps classes doubling up on someone will kill them anyway. In truth, as a gunslinger, I would rather go up against a merc then a sorc any day. Getting pounded out of cover and CC'd to hell and back without being able to use half my skills is way worse them tracer spam.


Basically, sick of lightning, Tracer is fine ;)


Yeah, Sorc/Sage is a pain in the *** on my Sniper. I try not to 1v1 against them if I can manage it. Between insta-bubble and self-heals (I have to choose whether to interrupt their healing or their damage), and two forms of hard CC, it's difficult to burn them down, and they can outlast pretty easily.


Mercs can self-heal, but unless they're hybrid specced, they're going to overheat pretty fast that way, so it's generally not an issue.

Edited by Greyfeld
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I feel you OP. My opinion is that if the person I am attacking is not using their abilities to stop me, why wouldn't I just sit there and spam them? They have interrupts, CC and the like that can keep my from using TM. My opponent not using them tells me they are just a bad player.


My marauder will demolish a BH if I play him right. If not, I get waxed. The classes all have their own tools to make them effective. It is up to the player to utilize those tricks.


BH has extremely easy tools to use though. I have a Merc too and don't play him. Tracer spam is OP.

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